ACOMAFter Some Rhysand D**k | feat. Rhysand

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[Music] watching them yeah that's me does anybody want to say my cherry tree this is what I got in the outfit junior box and people wanted to see what it looked like because I made this myself and it's like a crystal growing tree and people wanted to see what I look like I think I've done the wrong vote so hey guys welcome back if you new here my name is Gavin and today I am doing my back has the cobbler thorn blog you can't a my akima flog yeah that's me I do want to do a little disclaimer right here right now that I'm pretty sure there will be a lot of strong language in this blog if you watched my steamy romance blog I have a prediction that this might be a little bit like that and that is because I am reading accordionist in fury by Sarah J Maas for Beck has become a thorn this was the role for a chance card and you guys voted on Twitter for this one and I'm really excited to read it this is the second book in the core thorns and roses have been so many great things about it and this is like a really popular wine ebook that I'd never gotten to myself so when I took into this one I don't think I need to tell you guys while this is about I feel like most people have been screaming at me to read this one had to block it as well so your wish is my command I don't say this is a Becker's boo couplet on blog but I feel like it's just gonna be a call with mist and fury vlog because I mean this new rules every 12 hours and you can change your read or we can continue on with Michael reading and just keep adding to your table for the weekend but I'm a week on Sunday so I don't get much fat that day so I think it's just gonna be dr. Matt flog there is still 12 minutes before the read-a-thon begins I put out a poll on Twitter because I want to know what to drink first so I have a passion fruit martini I am all about the class so there's a passion fruit martini it's so cold it looks amazing and then we have the peach snaps and lemonade got some of that I haven't just finished a glass of peach schnapps and lemonade so I feel like I probably don't want to drink more of that just yet and then I also have pink gin and tonic so all that should be nice as well so I put out a poll see what people want me to drink first so I in 11 minutes time I think that's when we pour and and I will all but my first can I'm so excited so I still have like 10 minutes to kill her I don't even have a drink for me to pass the time with hope I do have a couple of face masks from the last video I got here my cucumber peel off or I have dead sea mud and I feel like I'm gonna go for a cucumber peel off because I feel like this is gonna be a very phallic Buch cucumber I mean come on so yeah I feel like this is gonna be the face mask for the occasion so good this is Rhys and Chaffey Iraq just really get in there I mean you can't see anything this packet just really tight as well I can only get three fingers in oh oh god that smells strong working it's kind of a high I think it's gonna matter oh yes I think it's kind of a I I have heard that spoilers for Akimov I have heard that Fira changes teams and this one I think because I've read a guitar and she was with Tamlyn but I hear the romance changes sure quite there enough oh that's a so much only had a glass of peach schnapps and lemonade and I'm already like this an absolute duty disgrace I have looked in the mirror and it does look like somebody's just all over my face and I've just rubbed it in so far we still have six minutes after the poll but so far passionfruit martini is winning I feel like that's gonna be the winner I just want to pour it I just want to start drinking it this is my bedroom by the way I kind of spruced it up a bit last week I cleared so much stuff out of my bedroom you will not believe I had like five boxes of crap I had like 10 black bags full of clothes that just do not fit anymore and just full of rubbish from drawers and things I got ready-made desks it's just so much space now it also managed to find the dildo I thought I lost two years ago so it was just a really necessary caging of my bedroom and it just feels like so much more spacious now we still have four minutes we still have four minutes I might as well update you guys if you've seen the steamy romance vlog about feminist guy don't worry I haven't spoken to him or anything we haven't hooked up or anything like that in fact after my blog went up I think the day after I'm a nice guy blocked me on Instagram and Facebook he blocked me and I was like oh okay he's definitely seen and then also I noticed that there was a dislike on the video just before I checked his Instagram just to see if he was still there but I was blocked I was blocked and then a couple of days after that M&S guy unblocked me and I know this because I went unto his profiling and I could see it again but it also has followed back so he blocked me so that meant I stopped following him and he's on a private account so if he's watching this right now haha you your absolute he's unblocked me and I'm just saying what why what is the message what is the goal what do you want from me he's also unblocked me on Facebook so I don't understand okay so it doesn't say follow back anymore he's unfollowed me and he's unblocked me and left it like that for a few days and now he has unfold me I wanted him to do that but at the same time I'm a little bit offended not well I am bit offended how dare you and follow me how dare you stand me up and then on follow me I'll tell you stand me up block me after I call you out on a video on YouTube and then it blocked me on everything and then unblock me and then unfollow me like what is his game I really just I feel like texting him I just sent him a text with the kissy face and say if he replies oh my god should I do it should I do it could you imagine what if we would know what if he's blocked my number as well I don't know if he's blocked my number no he won't have done okay I'm gonna have a drink first and then I'll decide okay passionfruit martini 1 it's 2 minutes left but it's passionfruit martini so I'm gonna I've got my classmate empty glass I'm gonna put my passion fruit martini in it and just ah another great time huh question should I text I'm a nice guy just to stir the pot now that I like to stir the pot or anything I hold this is nice I recall some ice it's from a can and it was cheap I think it was three cans for five pound and that's why I have three cards of different stuff this was a bit of a mix-and-match deal I am such a class act like I always say if you can't conduct yourself with class and don't be taking it up the ass it tastes alright it is after midnight now it's officially after midnight and then that has also said it's go time so it's uh it's woman to pass now I'm already a minute behind I need to read this like ASAP because it's so big honey oh sorry and so I will catch you soon I will give you a vlog update once I've read some more but guys should I text M&S guy oh my god I'm gonna ask I'm gonna ask I'm putting out with a pool now I I think most people will see no gapping do not do that you know you hold yourself up to higher esteem but I'm just like but I can't want to have her some I can't like I'm not gonna meet up with him I'm not gonna say like he probably well he most likely won't wanna meet up with me let's be honest but I just want to see what he's gonna say if he says anything Wow my face is feeling so much tighter now how do we do that so evil of so evil I feel like most people are just gonna be like God then what the you doin I made you a tipsy Instagram live as well at 1 right okay I dig a stop any a stop [Music] hey guys so I just realized I haven't actually taken the face mask off yet I really feel like I should do that in a second however I have been reading with the audiobook as well and I am now on chapter 5 it's nearly one o'clock and I want to do an Instagram life or one like a little tipsy Instagram life I feel like that would be very very good yeah I'm on chapter 5 Andrey Sounders just come into it so I'm really excited to read that hence full oh I feel like I've had Botox and all I've ever had Botox before so I don't actually know what I feels like yes or recent has just come back or anyway sorry almost hidden too far ahead in chapter 2 Farah Unterman book and I was there for oh my god I mean at sushi you know it does like kind of fear to LA cause it ends on like a chocolate cliff I know then it's like it's all fine in the next scene so I'm really hope to 55 is not like that they call back a full on smart but it was a nice little taster for wants to come I feel so I'm really really really excited to say what comes next however recent has just come into it and it's funny because there was like a thunder cracked and people screamed falling back it's just such a dramatic entrance I love it anyway I want to say if I can take this off there's still a few outings though there's still a few mins before the like and I really do feel I should take this off but I don't know you know how cuz it's just it just feels like skin just feels like it's my skin I don't know where to grab it from I'm sort of like how do I get it off because I'm sure you don't just wash it off I'm sure you just pull it off but I literally can't find it but if Paul I think I might literally just scratching my face how do you take it off I'm sure you peel it off but it takes off in my beard I can't grab any of it maybe in this like somewhere near and I know I'm just knitting myself Oh what if it's like the Haunted mask in goosebumps but if it doesn't come off and I turn into an old man oh oh oh oh oh I got it I got it I got it can you see it oh I got it I got it ah it's not like the Haunted mask at all see this kind of been such a satisfying thing for all you guys watching it who doesn't it's like looking really weird as well I'm sorry if you don't like this kind of thing oh all I feels good say cobwebs it's like a Libby's just pulled it off my crotch so anyway yeah that was my little update this is gonna be a really long block I feel I'm I'm gonna try not to check in water time but I did with upholders policy if I should take some a nice guy and so far it's winning it's got 69% so yeah I will check in soon right I'm recording now do I say hi I blow this is so I don't think I'm gonna be able to pull this on the flop though because my phone is literally propped up against you know wha so what should i mal if it's over I can there we go 68% are you are you kidding me could I not have been 69 percent just to fit with the theme of this vlog seriously but there were 134 ports and it looks like I am going to be texting Emma desk I dunno Oh doing it no and just to prove that I'm doing it so there he is MLS guy and that was his last message 9th of June when he stood here I'm gonna try and see if I could oh yeah I'm just gonna set a kiss I think that's that's all we need to right oh my god I'm so scared why did I see I would do this this is not right okay just right well it's gonna happen oh I said it on my blog all delivered it was delivered oh oh oh oh keep you guys in the loop if anything happens how am I gonna read now [Music] so it's like Oh am now and I'm on page 204 of akimov and I'm gonna have like three hours sleep I've got the alarm set for half seven just to refresh my stuff honestly those cocktails have really more tired than anything it was supposed to give me more energy but it didn't didn't work out that way so I'm gonna yeah one will sleep and when I wake up I cannot wait to read more of this I don't think I've done too badly so far you know I what a frat boy if I hadn't have done that Instagram life where I barely had anything I'm making the progress it's being a little bit political now with the leg courts and all of the stuff with the courts and oh you know what I'm gonna give you Probab J when I wake up cuz I am I am feeling there now so yeah I will see you very soon good night look at my baby girl doing their life sprint oh yeah so I'm currently watching that has instagram live which you know I should actually be reading right there for it cuz we're sprinting until 5 p.m. on the hour but yeah caught mist and fury I am on at page 373 so I really slowed down I ended up over sleeping this morning I was supposed to wake up at half 7 or something like that and I ended up waking up at 10:00 so and then it took me like a couple of hours till we get into it like to get into like feeding again so I do want to give some more thoughts about this because yeah I'm on chapter 39 so I'm getting close from torso to chapter 55 which is what everybody can you hear that that's an ice cream van really in this day and age oh I'm just gonna say it back I looked up and smiled there it's like she could hear me come on and I also did a Twitter sprint between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. so I did transference fore and back I spoke up Lathon on Twitter yeah for two hours that was really fun there were a lot of notifications so I was a little bit hard to keep up but I did manage to read some about that and it was a lot of fun I love talking you guys on the Twitter it was a hair was so great so I did manage to get some read then and I will be reading some more I've also been switching between the audiobook and the physical just like to help me I was also finding it really really hard to get into region because transphobia transphobia I mean I didn't want to talk about it in this video but this is the only blog that I am doing at the minute so it's the only time I really can't talk about it but one of the authors who I was really looking up to who I admired with everything inside me because you know she gives so much back to charity and things and that's all great stuff I once donated to help get supplies over to a foreign country to help and this author was very appreciative of it and sharing it for were made for it which is nice but I mean it's not why I did it so from all that I discovered an article of this author from September and it was a speech that this author made at this event and it's just filled with the most transphobic messages and visceral and honestly as I was reading I thought this was JK Rowling I was reading I was like this is exactly what JK Rowling was saying and it was just absolutely abhorrent it was disgusting and then I realized that Noah wasn't JK Rowling it's this author instead the author of the Mori at the back of the class the star outside my window on jolly keroth and I really look up to this author I mean looked up sorry to this author so yeah it was just really upsetting to read all the awful awful stuff in that essay I will link that my tweet to that essay in the description box you can check that out you know we do not support transphobia in this house and it's a middle-grade author as well you know so many children are looking up to this author and it just breaks my heart that this this author is doing this and they speak at schools and they they had a lot of influence and it just it breaks my heart do not support transphobia that is my main message do not support transphobia trans women or when - okay trans people are people yeah I'm glad I got that bit off my chest and I just want to let you guys know give you a heads up on this other transphobic author who who has now since unfollowed me ever since I tweeted about trans rights that's when the author unfollowed me on Twitter so actions speak louder than words back to this then I I mean we've survived eight minutes left of the sprint and I haven't heard you think for the Sprint we have been there's been like a lot of talk of war which has been really exciting I've been really enjoying the character interactions casseon and Asheville are also you know I'm kind of enjoying them as well like Alice feels a bit brooding but I came to like that and I really just wanted an orgy between reefs and casseon and Ezreal like that would just be like if I would make my date if that's in chapter 55 if that is what chapter 55 is then I will explode but I was actually been enjoying when Farrah went back to his sisters and brought like recent and ezreal and kassian along because they need like a safe place because obviously like this big Wars coming which is really exciting as I said and I really enjoyed there's a nest character names are slipping up I know this Elaine but is it Nestor I think it's Nestor but I don't know why I'm talking myself I'm sure it's messed up Ness has a bit of a but I can't respect that because she really gives the like the the bear like such a hard time but also they give her a hard time as well so like when they were saying I call you know he didn't mean to protect fear right he was like the youngest and stuff like that was also kicking the teeth but also just like I do I do like her but she's a but I respect that I respect her hello so I'm enjoying that really what mainly just been happening has been like a lot of training and Farrah has kind of gotten used to her strength and her abilities it's a bit like a Karate Kid montage of Farrah kind of coming into her power sort of learning how to do things so that's pretty much what some of its being about recently so I'm looking forward to the story picking up a little bit more because it's been a bit of a lull I'm selling my pajamas but I'm gonna put on the other face mask I think I warned film me puttin it on because I know you guys probably sick of me fingering face masks but when I also go in the bath right I'll better go back to this and scram line and I will probably update you when I get to chapter 55 guys I'm so upset I've creased the spine look can you see that why why have I done this this is like you can't say oh my god it looks even worse than the light oh it's disgusting I'm a monster hey guys so I'm finally on chapter 55 and I kind of kind of kind of kind of wait to read it you love me Oh Reese nodded oh my god why am ia sucker for the romance why i half the time I hear romance and books it makes me feel icky and sticky and I know that they're gonna get a good and I'm gonna be so jealous okay so I'm gonna yeah I'm gonna live my my reading of this and if you can tell us what I don't think I can tell right now but I haven't blue contact lenses in because I think I might do a little bit of roleplay later when I review the book as recent and yeah just taking all that just ignore that well here we go so excited chapter 55 you better not disappoint she put a ball down before him and said then eat I mean she doesn't want him to eat the ball she wants empty in that can you cannot scream in as well it's so selfie oh I want you to know that I am broken and healing but every piece of my heart belongs to you and I am honored honored to be your mate whatever just get recent stick out Reese's crying why why do people like to flick nipples like I'm sure the steamy romance I read like a couple of weeks back he would flick her nipples as well like how people enjoy that it seems very standard so far when you spread out on the table like my normal person all these how long is this chapter actually quite a few pages got ten pages of this I hope it's all tram pages otherwise I want my money back now look at the covered in team as well and it just adds a certain janessa quoi you know oh the considerable end of him sprang free you better watch our my Pagano if I want every glorious inch of him as well oh she is the same way outside the mountains trembled the remain and snore rushing from them in a cascade of glittering white want you to be swallowed up by the weight maybe law Wow Wow this all happened when Reese came the mountains trembled could you imagine how powerful that orgasm must have been wait hang on SSA no wait hang on oh this can't be it are you choking that lasted like three or four pictures was that it I'm skipping ahead cuz that conscious be it oh ho and I better not skip ahead just in case five kind of supplying that I'm keeping this record until I finished chocolate 55 without say I'm severely disappointed oh hang on are the core to the bathtub do not just say everywhere okay maybe this isn't it maybe this isn't it what is it with men with wings I just I'm digging in it Lucia straddling him she is straddling him oh wait whoa oh oh come on yeah yeah yeah we're getting back in the well now he's rock hard now right okay yeah we go oh the wall back to the bedroom the bedroom [Music] why can't I have eternity explore around me when I get to rostered Oh just doesn't happen in real life does that it says we sparked my name but it just makes me think of a dog Farrah that isn't sexy to me Oh well next time favorite I'll against the wall show me what you can do without wicked mouth you wicked ill oh man why can't I spend the neighborhood resound I only want one hour sleep say it's great and all that reading chapter 55 of Akimov but when you're a sad lonely spinster like me it just makes you feel a bit worse about yourself and I just I can't go on quaint a cond also M&S guy did not reply to my texts so yet again I'll put the ball and his courtly ignored me again why do I do this to myself uh-hum finish chapter 55 yet Oh apparently some couples won't eat the house for a week meals get so volatile how can he do alone to being public anyway hmm which one about pregnancy and recent has just been saw understanding in so considerate but he claimed across as such a dick in the first one though or his favorite likes to call him a prick and sometimes he is a prick he's supposed to be a bad boy why is he bareback why stop it you stop that favor has to be because she's covered in him I want to be covered in him in the middle of again yay but that's why the chapter ends and I do feel quite satisfied I did have high hopes for up to 55 and the fact that mountains moved it just oh it was poetry it was absolute erotic poetry and I've only got the tiniest little bit left to read so I'm gonna I'm a dressed up as as weas and as I listen to the audiobook just to get in the mood for the final bit of this but yeah not long left now I've already got like less than 80 pages to go let's do this I also need order food I've just had sex with myself guys have just finished Akimov and I loved it I don't know I get emotional but I freaking loved it Wow oh god what if free control a course to write this but he was our the ending the ending oh my god okay guys so yeah I've kind of dawned a little bit of a every sand outfit kind of thing and if you see the blue eyes I went all out for this y'all I mean I did get these blue eyes for a different reason but I just decided to just use it for this video instead yeah I finished this very recently and uh my first and only completed book Rebecca spoke up Lathon so far I loved it I loved her five stars five stars I thought was much better than a guitar I thought was much better than the first book and I'd say that oh I gave the first put make four stars anyway so it's not like it was terrible or anything I just think I read and I was like oh this is a bit vanilla you know it's like the same old same old but then this comes along oh it was so excited I was so excited and oh yeah like chapter 55 was pretty hot and heavy I must admit however however I do think it could have been a lot hotter and a lot heavier fair enough there shook mountains but I need more convincing also have my peach schnapps and lemonade my last drink of the read-a-thon I kept this for the end I took a little bit left so guys oh my god I was freaking out as well by the end oh my gosh oh my I haven't explained any of the plot or anything so far but and there was this like undercurrent of war you know Wars gonna happen so the wall that separates the fair world in the mortal world will just crumble if this war happens that's quite exciting that's that's pretty good yeah a lot of stuff happened there's like a lot of politics within the Night Court and the spring court and all of the courts there's just so many different kinds of politics some of that I'm not gonna lie went right over my head politics and royal kind of things just it doesn't stick in my brain I could not tell you apart from the courts or anything like that I can only tell you about characters and I must admit I do a burden of the characters guys now I'm understanding my people are free sir and why is he so considerate he's supposed to be a bad boy but he's so nice as well but he's like really naughty as well oh oh god I hate Tumlin oh my god the edge of a tomlin oh my god ah hate the traitor traitor I wanted to claw his eyes out but at the same time I'm kinda like you know what he's been left out pretty much LaVista tired but at the same time he's the one who kind of imprisoned Farrah anyway in the first place because I don't like that cop tightrope I know a big fan of that and that's exactly what ton wasn't the first one I wasn't like I was shipping Fairmount and Tomlin in the Facebook anyway but I was wondering oh God that drink I was wondering how Sarah J Maas did a full 180 on the relationship and it worked like seriously I want to ride recent into next week I want him to penetrate my cauldron I do I want him to do that and obviously I just do not compare to resound like seriously he is next-level and I'm just me but yeah honestly I thought I loved her I know if the wiles can I say about it oh yeah and also the sisters as well then turned into Faye I think so many things happening there start leads to a really good third boog early psych is it good I don't know but all of the things are in place for the third book to be bigger and better than this one but I don't think it is because I think a lot of people said this is the best one in the series and I'm so good at the way I've cracked a spine no it was a thick one it is a thick book I let myself off oh I'm just gonna be dreaming about recent all night long now and looking at far not as well I really really really wanted to get you know three-way entanglement that's what I wanted so yeah I mean I need to relax I need to relax it's like what 10:00 p.m. now and this is still the only book I finished whether for you or readathon and this is gonna be where I end the vlog anyway I just wanted to be an Akuma vlog if you want my thoughts on the resident because the Goblet on readathon it would be my July wrapper but I really just wanted this to be dedicated to my new boyfriend resound ah honestly it's made me so horny though I hate being a red-blooded American like I really like fear as a character as well actually she can hold her own she can really hold her own it also like just at the end as well tricking tamlyn I just I just want to know how it plays out I want to know how it plays out so I'm gonna have to put a Kowal on my August TBR now it's just gonna have to happen and to think this time 24 hours ago I had no idea how good akimov was and now do I prefer a more than Crescent City how severe than blood do i oh I don't know I don't know y'all well guys honestly I am so on board with the Sarah J master why are people against Everett you must I don't understand it the people who are trash for Sarah J Maas we have taste we have taste we have taste we have test2 Sui have tears we have taste why are people soggy and Sarah J Maas I don't understand it Ashley done something that I don't know about let me know this was addictive this was really addictive god damn it five stars five stars yeah I'm just gonna end up rambling and ranting about how much I read all this I was so good and kept the action going as well for a while and I mean the were like lots of lulls in the story but it was still when the action happened it happened too then the ending as well and then the cauldron the cauldron you lost maybe girl so yeah I will give you proper thoughts in May July wrap-up as well when I'm a little bit more cohesive and I'm not a little bit tipsy I'm tipsy again how does that happened honestly I thank you guys so so much for watching I really appreciate it give this video a like if you enjoyed and subscribe if you haven't already check out my links check out my Twitter Instagram patreon let me know in the comments if you love akima if you don't know back her mouth tell me why you don't know back em up tell me why but girls my ex buckles next thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: How to Train Your Gavin
Views: 4,068
Rating: 4.974359 out of 5
Keywords: booktube, acomaf, acomaf vlog, acomaf review, a court of mist and fury, Sarah j maas, Sarah j maas guide, a court of mist and fury review, acotar, a court of thorns and roses, acowar, a court of wings and ruin, a court of silver flames, a court of frost and starlight, Sarah j maas review, acofas, acosf, rhysand, rhysand cosplay, house of earth and blood, crescent city, rhysand acotar, rhysand acomaf, rhysand acowar
Id: TaF60IrvPro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 22sec (2062 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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