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[Music] thirty two one well it was a difficult man to find in Australia when they're out there recording and he was pretty difficult to find here but welcome to the program Bon Scott ac/dc yeah Thank You Man now in fact the last time I saw you was the hundred when we did the hundred show over here when you know if it's Julia uh-huh that was a good day wasn't it well I it took so long to get the show together it was a really good day because the bow was open the whole time yes that's right but listen seriously what are you doing at the moment is the group doing you've just come back from America yeah what we're doing English to in a moment yeah the last gig is about three days at Great Yarmouth I suppose you've all heard of Great Yarmouth I know we just you know I haven't oh you haven't no good place oh let me tell you that but yeah oh no no that's not carry on her right go get just finished European tour and spent seven weeks in America so we really are you getting around well let's go back what about a year ago when I was over here doing interviews in there and at that stage within spoken the music papers especially like sounds enemy Melody Maker you're never out of the papers right there was always a story about you yeah you were filling out the marquee every night and you were sort of what most people termed as the first of the punk bands to emerge now since then the Sex Pistols and so on and so on and now you've got you know every man is dog with you know similar names that turn themselves as punk rock bands or a new wave band you've been away you've been to America you've broken into the American chants and I've got my hand over the mark again you've been away you've been a shouldn't have them right down here I know you've been away you've been on on the you've made the American charts you were very big in Europe what does it feel like now to come back with all of this new wave sort of going crazy in England and are you pulling crowd still well we're pulling do you get crowds and they oh you know yeah I mean we've got our following here it's not it's not new wave and it's not Punk it's just people like our band I rock man you know and what we thought we honestly thought that the the pancan and the new wave thing with might sort of spoil a bit for us but it hasn't at all yeah yeah it was a big fat look it's just like anything else big fat for a while those are still hanging on to it but the main thing about it is that give rock music a real kick in the guts you know yeah and and we're sort of even though we started the whole thing over here and we were we played here before the Sex Pistols we're even sort of yeah thought up yeah and now we've always been there and people are beginning to realize that now they want more than just some summing up restraint go OK and rape them yeah and we're it yeah we're doing it right now the thing is that you've always been a very tight rock-and-roll band but for some reason you've concentrated a lot on the live performances especially in England so all there is but there's never been a really definite single released on the English market or there's been some confusion about the singer why is this well singles from start and I might add just before you answer that because I want you to answer another one there's a little bit of confusion of what's happening in Australia with your singles two so could you clear it all up box okay now now we're selling now singles bands over here or bands released singles that take off without already having established a road following are going to suffer the same effects as has sherbet you know yeah they had a big record over here and their English tour consisted of one gig you know because not know that no slant on them but they're a record band you know and they had no no road following so no one comes to see they see their shows you know so we have the following if we were east a single here now and would do really well excuse me well why isn't there a single release now or you know well we don't write the singles yeah see we don't want we don't write singles of course should do it we had we have that in the past but we don't write something from specifically for a single mm-hmm no way but it's common the only group to bring out a single we're an album been a road album band you know singles don't mean it pinch to anybody you know you know ban there's no sense in them like if some station picks up like the BBC which they probably never would you know yeah then might get played and it might might make the charts but said there's no way we'd do it intentionally to make a single does the same go through stronger oh no Australia's are different Matt different market all together yeah and there if there's a likely singer on an album it'll be released as a single but over here the albums the main thing and if a station picks it a track that they thought of like to play a lot well it'll sell the Almonte the single yeah now with Mark leaving the group where it has the new member fiddling oh it's quite noisy yeah yeah did he alter the band in any way did the sound or the only thing well he's a guy's been playing for a lot longer than Mike ever played like yeah Mike played with us for two years probably been playing bass about three where's cliff has been playing for about 12 years yeah and so it's um it's technique is sort of powered I'd say advanced to what Marx was all that Marx was for the rock stuff that's cool you know Chris just given us more sort of more scope but isn't there's more you can do with the music that's it in between the guitars like Angus I mean more Malcolm and cliff I think could be done before now um you've always since you've been away you've always gone back to Australia to record why is that I know I believe you're going back again to record well you know it's no sort of cone size if you think about holidays it's a your mum and dad yeah all your mates and and George and Harry are there and the studios are there and they know the studios at the back of their hand you know and that system just being a perfect setup we can spend unlimited time in the studio it's all there there's no need to go anywhere else because like if we say we went to UM say Miami for instance you know we'd have that hotel it and we have to buy studio time like you might get eight or ten or twelve hours a day or whatever which is quite expensive hmm this is just no point as yeah right now you're really big on that on the European side especially on the live tour inside can you tell us a bit about the European market as far as ac/dc are concerned you don't feel like there's a really quite stranger that the a lot of freaks out of that now this or not Punk and they're not terribly young it's better to say you must tell it I'm sorry I you find a few on the street after the show in the gallery right but they're this sort of it's really hard to say that but they're more emotional yeah emotions rock you know probably more so than the rest of the world yeah they crazy because like European bands don't don't play rock music and if they do play it they don't play it well so the only only rock they get is from England America and a now Australia right now you know let's let's look at four countries right you've got the USA which you're about to leave for and do an extensive touring sign you've got the European market you've got the British market and you've got the Australian market does the band change at all or you just play the same thing for every market and use the same approach exactly the same yeah yeah there's no need to change I mean we what we are yeah and we ain't gonna change for nobody yeah so it's just now but it doesn't you could put them all in one room and you couldn't tell one from the next like they're just the say in the world over what's what what do you think will be the next single in Australia let there be rock isn't it there yeah isn't that isn't it the single I don't know isn't no what's it mean I don't a voice from heaven says here's voice from heaven Eva right now what about an album we recorded an album who else tell me back there as yet it's not finished we've got a few things we've thought about it and change a few things mm-hmm oh there's a live album probably coming out soon and it's served from taken from concerts in Glasgow my music Bowl it was one recorder in in Fort Lauderdale and in Florida but there's about four and all you know and that might be sort of put into a live album the best of the four concerts well now tell us about two American plans yeah we're going back there in a couple of weeks a tour with them with kiss as supporting kiss and a band called rush you might have heard him out there and we're doing about our 12 dates were those bands and a few of our own and some co-headlining with the band called UFO right now just on the kiss to her right have you seen kiss perform yet live yeah so I'm in in London last year yeah yeah quite spectacular yeah well I mean there's going to be an amazing contrast between yourselves and obviously kiss both very visual well yeah see the guy that that um what's his name tell me the bass player his name from kiss I don't know no Carl tell me the bass players they're from kids he's a popular guy here Carl he came along without sharing or one of our shows and the whiskey in in Hollywood to see his play out you know and and he come up to us and said look I think your band and we're touring in in December and we'd like you to tour with us and they played of 80,000 people yeah right I'm in their shoes so the show you should be quite yeah quite amazing now are you on the songwriting side if you'd written many songs of light I'm in the band and so forth well we haven't written like I said while we're touring you're sort of compiling all your ideas and yeah yeah things you rip off from here and there around the countries that I like in it and I've got pages and stuff actually I wrote the words the two songs that's on the - up on the road and got back home and found out that was the same titles and always the same and I was really played of them doing oh yeah and how's Angus going had an Angus guy over with this time last year the papers were going crazy and you know talking about this great little guitarist that's good so full of energy had to go in America oh they they couldn't believe in America no I like the Americans are mad there anything new they they really go crazy for right now and although like only the rich people oh they can afford to send their kids to Stuart to schools where they have uniforms I'm this is like the novelty of was just overwhelm them and the energy that band puts out they couldn't like the couldn't believe in what why was the approach last time you were back that time that you were recording she sort of almost a low profile as far as television and all of that was concerned in the press yeah we you know dig this we've been working nonstop since the band started yeah before eight months before I joined the band you know yeah and and you just got to have a break you know and so that the main thing about being back there last summer actually write the songs we call them break in the new bass player to the way of the band that's why we already played one more two gigs back there both at the Bondi lifesaver you know it's just gonna have a break again I wasn't thanks for coming on countdown again it's alright and now why is they in still really yeah and we wish you the best of luck in America thank you and it's good to see that the album is really starting to to break in like really stone to break in turn it into Top 200 what is it you know it's around about 150 150 with an arrow yeah that's good but crosses that like it's not quite as fast as the bull as an author all right best of luck and we'll look forward to seeing you come home and doing some some 200 days looking forward to getting back there Tokyo see ya thanks much [Music]
Channel: Austech
Views: 1,072,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ACDC, bon scott, angus young, malcolm young, george young, baby please dont go, highway to hell, high voltage, its a long way to the top, bon scott interview
Id: rxJuhlryBb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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