Acceleracers Racing Realms Explained

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in 2003 hot wheels celebrated the 35th anniversary by making five episodes of a mini-series called highway 35 world race where some of the world's best drivers raced through four interdimensional race tracks built by aliens called accelerons the concept would be expanded upon in the sequel series acceleracers where street gangs would race through even more dangerous tracks called racing realms in the world race five teams the dune rats wave rippers street breed road beasts and scorchers raced through four legs that each took up alternative dimensions and together made up highway 35 a track a scientist known as dr tesla was studying the first track took them through a volcanic planet while the second took them through a forest leg while the third took them through a desert the final leg takes them through an arctic environment that leads to a city where an ancient artifact called the wheel of power resides when the wheel of power is removed nobody can race on highway 35. the four tracks each had unique obstacles and terrain in the desert leg a character named kadeem finds an artifact that has acceleron sagan bowls on it these symbols appeared again in accel erasers where it was revealed that they are symbols for around 30 unique new worlds known as racing realms the four legs were not the only highway 35 legs as the video game released in 2003 contained 14 tracks however none of them were accurate to the highway 35 legs but some of them were similar and it contained more than just the four movie tracks this game included 14 tracks cloud nine satellite city vapor city space out mist mountain emerald crater deep zone egyptian dunes glacier edge lava twists pyramid run submerged city ice city and a vast jungle none of these tracks appeared in any media outside of the game like the video game the tracks seen in the comics are also very different from the ones in the miniseries in acceleracers the racing realms are introduced in the first film ignition the drones steal the wheel of power from hot wheels city which makes it so the highway 35 tracks cannot be accessed so a more extreme concept called the racing realms is created they are much more dangerous than highway 35. instead of them being legs in a race around the world these new tracks would be accessed randomly by the wheel of power which its vibrations create a portal that lasts for one hour and allows anyone with an enormous hologram of the wheel to enter them any vehicle that reaches a portal at the other side of the realm will be sent back to the dimension that they came from through the wheel the first vehicle that reaches the portal will be given an artifact called an accela charger that when plugged into a vehicle will give the driver a special ability unique to each of the accele chargers each of the realms are designed to test driver's skills each realm's accele charger will help them with that skill the accela chargers make winning easier and enough of them allow the driver to enter an ultimate race that combines sections from all of the realms that drivers can race through to reach the sphere a gateway to the world of the accelerons it is unknown how many accela chargers are needed but galorum was able to access it using 14 however if a driver uses the axilla chargers they will be disqualified as this is a test to see if they are worthy to race the accelerons dr tesla claims that there are countless realms while the true number is unknown 12 are seen in the series and 13 are seen exclusively in the card game with the symbols seen on the wheel of power and drone accela chargers this brings the count up to 25 with an additional four symbols seen on the wheel which means that there are four unknown realms which fans have speculated about by analyzing the symbols this brings the count up to 29. prior to the events of the series the drones completed three racing realms the fog round warped realm and monument realm which they mass produced the accele chargers and used them heavily throughout the series the fog realm accela charger fog vision is the first accel charger to be used in the series it allows the user to see clearly in foggy conditions the realm is seen in the card game where it is given one card that describes it in another for the accela charger it is described as a realm with thick fog that makes it harder for drivers to see gigantic hazards a hazard card seen in the game describes stone spires that loom out of the ground which expand on this idea the card also claims it has treacherous switchbacks the skill for this realm must be driving in the fog the warped realm excel charger teleport is the second accel charger seen in the series it allows the user to teleport out of danger which is used several times throughout the series three cards in the game describe this realm the realm card claims that it is a realm where normal laws of physics don't apply and gravity is on vacation the track twists into itself like a knot which would spin your car out of control judging by the realm's attributes and accela charger the skill might be staying on the track against all odds despite this realm's strange nature the racing drones somehow completed it and won the accel charger the last of the three accela chargers one before the series is the monument realm accela charger 2d it is an acceler charger that allows the vehicle to become two-dimensional where it slips between obstacles and cuts through other vehicles judging by the cards it appears to be a realm with monuments ruins and tunes the only way to win this realm is to decipher hieroglyphs on the walls which this seems to be the skill for this realm all three of the axilla chargers from this realm are mass produced by the drones who use them frequently moving on to the series in the first film ignition teslok recruits two street gangs known as the tekku and middle maniacs which each had some world race drivers they entered 12 new racing realms while they race against the drones and a mysterious military organization known as the silencers but they immediately enter the storm rail a track in a void full of distracting thunderstorms the skill for this realm is focusing on your driving and ignoring the lightning the accela charger lightning rod works as a shield that protects the user's car from electric charges the drones win this accela charger after they finish the storm realm they enter the swamp realm it is the first realm won by humans in the entire series which was won by the tekku leader nolo the swamp realm is a track inside a swamp where there are monsters including behemoth mosquitoes ogres and a swamp beast banshee castillo's car ballistic is seen in the swamp implying that this realm must have opened before and banji was lost here the accela charger is known as sprout road because it creates an organic track below the driver in the mini movies between the films several racing realms are seen between the first film and the speed of silence the cavern and lava realms are entered the cavern realm was the third realm entered it is a realm inside a huge cave where there are dangerous stalactites stalagmites and alien bats porkchop won this track of which this is the only time a metal maniac won the skill for this realm is driving in the dark which the axilla charger night sight allows the driver to see in total darkness using uv rays this is used several times in the series as it is the metal maniacs's only accela charger the lava realm is seen in the mini movies as well it is a track built over lava and volcanic surfaces there are lava plumes that can pose a hazard for drivers the tracks are so hot it will wear your tires out the skill for this realm is understanding how the track affects your tires the accela charger impervious tires absorbs all damage to the wheels so that your tires will never wear out the racing drone lieutenant won this accela charger however the accela charger is never used in the series as the lava realm is not seen in the ultimate race the water realm is a track built inside an underwater pipeline where cars are submerged and must drive across water there are proto sharks in this realm that leap through the pipeline and eat cars the racing drones won this track the accela charger is seen in the ultimate race where it is used by galorem in her race against vert the accela charger hydro glide allows the user to glide across any liquid the metro realm is another realm seen in the speed of silence it is a city floating in an interdimensional void its environment is familiar however it is void of all signs of life there are cars and tractor trailers that don't have drivers and are only programmed to be obstacles the tractor trailers are known as kamikaze seamus in the card game they attempt to run over drivers and have a futuristic look the skill for this realm is to understand balance and traction and break and drive smoothly to maintain cornering this is the first realm won by the silencers which tricked taro by disguising themselves as kurt wilde to let them win the accela charger battering bubble manipulates the magnetic polarity of your car so you can bash through obstacles this is seen in the ultimate race where galorum bashes through the realm cars in this realm between speed of silence and the third film breaking point we see some more online shorts that contain the cliffside and ice realm which were entered between the films the cliffside realm is a track built on the side of a mountain with harsh turns and the drivers must drift through and avoid falling into the abyss in the online shorts we don't see who won but the accela charger is seen with the silencers in the ultimate race meaning that they must have beaten this realm the accela charger turn and burn allows the user to safely drift around turns without losing speed or power fortunately the cliffside realm is entered in the ultimate race so it is seen in use by galorum after the cliffside realm the ice realm is entered next it is a track built through an arctic planet the tracks are slippery and drivers must drive on ice these shorts focus on taro catano who almost wins but is outsmarted by the silencers cove light driver who wins by disguising himself as karma's vehicle chicane the skill for this realm is driving on slippery terrain which the accela charger slip grip will increase the friction of all slippery surfaces which will make them as easy to drive on as bone dry pavement however this is not seen in the ultimate race after this we see breaking point which has the neon pipeline realm and junk realm the neon pipeline realm is the first realm entered in breaking point it's where the silencers are discovered this realm is set in outer space where there are neon lit pipelines the drivers must drive through there are closing doors wide open pipelines ramps and blockades some pipelines even shrink the silencers won this realm by driving above the pipelines and deceiving taro again with technetium disguised as chicane the skill for this realm is driving at all angles the accela charger wall crawl causes the wheels to stick to the road on walls or upside down second is the junk realm the junk realm is around inside a junkyard filled with machinery such as trash compactors and wrecking balls there is trash lying in the road which poses a hazard for drivers there is also a mechanoid destroyer that attacks cars the skill for this realm is hitting the right apex at every turn the silencers attempted to trick taro again in this realm but did not succeed as kirk wilde won the accila charger which is known as frictionless because it creates a frictionless sphere of air beneath the car this is seen in the ruins realm and in the ultimate race this is the last accela charger won by the teku and the first not to be won by the silencers since the water realm in between breaking point and the final film the ultimate race the drivers race through the ruins realm a realm inside a jungle where a mayan like civilization lived the realm has the drivers go through monuments and ruins with a stone colossus that attacks drivers there is acceleron writing on the walls depicting the origins of the racing drones drivers must hone their skills if they want to win this realm the realm is very similar to the monument realm that was completed by the drones prior to the events of this series the accela charger is known as phantom form because it allows the user's car to phase through solid matter however it is not seen in the ultimate race the last realm seen in this series is the cosmic realm it is the only new realm seen in the ultimate race it is in outer space where there is only microgravity around the track the track is built around planets and there are black holes and asteroids the tekku and metal maniacs worked together to hijack a drone sweeper and used it to enter the drones headquarters to save mark wilde who was captured in the junk realm the silencers won and took the accela charger the skill for this realm is producing down force and not making sudden movements as doing so will cause the car to fly off the track due to its low gravity the axilla charger light speed propels the car to up to light speed and lets you watch the rest of the world move in slow motion the cosmic realm is seen at the end of the ultimate race where galorum uses this accela charger to outrun vert in the final film the drones steal four of the silencers accelera chargers three accela chargers one by the tekku and metal maniacs and seven excel chargers they won together they create an ultimate race through the realms where galorum races against vert wheeler the ending takes them to a dimension called the sphere which is a gateway to the world of the accelerons however galorum uses the accela chargers to beat the realms which they are a test to see if drivers will use them or their own skills they declare vert the winner because he won using his own skills and none of the accela chargers however he returns to meet up with the tekku and metal maniacs which the acceleron allows him to escape in the card game 10 more realms are seen which the symbols for them are seen on the wheel of power they are not seen in the movies or in any other media however the cards contain information about them and the accela chargers used in them some of them even have hazards and other things such as mod and shift cards that contain images from the realms here is a description of them there is a canyon realm where the track crisscrosses over a deep canyon with sheer drops there are long jumps the accela charger is known as hyper jump because it makes jet boosted corrections allowing the driver to make perfect jumps every time another card scene is the chrome realm it is a maze of marble run like tracks where massive chrome globes crush cars and are highly reflective the skill for this realm is distinguishing between what is a reflection and what's not the accela charger undistort helps with this by racing any illusion or mirage seen by the driver wind realm a realm where drivers race on swaying tracks under constant barrage by dangerous winds tornadoes and flying debris the skill for this realm must be driving through harsh winds the axilla charger wind shark monitors atmospheric fluctuations so it will stabilize the car in the strongest gusts of wind solar realm a realm with hot tracks around a star that shoots solar flares and intense heat skill for this realm could be driving efficiently enough to survive the heat which speed is the key to dodging the solar flares that bombard the track the accela charger anti-gravitation gives the user the ability to turn gravity off or back on labyrinth realm a racing realm inside a giant maze filled with savage maze minotaurs that crush any vehicle that enter the realm the skill for this realm is remembering your path when lost the accel charger navigation manipulates the car's gps to pinpoint the right direction to the finish line blizzard realm a racing realm similar to the ice realm with vicious snowstorms and deep snow in the cards we see an ice yeti which means it must be either in this realm or the ice realm the skill for this realm must be not losing control in an extreme blizzard the accel charger total traction gives the car total traction on any terrain cyber grid realm a realm inside a giant circuit board with supercharged tracks making up a maze of 90 degree turns the tracks have electric counter measures that will fry cars the skill for this realm is mastering 90 degree turns the accel charger folding corners allows the car to quickly snap through 90 degree turns reactor realm a realm inside an acceleron factory full of toxic spills car crushing gears acid and dangerous patrol machines the machines will remove slow moving vehicles the skill for this realm is questionable but it is likely keeping up with the pack by avoiding hazardous conditions the accela charger sound buffer will sound proof the car by shooting sound waves this also makes the user immune to sound based attacks desert realm a track through a desert with vicious sandstorms quicksand and dangerous rock passages there are giant scorpions that ambush drivers the skill for this realm must be driving in arid conditions the axilla charger sand speed fuses sand and other unstable surfaces together using a blinding light for a short period of time allowing drivers to safely drive over it micro realm a racing realm where cars are shrinked to the size of toy cars and are sent to a freeway where they have to avoid obstacles that are bigger than them there are nano parasites that attack miniaturized cars with injector-like stingers the skill for this realm must be avoiding obstacles that are bigger than your car the accela charger size scaler allows the user to either grow or shrink their car these are the 25 known racing realms however four other symbols are seen on the wheel of power fans have speculated that they are a forest realm sky realm glass realm and sound realm after analyzing the symbols for instance a leaf-like symbol was seen on the wheel of power which fans thought was a forest realm also there was a hazard card called forest inferno that mentioned a forest realm after hearing this fans speculated that there was a forest realm there are three other symbols that have been speculated about this brings the realm count up to 29. after the series ended in 2006 some hot wheels video games and tv shows had similar tracks that were inspired by the racing realms and world race tracks however die casts of the cars from the series became commonly made cars that have been sold to this day in 2007 two video games were produced and they had cars from the acceleracers along with tracks that were inspired by it a playstation portable game known as hot wheels ultimate racing had one car from acceleracers spectite however it is the only car from acceleracers the tracks are similar to the world race legs and racing realms a month after ultimate racing was released another game known as hot wheels beat that was released it is the exact opposite of ultimate racing it has many cars from acceleracers and the world race such as cove light and spinebuster however the tracks do not resemble any of the racing realms with the exception of the micro realm which as in this game a player controls a car the size of a hot wheels die cast going through bedrooms and other modern world environments like the micro realm from 2009 to 2012 hot wheels had a similar tv series called hot wheels battle force 5 about fert wheeler forming a team of drivers to save the earth from anthropomorphic animal warriors called vandals in killer robots called sark by fighting each other for battle keys and other artifacts in dimensions called battle zones which have environments similar to the racing realms however this series is not canon to the accel erasers and world race the battle zones were created by the sentience like how the realms were created by accelerons unlike the racing realms where drivers have to race to the portal across hot wheels tracks get an accela charger the battle zones do not have organized tracks and the drivers have to fight over a battle key which can open portals to other planets in the multiverse allowing armies to conquer or loot enemy planets many of these zones resemble acceleracers realms battle force 5 was the last series using the concept of inter-dimensional racing which it ended in 2012 over the next decade battle force 5 was replaced with team hot wheels an animated direct-to-dvd film series that lasted from 2014 to 2016 based on the hot wheels toy line although the tracks did resemble world race legs and racing realms it does not have interdimensional racing like bf5 and acceleracers the concept of inter-dimensional racing seen in the series is very interesting and entertaining too bad this concept is not used much in modern media will we ever get a hot wheels series like this again will the concept of interdimensional racing ever return only time will tell thanks for watching if you enjoyed this video please like comment and subscribe and please watch our top 10 racing realms which ranks the realms and what is your favorite realm from this series please tell us in your comments thanks for watching farewell
Channel: Country Data Files
Views: 34,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acceleracers, hot wheels, battle force 5, Racing Realms, racing realms, team hot wheels
Id: sI9NQdJoNzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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