Free and Complete Calendar Control for .NET MAUI: Plugin.Maui.Calendar

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On this channel. I've already talked about all kinds of calendar functionalities for. Net Maui, but this time I have another free visual control to show calendars in your. Net Maui application. On this channel we've already seen a plethora. That's right. I just wanted to use that word of calendar functionalities for your Dynamite Maui application. We've seen the calendar store, which is a plugin by me me with which you can read and write calendar data into the device calendar store. So it's a very non visual control. We have the X calendar which is a free control out there in the community for you to use on all the platforms that are supported by. Net Maui. Then we have the visual controls also by Teleric and Devexpress. I got videos on those as well, so go check out the videos down in the links below. I would recommend watching all of them from front to back. Don't miss a second just so you can see what control is the best for you. And also stick around for this video because I'm going to look at another control which also shows you a calendar inside of your. NEt Maui application, which it impressed me a little bit, I'll be honest. So let's just hop over to the code and see what it can do. Ha Fulja. No code here. This is first the repository where all the code lives for this plugin. And let's do a collective shout out with all of us right now behind your computer. Thank you Yuri. Just say it. Thank you Yuri for making the time and making this plugin available for free, which is a wonderful thing to do. Thank you so much. The world, the Net Maui world is a little bit better because of you. So here in this repository is everything that you need to know to get started. I'm just going to scroll over it very quickly. Actually, I'm going to borrow some code also for our sample that I'm going to code in a little bit here. But you can first see like hey, what does it have to offer? Display events? That's really cool. That's kind of like unique what it has over at least X calendar. I'm not really sure about Teleric and Devexpress and all the other controls that are out there, but this is really cool. And that's what I'm going to show you in this sample localization support based on the culture info that's built in. Really cool as well. You can just bind that. It's a bindable property which culture to use and boom, it should be using that culture which is super cool customizable color so you can style the whole thing and you can have bindable properties like I already mentioned for the event collection, the culture and all kinds of other things. So here are a couple of screenshots on Android, on iPhone and actually I don't think it mentioned this a little bit down below. This all uses only net Maui control stuff. So this works on all the platforms that are supported by. Net MauI. It does not use any platform specific stuff, it just use all the things that are in that done. NET MauI abstract layer and that is why it will automatically work on all the platforms out of the box. So that's really cool. Android, iOS, Windows, macOS. So you can see that consistent look and feel across all the platforms, which is what some people definitely like. So what's new? I think here it says like removed all platform specific code so it support all the things that I just mentioned. Add multi selection support so you can have like multi selected dates which is really cool. A few more properties for customization and refactored and revamped code. Who cares about that? If it works, it works right? So the usage, well I'm going to show you that actually let's just switch over to Visual studio that I have open here right now. So I just created a file new. NET Maui Project which is a plain new vanilla. Net Maui project which is here and I did already install the Nuget package. So go over to your solution Explorer, right click on the project and you can do manage Nuget packages. And then there is a little fun fact here. If you search for plugin Maui calendar, that is the name that I wanted to use for my plugin the calendar store but it was already taken and that's how I stumbled on this control. So that's a cool story, right? At least I think it is. So here Plugin Maui calendar his icon is much better than mine so definitely install it for that reason alone and you have version 10 three at the time of recording so install that only 1000 downloads yet so you can be one of the early adopters. Install that on your. NET Maui Project and you should be good to go. You don't need to do any initialization line because it uses all. Net Maui stuff. So you can just start here by adding that XML namespace that you use for whenever you're going to do this in UI. In XAML, you can totally also do this in C# if that's what you want. But I'm going to do it in XAml because I love my XAml and here I'm just going to search for calendar and you want to have the plugin Maui calendar controls because that's where kind of like the visual controls live and all the rest is kind of like supporting, right? So we're going to add that one. I'm going to remove all of the other example right here. So no scroll view, no nothing. And what you can now do is do Cal. And this can be anything, right? That name Cal can be anything. Colon calendar. And I can just use that calendar right here. So now there should be a calendar. So let's run this on Windows right off the bat. And we should see a calendar coming up on Windows without any styling because I just put it inside of that big content page, right? So it's going to be probably full screen, which is not really a great thing to do on a desktop app, but that's the way it's going to show up. Well that will be if I fix my build errors right here. I removed all of my XAML, but in the code behind there are still some references to the counter button. So let's just remove that one. Don't need it. Remove this count right here and now we should be good to go. So let's try that again. Run on Windows. And we should see that windows window coming up with something that's very similar to the screenshots that you just saw on the repository. And from there we're going to add little events. You're going to get a little bit educated on data binding right here and templates. So exciting stuff. Make sure to stay here on this channel. So here you can see this is the calendar and it's not too bad, right? It's a little stretched out, but people like that with like bigger UIs and minimalistic designs. That's all I do because I'm a terrible designer. But here you can see today is Thursday 9 November 2023. And now you can click around and you can select it and you can see the date showing up down here. And this is also where events will show up. So you can actually have events in here and you will have that kind of like if you're using IOS, you can have that calendar app. This is basically your whole iOS calendar app. You have this calendar in the top with all the dates. You click one and then you get the events at the bottom and you can scroll through them. That's all incorporated in this free control, which is really amazing. You can flip through the years, you can flip through the months obviously. And there's all kinds of stuff that you can do. Let's take this a step further. I'm going to go back to the main page right here. And what I want to do is now get those events. So I'm going to flip over back to the repository right here because if I scroll a little bit further, you can see all the things that you can do, right? You can see the shown date, you can actually go there. You can do all these kinds of things. You can set the selected date, obviously. But now I want to actually show you how to set events. So there is one event, the event collection that's built into the model's namespace right here. So I'm just going to copy this right here. Go back to my visual studio. I'm sorry. I'm going to flip around a couple of times here and I'm going to set this in the main page. If you want to do proper MVVM, you're going to do this in a view model. But for now I'm going to do this in the same page. The working should be the exact same. Here you can see using plugin MauI calendar models, it will know that event collection and you can use your own models together with this event collection. The only thing that you need to do is use this event collection. For the rest you can specify your own models. So here you can see Yuri has used the event model, which is not something that's built in, that's something that you can provide. But I'm just going to copy this. I can do that with this button here. And what I then can do is go back to my visual studio and add those events right here. So let's just add them here in my main page. And it's not formatted really nicely. So let's add a couple of tabs right here. And now I need this event model, right. So I can actually let this generate, I guess generate class event model. Here we go. Where is it going to be here? Internal. And I can say prop and I can say string. Name. Whoops. Tab. Name. Tab. And it's done. You know about snippets, right? Visual studio snippets. I have a short about that. So go check it out. And a description. Copy and paste. And now this one is going to be description. And now we have the same model. There's a little error here. Yuri, if you're watching this, there's a little error here in the copy that I, the code that I copied. So now we have this event model. So you can see this model can be anything that's coming from your back end that you're implementing in your app can be anything you want for maximum flexibility. But now this is events, event collection. So that's in there. I would assume that this is kind of like updating automatically. So it's kind of like an observable collection. Whenever you add something, it will go automatically. I didn't test that, so go check that out. It's probably in the documentation. And what I want to do here, lastly, in this main page constructor is set the binding context so that it shows up in my example as well is this. And typically you would do your view model here, right? So I'm now going to bind it to the same page. But typically you want to do this to the view model. So we got that set up, and now what I can do is say, hey, I want to have this events. You can see all the properties here, right? There's not enough time. You're going to be bored watching this video. But there is so much stuff going on here. Arrows, background Arrows, border, color, arrows, color. You can customize the whole arrow, which was the arrow you didn't probably even see yet in the demo just now. You can do, of course, days, like days, title days, style days, kind of all those kinds of things. And here we have the day, day, label, date, title, color, all kind of styling options. Most of it, I think, is bindable properties. So you can do all of that. We have that culture that I mentioned just now, so you can bind to the culture there. But what I'm after right now is the events. So with the events, we can actually bind to a collection, the event collection with which we can show events on this calendar. So I can say here, binding events, because events was also the name of our property in our code behind right here, our events. And in that event, I actually skipped over what we were putting in here, but we have these keys. Datetime now is new list. So each date is going to have a list of events for that date of event model, which can be your own model. And here for today, we're going to have these two events. Then five days from now, daytime, now add days, we're going to have another two events. So let's get this a little bit more in place here. Then three days ago, we're going to have one event, and then some custom date. In 2020, we're also going to have one date. Now, just for fun. So I set this binding context right, so that it all wires up just for fun. Let's run this on Android now. So I'm going to select my Android Emulator API 33. I'm going to run that and now it's going to deploy this exact same code on Android and we're going to see how it behaves there. We're going to see that same calendar with the same styling build on just Net Maui elements and we should see basically the same exact look. BuT now you can see these little, maybe it's not really clear on your screen. You can see these little dots down here which indicate that there are events. Now you don't see them yet. You can see the date changing down here. You don't see the events yet, but we can change that and we can change that even without stopping our application from running. So another property that we have here is the event, let's see, event scroll view visible and we can set that to true. And whenever I save this hot reload will kick in. XaMl hot reload and we can see here in my Android emulator that we now have these two event models in here because this is daytime now and we had two events in here. We had two for five days from now and one for three days ago. Right, but this is just the two string of this event model which is not super helpful. And this is where our data template comes in. Right. You probably know that from collection view and list view where you have data templates because out of the box this does not know how to show this event model because that model can be anything. So if I go back to my calendar right here and I'm going to do calendar so I don't make itself closing, we have this and now I can say Cal calendar event template and we can specify this template which has to be a data template. And inside of here I'm just going to do a simple vertical stack layout with two labels on top of each other because the event model had two strings. So I'm just going to say text is binding name. I think one of the things was name because mind you now suddenly we're in the scope of an event model and not the rest of our page here. So we can do this name and this description. And now if I save this, hopefully hot reload also pick this up. And now you can see the actual name and description here. And if I go here you can see that we have these two events with the title and the description. Now I can also do of course this label. Let's make this font size a little bit bigger, let's make it 25 and let's make it attributes bold. LeT's make it something like that. So we can see that that's a title. And you can see now we have this bold title with this little description right here. So that's how you can actually show the events here. And we can scroll this. So if there are more, it will scroll automatically. If I go to another one, you can see that it refreshes the template. The emulator is a little bit sluggish on my machine. Don't worry about that. So you can see that this all happens here. And I'm positive I didn't actually see this, but I'm positive that there is events for also selecting the events right here. And you will get event info and command info from that as well. Now, as for the styling options, let me just show you a quick couple of things. You can just say that selected day selected. I'm probably just going to find it here. Selected day background color. And let's just make that red because red is always a good color. So let's make that red. And whenever we do this, you can see that this is now red, right? So hot reload works with me right here. And you can see that this is now red. So that is nice and stylable. And what you can also do is kind of like, we have these little dots right here for when there's events on this date. But what you can also do is say event indicator. Well, color selected color again, you have so many options, but we can also say indicator type is and we can say background full. So when you do background full, you will see that nothing has changed. Oh, there we go. It needs to do it to refresh. You can see that we have this full background color now. So we can see that this is the stuff where there is events. Or if we just remove it again, it will set it to the default and it will be the little dots beneath each other here. So I need to refresh it. And then you can see that we have our little dots back, which I personally like more. But it's up to you. You're probably a better designer than I am. One last thing I want to show you before I will shut up about this, don't worry, is that we also have some kind of layout. So just to show you how many options there are already in here, we have this calendar layout. And you can just say, hey, month is the default, you will see the full month. But we can also say, hey, I just want to see this one week because I only have this one week calendar. And again, this is due to hot reload. Not really refreshing very well, but you can see that we now have this one week and we scroll by weeks. Oh well, actually I'm doing years here, but we're doing scrolling by weeks and not so much like the whole month. Right? And you can also say, hey, I want to say two weeks so you can see half a month basically, and we can have those. Again, this is refreshing here. So you can now see the two weeks and the default is to see the full month. So tons of options with this plugin Maui calendar. Now what would be really cool, of course, is if we have my plugin the calendar store, hook it up to this plugin the plugin Maui calendar, and show events from your actual device in this calendar inside of your own. Net Maui app. Would that be a nice video idea? Anyway, check out all the videos. I've linked them down below for all the different calendar functionalities that you can use inside of your. Net Maui app. Don't forget to like this video. Subscribe to this channel if you haven't done so already, and I'll be seeing you for my next video.
Channel: Gerald Versluis
Views: 3,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: .net maui, net maui, c# maui, dotnet maui tutorial, dotnet maui, maui tutorial, maui c#, dotnetmaui control, dotnetmaui app, maui .net, dotnet maui getting started, .net maui tutorial, calendar windows, calendar ios, calendar android, learn .net maui, maui access calendar, plugin.maui.calendar, calendar control in .NET MAUI, calendar control, dotnet maui calendar control, free control dotnet maui, maui free control, maui calendar control, net maui desktop app
Id: bmkizbS4jb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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