AC/DC - Jailbreak (Live at Donington, 8/17/91)
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Channel: acdcVEVO
Views: 18,682,790
Rating: 4.739007 out of 5
Keywords: acdc, acdc jailbreak, highway to hell, high voltage, hell aint a bad place to be, heatseeker, for those about to rock, fire your guns, dirty deeds done dirt cheap, back in black, hells bells, thunderstruck, you shook me all night long, TNT, dirty deeps done dirt cheap, shoot to thrill, its a long way to the top (if you wanna rock n roll), rock n roll train, official acdc, live at donington, acdc live, rock, hard rock, classic rock, AC/DC, Epic
Id: WHtWs4wiFCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2016
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artist pic 2,687,754 listeners, 135,186,798 plays
tags: hard rock, classic rock, heavy metal
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Love me some AC/DC.
Highway To Hell & Back In Black are among my favorite albums.