Add a BottomSheet to Your .NET MAUI App with This Amazing Plugin!

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One of the controls that is very popular on mobile devices, in mobile apps, iOS, the bottom sheet. And in this video we're going to see a amazing bottom sheet that you can use in your down at Maui application. So the bottom sheet is that little well, it's not really a dialog, but it comes up from, like, the bottom of your screen and usually you can drag it, like to be full screen or or at least it takes up like half of your screen and you can drag it around a little bit and you can slide it to dismiss it. That's all kind of fun stuff that you can do. Strangely enough, there iOS not a lot of options for this pre built, at least for done in Maui. But now there is this amazing plugin that does that. To be fair. There are a couple of blog posts that also describe how to implement a bottom sheet and I will post those down below. But this is a plugin. It's currently an alpha stage, but you can just plug that into your application and you can start using that bottom sheet without any further ado. Let's just go check it out first. Let's quickly give credits where credits are due. This is the GitHub repository. Everything is open source, as with a lot of stuff these days. And this is really amazing because you can also learn from how the code works in here. And it's called D. Net net, net net. Maui bottom sheet 49 refers to the company name of the author of this library, who is Paul Varachi. I hope I pronounce it correctly. Paul, thank you so much for doing this. I see sponsorship is not enabled, at least not for this repository. So see if you can sponsor Paul in any way for his work, or at the very least here. Click the Star button and start this repository to show you support for Paul's amazing work. Now here iOS everything you need to get started. The sample app, I'll show you that in a minute as well. And for the rest, of course, the source code for this wonderful plugin. And you can see here already a little spoiler alert for this android and iOS screenshots right here. So I think that's the only platforms that are supported right now, but that kind of makes sense as well, right? I think this is a control that iOS, one of those that are very specific to mobile devices. So Android and iOS. And you can see it looks pretty similar and it looks as you would expect from a bottom sheet, right? So that's pretty cool. Now here's the setup. I'm not going to go into this in much detail because I'm just going to show you the setup, how to initialize it, how to use it in Xaml. And then there iOS, some description of the APIs that are here and some things that are good to know. I think there are some differences here between iOS doesn't support something just because it's not there on the platform. And there is a couple of things that are good to know. So definitely go check that out. Now with that in mind, let's go to Visual Studio. I'm running here on Windows, as you might have already seen, and I hooked it up to a Mac on my network. And I can then show the iOS simulator. I'm going to show you Android in a little bit as well. And we'll get to that. Why I chose this setup for today. This is just a file Maui app application. So nothing fancy. You can see it here. The net bot. I can do the clickme and you can see it all works, right? And now I'm going to add that bottom sheet. So let me stop running the application for a little bit and go to my Solution Explorer. I'm going to right click on the project and do manage nuget packages as we usually do. And I'm going to search for D 49. Although the name iOS a little bit odd, it makes it very easy to find. And you can see it has a couple of other plugins as well, right? So definitely go check that out. If there's something you want to know more about the other ones, please let me know down in the comments. But we're interested in this. The net dotnet. Maui. Themauibottomsheet. It's a pre release. It's actually labeled alpha. So it's a very early version. So please keep that in mind if you're going to use this. Also report any issues on the repository that we've just seen that you might encounter. I'm going to click install it's, going to install it on our project. Of course we're going to view the license. We know that it's probably MIT, right? And the terms of usage. So we're going to accept that and boom, it's installed. Okay, now let's go over here. The first thing you want to do is go to your Solution Explorer and go to your Maui program. And this iOS something that's very typical. Now in Done at Maui plugins, we need to do a little initialization line in the App Builder. So let's just do use bottom sheet and it doesn't add the using automatically. So I'm going to hoover over here until the light bulb comes. And I'm going to do using the net net .NET MAUI bottomsheet. It's going to add that here at the top. And now we're ready to use this bottom sheet. So let's do that. We're going to close this Maui program. And what I'm going to do, I'm going to add a new page again. I'm going to go to my Solution Explorer, the project right click it, do add new item. And I'm going to choose a Done in Maui content page. Now ignore that. I have all duplicates in here. There's no difference. I don't know why that is probably my developer weird kind of setup. I did something at some point and I'm going to call this My Bottom Sheet, right? So my bottom sheet, I'm going to make an example. You can do the same thing in code if that's what you want, but I'm going to do it in example. So I have this page and what you want to do. This needs to inherit from a special type of page so that it can be used with the Bottom sheet plugin. So what you want to do is first add that XML namespace. That's something that we do a lot as well, right? Whenever we're using Xaml at least. And Paul has this fancy URL set up as well. So I'm going to call this D 49. He also uses that in the sample so you can see what's going on. And I'm going to search for the 49 again. In the Intellisense you can find schemas D 49. Com net 2023 Maui. So he has the same kind of fancy URLs that Net Maui has itself. If you want to know more about how this works, let me know down in the comments. I'm not going to go into that right now. So we have this one and this makes it possible to use this instead of like the full namespace that you otherwise would have to use. So D 49 and I'm going to do bottom sheet. And now we have this, this Bottom Sheet page. The title is not something that we can use which is in the default template. So I'm going to remove that. And now something that would typically happen if you're going to change this page type here, is it's going to complain in the code behind that we're inheriting from two different things, right? So if we go to the Solution explorer net, net, net, net Maui, bottom Sheet inherits from a content page and we can't do that. Now here's a little pro tip for you right here. You could just remove this one, you don't have to do it in two places. I don't know why that's in the templates. We should get rid of that. You can just do it like this and you will never have that build error again. All right. My bottom sheet. So we got that all. Now two things that I learned while looking into this is that you probably want to add a padding. It's actually one thing, I don't know why I said I learned two things, a padding of 16 and 32. That means it's going to be 16 left and right and 32 from the top and the bottom. That's because else your content will be all the way on the top, on your sheet. It doesn't really look that pretty. And also if you do it full screen, it swipes off the whole screen. So that's something that you don't want to do. So we got that and I want to set a little background. So if you're a better designer than me, and you probably are, it's not that hard. You can create a beautiful design here, right? But I'm just going to do this very simple design with a little label here. And I'm going to say I don't know, what should it say here? Did you like and subscribe yet? Thank you. Maybe that's something that you want to do just off the top of my head. So like and subscribe. Thank you. All right, so we've got that. Let's make the font size a little bit bigger. Maybe font size is I don't know. Let's make it 32 iOS. That big enough. I don't know how that's going to be, but we'll see. So now I've got that in place, but now I want to show it, right? So let's go over to our main page and I'm just going to reuse that counter button that we saw. I'm going to remove all the things here. We don't need that. And what I'm going to do is do VAR page is new my bottom sheet and I'm going to create it like this. And then I can say page show. And you have to specify the window. And the window is a property on each page basically. So you can just say window. And this is actually like this window, right? So this is the window property associated to this main page. So you can just access that very easily. If you want to find your window reference net Maui's multi window. Now please do and just put it in here and it will work. You can do some other things which you can also do from Xaml, but you can also do it like in here. If you want to do something in code, maybe add some logic to it. You can do page show handle. So show that little gray thing on the top. Actually, let's set it to choose so I can show you. You can do page dismiss as well. So you can dismiss it programmatically or you have this event where it's dismissed and you can act on it being dismissed. You can set modal. I know the is modal. There is a note in the repository for that. So go check it out. I think it's not supported on iOS. So if it's modal yes or no. And the other big one is is cancelable, cancelable, cancelable. I don't know how to say that. Is. Oh, that's not is. Oh, it's cancellable. Just not really consistent naming here. And that means if you can cancel it yes or no by swiping down. So basically this enables or disables the swiping down of the sheet. But I'm just going to keep it at the show handle right here. I'm going to do page show and it's going to actually show. So let's run this on the iOS simulator and see what iOS going to happen. We should see the default net Maui file new template, waving net bot and everything. And on this button, you can now have this bottom sheet that is going to show from the bottom. And that's what we're going to see. Okay, the application is built. It's being deployed to the simulator. So we should see it pop up on the right, right here. Here's our beautiful splash screen. And I should get myself out of the way here. So let me just do that for a little bit. And then here we have our application. So nothing changes just yet. But when I do the click me here, you can see this bottom sheet. Oh, look at that beautiful font. You can see that little handle. So that's the little bit darker, gray thing, the little handle. It's a really visual indicator. So you can just take it there and do it a little bit up and down. If I slide it down, it's going to be dismissed. That is cancelable. If I set that to false, that cannot happen. But this is how it works. Now, one other cool thing that I kind of like skipped over. So if I'm going to stop this a little bit again, iOS, the I have to look up what the actual term was detents. I think detents. And detents is the term for like, the anchors where your bottom sheet can kind of stop. So let's do that in example actually just to show you that this is possible in example as well. And let's do the 49 bottom sheet detents. I can specify them here. I can also specify them in code. And here, if you look at the Intellisense, I have these detents, and you can set the anchor detent, the content detent, the full screen, the height, the ratio. So you have a couple of different options how to specify these things. Go check out the documentation. I'm going to do the full screen one. And you can have this iOS like a collection. So I think I can do more right here. I can specify more. And you will have different anchor points where you can bring your bottom sheet up to if you just do one, the full screen one, you can see that it will go to full screen and to the regular anchor that we just saw, basically, or just all the way dismiss it. So if I run this again, we should now be able to see that I can take net, net Maui bottom sheet, show it all the way to full screen, and I can also do it back to the original position or dis miss it all together. All right, the application is coming up again. You can now see that whenever I click the button, we're going to see it in the default position. But I can now also pull it up to be all the way full screen. And you can see this is built into iOS. So the background kind of like goes to the back more to the background, even it looks like really page sheets. And I can do it back to this position. I can scroll it all the way back up here, and I can dismiss it all the way down. So that iOS a very cool option, if you ask me. Now, the reason why I did all of this on iOS and not Android is because if I run this same thing on Android, so if I just switch over here to the Android emulator and the pixel one, because that's the power of .NET MAUI, I can just switch over and I will have the same application. But now, running on Android, you will see that there iOS. Something weird going on with the styling. And I am definitely doing something wrong because this app that you just saw before mine came up, iOS, the sample app from the repository there, it looks beautiful. But if you look at my simple app right here, you can see that there's no background on Android. The handle is not showing. I can do it all the way up here. So the full screen kind of seems to work, and you can do it back and I can dismiss it. But whenever I do, you will see this weird gap here at the top. So something is going wrong here. And probably I'm doing something wrong because you can see in the other sample app that I will switch to in a minute, that it can all work. Or there might be some bugs here, but you can definitely make it work because if we go to the sample app, which is this one that's in the repository, you can see all these options, right? And here, it works beautifully. So if I scroll up, we have this non modal sheet. So that's kind of like my scenario right here. And I can actually slide it down and it will close again. If I do the modal sheet, you can see the screen even dims so that you can't get really out of here by sliding. Well, it does slide, so I'm not really sure what the modal does here. But you can also click the dismiss right so that's the programmatically dismissed. The no sliding away is the is cancelable. So now I can't really slide it. Does it work if I tap outside of it now? So that seems like the more modal option than to me. You really have to click this dismiss thing right here with the handle. And you can see that the handle also shows on Android. So I'm just definitely doing something wrong, right? So go check out this more complete sample for the Android one. Also, the background color just works here. And listen to that dismissed event. So I have all the stuff right here. This is really cool. You should definitely go check this out. I think this plugin definitely counts for Gerald's. Amazing plugin alerts. So there's that. And I really love this. Keep in mind it's still Alpha. It's still work in progress. Please make sure to report anything that you find. I'm not really sure what I did wrong on Android. It seems to work fine on iOS. So that's the little differences in platform development. Welcome to cross platform development. But this is wonderful work already. Other than that, it works pretty stable. So really cool. Please check out my other videos on net Maui. Plugins on this playlist. There is a lot more cool stuff in Dunn in Maui. Or check all the Danden Maui videos. Don't forget to like and subscribe and I'll see you on the other side.
Channel: Gerald Versluis
Views: 8,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The49.Maui.BottomSheet, .net maui, dotnet maui, dotnet maui tutorial, .net maui tutorial, .net maui app, dotnet maui getting started, c# maui, maui tutorial, mobile ui, .net maui getting started, net maui, maui .net, c# maui tutorial, maui bottomsheet, dotnet maui bottomsheet, bottom sheet, .NET MAUI bottom sheet, .net maui bottom sheet, bottom sheet maui, android, ios, BottomSheet, bottomsheet control, dotnet maui bottom sheet
Id: JJUm58avADo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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