15 Minutes with Bon Scott - 1977 - Part 2 of 2!

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right now you're really big on the on the European side especially on the live tour inside can you tell us a bit about the European market as far as ac/dc are concerned you feel no there's a really quite stranger they do a lot of freaks out of there oh this little not Punk and they're not terribly young it's better to say my fellow time if there are it's going I'm sorry I you find a few I'm on the street after the show in the gutter I know but um and they're this sort of that's really hard to say that but they're more emotional audience oh yeah or emotional rock you know probably more so than the rest of the world yeah they're crazy because like European bands don't don't play rock music and if they do play it they don't play it well so the only only rock they get is from England America and and now Australia right now you let's look at four countries right you've got the USA which you're about to leave for and do an extensive touring side you've got the European market you've got the British market and you've got the Australian market does the band change at all or you just play the same thing for every market and use the same approach exactly the same yeah yeah there's no needed change I mean we're what we are and we ain't gonna change for nobody yeah so it sister but it doesn't like you could put them all in one room and you couldn't tell one from the next I think just to say in the world over what's what what do you think will be the next single in Australia that Deborah isn't it there yeah isn't that isn't it the single I don't know isn't no it's certainly not out I don't a voice from heaven says yes voice or her fever right now what about an album we record an album last time went back there as yet something finished we've got a few things we've thought about it and change a few things hmm there's a live album probably coming out soon and it served from taking from conscious in Glasgow my music Bowl it was one recorder in in Fort Lauderdale and in Florida this about foreigner and that might be sort of put into a live album the best of the four concerts when they tell us about two American plans yeah we're going back there in a couple of weeks a tour with them with kiss they're supporting kiss and a band called Russian mighta heard her out there and we're doing about our 12 days with those bands and a few of our own and some co-headlining with the van called UFO right you know ya know just on the kiss to her right um have you seen kiss perform yet live yeah so I'm in in London last year yeah yeah well I did quite spectacular yeah I mean there's going to be an amazing contrast between yourselves and obviously kiss both very visual well yeah see the guy that that um what's his name tell me the bass player his name from Chris I don't know no Kyle tell me the bass players over from kids look he's a popular guy here well he can longer I show in one of our shows and the whiskey in in Hollywood to see his play I and he come up to us and said look I think about and we touring in in December and we'd like you to tour with us and they played of 80,000 people yeah right I'm gonna shoot so the show should be quite yeah quite amazing now are you on the songwriting side if you'd written many songs of life I'm in the band and this awful well we love them written like I said while we're touring you sort of compiling all your ideas and yeah yeah things you rip off from here and there around they can't be sound like it and I've got pages and stuff and out of it might come add three or four good ideas persona question everything like it 33 one but with all that's happening I mean have you had much chance to group yourself to write many songs over the last say four through three or four months no we did about ten nos on back in Australia but and I wrecked actually I wrote the words to songs that's on the last two are on the road and got back home and found out there was sane titles and always to say through somebody else's surgery and I was really bleeding them doing the eyes is better yeah so I mean like what is going to happen over the next six months then a pair feel like you're in America will you be coming back to England during that time or what now well going to America for months until Christmas right back to Australia for about what so probably the start of March mhm we could do a few dates yeah like Maryland Brisbane sin other place and give it a son mm-hmm you know I for a change and housing is going had an Angus guy over was doing like this time last year the papers were going crazy and you know talking about this great little guitarist it's good so full of energy how did he go an American oh they they couldn't believe in America no I like the Americans are mad anything new they already get crazy for right now and know like only the rich people oh they can afford to send their kids to schools where they have uniform time this is like the novelty of was just overwhelm them and the energy that band puts out they couldn't like the couldnt believe it because the band's getting more yeah just never gets to do in America that 28th of how did you go oh yeah excellent yeah did a few one a few blocks here earlier yeah it's good and how did the music press over there you know did you read any reviews yeah many good reviews yeah yeah I can't think I don't think I read one bad one Iceland here yeah they assisted I see over there they free laid-back you know and the bank um comes along with rocks his ass off man you know and you're right in there and they just love you yeah couldn't stop now when you come back you're doing some recording right here in the studio what are you finishing off an album or well you know the tracks were done for the last album we're going to clean a few of them are just sort of make them however because you had a tape we've listened to the tape off over the last five months and now it's just out a few things is there and Adam sort of make the songs better and any new ideas we get as well we'll put them down what why was it why did was there the approach last time you were back that time that you were recording she sort of almost a low profile as far as television and all of that was concerned depressed yeah we dig this we've been working nonstop since the band started yeah before eight months before I joined the band ever yeah and and you just got to have a break and and so that the main thing about being back their last songs to actually write the songs we call them break in the new bass player to the way of the band that's why we already played one more two gigs back there both of the Bondi lifesaver hmm you know ah it's just gonna have a break a kon wasn't thanks for coming on countdown again all right and now why I saying I still really and early yeah well Molly and we wish you the best of luck in America thank you it's good to see that the album is really starting to to break in like really starting to break in turn it into Top 200 what is it you know through about 150 max hundred and fifty with an arrow yeah that's good but crosses fat like not quite as fast as the bull as an author all right we'll look best of luck and we'll look forward to seeing you come home and I'm doing some some 200 dates looking forward to getting back there take care see ya thanks man right so we do about 34 one all right 35 one wonderful a right 36 one
Channel: FranciscoGaramonger
Views: 254,134
Rating: 4.963182 out of 5
Keywords: bon, scott, interview, part, two
Id: lHfmJszQIhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2010
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