Aussie and Ted's Full Movie | Dean Cain | Family Movies | The Midnight Screening

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[Music] so [Music] look at her just look at her this is laney my little princess let me tell you something mate our friendship means everything to me we have a special bond i'd do anything for laney and i mean anything don't believe me wait till you hear the incredible story i'm about to tell you then you'll understand [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] sit [Music] [Music] everybody's is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] walk right in there [Music] see that woman there her name's maymay this whole story begins on the day she came to visit our house that there's my dad he's always clacking away on that old machine of his he says it's more organic than a computer whatever that means now you see that box maymay's carrying i knew what was inside what i didn't know was that it would end up changing my whole life around [Music] one second coming [Music] mimi hi how are you come on inside thank you mike i would like to stay and visit but i need to get back to the store i just wanted to make sure you got this today wow this is incredible it's so very kind of you thank you i don't even know what to say this gift will bring your family much light i'm sure it will and laney will love it bye bye watch those steps um dad was very happy when maymay gave him the box but he got very sad when he read that letter [Music] this here's my mum she always makes these noises when she wants to relax noises and relaxation that's like chalk and cheese if you ask me oh chalk and cheese is australian talk if it doesn't go together you know like spinach and chocolate syrup hi honey hey um i just want to let you know that uh lainey's gift arrived and maymay is emphatic that lainey is gonna love it [Music] so what's wrong i finally heard from silverman um they're not looking at any new projects they won't even read my synopsis apparently the middle grade book market is saturated or something well that's just great timing our landlady just informed me she's selling our house what yup two weeks we either buy the place or move out two weeks we can't afford to buy this place right now yeah tell me about it my stress level's off the charts right now i mean why do you think i'm meditating [Music] oh i i have a showing to this afternoon can you pick the kids up from school sure no problem got nothing to do anyway the middle grade book market is saturated oh love you love you love you love you no worries mate we have plenty of love around here oh oh that there's my family there's my mum and dad when they were on their honeymoon and aunt zelda she lives on a farm and that there's laney my best girl and that's me handsome bloke if i do say so myself no not that one that's eric laney's brother over here yup mates it's me ozzy now i admit i do look different from the rest of the family i walk on all fours and i lift my leg up to win but they don't care about that they love me and talk to me like i was one of them laney's my best friend she really loves me but the day this box arrived i got worried i had a feeling that laney would love what's inside the box i knew it from the first time i saw it [Music] if i would have known what was inside that store maybe i would have kept walking but something called out to me my doggy senses were curious hey don't drink out of maymay's toilet oh hello mimei michael brooks yeah it's been so long what a nice surprise so good to see you maymay wow this store brings back so many memories michael what's wrong i sent some tension i never could hide anything from you could i tell me everything i just made some tea there's something strange about this place good strange not bad strange what am i sensing what am i looking for why am i talking to myself [Music] you might want to see a vet about that it sounds pretty serious everybody's a critic so you know it is true i guess what they say life is like a roller coaster and right now we're pretty much in a free fall yes i sense that michael there is something you must know you cannot prevent the birds of sorrow from flying over your head but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair just as long as they don't lay any eggs i used to love love when my aunt zelda brought me down here as a kid everything just seemed so mysterious and magical ah yes i remember michael i have something very special for laney i will show you [Music] crikey it's glowing [Music] should have gone she talks weird but i like her [Music] wow uh teddy bear very special teddy bear one of a kind laney will cherish it it is my gift to you oh no maybe i i i want to the act of giving brings light the kind of light that lasts for all eternity well that is very very kind of you and i'm sure that laney will absolutely love it how i knew what was in this box and that lady was really right this was not your average teddy bear [Music] up try again you have 11 questions left okay is it bigger than a bread box well now that all depends on what size bread box we're talking about you know a bread box like the one we have at home that we never use okay well then yes it is bigger than a bread box like the one we have at home that we never use smartypants why do i have to listen to 20 dumb questions hey chill out eric okay you have one day of school left before winter break why don't you listen to your music it's out of batteries whose fault would that be um and you think i'm gonna like it you already asked that of course you're gonna like it i think i hope i know that eric's definitely gonna like his sweet report card presents rock yeah they rock well your guys is grades rocks you guys deserve a reward right yeah we do huh [Music] oh there she is my dream dog i wish i knew her name if only i wasn't so shy around her my tongue gets so tied up like a shoelace whenever she's around [Music] let's go eric you open yours first okay oh yeah all right thank you guys this is awesome you gotta kill them oh that is one fierce looking dragon lainey why don't you open your sweetheart oh wow he's so cute i don't know why i feel so worried she won't love the bear more than she loves me how could she it's just a silly stuffed animal it doesn't drool or scratch or sniff butts or anything were hoping you'd like it he's adorable hold on now he's not that adorable she's looking at that stuffed piece of fluff like she loves it already oh no but what about me you still love me right i love him she didn't even notice that i left the room hello did anybody notice that i left the room i don't think so this is so depressing i shouldn't deny my feelings i feel angry and it's all right i just need to find a way to express myself i'll get their attention this little trick never fails [Music] guess i need a new way to express myself some people say that love is forever so why has our love not lasting so long i look in your eyes and all of the light has gone so now i'm dreaming of you as i play this little love song [Music] some people say i shouldn't feel jealous but how can i just let go of your love i feel that we've lost that magic that we once knew now i'm dreaming of you as i played this little love song not him too oh yeah i'm dreaming of you as i play this little love song laney used to show me off to her friends now all she thinks about is that stinky teddy bear no way he glows that's awesome how do you turn him on he doesn't have an on button so how do you get him to talk he doesn't talk really it's more like i can hear his thoughts but he only glows when he's really happy i don't really know how it works it's just magic magic no offense lady but it looks like a plain old teddy bear to me but he's so cute no not cute that other girl is right he's just a plain dumb old teddy bear so why is laney so in love with him why i think i like the view over here better hello gorgeous [Music] oh no not you two i was just wondering how long you plan on suffering like this aussie boy don't listen to him look at the bright side she still lets you sleep in her bed bright side my butt look she used to snuggle with you right now she snuggles with that dumb stuffed animal and here you are at the foot of the bed this is leave me alone i'd rather live in denial ah don't listen to him aussie he's a total numbskull i know how you can make some changes around here aussie boy set things right know what i mean mate what kind of changes don't listen to him ozzy well let's just say this is a perfect time to make this new roommate shall we say disappear you mean hide him from laney i'm glad you realize how ridiculous and absurd this idea is i think it's brilliant brilliant what okay you guys over and out [Music] good morning bay area honestly honey i don't ugh yeah i washed the carpet like six times already and it still reeks why can't he potty outside like a normal dog you know bringing that orphan mutt home from australia not one of your brightest ideas mike honey you know you love him of course i do i would love him more if he wore a diaper though hello hi michael it's aunt zelda oh hi zelda so good to talk to you and so bright and early in the day well you know me up with the roosters gotta get up at the crack of dawn lots of stuff to do here on the farm i don't doubt that so uh get this i'm leaving in a couple of weeks for the vacation of a lifetime right dream cruise around the world everything i've always dreamed of but yesterday my farm sitter up and decides to quit so i've got nobody to look after the animals i don't know what are you gonna do well i i i thought i'd ask you city folk um do you know anyone who might want to come up here i mean i i'd ask you guys but i know amelia i can't wait till winter break i hate alarm clocks i will ask around see what i can find out i'm willing to pay five grand a month for the two months i'm gone plus all the fresh eggs you can eat well that should definitely open up some possibilities i will ask around and then i'll get back to you gotta go the goats ripped up my rhubarb again what right next we'll talk later oh no don't ask me bear what bear i want to put the syrup on myself okay don't drown them lanie hey why can't we be farm sitters you know that's not a half bad idea are you nuts think about it honey we have to be out of here soon the kids are gonna be on winter break we save on rent we make a few bucks and at least we'll have a minute to sort of make a plan i know nothing about running a farm except that there are lots of animals and it smells bad lady you're going to be late that went well lady honey what are you doing i can't find ted you're bear you lost him already i didn't lose him he slept right next to me last night then this morning it was gone well did you check under the bed it checked everywhere why would it go away he was in such a good mood last night what do you mean he was in a good mood he was glowing i could hear his thoughts he was really happy he was glowing and you could hear his thoughts you're feeling all right honey i want ted all right well i'll look for him today while you're at school okay come on let's go you're gonna be late [Music] i'm starting to feel a little guilty about all this oh well she'll get over it [Music] oh no not that noise i hate that vacuum cleaner noise the vacuum cleaner oh no hmm ah too late great hiding place aussie [Music] do you really glow bear bear glow glowing bear fair fair glow glowing bear glow glowing bear bear glowing yeah glowing glow [Music] [Music] all right mom's leaving finally now's my chance to take care of this once and for all right [Music] love at first sight huh i'll show you love at first bite they won't find you this time [Music] i'm a genius nobody will ever find him here [Music] look at that you're making her miserable you're her best friend she used to be your best friend she turned her back on you aussie i do feel a little guilty guilty you should change your email to doofus at you feel guilty because you love her go get the bear and bring it to laney i agree for real yeah feeling guilty is a waste of time lady baby brushy brushy brushy come on sweetie what's the matter sweetheart i missed hat i know but you've got at least 30 more stuffed animals in your closet and a few of those are teddy bears too they're not the same i could see as glowing hair as thoughts it's really special well don't give up so easily all right might still find him okay in the meantime you still have to brush your teeth okay let's turn that frown into a happy face [Music] i couldn't sleep a wink that night thinking about how sad i've made my best friend that morning as i watched laney sleeping i knew it was time to do the right thing i decided to bring the bear back [Music] [Music] wait a sec where is he no he's gone i'm doomed hang on i know this smell it's that man who cleans the yard and his truck but how am i supposed to find him i'm not a bloodhound my sense of smell is sort of limited this way no [Music] that way no yes this way [Music] they said it all comes down to our collateral and we just do not have enough to buy this place right now you know the drill huh aunt zelda called again this morning i really think we should move to the farm we don't have a whole lot of other options right now well i guess i could use a break from real estate but only if you promise to take care of the animals i promise i will take care of the animals okay okay that would be an adventure okay [Music] [Music] hey huh good to see you [Music] oh yeah i smell the bear and birthday cake [Music] [Applause] oh yeah my good or what maybe i'm half bloodhound after all right i know you're in there somewhere i can smell you [Music] yeah all right those kids i bet those kids have him i'm a regular sherlock bones i am [Music] [Music] that's it mate i'm taking you home no more looking at lainey's sad face no more feeling guilty i should be happy that she loves you love is a good thing oh it's rufus ben not get too close his favorite hobby is making my life miserable hello hello what's with the glow i blow when i feel love you can talk it's more like you can hear my thoughts and feelings wait you glow when you feel loved don't you everybody does uh not unless you're radioactive don't you ever get that warm happy feeling inside when laney hugs you that's your glow the only difference between you and me is that i show my glow i hate to break it to you mate but that's not the only difference between you and me oh no he saw us let's get out of here get me there please rufus give me back my bear oh look it's the runt who talks weird why should i give it to you it belongs to a very special little girl i made a silly mistake and i took it away from her please can i have it back okay sure say please three times please please please now can i have it not yet do a little dance first sucker hey wait wait no way can i catch up with rufus and even if i do he'll chew my butt off i'm doomed again [Music] uh he's dirty can you find a rufus okay can we watch this let me see uh yeah yeah okay okay i clean i clean [Music] [Music] oh no it's closed there you are don't worry mate i'll be back for you [Music] [Music] and so is your brain this is crazy mate why sleep outside home is just around the corner i can't go home without the bear i don't want to see lainey sad anymore well i don't know about you but i'm going where it's warm [Music] ozzie ozzy come here boy he's gone why does everything i love keep disappearing well don't look at me you're doing guys i couldn't find aussie anywhere i drove around the neighborhood a whole bunch of times sorry she thinks that i hit her teddy bear and now it's my fault that aussie's gone i didn't say that hey hey it's nobody's fault okay okay okay here's an idea what if what if somehow ted got lost and ozzy's out there right now searching the big city on a mission to bring him home so you can smile again that sounds like one of your kids stories dad yeah dad that's a weird idea sometimes those are the best ones well not that one hmm all right let's go inside and put up some flyers how about that yeah that would be good you guys are tough crowd [Music] good morning my beautiful pomeranian princess well it's now or never mate hello i've seen you around here before haven't i what's your name uh i'm aussie like from down under australia right ozzy i'm cricket pleased to meet you i saw you running really fast down the street yesterday were you exercising uh not exactly you see i'm on a mission a mission huh sounds important yeah it is see somebody took away my human's teddy bear and she's really broken up about it i'm going to find the band bring him back home to her wow what kind of evil mean-spirited selfish heartless creature would take a teddy bear away from a sweet little human girl well uh that's uh a great question it's very noble of you trying to help your human you sure are pretty i like you ozzy you're special well i'd love to stay here and chat but i'm on a mission it's really nice meeting you cricket g'day oh rufus what a pleasant surprise you shouldn't be wasting your time with a puny pit squeak like him cricket rufus [Music] there you are oh hello ozzy whoa whoa crikey mate you're making me dizzy hang in there mate no worries ah oh [Music] [Music] [Music] nice all right teddy bear let's go fishing [Music] wait come back ted i'm coming [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you stay here i'll be right back okay dad [Music] huh oh [Music] [Music] here take this you'll be in charge of the next thing i'll get the poles on the tackle box okay dad hey you think the fish will be biting today [Music] i gotta figure out how to rescue ted then cozy [Music] they're not taking him out on that thing are they [Music] oh i'm locked out [Music] [Music] i'll have to keep an eye on them from here i guess dude this sand's pretty soft i like you ozzy you're special cricket oh cricket hey you've got [Music] now what am i gonna do [Music] um hungry [Music] i'm so [Music] this is not sushi food sushi [Music] eric sweetie can you give me a hand with this [Music] laney honey why don't you go out front and help the brother hang those flyers i will i just gotta finish this note i'm writing to aussie and ted just in case they come back sweetie you know ozzy and ted can't read right i know that's why i also do this picture dear ozzie and ted we had to go to ansel this farm we did not forget you i miss you so much please come home love lainey [Music] i can't believe i lost him again in the ocean he's probably halfway to tahiti by now i've got to talk to cricket maybe she can help me hey cricket your legs must hurt why because you've been running through my dreams all night dream on rufus i'd better not interrupt them i can't take this music another minute it's gotta go come on let's see what your brother's doing justin you catch anything good thing we brought those steaks huh don't laugh you guys i'm going to catch something real special yeah but what i want to eat this year yeah i think i got something well what do you know i am impressed i think i got something let's see what you get should we throw this on the grill no give it to me aren't you getting too old to play with teddy bears noah looks a little dirty so why don't we go ahead and put this in the trash that's right i want to try them out okay hey grandpa check this [Music] we need some more out [Music] why do i have to always be the one carrying firewood could be worse imagine surviving a shark attack better yet imagine being hung on a clothesline to dry couldn't be of course you could choose to see the glass half empty or the glass half full i choose half full what the heck that's so cool there are no batteries noah the girl you see is my energy all right guys funny trick [Music] it's not a joke noah i'm glowing because you saved me from the water you showed me love only you can hear me someone is looking for me noah if you could just sit me under this tree i know he'll find me and bring me home is this for real please just leave me under this tree huh oops are you uh feeling okay son yeah i'm okay probably just too much excitement today all right you know what guys we need to pack up and take him home oh baby [Music] what are you looking at mama this bear he was glowing and i could hear what he was thinking dude your brain's [Music] no one will ever believe me when i talk about this to believe and to know are two different things what matters most is that you know the truth in your heart let's go noah [Music] i promise you sweetheart when daddy brings the moving truck back to the city he'll look for ozzy again but what if he comes home and we're not there he'll think we forgot about him well we told the neighbors to keep their eyes open somebody will find him [Music] hey i think i smell my family or maybe it's food i'm smelling i'm starving [Music] ah i wouldn't feed this stuff to a cat [Music] ah now the first stop is south africa oh you can't imagine how excited i am i can't wait to see cape good out you're gonna have a great time aunt zelda and you know what you deserve it um what is this i i've been smelling this odor ever since we got here oh let me make it easy for you it can only be one of four things chicken poop horse poop cow poop or bull poo oh how lovely i'm just so happy you're here you saved my royal rump and the kids are gonna enjoy it too out here on the farm there's nothing but exercise and plenty of fresh air [Music] what do you think this place ozzy will like it here if he ever comes back you better not kill an aussie to find his way home face it he's not a very smart dog yes he is and i miss him so much and i missed him oh it's a going teddy bear right she does blow you don't even know [Music] so [Music] oh food i'm starving not too proudly leftovers mmm pepperoni and petunia finally made it back to the pond where she lived happily ever after the end so what'd you think it was good daddy i like the part where petunia turns into a swan don't worry the sad face i'll never live happily ever after my two best friends and worlds are missing i know sweetheart and we should never give up hope okay okay [Music] oh laney i miss you [Music] watch the quills are kind of sharp [Applause] [Music] hey ozzy what's the matter you don't say hello anymore hi cricket you look like you've been on some journey did you find that teddy bear no i was really close but i lost him again i saw a lost teddy bear oh hello ozzy that's my neighbor recess recess did you say you saw a teddy bear weird little bear it glowed yeah right no no that's the bear i'm looking for where did you see it why should i tell you be nice recess i'll give you a bone a bone are you for real i'm a cat cats don't care for bones ozzy i'll let you play with my ball the soft pink one yes the soft pink one deal okay so i went with my family across that giant bridge near the ocean hey i know that bridge there's a place with trees just over the bridge down near the shore my family likes to go there sometimes to kick back and relax you know anyway my human boy left the teddy bear there under one of the trees bully alert i'm out of here catch you later mates [Music] you're still talking to that smelly mutt he's not a smelly mutt he's a brave dog on a mission to make a little human girl happy oh yeah yes he'll find that teddy bear he's a hero right if he's such a hero how come he was the one who took that bear away from his human in the first place please rufus you don't even have enough brains to give yourself a headache yes kim yourself that hero took the bear away from his poor defenseless human girl told me that himself doesn't seem so brave and heroic now does he i don't believe you ozzy is a loving dog which is more than i can say for you i think that went well for you rufus she obviously has a crush on you not i'm gonna crush you reset what did you talk about with that mutt i'm not telling you don't push me recess i'm gonna make soup out of you you can't catch me can't even climb a tree you're crossing the line recess i want you to know that you're crossing the line what do you think i am a scaredy-cat yeah whatever i don't need your help i'll just follow that little mutt stench no way am i gonna let him be the hero in cricket's eyes dogs you can't live with him and period bridge bridge bridge i think it's this way oh yeah i knew it there it is bingo [Music] [Music] oh man it stinks i must be headed in the right direction i wonder if this was the place recess was talking about [Music] i'm picking up something i'm sure he's around here [Music] don't let me down nose [Music] ted i feel you where are you rufus fire runt say bye bye to the teddy bear cause you're never gonna see him again why are you so mean rufus what did i ever do to you one word cricket she seems to think you're some kind of hero if you bring the bear back the deal sealed she'll never look at me again with those big brown beautiful eyes i'm not doing this to impress cricket i'm doing it because i love my human yeah well you shouldn't have taken the beer from your human in the first place now you'll never get it back hey oh no what am i going to do now [Music] a parade perfect i'll just run through here that much sense of smell will be totally confused [Music] whoa what do we have here all these people the food my nose is all mixed up i feel dizzy a dragon eric has one of those i didn't know they came in jumbo size crikey [Music] it's this one i think well what have i got to lose [Music] what's going in here [Music] there you are finally boy am i glad to see you ozzy where have you been i lost the teddy bear again cricket i know i rufus took it away from me he said i'll never see it again the mission is a complete failure i know we're so close to bringing him home to her so close i know i almost hey how come you know so much i saw rufus with the teddy bear in his mouth you did where cricket tell me where follow me i'll show you [Music] looks like nobody lives here anymore it's perfect teddy [Music] oops did i do that [Music] come on he went this way i saw him run down this street but i don't know where he went after that right let's sniff the area wait just a minute ozzy is it true that you were the one that took that bear from your human rufus told you that didn't he yeah i reckon it's true how could you wait let me explain i was just so jealous my human love's up bear i thought maybe she loved him more than me so yeah i hit him in the yard but then i felt bad about it i don't want my human to be sad we're dogs ozzy we should always be proud of the fact that we love our humans unconditionally unconditionally it means we love them no matter what i'm disappointed in you ozzy i'm disappointed in me too hey what's going on sirens [Music] [Music] all right come on guys [Music] hey wait a minute i can feel you ted you're in there aren't you thankfully nobody lives in this house neighbors say it's been vacant for years are you crazy don't even think about it i'm ready to do what's right aussie out of my way bubble brains i gotta get in there did you see that dog running get a move buddy [Music] are you getting we're here this the scene of a local house fire that broke out earlier today now as we were reporting on the fire we caught these images of a dog running in that's the dog who visited our store not just any talk a very special dog they are taking care of each other now and hopefully they will find their way to the farm they will reunite with the family it feels so good to reunite with the family [Music] ted look we're finally home oh no what's happened they're gone i smell laney there's a picture it looks like animals but i'm not sure what kind now what am i gonna do she misses us don't you feel that all i feel is sad everybody's gone i don't have a family anymore you'd better stay here ted i'm sure someone will find you and give you a home don't leave me here ozzy i'm home with you i don't have a home now then take me to the place where i came from to maine you mean that weird store with all the statues and stuff i know where that is all right i can take you there [Music] huh oh no it's rufus i can't let him get you again hello rufus i saw what you did aussie you saw saw what i saw you jump into that fire to save the bear that was brave of you stupid but brave [Music] so where's the beer not here not with me let's see what is this i smell just give him the bear aussie trust me save your own tail it's lovely familiar no think fast there must be a solution any ideas i need one urgent what could it be i've got it remember that time you ate that leftover chili and then the whole family left the room screaming yeah so do what you did then it might work oh well why not i have nothing to lose okay here i go oh pew what did they feed you man garbage [Music] [Music] oh i remember you the dog and the bear hello there hi do you know where maymay is oh maymay's not here anymore she fell asleep the kind where she will never wake up again oh no you mean she died that's so sad she wouldn't want us to be sad she is at peace now before she fell asleep mae mae talked about you she said that you will find your way back to the farm and then you will be home farm the only farm i know is the one that belongs to aunt zelda but i don't know how to get there it's really far away when you love somebody there's no such thing as distance let's go home ozzy all right then let's go home thanks and sorry about maymay good luck we drove around for over two hours and i talked to all the neighbors nobody's seen him and we put up some more signs too mom i still feel like we're going to find them guys me too me three me four bye-bye without aunt zelda around hey hey dad can i be in charge of the goats i don't want to be in charge honey come here quick take a look at this henry we're here at the scene of a local house fire that broke out earlier today as we were reporting on that fire we caught these images of a dog running into the burning building he came out a minute later carrying a teddy bear in his mouth apparently this brave little dog really loves his bear at this [Music] it's getting mighty cold ain't a fit night out for beast or bear reckon we better find some place to tuck in for the night oh look at that poor man he seems like he needs a friend [Music] we could use a friend too couldn't we mate [Music] hey ted you think he lives here i'm afraid so ozzy yeah okay i i understand uh hey thank you very much for taking my call okay bye-bye well the fire station has no idea where ozzie is they say he just ran off but he didn't seem hurt he was just fine and and and ted seemed like he was just fine too sweetheart he asked you ted pretty smart thing for him to do huh eric off he's a genius whatever i told you wasn't my fault well all we can do is hope that somebody recognizes him wait or maybe the bear will send a telepathic message delaney hey hey hey hey okay the important thing is that right now ozzy will be a lot easier to find because he's a tv star okay [Music] [Applause] whoa crazy dream i slept pretty deep thanks to this nice man he kept us warm all night i hope someone can find him a home someday well mate we've got a home of our own to go find come on ted let's get going i've got a real good feeling about today i know life ain't that simple but if we try we'll get back most of the it time know we can't be invincible but if we keep us [Music] [Music] nothing to it [Music] hand in hand we've got love just how simple life could be with you did it do i know the station received over a hundred emails yesterday i've gotta find that dog he's a hero what are you gonna do i wonder if he's a stray maybe the station should put up a reward yeah make some phone calls i think the reward's a fantastic idea thanks nina this one's name is fargo and this one's tubby and this one's lola tubby's sister oh they're just lovely we like it here mom yeah it doesn't smell too bad i'll get used to it i suppose guys you are not going to believe this no no not yet but my publisher just called somebody over there read my novel they passed it to the editor they love it they want me to do the whole series oh that's wonderful honey i've already got my first deadline so i'll be riding non-stop for the next few months thank you hey who's going to be in charge of the animals [Music] honey are you okay [Music] i smell horses this way [Music] [Music] that's right henry a couple of days ago we aired a story about an adorable little dog who saved this teddy bear from a burning house but we did some investigative reporting and tracked down the owners of that dog they told us his name is aussie and that he's been missing for several days channel one is now offering a 5 000 reward for any information leading to the safe return of aussie maybe that horse will know something [Music] g'day mate lovely day isn't it so i'm looking for my human family i think they're visiting a farm around here somewhere i have a mom and a dad and a sister and a brother i heard those pigeons over there talking about a new human family they just moved to a farm across the old wooden bridge word out in the field is the mother's a bit cuckoo likes to swim in the mud with pigs hmm can't be my family my mom doesn't like mud or pigs and i seriously doubt she can swim thanks anyway mm-hmm yeah yeah we'll all be gary gary i gotta talk to you are you there gary you know that dog they're looking for on tv the one with the reward i don't think he wants to help us ted trust your heart ozzy and fast it's standing right in front of me but it's getting away i'm going after [Music] all right gary listen up i need you to walk off the east side of the barn gary gary are you there [Music] why is he chasing us what do we ever do to him [Music] [Applause] [Music] yep and it makes me very happy i know the secret to happy you do if i want to be happy i just close my eyes and make pictures in my mind pictures of everything i wish for that's beautiful sweetie and it's true too i know it is ted told me that ted you're bear well if ted said it then it must be true does that mean i can close my eyes and picture a pooh-free farm you're just kidding right you do like it here don't you mommy actually it is starting to grow on me believe it or not i can barely even smell the animals anymore good night lainey [Music] [Music] [Music] oh man i could go for a big bowl of kibble right now i sent something please tell me it's breakfast i'm starving go to where the sun comes from you mean that way might as well you've been right about everything so far mom time to wake up when you take care of the animals remember where's your father he's been riding since the sun came up come [Music] i hear on i'm coming i'm up [Music] oh that's so cool [Music] i smell something we're on the right track in 200 yards turn left we're close i can feel laney your destination is ahead what are you a gps or something i think it's aussie over there oh [Music] he's [Music] well maybe just a little when i saw you yup mates that's our story fair dinkum ted and i became very famous we're staying on the farm for good aunt zelda fell in love with a man in south africa so she decided to sell the farm to my mum and dad my family is really happy they love it here i do too and so does ted [Music] hello lololo my beautiful pomeranian princess so aussie you're a country dog now and i'm a city dog how would you feel about a long-distance relationship oh cricket when you love somebody there's no such thing as distance [Music] love is for the birds i guess we can go on vacation now so where to maui paris i'm thinking cancun enchiladas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let me be [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: The Midnight Screening
Views: 1,235,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movies, film, hollywood movies, the midnight screening, free movies, movies 2022, best movies 2022, english family movies, family movies, full family movies, family movie, family films, family film, dean cain, dean cain movies, dean cain movies full, dog movies, talking dog movie, a dog's purpose full movie, a dog's journey full movie, long way home full movie, alyssa shafer, shuki levy, holiday movies, easter movies
Id: woENlAQUbhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 44sec (5384 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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