Access Calendars and Events with CalendarStore plugin in .NET MAUI

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Getting data out of the device's calendar store with .NET MAUI has never been easier than with this plugin. Plugin.Maui.CalendarStore. Let's go check it out. Basically all the platforms that you can write apps for have some kind of calendar installed on iOS. You have the Calendar app on Windows, you have a calendar app on Android, you obviously have Google Calendar and I think some other calendar apps as well. So that much is clear. You have calendar data on all those devices. Now, how cool would it be if you can get that data and use that inside of your own app? That's exactly what you can do with this new plugin. So you can just reach to that database because that's basically what it is. Check out the events, the calendars. You can have multiple on your device and you can list them and use them inside of your app. Of course, there are some permissions involved because it's privacy sensitive information. But with this plugin, it's very easy to get that data out of the platform and inside of your own app. Maybe you're building your own calendar app. Maybe you want to see if there is a free spot in the schedule. Well, I leave the app building to you. Let's just see how this plugin works and how you can apply this to your own .NET MAUI app. Here we find ourselves in our natural habitat in Visual Studio 2022, where I created a new .NET MAUI project. So this is basically the new template that you get out of the box. I did a couple of things and this is where I'll implement the plugin. Just so you can see how to get started with this. I already installed the plugin, so if you go over to the Solution Explorer and right click on your project, you can do Manage NuGet Packages. And you want to look for Plugin.Maui.CalendarStore because Calendar was already taken. That's a wonderful visual control that you can use. So definitely go check that out as well. I've released a preview version for now. If you're watching this, by now maybe a stable version has come out, but it's a preview version right now. Go check it out and let me know what you think of it and if there's any bugs and before we can make it stable, basically. So here we have that and just install that on your project and you should be good to go. Now you need to add a couple of permissions as well. So you can go to the Solution Explorer again to your Platforms folder. This plugin is supported on Android, iOS, macOS and Windows, not Tizen for the moment. If you are a Tizen expert, please contribute. But all the other platforms are working. So for Android, you go into your AndroidManifest, right click Open with XML Editor, and here you can see the permission. You can also do it from the graphical editor but this is most clear to me usually. So read calendar that's in there because this plugin only reads from the calendar store by now. You also have another plugin. The AddToCalendar plugin. Plugin.Maui.AddToCalendar. You can write events with that. So we should probably combine the functionalities of these two and make it just one, right? That would be very much clearer. So now we have this for iOS, the same thing. And for macOS it's done the same thing as well. So I'm just going to show you iOS. We have the info plist you can do open with and you can do the XAML editor again, well, not the XAML one, the XML one. And you have this key with NSCalendarsUsageDescription. And here you have to specify the reason why you want to have access to the calendar, right? You want to ensure your user that you're not doing anything funny. This is the reason why I want access to your calendar because we're going to do amazing things with this app. So with that in place, we have everything to get started. Now there is a couple of ways to go about this. I've explained this in another video that you might want to check out on building your own plugins as well. It should pop up on your screen right now where I go over the Plugin Maui feature is what I call it. We have a template and those plugins if other authors can pick it up and change anything they want. But what I like to do with it is kind of like follow the same pattern as the .NET MAUI Essentials APIs are following as well. So you can use this with both dependency injection. In that case you want to go to your MauiProgram.cs and you want to do here builder. Services.Add, I guess this could be a singleton. And then you can say ICalendarStore. There we are. And then you can just say CalendarStore. Default that will register the instance of this CalendarStore. And you can use it with dependency injection just as you're used to in .NET MAUI. You can inject it in your view models and et cetera, et cetera. I'm just going to use the static instance right now directly because I want to focus on the APIs and not so much on how to actually use it through dependency injection or not. So here I have the main page. Nothing has changed here and I'm going to transform this button into reading something from the calendar, right? So let's go back to the code behind I'm not going to use this count anymore. Let's remove that and remove all the counter clicked here. And what I can do is access it directly. So I can also here say calendarstore and then it's going to add the using right here using Plugin.Maui.CalendarStore. And I can have the same default. I can also have the static methods on here right now that's kind of like all works the same. It's just however you want to use it. But it used the exact same code underneath. So I can do GetCalendar, GetCalendars, GetEvents, right? So that's all the things that you can get. Right now. I like to go through this default instance right here and then do this. So get calendar. You can get this with a calendar ID. So if you know the ID of the calendar that you want to get, you can just get the calendar right here. This will return a calendar object with all the properties that come with it. You can get the calendars that will get a list of calendar. iOS, let's just do that and you don't have to specify anything, right, that will just get all the calendars in the calendar store of this device. So here, I want to await this. So I need to make this async and void for this event as it's not going to work. Let's capture this in a variable calendars. Got that? And then let's just iterate over it, right? So my AI helper is going to help me here. Calendar in calendars. And I'm just going to do a weight display alert, right? Just something simple so we can see what is going on here. So let's make this a title calendars. And then here we're going to do, I don't know, a little string interpolation with calendar. It has a couple of only two things, only two properties. Basically the name and the ID. So the name is the thing that you're probably going to recognize. And let's add the ID here as well, just so we can see what's going on. ID. And we need something for the button. So let's do okay, so what I'm going to do now is run this on Windows. Let's just do that. And whenever we click the button now, it's going to list all the calendars that it can find in this calendar store on Windows. So I think one thing is good to note, one of the questions that's probably coming up down in the comments below. Hey, can I use this with Outlook? No, I don't think the Outlook store is connected in the Windows Store. So you have the calendar app on Windows. That's what this is going to work with. If you want to use this with Outlook, if you want to get that calendar data, you probably have APIs to talk to Microsoft Exchange and Outlook and that kind of stuff. This talks to the local calendar store on this machine. So whenever I click the button now, it's going to get me this calendar. Just a generic name calendar with a very funny looking ID. b,5,13. I don't know. That's the IDs how it works on the Windows calendar. So I think for Android it has to be integers. And on iOS I don't even know the IDs will be something different on each platform, right? So make note of that. So we got that, and I actually got the calendar for Windows up right here. So you can see this. And today it's August 31st. So I'm just kind of like giving away when I'm recording this. So here we have that, and I can add a calendar here. So here I have this one calendar on the left, but I can add a new one. And this automatically suggests me, like, hey, do you want to have the holiday calendars? Well, why not? Let's scroll down to the Netherlands right here, and it adds the Dutch holiday calendars right here. And whenever I go back to my app and I do click Me, you can see it immediately updates. So I have this calendar, and now I have Netherlands, right? So I have this one. You can add other calendars in here and it will update automatically. So if I remove this again, I think I could just delete it here, continue, and if I do it again, I just have this calendar back, right? So it updates automatically. I'll show you for Android in a little bit. Let's just focus on the mechanics here now, first, because this works the same across all the platforms. That's the power of this plugin and .NET MAUI. Okay, so we got this. Now let's focus for events because we have this calendar and you can have a calendar, but you can also get the events right, which is maybe even more important. So let's basically just copy a bunch of this code. I like copy and pasting and then make this events. Let's do that. And then we want to get the events. Now, if you look at the API here, you have a couple of options, and it kind of follows the same pattern as the calendars as well. So you can get all the events for a certain calendar ID, right? So if you have that calendar ID, you can get all the events for that. And we have a date time offset for start date and end date, right? So you can set this range for like, hey, I want to start at this date and then get everything, all the events, like in the future, or I want to set this end date and get all the events in the past, right? And you can mix and match with these parameters. You can see they're all optional. So just doing this should get you all the events if the platform allows that. I think it does. So it should do that. But just for the demo, let's just do something like, I don't know, start date time offset. If you don't know what date time offset is, let me know down in the comments below and I'll maybe make a video about it as well. Add days and then we do minus one, right? So we can just have now minus one day. So we're going to look to yesterday and then for the end date, let's just set date time offset now add days and let's do it for tomorrow, right? So we have these three days where we can show the events for and then here we're going to do foreach ev because I have the e already, here is the event arguments and if you do event then it's going to be a keyword. So it's not going to understand that. So let's just do foreach(var ev in events). And here I want to do events and say ev. And we don't have a name but we do have ev.Title. So that's kind of like the name of an event. And we have all kinds of other things, right? We have location, we have the start date, we have, I don't know, end date. Is it an all day event? What attendees are there? So we have a couple of these things. But here let's do EV title and let's also get the EV ID. They still have an ID and let's just add something like hey, this start or something. So EV start date so we can see what's going on. Now obviously we also have other things. You can also get a specific event, right? So if I do calendarstore default, you can also do get event, right? So you can get that single event by an ID as well. So it kind of like follows the same pattern as the calendar iOS here. Now if I start running this and I go back to my calendar event, because I think this is tied to my Microsoft account, it actually says it right here. So what I said earlier, like getting it from Outlook, it gets it from your Microsoft account, you should probably be logged in. But I'm not using that calendar for my personal stuff, right? So there's nothing in here. So if I do this then probably nothing's going to happen. It's going to show me that calendar and nothing else. So let's add that event for today, right? Because I had this at day minus one and plus one and what would be a good event? Maybe there's a good event in subscribing to this channel. So maybe you want to do subscribe to Gerald. That's an important one, it shouldn't take all day. So let's not do that. And we want to set the start date to, I don't know, 12, maybe during lunch. That's a good time to watch this video and subscribe to this channel location, wherever ur should be good. Let's just save that. And whenever it's saved now it should update in real time. I should go here, click me, get the calendar. And now you can see get this events as well with a same kind of ID right here. And you can see that start date, right? You can see it's a daytime offset so you can see the actual time zone information as well. 31 August 2023 subscribe to Gerald that's exactly what you should do right now. Although the date is probably different, but you should still do it. So now you can get these events as well. And if I remove this, actually, let me put in a breakpoint here. So for each it's going to get here and we can see all the other information in here, right? So you can do that. We hit the breakpoint and then if we hover over ev, you can see all day is false, attendees is 0. The ID is this, I didn't enter any description. The duration is 30 minutes. That checks out, right? We entered it for 30 minutes. End date is then this start date is this location, wherever you are. And the title is subscribe to Gerald. So all this information about the events that you can now use inside of your app. Now I promised you to also show you on Android. So let's get my Android phone up here. I have here mirrored my physical device, but it doesn't really matter. So that's lying around right here, you can see it. I'm not lying to you. See it's mirror actually. And whenever I click it, you can see it does the same thing. Actually. It asks for the permission here. So Windows does not need any permissions. Maybe it will come in the future because it's still sensitive information, but for Android and iOS and macOS, you should definitely do that. But if you declare the permissions inside of your apps manifest, it's good, right? The plugin will request the permissions whenever they are needed. So you can see the permission coming up here. I can just click Allow and it will still get the calendars. Now here I have a couple more. This is tied to your Google account probably. I don't know where it all comes from, but that is the beauty, the magic, it all comes from the platform that you're running on. So I have this, my calendar. I have this one which is tied to my Gmail account. So that's my email for that. Then we have this one birthdays. And probably this is the holidays in the Netherlands, right? I have that as well for some reason. Well, I didn't see this one before. There is an event coming up on the 10th of September, which is my birthday. So Google planned an event apparently with Happy Birthday in there. So now you know my birthday as well. Put that in your calendars and make me sure to send me a message by then. So there we have that. So you automatically seen the events as well. Now if I do this again, it's going to do all the things again, but it doesn't show me the permissions, right? Because now this app has permissions and it kind of works the same for iOS and macOS as well. Once you have that permission, then it's good and you can just access that information after that. So it also works on Android. And now you know how to get the data from your calendar on the user's device with. .NET MAUI. And just like that, you found out what my birthday is. So now you know when to congratulate me on my birthday. I'm looking forward to all those messages on any channel you can find me on. Basically, I hope you enjoyed this one. And from here you can access that data and you can do all kinds of crazy stuff. Maybe you want to show it in a calendar control. I have a beautiful video from the DevExpress controls, for instance, that should show up on your screen right here, where you can show now these events in your own kind of calendar application. Or maybe you want to build your own plugin. That's possible as well. Check out this video for that, and I'll be seeing you in one of those, or maybe both. Until next time!
Channel: Gerald Versluis
Views: 2,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: .net maui, .net maui tutorial, dotnet maui, plugin.maui.calendarstore, ios read calendar, maui access calendar, calendar events, calendar android, calendar ios, calendar windows, access calendar ios, access calendar android, access calendar windows, net maui, maui c#, net maui tutorial, net maui android, c# maui, dotnet maui desktop app, dotnet maui ios, dotnet maui plugin, .net maui plugin, plugin
Id: akDZ3WpC0co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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