WAIT... Remember Hot Wheels: AcceleRacers?

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wait remember Hot Wheels accelerators it's the  follow-up movie series to Hot Wheels world race   which we just covered in another video continuing  on from the same continuity set up from world race   acceleracers would further The Adventures of vert  wheeler and the others as the Hot Wheels World   built here expands the acceler raser series would  be comprised of four movies in total ignition   speed of Silence breaking point in ultimate race  with all of them coming out over the course of   10 months in 2005 since there was a 2-year Gap  from world race to the start of accelerators   the movie series here would also start us off 2  years later in Universe today let's take a look   at the accelerator series for Hot Wheels see how  it continues the story further how it became such   a popular brand and what happened to it in the  end welcome back to the 25 days of Fring Miss   where there's going to be brand wait wait wait  wait wait wait wait wait wait uh-uh ah double   Fringe Miss oh you only thought you were going  to get 25 videos this year look at you you look   silly but I'm here to fix that cuz I'm going to  give you not only 25 videos but I'm giving you   50 videos I have two channels that's two Fringe  misses each day there'll be a brand new video on   both channels for 25 days I haven't slept in  months enjoy the content or don't the movies   themselves would be about an hourong each and  aside from really banking on the straight to Home   Video Market to sell each movie they would also  premiere on Cartoon Network as well right after   world race was over plans were moving forward  to develop acceleracers wasting no time to make   sure that they can keep building off the brand  they established for the 35th anniversary of Hot   Wheels and make it a full-on brand beyond that  world race would introduce us to the concept of   high-speed races with tricked out cars that can  enter into another dimension to race along insane   tracks built by the mysterious acceleron blending  Fast Car action and SciFi all mushed together with   the early use of CG animation acceleracers would  take that and start blending the Sci-Fi aspect   into it even more I mean who doesn't like racing  aliens other dimensions and large expanding plots   right so let's jump into what this series is all  about about there is a larger scope here with   other characters than just vert and some of the  returning Racers that get the focus in this film   series but we start things off back in Highway  35 as we see that Dr Tesla after continuing his   studies on the wheel of power post the events  of world race is trying to stop galum who has   returned and along with her is an army of even  more powerful robots as they end up capturing the   wheel of power and nearly killing Dr Tesla before  he is able to escape ejecting himself from the   other dimension as galum takes over Hot Wheels  City as her new BAS of operations so once this   is set we jump back to where the other races are  at seeing that there are two rival street racing   teams out there teu and metal Maniacs among them  are the returning characters of vert Taro Kurt   and his brother Mark and as they are racing Dr  Tesla's robot assistant gig comes around to ask   them for their help heading back to the facility  where the world race started with some of the new   Racers we are just getting introduced to coming  along but seeing that the state that it's in   there's actually a new facility called the Excel  Drome that Brian shows back up and brings them   all to Dr Tesla greets their return explaining  more about this research regarding the acceleron   and informing them of what took place with galum  catching them up to speed the biggest problem with   galum having control over the wheel of power is  that she also has control over the portals that   lead in and out of the dimension another fact  that we learn is that the wheel of power has   all of these symbols over it with each of them  representing the different racing Realms first   Hot Wheels accelerator movie now on DVD to survive  goram's Army has scattered themselves throughout   the round that is trying to collect what are  known as Accel Chargers and those are granted   to the winners of a race in each realm it's more  than just a symbol of status though as they end   up giving the Winner's car a special power up  that gives it the perks of weathering any of the   conditions within that specific realm it was won  in at the Accel Drome there is a representation   of the wheel of power that acts in conjunction  with the real one opening a portal to the exact   realm that is being opened as now they will have  to speed around a twisting track to hit 300 mph to   then get brought into this new realm activated and  try to stop galum from getting the Excel Chargers   but not everything is brought up and explained to  the racers as it gets alluded to something worse   being at stake here the Realms only stay open  for 1 hour whenever they are opened up and if   you don't make it out within that hour you're  apparently stuck there and they learn this the   hard way right away as they start dealing with  gorm's Army in the Realms battling it out with   carve drone combat their other problem first  may just be themselves as there are a lot of   clashing personalities but also something else  and I'm not just talking about the giant bugs   and alien creatures they come across in these  Realms but rather a third-party entity that   shows up going against both our hero Racers and  gorm's army known as the silencers they are shown   operating much like a tightly disciplined and  trained group complete with uniforms and similar   technology to mimic getting into the Realms  themselves with their ability to camouflage   themselves and disguise themselves they're able  to operate in plain sight and even cause more   division amongst our main Racers here on purpose  that can lead to their own downfall as the main   group start figuring this out after an intense  runin with the silencers that exposed them none   of this discredits goram's evilness as after  having Brian captured for a while and seemingly   held his hostage we see that once she has ended  up capturing Mark she presents him with Brian   as he is now a part machine similar to her robot  army that is directly under her command which is   pretty messed up it then gets revealed that more  friends and other associates to our Racers have   been captured with them never knowing the truth so  as not to discourage them with nothing possible to   be done about it this doesn't stop Kurt once he  knows about this from settling the differences   between techu and Metal Maniacs as they go around  Dr Tesla to operate a rescue mission instead of   focusing on the Accel Chargers and after vert  suffers a leg injury before this Revelation he   now stays out of the racing to confront Dr Tesla  when he discovers what they're doing together all   the drivers in the race successfully fight against  and take over one of gor's robot sweeper Vehicles   bringing the fight directly to her but unbeknownst  to them gorm seems to have the information needed   from her hostages to take a full-on assault to  the secret hidden location of the Accel Drome   to attack the base and isn't too worried what  happens to the other drivers heading to her base   of operations but the big reveal happens when gig  Dr Tesla's robot assistant is revealed to be one   of the silencers as one of the racers was also  hiding in the Excel Drome while Dr Tesla claimed   earlier that the silencers had been the ones  stealing their technology gig claims that Dr Tesla   was once a part of the silencers and was stealing  their technology from them but the battle on Earth   while the other drivers are at goram's HQ gets  more complicated when gor's forces actually show   up leaving vert to be the one to deal with this  three-way conflict directly even in an injured   State as gorum comes face to face with Dr Tesla  after her forces have taken the Accel Chargers   and have cornered everyone but vert and that one  silencer member in the Accel Drome gorum goes on   about her purpose for all of this needing enough  Accel Chargers to pass the ultimate test that are   the racing Realms themselves to become a true  acceleracer and be proven great enough to race   the acceleron as she wants to defeat them all the  Accel Chargers combine their energy opening the   final portal with all of the different symbols on  the wheel lit up Goram hops in a car and starts   her entrance into the portal as vert causes  a distraction for her Army so he can take his   Whip and follow in pursuit of her being able to  get past more of them thanks to the secret help   of the mysterious silencer member who is blending  in for some reason H interesting vert has to put   all of his racing skills to the test as he races  behind galum as this race acts as a tour of all   the different Realms leading them to the answers  of it all meanwhile with the other Racers Kurt   ends up getting to where his brother was being  held only to be cornered by this new robot Brian   but when Kurt's back is against the wall here his  estranged relationship with his younger brother   doesn't matter anymore to keep them distant and  Mark escapes from his holding to attack Brian and   get into the fight himself the accelerators  cartoon network.com hotels Mark's only been   slightly altered by the robots but isn't under  gorm's control just yet at one point Kurt tries   what he can to save Brian but the end of the  fight sees Brian letting himself fall from a   high ledge seemingly to his death after exclaiming  that Brian is gone vert and gorum end up neck and   neck by the end of the race rushing towards the  gateway to the acceleron world as he tries to   stop her from getting through at first resulting  in a crash at this moment an acceleron exits the   portal with gorum demanding what she believes  she's owed for collecting the accela Chargers   and completing the Realms but the acceleron tells  her that vert completed the Realms to get to this   point without the accela Chargers aiding him to  do so which was the real test all along calling   vert the true accelerator giving him a new outfit  which hey that's pretty cool causing Galore to   lose it transforming herself into a large robot  picking him up by the neck and ready to kill him   but the acceleron intervenes throwing gorum into  the void and inviting vert into the acceleron   world but vert is left with a tough choice here  helping the rest of the drivers with the use of   the accela Chargers as they have been captured  or going forward with the acceleron as Dr Tesla   claims that this is what it's been all about the  acceleron Reveals His face as vert says that he   needs to help his friends and they seem to be  at an understanding of wisdom and respect giving   vert a direct portal out of there and saying that  when vert as an accelerator returns he won't be   alone which in a way makes vert's whole Arc from  the beginning of World race feel more meaningful   from him being a lone wolf to now being a member  of a team having people that he cares about and   would risk his own life for any day BT shows up  just in time to Aid the others back at the Accel   Drome as the robots are programmed to destroy  all the humans after an allout brawl Dr Tesla   makes the call to stay behind to activate a  self-destruction feature to take out the rest   of the robots as well as the Accel Drome itself  which would cost him his own life having to stay   behind and activate it but gig steps in and forces  Dr Tesla to escape to safety while he sacrifices   himself this left just enough time for vert to  go through the portal before it was destroyed   as he ends up at the silencer base of operations  as the other drivers don't know where vert along   with the Accel Chargers with him had gone they  team up to find where their missing racer and   friend is vert is then confronted by the silencers  with the One racer from them that was also in the   Accel Drome earlier removing his helmet revealing  that it was vert's father the whole time and tells   him that they need to talk and that's it that's  the end of accelerators as a series of movies   from where The Story Goes yep one of the biggest  reveals after all was said and done and just set   up for what comes next all ends on a cliffhanger  that would sadly never come there were clearly   plans here for a continuation at least a big  wrap-up part five finale but the film series   was cancelled there's a lot of information out  there about what potentially happened that led   to why it was canceled but it's pretty hard  to point at one of them and say yeah that's   the real reason right there this had led to many  fans of the series for years discussing this and   trying to dig into the answers to get some sort  of clarity even going beyond that some fans have   taken to trying to develop their own conclusion  for the accelerater series some of the information   out there that potentially has some answers is  following the thread of what would come next   like the use of established ideas and full-on  patents being taken and used to develop the   toy side of things with the stunt Striker series  which came out as a McDonald's toy line in 2007   and then beyond that after more morphing of the  ideas here led to to the creation of Hot Wheels   Battle Force 5 a TV series that wouldn't have a  real connection to world race and acceleracers   outside of the main character being vert wheeler  I've already covered that on the channel a while   back if you're interested in diving into that  Series in 2016 The Thirst for more information   about what happened to acceleracers was strong  heck it still is today but in February of that   year a Reddit user named racing drones posted  on the acceleracers subreddit that he reached   out to people who were involved with the series  in some way and received a response back from a   Mattel employee wanted to remain anonymous so  take the next statement here with a grain of   salt as all this could be a possible reason for  accelerators coming to an abrupt ending part of   the Mattel employees response stated really what  happened is the marketing team changed right in   the middle of the project and they felt it had  become more popular than the Hot Wheels brand   itself so they were concerned about it killing  Hot Wheels in my honest opinion I thought that   was crap they rotated the marketing team so  much at Mattel it killed so many good projects   and proved to cause us a lot of frustration but  anyways on the Continuing Story of acceleracers   we were exploring the options of transforming cars  basically all the stuff we designed and concepted   ended up being used in Battle Force 5 so take that  for what you will now I can get a Hot Wheels toy   in my McDonald's Happy only acceler that light up  it honestly really sucks when something so beloved   ends on a massive Cliffhanger and this series of  movies built up a massive fan base thanks to how   well it was done continuing to build even bigger  than world race was the story was a lot darker   than most most people expected and from that  it didn't try to water down anything for the   sake of it and instead focused on delivering the  best story that fit this time around compared to   world race the action is elevated to more extreme  levels that rival the Ridiculousness of what the   Fast and Furious series would eventually become  the races are more dangerous the hazards on the   track are more Dynamic and the fighting feels  more intense but even in having a longer and   in my opinion more interesting story than what  came before the best thing in this series is   the characters themselves from how we see them  evolve starting off with who they were 2 years   later from world race to where they finish off  at the end of acceleracers vert's whole story   here is still heavily focused on and of course in  the end you see how he no longer works alone and   truly cares for the other Racers with no selfish  motivations but what acceler Racers really gets   right is how it gives proper Focus to everyone  else from returning Racers of world race and even   the new ones as well Kurt and Mark's story line  had continued on from where it left off as Mark   went down a bad path from there keeping him at  odds with his older brother as Kurt is a lot more   redeemable in his attitude and action for caring  for Mark and just as a person in general I think   one of the most emotionally driven subplots in the  series is between two characters from rival teams   noo and torque there is a specific event that  keeps getting flashed back to that involves nolo's   brother ton who while in a race with torque ends  up coming around a sharp turn too hard and ends   up crashing resulting in a fiery explosion taking  Tone's life albeit the animation for it shouldn't   be this funny because it is a significant and  emotionally driven event for noo but still is   kind of funny that's not me being negative to  this specific part I just think the animation   for it was funny I still love this subplot as  it progresses from here noo believes that this   was all torque's fault forcefully causing tone to  crash in sense there is a bitter hatred held by   noo towards torque as this starts to get explored  and they have to be around each other when it   comes to the races torque even feels bad for  what happened nearly thinking that what if it was   truly his fault that caused this to happen this  still ends up in them clashing over these strong   emotions with noo finding it nearly impossible to  accept that his brother just mishandled the turn   and got into the accident despite how noo feels  tor's brotherly nature underneath his rough and   tough exterior starts shining through as he begins  looking after noo like a brother even risking his   own safety for noo and I like how together these  two develop their bond through grieving and   feuding over a tragic loss a loss that clearly  affected them both another relationship between   two characters that was pretty fun just because it  always felt wholesome and silly was between pork   chop and monkey together they carry a lot of the  more comedic moments as they end up always doing   things as a pair especially towards the later half  of the series with the Highlight being anything   that involved the jacking of the robot sweeper  vehicle speaking of the vehicles quickly because   part of this was also to sell you the larger  world of Hot Wheels acceleracers toys they were   pretty freaking cool the special editions that  they would get for them to perform some cool   Maneuvers or Traverse the tracks felt a lot more  expansive and creative than what we saw in world   race I don't have much to really say about them  other than that they were cool and they did cool   things and it made the races so Dynamic and action  P to watch this double Fringe Miss is brought to   you by gamer Subs ah did I scare you probably not  but what should scare you is paying 10% more when   you don't have to you're supporting gamer Subs  you're supporting me and if you use code Fringe   you get 10% off you don't got to pay that 10% and  if you're paying that 10% I'm looking at you like   this why code Fringe going back to some more of  the character stuff I feel that Brian really kind   of gets the short end of the stick here as his  true fate is never revealed aside from seeing   him fall off the high building beam while it is  dark and was a pretty good twist that left the   consequences of the dangers they all were facing  feel real I do feel that there was more left for   what would have happened to him also the mystery  of the acceleron is a big open-ended question mark   while being vague and only giving little detail to  keep your imagination and questions going can be   a good thing there was just never a solid enough  payoff or continuation for what the one acceleron   we did meet says about vert returning it feels  like there is so much lore left that wasn't able   to be explored and for all of the fans who have  been left in the dark for nearly two decades since   the film series came out I understand why you're  so passionate about this series and why the hunt   for the truth or need for a conclusion is so loud  I doubt that we will see anything come from the   accelerator world in the form of another film but  it's nice to see the community built from it all   form from something so unique and interesting like  a film series that Blended toy cars with aliens   and robots and as a lover of all that is sci-fi  I'm all in for it so to those still out there   creating content about acceleracers or trying  to develop full-on conclusions to the series or   seeking out the real truth about what happened to  it keep the dream alive acceleracers was a really   incredible series of films that have reached  my inner child to feel so nostalgic for my time   collecting Hot Wheels cars when I was younger a  collection that I still have today acceleracers is   full of imaginative ideas that all came together  really well and I appreciate the effort it took   to make these films way more than just some form  of cash grab that's attached to a legacy brand the   series has so much style to it so much heart and  the only thing it's missing is a proper conclusion   I would love to know your thoughts on acceleracers  what you think of the series in general what you   would have liked to see in the conclusion what you  think truly happened that caused it to end let me   know in the comments below I've been Jordan Fringe  thanks so much for watching like And subscribe later
Channel: Jordan Fringe
Views: 91,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4NPbUHxxFfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 3sec (1083 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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