Accuquilt Studio: Cutting Fabric Scraps Into Squares With A Strip Die

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hi this is T with T quilts and I'm here to show you how I go to recut 2 inch squares on my two inch strip die I actually have a studio cutting system but I'm using my gold die that's a two inch strip and when you use the gold eyes on your studio system you have to have the adapter plate to go with that so on my board already have scraps that I've cut into two and a half inch strips and I want to cut them into two inch squares and how I did that is prior to coming on this video I marked my board with some lines that cross intersect at 90 degrees with the blade line so the black lines going this way or where the blades are and then I use those lines to draw lines randomly down the board so I can now use those lines to place my fabrics the opposite direction then I can abut them just like that so this stack here is ready for cutting but I have all of this space still empty up here and on the Accu quilt go system you can cut up to six layers so what I'm going to do is get some more scraps to place at the top so this one's pretty long so I'm just going to fold it into fours so that's two and now I have four layers and then this will make five so since it's longer now that these are folded I will place these on the board so that's five layers place that one to the side that's too this is folded so I just keep going through the scraps to get something that's going to fit my spaces so here is another one so now that's six layers of fabric on that side now because I have six layers over here I can't come back and start my next row right here because this blade will have overlapping pieces and so that would be seven and if I continue to layer six that would be twelve pieces trying to be cut so I have to skip so what I'm going to do is lay some pieces that are now covering to die blades if this is wide enough so this is three layers and so here are my six layers now now I'd like to try to put my largest pieces on the bottom so when I'm cross cutting I'll know when they run out so I'm just reorganizing my pieces on the board and sometimes you end up with small pieces of fabric you're trying to cut and I will just light them in as well okay so that's how I will feel my board so that I'm utilizing as much cutting space as I can on the board now even though I'm using the gold eyes I'm using my studio cutter so I'm going to put the protective case on top that goes with the studio cutter not the go cutter the actual cutting mat is for the studio not to go so now I can pull off all the things that are on the sides that are extra and if they're not big enough I just place them in the trash and so now those were the leftovers from my strips now down here I have my squares so I can pull these off and probably off-camera but just a second I'll be over there larger pieces that I can cut out of something else I put them to the side so I'm cutting two inch strips and I'm putting pieces that I can cut one and a half squares in the other pile so these were the strips that I cut so I just removed these and now that I've got these strips cut I start to lay them out the opposite direction on the board so in essence I'm cutting strips and squares at the same time and I'll just do one more board and I'll speed up the recording you and that's it that's basically I do the same process of pulling off the scraps and taking off the bottom portion of my board that has my cut squares and then any strips that were cut up here I moved to the bottom and start this process over again and you can cut a lot of squares very quickly with this method especially scraps because they just keep multiplying and this is the way that I find most efficient to use them thanks for watching hope to see you in my next video
Channel: teaquilts
Views: 22,950
Rating: 4.8476954 out of 5
Keywords: Teaquilts, quilting, longarm quilting, scrap quilt, quilt, studio, accuquilt, go!, die cutter, cutting machine, scrap, squares
Id: A4qHU_A0zNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2016
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