The Noobs Guide to Sarah J Maas

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it is actually hotter than satan's butt crack today and for some reason i'm wearing long sleeves and i happen to be burning at two to three degrees uh hotter than everyone else because i'm pregnant i don't know if you can see that but there's a kid in there so for those of you wondering why i haven't uploaded recently there you go liam and i are both very excited we'll talk more about my pregnancy later or i'll address it in another video but whatever we're going to talk about sarah j maas now but first let me introduce myself hi i'm erin and i am obsessed with books particularly books written by sarah j maas if any of you have been here on my channel for a while you know i am actually a little bit obsessed like i'm pretty sure that i like it's a problem but you know something it could be drugs i could be taking drugs so you've clicked on this video for one of three reasons one you watch my videos a lot number two you are a hardcore surgeon fan and you click anything that says her name on it like myself or number three you have no idea who she is or you've just learned who she is and you're considering reading some of her books allow me to help you this is going to be a rather hopefully let's fingers crossed comprehensive guide towards sarah j maas what she writes how many books she's written what the books are what they're about and what you might enjoy from them i will preface this by saying she has a lot of books currently she has two completed series one of which is the throne of glass series which is probably one of her most popular and then the court of thorns and roses trilogy and while that trilogy is concluded she is doing a spin-off series so she has that going for her at the moment the first book in the spin-off series is going to be out in a month so now is a great time to start reading her stuff so that you can be on board when that book comes out then her last series that she has going there's only one book out so far the next one's coming out either late this year or early next year and it's called crescent city we'll start by going through the books her debut novel was throne of glass published and i think 2012 that's the year that i read it for the first time and it follows an assassin who has been imprisoned for a year and has been given an opportunity to earn her freedom through a contest the contest means that she would become the king's assassin for a certain amount of time in a contract before she would earn her freedom don't worry that's not a spoiler it's literally on the back of the book it is high fantasy set in a very fantastical world this is a young adult novel and it does read like a young adult novel as the books progress they get a lot more mature and a lot older and stuff as the writing matures because you got to remember this was her first book going back from this we have a prequel the assassin's blade which follows her journey before she has to do this contest it's basically a collection of short stories and novellas about the characters and trust me just just trust me when i tell you that when sarah j maas writes a character you cannot stop yourself from falling so in love with them that even though they might like like you would jump in front of a bullet for the book not not just not just for the characters for like the pieces of paper bound in here you would take a bullet that's how much you grow to love these characters sarah j maas is one of those very rare writers who can create a character that feels so unbelievably real to you that they become a part of you and the connection that you feel to them and the story it's long emotionally you it never lets you go all right let's get back on track the assassin's blade throne of glass followed by crown of midnight air of fire queen of shadows empire of storms tower of dawn and last but certainly not least kingdom of ash yes it is an incredibly long series there are eight books in the series and they are not short books if you want to commit to something you're looking for a lifetime commitment this is the book series for you if you're not entirely sure that you want to commit for eight long books that's okay because we've got you covered with her next series which we're gonna talk about in a minute once we're done talking about this but when i'm done talking about this because i need to obsess a little bit the original for this book was so bloody long that they her publishers basically said we can't put that into a book you're gonna have to find a way to split it so what she did was she took a bunch of the characters and put them into this book expecting it to be a novella and then this book totaled at how many pages for a little bit of context here 664 pages so that is not a novella and then this one is 984. damn that would have been a long book i kind of wish that they had done that just so that i would have the satisfaction of having a book that size on my bookcase forgot to mention earlier she also has a book called catwoman it's set in the dc universe and it is about cath woman i don't have a copy of that one i'm not really a like dc kind of girl but you know something i should get a copy of it because honestly i would read her grocery lists just to get a little bit of something that sarah j maas wrote if you are into long stories big character growth high fantasy high stakes high adventure then throne of glass is the place to start i would recommend to anybody asking that they start sarah j maas with throne of glass because it was the debut you do have to keep in mind that just because it starts as a y a novel doesn't mean it's going to progress that way it does turn into new adult so there is some smut towards the end of the series if that isn't something that you like then i would maybe think twice about reading them or at least reading the last two or three of them but look use your beauty judgment if you want to ask me to pick a favorite in the throne of glass series it's a it's a toss-up between heir of fire and queen of shadows they're definitely my favorites but they're my favorites for two different reasons whenever i need to feel less alone and there's a book that i want to pick up to make me feel less alone this is the one that i pick up then queen of shadows is my favorite because it's just so bad ass this is the most badassery thing i've ever read in my life this woman is brilliant and then this one no spoilers made me scream like a little bit i've got a story for you i was going to go to sarah j maas signing for this book and i had finished it in the car on the way to meet her and i was already very emotional because you know what i'm meeting sarah j maas my literary idol who i absolutely adore and who has changed my life through her words and i had just finished this book i was weeping already i get to sarah j maas table i look at her she looks at me she says hi and i started crying i started sobbing like like full-on ugly crying in front of sarah j maas if you're more into romance then while thronogloss does have romance then i would recommend you start with a court of thorns and roses court of thorns and roses or known as acotar by a lot of people is quite heavy on the romance not in a not an annoying way because i know that it can be annoying it's in a good way this book is a retelling of beauty and the beast the others are not but it starts off as a fairy tale retelling it is absolutely fantastic it follows a character by the name of pharah she's hunting in the woods to feed her family when she kills a fairy and she has to pay a price for that it's also a very high fantasy set just an absolutely stunning world the world building in these books is just so beautiful so visually rich you are he's like it's so immersive so the quarter sun's roses series goes naturally a court of thorns and roses a court of mist and fury that is my favorite my absolute favorite but it seems to be most people's favorites it's honestly it's so good it's so good the last one in the trilogy is a court of wings and ruin how stunning is that cover again it looks skinny it's not skinny the book totals at 698 pages these are not she doesn't write short books and then it was followed up with a novella her only short book as you can see as a little one a quarter frost and starlight it's simply a wrap up for the last series and an intro to the next one because as i said earlier she has a new book in this trilogy or rather a new book spin-off to the trilogy coming out in a month it's called a court of silver flame the covers are different i'm not a huge fan of the covers but i'm a fan of the content so i can't actually complain that much a court of thorns and roses doesn't start as young adult and move its way into new adult like the throne of glass series does it's just plain new adult or adult there is smut both of those are high fantasy series if high fantasy is not your thing but you still want to give some sarah j maas a try allow me to introduce the one and only christen city house of earth and blood first off that cover come on look at how beautiful it is yes i have made notes because there is a review for it on my channel if you want to watch it there's a review for a court of mist and fury and like for the entire court of thorns and rosa series and for some of the throne of glass series the reviews on my channel if you want to watch them i'm not going to give you any spoilers i'm going to tell you what it would say on the back of the book it follows a young woman by the name of bryce she lives in a city called crescent city and unfortunately some friends of hers are killed and it's left to her to try to figure out what happened to them i'm not going to tell you anymore because it would be a spoiler what i will tell you is this is not entirely high fantasy while it is has well it certainly has high fantasy elements it is urban fantasy and also kind of post-apocalyptic and so many things it's such a massive blend of things she basically created a new genre and it worked risky move to make especially when you are so niched into high fantasy to go out and do something so different risky move to make it paid off it is absolutely brilliant it is not new adult it is not young adult it's just plain fat adult the first 50 to 100 pages are slow there's a lot of world building there's a lot of character introduction but if you find it slow please please just push through it it is so unbelievably worth it because when you get to that ending you will not be able to sleep for a week because it's all you will be able to think about the next one i believe comes out next either late this year or early next year i'm not sure which one i must warn you if you are reading any of her books for the first time do not google them until you have finished spoilers are everywhere you will ruin it i convinced my husband to read the throne of glass series and he absolutely loved them absolutely fell head over heels for these books and these characters and finally understood my life-ending obsession and then he got to the final book in the series and he simply googled a character's name and the biggest spoiler of the series came up and then i was left trying to lie my way around and say no no that's not what happens it's something else you just have to keep reading he did keep reading but it was exactly what happened so you just you just don't do it to yourself don't do it do not be a last page reader please do not be a last page reader this video was all over the place i am actually really surprised that i was able to compile my thoughts into something somewhat coherent because usually when i'm talking about sarah j maas i just ramble which i've probably done but at least like i haven't started crying i hope this has helped you make a decision as to whether or not you want to read a sarah j maas book if you have if you're still on the fence i'm just going to go ahead and make the decision for you now go read a sarah j maas book then come back and we'll have a chat about it i will convert everyone to sarah j matt i have a whole lot of new videos scheduled to come out so my break for my morning sickness and my just like pregnancy related crap is probably done now so i can actually come back and enjoy life people say that pregnancy is like the best time of your life those people are liars but i'm feeling a lot better now so you can expect loads of videos from me you can expect a new writing vlog coming out in a few days for those of you who don't know i'm writing i'm a new york times best-selling author yay and i write books and vlog it on youtube and i put it all out here for you to see the process of writing a book there are three episodes up at the moment for this latest novel and there will be another one coming up really soon so if you want to see that hit the subscribe button if you could hit the like button i would like that it helps me a lot actually thank you all so much for sticking with me even though i wasn't posting a whole lot for the past few months i really really appreciate it and i hope you understand why now anyway i'm erin and i will see you all in my next video bye
Channel: Hit Me With Your Best Book
Views: 841
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: the world of sarah j maas, erin st piere, hit me with your best book, a beginners guide to sarah j maas, throne of glass audio book, crescent city audio book, a court of thorns and roses review, a court of mist and fury, a court of silver flame review, books, reading, booktube, reading vlog, the noobs guide to sarah j maas, throne of glass theme song, aelin and rowan theme song, feyre and rhys theme song, aelin cosplay, the fire thief, writing vlog
Id: 0qmhR1g4AgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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