Ace Of Hearts | Full Adventure Drama Dog Movie | Dean Cain | FC

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wow [Music] [Music] right [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] you ready ace let's go all right i'll take this side you work that side okay okay buddy here we go what do you got buddy what do you got what do you got let's go sasha come on find him sasha find him search buddy search search go boy good boy see buddy see see buddy come on see a dog here is a canine or a pinwheel dan hey it might look funny to you but as soon as he locks on [Music] go get him go get him [Music] yeah pinwheel huh come here come on oh help me get him off of me oh come on that's a good boy come on come on welcome back to good day everett with jimmy baxler are you ready jimmy bring it on all right go get it go ahead there he is okay oh okay get up now wow if uh pooch had his way with me i would have ended up at miller memorial in room 402 and 403. oh actually ace would never cross that line in fact no police dog ever would well that's good to know give him a treat okay hey guys there you go that's better than my arm we like to say that we train them just to restrain them well that's good to know now i understand that ace's sense of smell is 40 000 times sharper than ours yeah that's correct one whiff of your hand and he can track you down in your seat anywhere in safeco field really i can't even find my car after a game now uh before the show that you did mention that you're having trouble tracking down at least one criminal who strikes while people are on vacation a robber with a colorful nickname yeah that's correct jimmy right now we have a prowler working in our county that so far has eluded all of our track downs we've kind of dubbed him goliath because well he's he's built um just like me no no i'm more like david goliath is the big one right well we'll be back in a second uh and when we do we'll uh we'll have an interview with face and we'll ask him how he got promoted from k7 to k8 and finally to k9 ace good boy wow looks fabuloso thank mrs brody my homework teacher oh right you're supposed to grade me like did i burn it or anything dumb hmm i'm giving you a d-plus for delicious plus hilarious stat around it's okay i mean only one parent has to sign the grade sheet so [Music] what's up dad i'll be right in honey don't bother dinner's over and stuff hey hey that's a distraction okay roasted chicken with garlic and black figure reduction ella julia actually what nothing [Music] dad [Music] can i handle ace at the canine competition this year oh that's not a very good idea honey but i even read those boring training manuals i mean you're 13 years old okay 14 in 29 days please matt ace needs to feel really comfortable when he's in a competition why can't you just trust me for one it's not a matter of trust julia it is you don't trust me with your stupid dog julia forget i even asked honey honey stay honey i'll think about it okay translation no i went great teenage daughters teenage daughters that's what it's all about yes i know honey it would have meant so much if you just spent a few minutes with us i mean the poor kid spent two hours fussing with that recipe oh off off dan come on come on hey come on down i'm sorry honey sorry good night ace down to your bed down to your bed well i'm not 100 sure i would have gone with bile green on my honeymoon i'm having my nails done every day and my toes really well you might want to consider squeezing in a few other activities where'd you go mom on your honeymoon nowhere nowhere well turned out the k-9 unit needed your dad so we postponed our trip to tahiti and then i guess we just never got around to rescheduling it but you have to have a honeymoon right i mean to be officially married and everything no [Music] hey torco didn't i tell you not to come back here until your membership dues were up to date the free ride's over let's go you have three minutes to clear out i assume you can count to three so [Music] wow i assume you can count to 50. what oops my bad bye this is dan okay we're on our way you ready ace let's go buddy hey dad hey hey what do you got maybe we'll get something this time frank huh you got it you got it boy come on here we go let's get him let's get him sir sir here you go buddy you got him there you go buddy there you go there you go buddy there you go you got it you got a place let's go let's go anything gonna be a tough one to crack this one leaves us plenty of nothing wow leaves behind something nasty for the dogs though let me see if i can get it ready boy [Music] [Music] good boy again yes you got him good boy shake it up shake it up take it out good boy good boy [Music] search search boy good boy [Music] [Music] i've studied so much i can't even remember if a polynomial's a number or an island in the pacific who wants to play fantasy fever that reminds me you still have my inspector dreadnought's clue pursuit which one number four unfinished business you've had it for like a million weeks it's around here somewhere well can you give it back to me soon eighth ace my man does he know any tricks my dad says i'm not supposed to teach him any tricks because he's like his partner and shield and everything but watch this hey you hi there hi there hello good yes it's our little secret right ace he's pretty big how much does he weigh exactly 122 pounds because my dad like measures out every single thing he feeds him is that where he got shot yep right through the ear on the second day my dad and ace started working together this car thief guy tried to shoot my dad but he saw it and he jumped up and pushed my dad out of the way just in time ace got a medal at this banquet val relax i know he's a police dog and everything but he's as playful as a puppy here go get it hey what happened is everybody okay huh back up off the glass back off the glass hey easy mind telling me what you were doing i just wanted to show val do you understand what would have happened if he'd gotten glass in his paws dad you know how that would have affected everything dad my safety my life depends on him being in perfect shape during a track down dad i feel terrible he is not a house pet i know dad my partner my shield do you understand that i know i'm sorry [Music] please do you forgive me do you i said i'm sorry dad do you for julia you and your friends need to go outside right now [Music] julia hey honey you didn't come down so i brought dinner to you dad could you like not be in here right now sure [Music] does this thing have to be here right in the hallway sorry i'll move it first thing tomorrow okay how's your day all right i made a bunch of pastas in the fridge thank you we have to talk about you know about what did she tell you how it happened what she was trying to do with ace dan she's hurting she was showing off in front of her friends they knocked over the cabin there was glass all over the floor could have gotten in ace's paws she made a mistake she apologized but you didn't forgive her that's not how we do things in his family okay but she needs to understand that that dog is not just her house pet he is my partner who is my shield yes dan we all know that speech by heart but what does that make julia she needs your trust and your time you don't spend enough time with her so you're talking now as my wife or as my therapist it's julia's mom do you know what she asked me this morning while i was braiding her hair why can't he just love me one tenth as much as he loves ace [Music] [Music] hey hey hey what are you doing [Music] hello 9-1 want some breakfast buddy how about a little something for you this is harding roger that is it goliath all right we're on it let's get him buddy let's get him [Music] let's go sasha i'll head east all right good luck let's go let's get him buddy let's go let's go let's get him there you go [Music] you got it buddy [Music] [Music] got him okay [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh oh he bit my neck this is hard in k-9 unit one i have the subject excited you're trying to kill me call him up help me help me come here come on come here down down down you blew it buddy you blew it bad all right i need an ambulance here immediately [Music] [Music] i don't know there's something wrong with this whole scenario this dog's got an exemplary track record dan harding's one of our finest officers and this guy torco's got a rap sheet longer than a kid's christmas wish list all right so we need to do a little damage control let's have a press conference immediately and if there's anything else just refer back to my office [Music] you can't hold the guy without something linking him to the scene this has got to be goliath i've got a newspaper delivery guy who saw him you got a delivery guy whose driver's license says he's required to wear glasses which he wasn't his eyewitness testimony is worthless look torco's lawyer is shrewdly playing this as an attack on an unarmed citizen out for his morning hike threatening a monster lawsuit unless the charges are dropped which is what my boss is recommending i'm sorry joe that makes two of us look he's a repeater you'll get on the next one of course the dog will have to be put down down euthanized afraid it's the law once they go bad they're an obvious danger to the public four-legged liability dan there is no way ace would have just attacked him ace is an animal animals get mad animals bite not ace it's out of my hands come on captain you cannot let him do this the best i can do is arrange for you to be there with them when you know when it happens they're taking them up to spokane and that's that spokane it seems this thing has to be done strictly according to procedures the canine clinic and training facility are in spokane so that's where they have to take him i've uh asked him to send you his ashes so at least you'll have a souvenir [Music] so sorry man [Music] [Music] i'm sorry [Music] come on [Music] wait wait [Music] wait cap i'd like to drive myself i mean to spokane wouldn't it be easier to say goodbye here not for ace all right hey dan i uh [Music] just uh i'm sorry the way this thing turned out [Music] sorry buddy [Music] so [Music] come on relax easy boy easy buddy easy okay could we uh could you just use this since in the report this one's a biter he won't bite you but i might oh you can't take that off he goes with dignity hey buddy hey hey coming in because if y'all got to wear one of these hair things no could you just give me a minute please yeah sure easy easy but easy it's okay it's okay hey buddy i know i know i'm sorry it's just a sleeping med makes it easier for everybody we're just about done here [Music] easy okay [Music] [Music] you believe this guy you're feeling sleepy now huh [Music] that's my lunch hey hey drop it drop it okay [Music] [Applause] stay boy stay i'm coming i'm [Music] coming here [Music] i got a treat for you huh [Music] [Music] hey come on stupid mud [Music] [Music] so oh god [Music] [Music] ah [Music] so [Music] he could have used it to slash himself i mean it's possible right it's just a piece of barbed wire fencing one of the workmen probably just tossed it aside even if there were once prints or tissue traces the river's long since washed it clean what about that surveillance video that your people are working on what about that the forest service didn't properly maintain the security cam at that site we'll see if photo digital can salvage anything mind a little advice you're looking for something because you wanted to be there well it ain't there i even checked the moon profile for you but there's nothing inconsistent with dog bite i'm looking at a dog attack damn textbook sweetie he'll be here highway's probably jammed i wanted to be with him so bad i know me too but dad needed i don't know privacy from us i don't get it dad hi are you okay honey do you want to talk about it julia cook dinner something special yeah i i wish i had nap that honey but i'm just really tired it's those stuffed potatoes you like the ones with the special caper thingies sweetie let's let dad rest a little okay i'm sure he'll be getting hungry later he didn't kiss you mom [Music] [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] oh hey there is this the harding residence yeah who are you we're from the clarion darley i'm looking for your daddy why i just want to ask him a few questions is all about that guy who says ace attacked him there you go he's lying obviously uh excuse me ace would never hurt anyone you can write that down if you'd like you're officer harding's official spokesman are you spokesperson i see tell you what i will write that down you run and get your daddy my dad doesn't want to talk to you he's busy you know i'm getting just a little bit tired of this your daddy's wonderful dog tried to kill an unarmed citizen and the people of this town deserve to know the facts don't you think your job is to get people to open up and talk about stuff right uh yeah yes that's part of it [Music] you sure don't do it very well do you [Music] thanks [Music] uh okay [Music] it's weird you got me right from the start caught me hook gland and sinker babe then stole my heart mom sorry i can't hear a thing with my toon scrape sweetie what is it i'm really worried about dad how sad he is he looks so depressed it's i don't know scary honey he needs time to adjust i know you know what i wish what do you wish i wish dad was happy again i'm sure you're ready for a new canine i think i am yeah all right we'll uh we'll get a few dogs in for you to test drive on one condition officer harding's youthful spokesperson identifying herself as harding's daughter denied that the police k-9 ace ever attacked mr torko julia i don't want you or your daughter talking to the press the da's muscling me to keep a lid on this until we get enough evidence to file fine and frank burgess told me about your big find the piece of wood with the barbed wire just stay out of the torco case you're too close you understand yes sir cap [Music] [Music] hey sasha how you doing hmm how you doing buddy you're a very good boy yes you are that you miss ace too yeah i know [Music] through [Music] over [Music] [Music] [Music] you're a good-looking dog all right you're a good-looking pooch [Applause] [Music] um [Music] honey what are you doing uh what's alan you are not supposed to be reading that dad how am i supposed to learn what it's really like to be a cop you'd never let me go on ride-alongs with you you never let me come to the station there's a lot of bad things out there that i just don't want you exposed to okay aren't you proud of what you do i am yes honey thank you thank you i appreciate that but i have a lot of work to do here okay and that's what it's like really being a cop feeling like you have a ton of homework to do and never having enough time to do it does that sound like fun so what's our own it's a white powder that cooks and and food makers use to keep things like pickles crisp in their jar it's really really common you can find it in just about every supermarket in town but why is it found at every crime scene well it's a very strong lung an eye irritant especially to dogs which is why the bad guy we're trying to chase down here he's he's using it to throw off our dog's noses smart yeah what's an aggression device cop talked for the specific way of perp gains entry in this case a glass cutter he cuts a hole in the glass reaches inside unlocks the door window whatever it can get his hands on you think he's goliath don't you it doesn't matter what i think honey the d.a doesn't think that we have enough evidence linking him to the crimes yet dad um why did you go back to where it happened it says right here officer daniel harding made an unauthorized inspection of soi the scene of incident he unofficially presented dr burgess with a 24 inch length of barbed wire attached to a fence post he speculated could have been used by mr torko to produce his serious dog bite wounds you think ace is innocent too right can i help you prove it honey maybe there's no evidence on the barbed wire but he must have made some mistake i mean you always say that every bad guy makes at least one mistake and it's up to the cops to figure out what it is hey you want to help me honestly yeah let me get back to work here honey okay i have a ton of stuff to go through and i really need to concentrate well you're looking for a link right you need to link him to a crime scene or something i don't know but yeah honey i do but here's the thing i i can't concentrate with you here okay i need to do my work it's my homework you do your homework okay thank you i appreciate what you're doing [Applause] is i am [Music] oh thank you very much hey stop him [Music] i understand you arrived deputy and found the thief being detained by our mystery dog yes ma'am that's essentially correct we arrived on the scene to find the perpetrator face down on the ground with his forearm held in the dog's mouth and you recovered the cash box well no i didn't see any cash really well do you mind if we then check your pockets deputy we found the cash we found the cash and so one church's cash box has been safely recovered today the bake sale a couple of success all thanks to this mysterious stray dog's natural crime fighting abilities this is dad mom come here for action danny are you there honey what's the matter i just saw ace on tv in wenatchee he went to a church bake sale ace went to a church bake sale not went went i mean he caught somebody trying to steal a cash box at this church bake sale thing the church thing honey you're not making any sense i just saw him he's alive i would know him anywhere that's not possible dad if anyone could pull off an escape from that canine clinic it's ace you know it's true that's nonsense okay why can't you just trust me for once honey julia it's not possible okay sorry honey [Music] you got that you smell that huh okay perito good police work let's see if you can track down my bus okay check this out okay that's it boy pick up the scent he's onto something already huh what you got boy where you going what is it this is real police work here we shall all be taking notes from this he's a very special animal i believe in you man you can do it look at you see this i believe in him he's gonna change things around here this is the start of a new era sorry boss there's a doggie yeah he smells something suspicious good boy get him out of here bad boy okay let's go move on there's nothing to see here it's okay with everything you need a hand with that no it's called alum but i found that it's actually this chemical called potassium aluminum triphosphate aluminum trihusphate triphosphate you should see the stuff it's actually used for it's used to make dyes stick to cloth and stuff they use it in water filters for pawns it's even used in those white styptic pencil things dads use to stop the bleeding when they cut themselves shaving juliet you're sounding like the world's expert on alum my dad says cops never know which tiny detail could be the big thing they're looking for to crack a case hey you know the goliath robberies yeah well they think the guy is torco but they can't prove it yet yeah and my dad he thinks ace was framed so do i framed by torco to keep from going to jail i gotta go hmm who'd you say this was me oh um i'm captain joe porter's executive assistant i'm just calling to confirm that you completed the euthanasia procedure as required on one of our canines dog named ace case id number 84993 yeah yeah i uh remember that one so then it was taken care of though he went real easy like if that's of any comfort too ma'am thank you yes it is i assume you do send the complete set of remains because according to the state code we send every flake and crumb absolute positive didn't get mixed up with any other ashes i hope oh heaven for fan no that's why the furnace is vacuum emptied after every procedure is there a problem with the remains i mean do you have a reason to think there might be i run me a pretty tight ship here sure there wasn't a dog overboard recently [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] remind me not to let you teach me how to drive you're not telling me what you're doing here todd i can help you i discovered something in the ashes the ashes something that proves ace might be alive julia first i found a teeny tiny tooth in the ashes that couldn't have come from a dog bigger than a beagle for sure not from ace and then you know how his weight is always exactly the same yeah well i did a simple driveway conversion on his so-called ashes and it turns out it didn't all jive with his 122 pounds but then the head guy at the police dog clinic said that he definitely sent every last bit of aces ashes wait a minute you spoke to the clinic in spokane yeah and then i checked the state civil code on the web and sure enough the law is that they absolutely have to send all of the ashes to you all of which makes me wonder whose ashes are in this container what we did dry weight wet weight conversions three chapters ago you are a very smart very precious young lady you know that yes which is why which is why you were gonna stay in this car until i get back i'm what about the ashes good work very good police work but it's not proof that that guy up in spokane he was a lazy jerk and just because he didn't follow the state civil code doesn't necessarily mean that ace is alive it just means that that guy was a lazy jerk okay now you stay here until i get back okay so excuse me you boss crowder yeah officer dad harding spoke on the phone [Music] i want to follow up a little bit about mike torco does he have any uh unexplained absences or anything like that well he does his stints all right but i had any problem with him as far as showing up ghosts but he's got himself quite a temper gets into more than his share of arguments but to be him he's one wicked mechanic you happen to have uh a work schedule for him he's been here and he hasn't been here for the last three months [Applause] [Music] then so thanks appreciate it [Music] hey what are you doing here oh wait wait wait don't tell me you came to ask boss crowder for a job well you're better off taking an after-hours night watchman gig than working here i mean with all them rip saws and metal pressers get awful dangerous wow [Music] mom where's today's paper they're all here with today's i've got it right here honey nuh-uh that's for your dad you can read it after him but i need it for my stupid social studies class later right now your dad and i are having a romantic brunch out on the patio how do you spell yuck same way you spell get lost kid hilarious really and truly [Music] apple smoked your favorite and i know you don't like pulp so i straighten the o.j cause wouldn't you know what the only idea they had at the store lily what i'm sorry i've been spoiling the party lately i don't know what i would do without you don't you forget it mister i couldn't possibly forget it [Music] ah dad [Music] we're not at your county sheriff's department may i help you hi hi um i'm just calling about the new canine you just hired i i mean found you know excuse me the canine the police dog it was in the paper what about it does the dog have a little round hole in his ear you sort of have to check to the back of the ear to see it well i would certainly have no idea well could you like go look it's a bullet hole actually from when he saved my dad uh now i can't just stroll away from my board and uh go look because they've taken that dog to get just tamper shots city permit papers and lord knows what all else so um why don't you just call back on monday all right sugar [Music] dad let's go go to get ace julia just look hi 75 of all police dogs are german shepherds yeah but look at him it's ace i know it's him and it even says how they're all amazed that he has all these natural police dog abilities it's natural because he is a police dog not a stray honey it also says that the dog in question is a she not a he oh well that dumb reporter probably just made a mistake i mean you're always saying how the newspapers are always getting details wrong in their stories and stuff okay look why don't we give him a call i already did i asked this lady if she would check if there was a little round hole in their canines ear and she couldn't because she said they were out getting the dog shots and getting permits and anyway she was treating me like i was some flaky little kid can't we just drive out there and see honey that's all the way out and please dad i've always dreamed of visiting beautiful downtown wenatchee thanks daddy all right let me just go grab my right all right i'm gonna tell your mother that we're going for a trip why don't you pack us up some thought of everything huh ham sit sit sit sit sit down good boy okay so huh just take your time get you in the zombre honey why don't you just kick back and rest a little bit we're gonna find out soon enough okay yeah like i'm gonna rest when all i can think about is we're only 24 minutes away from seeing ace assuming you're going 60 miles an hour 55 okay fine 26 i'll rest the extra two minutes okay i guess i'm just a little bit concerned that you're gonna be disappointed if it turns out that well you know you don't believe me do you i believe that you think ace is alive i know he's alive dad you believe ace never attacked torko even though we have no proof right yeah honey that's different you know i'm right dad you always said that there are important things you can't see or touch but you should have faith anyway like love you said remember when i had to say that line in the sunday school pageant but i kept flubbing it yeah blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe well if i can have faith that ace is alive why don't you dad yeah thanks for loving mom again i saw you kissing on the patio this morning you were making up for when you didn't kiss her right i guess so listen honey i i wanted to apologize to you for something remember when you were trying to tell me that you were sorry about what happened with ace and the cabinet it's okay no no it is not okay i raised you to accept an honest apology and i was wrong not to accept yours i'm sorry ah [Music] i remember i saw you on the talk show a couple of weeks ago right you and the perro sos ace you and ace are a very famous pair around these parts yeah just like sherlock and holmes you were one person okay um if the dog turns out to be ace i hope he hasn't been too much trouble to care for no no no no i'm ready for another no i'm keeping him up back in the garage for his own safety i know he was a highly trained canine dog who was maybe lost or stolen or something well of course we get to all kinds of lost critters that come through these parts a vietnamese pot belly pig just came sashing up to my desk does he have a little round hole in his ear ooh the pig no no what she means is if the dog is ace then he'll have a hole in the base of his left ear bullet hole oh no no no i don't recall seeing anything like that i do recall one time however i saw a heifer with an arrow stuck halfway through can we see him now please acetamino uh we we just had we've had a long trip and we're really anxious to see if the dog is in fact of course i'm just i i'm so sorry are you you're on your business and here i'm just talking non-stop [Laughter] so yes yes by all means please please thank you [Music] so i went back to bed around get a couple of pounds of ground chuck for the poor dog okay because he looks so hungry i thought maybe he was homeless or something you know the way he was looking at me and her wow [Music] [Music] okay let's go [Music] oh [Music] [Music] not again how's it going sorry about the delay officer shouldn't be too long tax dollars at work huh yeah pretty much what exactly is going on up there ah just more cars more cars wider highways every time i drive up this way there's something going on well hopefully this will be the last time give it a couple of years you'll be able to zip through all right take it easy have yourself a good day ace what do you mean ace in that convertible ace i don't i don't see anything turn around follow him honey i i can't turn around we're bumper to bumper here he just waved at me he waved at you never mind just turn around we've got to find that tow truck tow truck honey you just said convertible no no the convertible was being towed by the tow truck it was definitely ace he waved at me i'm not lying i'm not i saw him it's not impossible honey that you just imagine it yeah no way sweetheart remember how sleepy you were getting and i told you to rest and you didn't want to but you were falling asleep right there i think you were asleep maybe you were dreaming it honey and you thought it was real it just seemed so so vivid no [Music] sweetheart why don't you just lay back down and go to sleep okay [Music] [Music] it's gonna be a long ride back to everett so guys [Music] we'll get up next time hey you mutt get out of my bus go on get come on go time to go come on come on [Music] he's not a straight see that rope he must have gotten out of somebody's yard he could be our mascot no one shows up to claim him he could be our mascot up [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] let's get this rope off [Music] good happy [Music] now right now [Music] [Music] come on honey bedtime huh yeah why hasn't ace come home to us yet i did some calculations it just doesn't make sense that he hasn't gotten here yet i mean he was 18 miles away from our house when i saw him on the highway four days ago you and your calculation he could have gone to the police station but somebody's always there and for sure they would have seen him and besides sweetie he's out there somewhere i can feel it i just i haven't figured out where maybe it's time to accept certain facts i don't like your facts [Music] i'm gonna tell you something very important i know you think you're helping dad when you tell him that ace is coming home but you're not you're just making it harder for him but ace is alive no he's not he's gone honey when dad looks into your eyes and sees what you believe naturally he wants to believe it too he can't help it the truth is ace is gone no yes and it's a truth that we have to face all of us together so let's help dad let go of ace and move on no honey it's what he needs from us [Music] [Music] yeah what's going on sorry to bring you in on a saturday something you need to see frank burgess just sent this over okay look there's there's torco and here comes ace now look torco grabs the post with the barbed wire and at first he's just fending ace off now here's the part now watch what torko does with that barbed wire look at him he's slashing himself in the neck it was an ace biting him at all see he's he's cutting himself to shreds okay now watch torque go roll the barbed wire into the river exactly where you found it look at ace he's just trying to clamp down on the guy's forearm standard takedown clear as day i'm sorry dan you're sorry sorry [Music] so unfinished business i just figured it out kenny ace has unfinished business your dog is my ps3 game no no i found your game all right but when i saw the title i realized that that's what ace has with torco unfinished business he framed ace and almost got him killed ace is zeroing in on torko before he comes home to us maybe it makes perfect sense don't you see it's in his blood to get his man where are you i'm gonna stake out his house how do you even know where he lives i found his home address and my dad's crime report hey you want to join my stakeout i have a soccer playoff in like five minutes but i'll be home by 12 30. julia be careful call me later i'm not leaving until i find ace [Music] um [Music] [Music] where is [Music] yep hey i forgot my evidence bug don't you want to know who on the playoff okay kenny fine who won we lost five two i guess who scored the first goal congratulations mr beckham listen i really need my evidence book do you think you could stop by my house and bring it it's on my night table i'm at 749 dickens street and you know that album website you wanted me to check out for you yeah pretty interesting stuff here like like listen to this mixed with acetic acid common album is also used by metal manufacturers and the petroleum industry for high speed drill bit lubricant didn't you say he works a big drill press at the chopper place yeah and i saw him squirt something on it too a milky liquid cool could be a link i'm gonna take a closer look around his house wait don't do anything until i get there i'm just gonna see what i can see through the windows and stuff what if he's there he just left with his lunchbox which means he won't be back for at least a few hours right 749 dickens don't forget my evidence book got it bye [Music] uh [Music] what's up man we've seen that footage of you and that and the cop dog on tv and also i thought maybe you want a rematch only this time it might be a little more even [Laughter] that's funny too bad i'm allergic hey what you got there nothing man it was a stupid joke oh there your jacket popped get out [Music] [Music] i told you i can't have no thief up in my shop i'll tell you that from the get-go don't expect no letter recommendation i don't need a thing from you wow hot bike hey man get your hands off what are you doing real hot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi dad it's me call me as soon as you get this because i just checked out torco's house and you're never gonna believe it i found a bunch of stuff that will for sure help you link him to the crime scenes and everything anyway i'm just getting home now so please please please get here soon so i can show you okay thanks dad bye hey you i'm on my way to dickens but i didn't get your your where i can't hear you i said i'm home now but guess what matt i might meet you because i was there like five minutes ago to get your evidence booked but no one answered the door or anything it's then guess what i found inside his house you went inside links to the crime scene that's what alum powder a glass cutter the glass cutter all bet i've got tons of pictures on my digital camera to show my dad i mean it was totally creepy the guy probably folds his dirty laundry and alphabetical thing i i can't hear you i must be in a bad sale area or something tell me what your dad says when you show him everything okay hey michael what you're breaking up your dad there was a motorcycle parked alongside your house what do you mean a motorcycle kenny you you're breaking up bye [Music] oh sorry honey he's here whoo torkel i think he's here in the house honey i'm sure you're a mistake mom please just trust me cell phone's in my room there's a phone here [Music] it's dead [Music] are you too [Music] [Music] buddy i hear you like to take pictures of things that don't belong to you say cheese [Music] [Music] oh [Music] freeze police you okay he's bleeding okay it's okay buddy okay it's longer than they said way longer it's 23 minutes past how long they said it would take honey we're all worried i was right though wasn't i ace was alive all along he came back home to us i always knew he would we had a few bad moments back there the glass shard caused his left lung to collapse and if we hadn't have gotten that chest tube in there on time anyway his lung is already re-expanding nicely and there were no major vessel tears does that mean he's okay well he'll need time to heal of course but he'll be fine he's a strong dog wow dad maybe you an ace will be able to go to the canine national competition this year you'd only have 97 days to get ready but no you and ace would only have 97 days to get ready 98 if you count today he yeah well somebody has to handle him right excuse me folks he'll be under for a while yet but you could come on back if you want to see him great don't you want to go see him dad the doctor said he's gonna be just fine sweetheart no just thanks [Music] good boy i was thinking maybe we should go away this weekend well how would the entire canine unit fit into our car no just you and me i'm sure they'll be fine without me for a few days anywhere you want to go vancouver victoria tofino tahiti tahiti for the weekend uh [Music] the idi works for me [Music] really definitely i forgot about that um [Music] come here [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Family Central
Views: 3,340,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free movies, full movie, free movie, full length movies, free movies full movies, movies 2021 full movie, free movies christmas, free movies on youtube 2021, dog movies, animal movies, german shepherd, mans best friend, ace of hearts, Dean Cain, Britt McKillip, Mike Dopud, dog adventure movies, dog to the rescue, similar to lassie, similar to oddball, similar to marley and me, similar to beethoven, similar to turner and hooch, dog action movie, Free family movies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 0sec (6000 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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