AcceleRacers Theory: Why Weren't They Chosen First?

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hey guys it's finally here the new XR racers Theory video I know you've been waiting for it so let's dive straight in [Music] now for a theory that hasn't really been touched out by any English youtubers of my knowing and I think it's kind of an important one Saro Kerch Markie and even verts weren't the first one chosen by Tesla even though they were the best three of them were leaders and one was the brother of the world renowned driver and he wasn't bad himself so why didn't esta call them he really needed the best to win the realms but he still waited till the other drivers were all gone why didn't test that called Tarot correct Marky invert first of course the answer I hear the most often is the lab rats theory the theory that suggests the other drivers were only test rats but even if Tesla may act like someone who doesn't care about human lives I don't think it totally fits for his character now remember that the deku animator maniacs were only there because the original crew was called so the reason no no torque , and the others weren't called is because Tesla simply didn't know about them there were illegal racers street racers does that would have never known their true potential now with that out of the way next is them one by one and see what was the reason they weren't chosen first first stop let's start with Kurt well if you look at his background it becomes kind of obvious he didn't trust Tesla he cheated and was undercover for gala Rome herself during the whole world race plus he got involved into a business deal so you can easily understand that he was not a first choice next up his brother Marky why wild I mean he was a pretty good driver always competing with his brother but why not him well like Kurt he did some business deal and even got into prison deciding it someone he could trust a man who just got out of prison isn't the best candidate next taro now tower was one of the best drivers of the world race and acceleracers if the walrus was a bit more about racing skills than luck he would have won easily for sure so why not call him I mean you couldn't get better than him now the reason I have a bit more absurd than the others it's actually the hardest one maybe just I couldn't contact him for some reasons but that's not very plausible what's most plausible would be that because of the breaking up of taro and Lani there was a sort of unease between them and Mika Tesla is a nice father he didn't call him you can see this video he want to know how I arrived to this conclusion I know it's far fetched but it's the most plausible I found but if you have any other ideas just comment down below now the last one the vert wheeler four-wheeler was a pretty good driver I said was and he was the winner of the world race wine and choose him first this one can actually be explained things to the ending of ultimate race because does that had run away from the silencers he didn't want to take any risk to be found and because Bert's father was leader of the sensors it was way too risky to call him first but as Tesla saw how hard the rules were he knew he had to call the best drivers he had to take risks if this theory proves to be all true then it would actually prove that the story was deeply thought even before it was written so all these theories may not be in vain my friends let's keep your icing let's keep finding new details because even if the series had been out for now 15 years we are still finding new details even to this date if the story was so simple as some of you may say why would we be theorizing and finding new details this community isn't dead so let's terrorize together let's find new details and let's keep our odds well spirit going because together we have a race to finish thanks for watching guys I hope you've enjoyed if you did you can leave a like subscribe for more content like this one you can join our discourse server down in the description plus my friend TC just opened a new server for racing games and car fans so if you want to play with other gamers share your car arts and talk with them then come and join us on your server see you in the next one ciao
Channel: Tom Wheeler
Views: 28,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot wheels, acceleracers, theory, sequel, theories, movie, game, car, cars, realms, drivers, world race, highway 35, racing
Id: Fto-pRiVKwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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