Acoustic Blues - Mixing Licks With Your Rhythm

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alright it we're back so we're doing a lot of rhythm you know working on things for that 12 bar blues concept but part of the one of the one of the coolest things about acoustic blues is when you hear like licks with the chords it's all kind of getting mixed in together and we haven't really done any like true licks yet I mean some of this stuff like or or those ro thing those are all things that that can become licks you know that's all part of it but I want to zoom in and look at the e the open E blues scale you may already know it but this is something I want you to start practicing that will go along with this one if you're playing with another guitar player you can start working on on scale on the scale so you can like start improvising over rhythm it's also going to be part of when you're mixing playing by yourself a mixing licks with rhythm so we're just gonna take the basic blues scale in open E and we're just gonna practice in triplets you may have seen me teach this before if not I can't emphasize enough how much it helps help me a lot so let's look at the scale first and then I'll show you how to practice that triplet concept and then maybe at the end of this chapter I'll even you know just start to combine some of those licks as little fills in between the 12-hour blues that we've been playing okay so here's the guitar starts with the root which is an open E and then ring finger on the third fret of the open E and then the open a string and then the first fret of the a-string is what's called the Blues note the flat five it's meant to be a passing tone and for right now it can pass from the first fret to open [Music] sure that sounds familiar or from the first fret to the second fret which we've heard there right [Music] so you can hear where it's already being implemented with what we've learned so far so zero 301 - on the a string then Oh - on the D string and then Oh two three there's the blues note again same note an octave up of this blues note so it's the third fret of the G so zero on the G two three it needs to be a passing tone to the open B don't do Evernote sorry Oh 301 - PO - PO 2 3 open B [Music] and then back down which is just the opposite three oh three oh three two oh and like I said that blues notes that third fret of the G that's where a lot of blues flavor it's packed with flavor [Music] right so amazing practice for you though even if you were like watching TV or doing something else is playing three notes per beat in a count of four so like 1 2 3 4 is the beat and you play 3 no you subdivide 3 subdivide three notes per beat in that four count so it'd be a triple triple triple triple triple triple triple triple ax and that is just an underlying pulse in blues triple triple triple triple ax now when you play the scale up and down in triplets that's not really soloing but it's programming all kinds of stuff for your hands your muscle memory the sound connecting it all together so it is really important so it would look like this I go up the scale [Music] I just don't stop I just go up and back [Music] so that's another thing I didn't add is that there's in this position of the be blue scale there are three spot there are three e's in this position in other words three roots and it's the open e and the open e here same note but then second fret D string and I'm alternating my picking that's you know a good technique to be working on but the the idea of this module I haven't said that in a long time it's just the triplets up and down so though 301 - OH - OH - three oh three oh three oh three oh three oh three two oh two oh two one oh three oh and if you can't alternate you're picking yet try and do it with all your down picks if that's what you're used to so far but then you know try and incorporate those alternate pickings as as you get better and more comfortable with the scale so here's the thing triple triple triple triple over and over so we're gonna learn licks those aren't Lex but it's an exercise that is just very applicable to getting better it's a good efficient thing to practice is that blue scale and triplets so now I'm going to add that concept and just break into little pieces of it with the 12 bar blues that we've already been working on so let's just see what happens I'm going to start with that turnaround as the intro [Applause] [Music] so you could do a little hit on the E and then the triplet lick like [Music] so you know don't worry yet if you weren't flowing it all together but I wanted to give you an example of you know where we're going with that so just take a couple steps back from what I just did there we've got all these different 12-hour blues elements feeling those chord changes you know kind of feeling the rhythm feeling those chord changes improvising your different rhythms that we've been working on and then now adding a whole new dimension of something to practice is that e blues scale in triplets [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so get to licking and keep on ticking and I've got even more stuff to show you in the next chapter so thanks for hanging out so far can't wait to show you the next thing so we'll see you that [Music]
Channel: Marty Music
Views: 847,230
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Keywords: Marty Schwartz, music, guitar, lessons, marty music, generic atlas feet, marty music acoustic blues superclass, martymusic acoustic blues superclass, acoustic blues, adding licks with rhythm, mixing licks with rhythm, marty schwartz acoustic blues, marty music acoustic blues, how to play acoustic blues, how to play blues, how to play blues guitar, blues guitar masterclass, blues guitar licks, acoustic blues guitar, beginner blues guitar lesson, blues guitar lesson
Id: vovtiKKByY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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