Abstract Christmas Tree with Trapcode Particular - After Efects Tutorial

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hello and welcome everybody this is Roland Hartman from graphic in motion comm and in this tutorial time again in this tutorial I will show you how you can create this kind of a Christmas tree animation so let's take a look at the preview that I made here you see we have this little light flowing down the path of a Christmas tree and abstract version of a Christmas tree of course and it is emitting some particles it is emitting a light streak and it is emitting some stars here so if you follow me along on YouTube or also on video hi if you probably know that I used the same technique in After Effects template that are produced about one year ago and let's take a look at this quickly and the same technique is used here and I got a lot of questions to make tutorial about this technique and yeah now I want to share how I made the Christmas tree but of course I cannot show the whole animation of this template because this would take way too much time for a tutorial so let's start with just this Christmas tree animation but I am sure if you know the technique how to make this tree then you will be able to build on that and use this for your own projects before I get started with this tutorial I want to point out that we need a few things to realize this animation so first of all we need trapcode particular if you do not have two trapcode particular plugin you can download it from the red giant website and download the trial version you will also need a version of cinema 4d if you own After Effects CC then you have cinema 4d lite included and this will be perfectly fine if you work with an older version of After Effects like cs5 or cs6 then you will need an extra cinema 4d installation on your system ok now let's get started with the tutorial so first of all I want to create a new composition and call this Christmas tree animation and I want to make sure that it is HDTV 1082 five frames of course you can use what setting you want in my case I want to make this animation ten seconds long and I click ok now I want to create a new cinema 4d file so as he liked my composition go to layer and select new cinema 4d file now After Effects opens up this dialog box and we have to save the cinema 4d file to a location so I will call this actually I can alright this one here just save it yes that's okay and now After Effects will create a cinema 4d layer let's go back to After Effects quickly will create the cinebulle plug-in here and we'll also open up cinema 4d lite if you have another version of cinema 4d installed then it will open up the full version of cinema 4d okay so in cinema 4d we want to create the emitter animation for our trapcode particular plugin as you probably know you can use lights and trapcode particular to work as an emitter so now I want to create a light that is animating along a path or along the path of our Christmas tree like you saw in the preview and this is way easier using cinema 4d then setting up this animation manually in after-effects it will be possible but I really prefer to work this way but before I do anything here I want to change the size of my composition here or of my preview window so I want to go to the render settings here and then use the same preset as I used in After Effects the HDTV 1080p cuz then we have the same frame size here now I want to add a path and in my case I want to use the helix path because this is perfect to build our abstract shape of Christmas tree first of all let's make sure that we are the attributes window here and now we can change some object properties here so the first thing I want to do I want to change the plane orientation to X set and then I want to change to end radius to 0 and I want to increase the end a go to let's say 1008 hundreds this is the same that I used for the preview version I think in the original template are used a bit more so you can of course increase this and then you have a few more of these these circles here or these helix splines here but just for the sake of this tutorial I will leave it at 1800 degrees and what I also want to do is I want to change the height here to 400 centimeters so this is this is kind of a big Christmas tree you know for a 4 meter tall Christmas tree now let's create a new camera and by default it will create a camera from your actual view so I have to reposition this so select the camera go to the coordinates and just zero out all the values all the positional values do not zero out the scale values but zero out the rotation values then we will have a camera that sits right in the middle of our cinema for the world and I will just pull it back on the z-axis to to get the Christmas tree into the frame now let's enable the camera and you see the Christmas tree is sitting on the floor here so I want it to be just floating in the middle of our world like so approximately we can change the camera position later on and after-effects but it makes sense to position it now a little bit so I think this is quite good okay so far so good so we can save this out in the meantime and now let's create a new light and I will create such a standard light here and I want to animate this light along our path or along our spline and therefore I select the light right click and use the cinema 4d tag that's called a line to spline so let's choose a line to spline and with the tag selected I drop in my helix blind into the spline path here and now I can change the position value on do you see my light is traveling around the path so this is actually a very powerful setup you can create any kind of spline you want you can of course you know draw a freehand spline or busy spline or whatever and then just put a light on it and make it animate on the spline export this data I will show you this in a moment to after-effects and you can create the craziest animations with trapcode particular what we have to do now is we have to set some keyframes here so let's go to our start position which should be on the top of our tree so set the position value to 100% and move to frame zero and now hold down control and set a keyframe here so let's say I want my animation to be approximately 150 frames long so I will set the duration of our cinema 4d Compu to 150 frames move my cursor to the end of this animation and go to my a lines of spline text set the value to zero and create a new keyframe by holding down ctrl and clicking this little icon here and now you see we have created a simple animation and now I can save my file again and yes we could think that now everything is fine I could go to cinema 4d now and you see it did actually really update everything so make sure that you just drag out the duration of your cinema 4d file or layer here and you see that the light is traveling along our path so how do I get my light now into After Effects there is this option to extract the scene data but if I click this you see that okay we have light and we have camera but the light is not moving and this is because the scene aware will not apply the tag to the light here so we need to bake this somehow let's delete this for now let's go back to our cinema 4d lite version and to bake this animation I needed a few tries to figure out how to make this in cinema 4d lite and standard cinema 4d version it's not that difficult you go to Windows and open up your timeline window and then you can simply let me change this quickly so that we have not only the animated properties visible here so we need all properties and now you could select the light you go to a function and then there would be this option that says baked object but this is not included in cinema 4d Lite so we need to have a little trick here and little workaround and this is the following select the light here make sure that your cursor is on frame 0 and now hold down the f9 key and press play and you will see what After Effects or what cinema 4d is doing so do not release the f9 key until the animation is has run through one time now I can release the f9 key and stop the playback and you see what happened here if I open up now my light and if I open up the position data and move on to my to my graphs here you see that cinema 4d baked out the animation or the position values of our light and this is exactly what we need because this is the data that After Effects can then read and import what I can do now because I really do not need any scale values so I can go to my light here that's close the timeline to now we do not need it and I can hold down ctrl and shift and deactivate the animations on the light scale and under light rotations because we just need the position values here now we can also delete the tag here you do not have to delete it but you can't delete it because we do not need it anymore but actually I will leave it because it really doesn't matter you see that the light is still traveling or long so now I will save my cinema 4d file again and I can move to After Effects and if I select my layer and in the cinavia effect controls click extract data then you see now we have the lights the after effects lights driving a lot along our path cool now I can delete the cinema 4d layer because I actually do not need it anymore I have my camera here I have my light here and this is everything I need so far now what I want to do is I select both of these layers and drag them out so that they cover the whole duration of our composition and I want to create a new layer let's go to layer and create a new solid call this particles and to this layer I want to apply the trapcode particular effect so what I want to do now is I need to rename my light my light needs to be renamed and you need to call it a mirror otherwise trapcode particular will not realize that this is the light that you are referring to and now let's go to the emitter settings in a particular effect here and let's change the emitter type from point to lights and you see that now immediately trapcode will start emitting particles following along this light now the only thing we have to do is to play around with our settings here and create a few different particle setups here so first of all what I want to do is I want to create my light streak so I will select my particular effect here and press enter to rename it and I will call it light streak for the light streak I do not want to have any velocity on my keyframes I do not want to have any velocity random and so I threw out all these velocity properties I want the emitter size to be 0 or 1 so let's take this down to 1 and you see that we have a particle chain here right now which is doing nothing it's just emitting and then it's sitting there and and yeah going off again in the end so now let's move on to our particle type here particle options and I want to make this visible for the whole animation duration so let's say life should be 10 seconds and I do not want the particle type to be a sphere I want it to be a streak lat and now you see that the streak let is a little bit small so let's increase the size this is too big so to something like I don't know whatever you want I think I will set it to 12 for now and you also see that we do not have enough particles emitted because we can still see the points here and I want this to be a 1 streak so I go up to a meter again should have done this before actually and increase the particles per second to about do not even know what I had there 500 leve let's see 500 could be enough now what I want to do is I want to make sure that my emission stops exactly the same frame as my light stops so let's select the emitter and press you and you see we have 2 last frame or the last keyframe right here so let's set a keyframe one frame before the end here for our particle count particles per second let's move forward one frame and let's set it to zero because then the emission stops and we will not get some ugly blob here okay so this is quite good now we will make this a little bit more refined so let's go to the particle setups again or particle options again so now let's turn down the opacity here to make this trick look a little bit more lightish and I want the blend mode to be adhered so now if you zoom in and you see that it doesn't look good you know it's just a little bit of edgy it's not a smooth curve so I need to go back to my middle settings again and change the position subframe from linear to 10 times linear or even linear smooth so I think this is the best looking option here so I will choose this and now let's see how this looks like and I think that doesn't look too bad what you can do now if you want is you can go into your particle settings and you can go to the streaklight settings and play around with the streak let so you can say I want to have more streaks maybe 14 and particle will create more small streaks which is pretty cool I can change the streak size decrease them then they are thinner lines here no or I can of course is increase them then they get a little bit thicker so in my case I think that a few thinner lines are quite cool this is too big way too big actually so 50 looks not too bad so let's stay with 50 okay now I want to change the color of my particles so go to the particle color and I will take something like an orange because this will look like a little bit of golden so let's see what I need here something like this maybe I have to create a background by the way to create a look so let's create a new law a new solid call it BG for background and move it down there actually I will order this a bit because I like my camera to be on top of my composition so everything is nice here and I will apply a gradient here a gradient ramp if you work with an older version of After Effects it's just called ramp and apply it to my background and now I want to set it to a radial ramp move this one color to the middle here and the other color oops not the layer just this point here out a bit and now I will take these nice dark red colors so something like that and take a dark red right here really dark or even black yeah like that now I can change the ramp with this here but the thing this looks quite good and I also like the color of my particles I could not go to my particles and maybe increase to pass it a bit so let's make them 5 because then it the streak is a little bit more obvious ok so far so good now we have the base form of our Christmas tree what I want to do now is I need to create another instance of our particle effect and instead of duplicating the layer and filling up my composition with with yeah layer and layer layer I will simply duplicate the particle effect on my particles layers who select this particle effect and press ctrl + D and now we have second light streak which we do not need of course so I will select it and now we call it snow because now want to create this kind of small snow particles so let's open this up and before I open it up actually I want to reorder them because I want my snow particles to be on top of my light streak if I go inside my emitter now or inside my particle settings I can change from streak LEDs to sphere because I want these to be spheres and you see nothing is happening and this is because we have to set up the right blend modes so let's go to our rendering here and let's select the blend mode and in my case I want to use the blend mode of AD and still nothing is happening this is probably because the particle opacity is very very small actually it is not because of that so I'm not sure what's happening let's see this is typical you know that something is not working when I'm recording a tutorial I think I know what I missed I didn't set a render mode for my light streak layer I need to set a render mode here I could set it to normal oh yeah you see that that worked too good in fact now we can see the snow particles I think we need to work a little bit on this they are not looking really good so I will turn down the velocity to the 30 before now I will go down to my particle size set it to 1 and this looks way better and you also see that by changing the blend mode to normal now we cannot see our background anymore in this case for this project it's not a big deal because I just can select the whole layer here and set this blend mode to add and now my background is visible and the particles are also blending in really nicely with the background ok so what we have got here now is we have I will make a quick preview but maybe I will change the resolution to 1/2 here to make a little bit of faster preview and you see now the particles are also emitting from our point here and yes now they are flying around quite quite wild and without any control but we will change this in a moment what I want to do for of all is I want to go in to my emitter settings and I want to increase the particle amount because we need a few more of these snow particles so let's select our particles layer let's press you on our keyboard and let's go to our snow layer or snow incident of particles move to this first keyframe here and set it from 500 to maybe 1500 let's see maybe this is too much but no actually I think it's not too much so let's use 1500 it looks quite good and what I also want to change is I want to change the size of the emitter I want it to be a little bit bigger you know so let's make this about maybe 10 times 10 times 10 maybe even bigger 50 times 50 times 50 let's see maybe this is too big yeah actually it's too big 20 times 20 20 and this looks a little bit better yes it does okay what I want to do now is I want to set up the velocity values a bit better so velocity of 30 is fine I will use some air resistance so I will increase this actually a little bit so let's set it to 54 now let's say that was lost you random to something like 25 velocity distribution this is always a hard one don't know something you know at least some value 0.5 or whatever velocity from motion very soft maybe 5 let's take a look what this does now they fly out pretty wild and but actually I like it so this is OK for now now we have to deal with the physics a little bit so let's close down our particle emitter and let's close the particle settings to render settings we can close them too and let's go to the physics tab here and now it's getting more interesting in a physics step now we can change or we can influence the behavior of our small particles so let's open up the air tab here and first of all I want to set some air resistance air resistance is if I make this really high like a value of 5 doesn't sound like a high value but for air resistance is quite a high value you see that after a certain amount in this case a very short amount the air resistance gets so strong that the particles do not move anymore so this is probably not really air but it's more like I don't know chili or whatever they are moving in here so let's just turn this down to one if we set this to one you see now there's flying out still flying out and then they are some kind of freezing or stopping so once probably even too much so let's set the air resistance to 0.5 and let's see how this looks now they are getting they're getting a bit slowed down but not that much and I'm not sure I will tweak I have to tweak these settings you know these particle setups and these kind of animations always are trial and error tweak settings because now you know the air resistance is low so I can go into the emitter setting and can lower my velocity maybe to 35 because then they do not shoot out so far or even 225 you always have to go back and forth and change settings and this is what it's like to work with trapcode particular you know even if you are used to this plug-in and if you know your way around it you will have to yeah tweak settings that's it so I think this looks not too bad what I want to do is I want to add a little bit of gravity because I want them to fall down you know so let's go to our air here again or to our physics tab and let's set the gravity and now have no idea how much let's see 50 way too much way too much 25 wait much 15 could work but I think 10 is enough let's see so they are emitting they're starting to fall down slow so this looks not too bad let's see I actually really like this I really like this it looks quite good okay so now I want to add a little bit of turbulence here so let's go to our turbulence field and let's first of all affect the position so let's see how much we need here a little bit maybe a tea and now let's see what this does and you see that after a while the particles now get affected by this turbulence field looks not too bad but it's a little bit wobbly and a little bit too much for our feel I want this to be really subtle and really smooth so what I have to do is first of all I have to decrease the evolution speed here evolution speed let's set it to something like five is probably enough and I also can change the scale of my of my turbulence field to something like I don't know maybe I'm on ten is the standard value maybe seven let's see how this looks like doesn't look too bad but I think that I prefer a scale of 10 actually let's see and I think that the influence of the position or the effect position is a little bit too high so let's at expect 50 you see that I didn't write down any values and I didn't memorize them so I'm really just working here as I would do normally I hope you're not getting bored you can of course use the time while I'm playing around here and yeah play around yourself create your own style I would actually recommend that not only to type in the same values as I'm using because you can probably do way better so now what I also want to do is I want to affect the size a bit so you really have to be a bit careful if I set this to 2 you see something's happening immediately maybe even 3 and if I want to go really extreme I set it to 4 then you see that on some parts these particles get so small that we cannot really see them but this creates really nice yes a really nice effect but now what I want to do and this is what I meant before that you have to go back and forth and change values I want to change the size from 1 to 0.5 because then have a really subtle effect or maybe now this was too much again 2.7 let's see actually I really like the look of this quite a bit so this looks cool yep I like this the only thing I have to do now is I want to change the life because I do not want them to be visible for 10 seconds this should die off after about 5 seconds or maybe even now 5 seconds okay I think and I want to change the size over life and I will use this preset so they should start small or they should start big and then they go smaller over your lifetime so let's see what this does now now they are building up and then they are falling down and disappearing I think that this is exactly what what I want it looks completely different than in my first example but I kind of like it you know it's dynamic and it looks like a little bit of a snow ish snow ish movement going on okay so far so good what I can do now I can change the color I want these to be a little bit brighter so that it blend in a bit better let's see yes looks nice okay and let's say that I am satisfied with my snow particles I would really recommend you to play around with these values to go back and forth try out different settings and really yeah finds the look that that you are looking for for my template that I showed you before I made this for hours or days just working on these these perfect setups you know so now let's move on and let's create one more instance of our particle effect and now we want to create some custom particles so we want to create stars these stars flying out here first of all what I want to do is I want to create a new instance a new duplicate of my snow here so I select it and press control D and I will rename it and call it stars now with my layer selected I press U on the keyboard and I will go to the Stars and mission here particles per second and I want to turn this down quite because I do not need so many stars and to make the stars visible we need to create a new composition with our custom layer in it so let's go to conversation new conversation and now I want to make a composition that is doesn't need to be big it can be very small like 50 times 50 and it also can be only one frame long because we do not need many frames here if you want to use multiple multiple instances of particles you can do this of course create different stars you can of course also create snowflakes and in Photoshop or in Illustrator then import them to after-effects and then you can create composition with with more than one frame and you can put in all these and may be able to show you this just let's say I want to create three frames here and this will be our stars particles okay before I talk myself crazy I will just show you how to do that so let's go to our tool here click on it and stay with the mouse on it with the mouse button clicked and select the star tool and first of all I want to create a very very simple and woops undo okay again a normal star here like so actually this is really small all right but I think it should work so let's go to the poly star path here and let's see what we have here so they are the radius is a little bit too big and inner radius too so let's make a nice star like this and that's fine now let's trim this to one frame so that it's only visible for one frame and we can duplicate it and move the second one to the second frame now we can go in here and change some settings so maybe this one will look a little bit different so the auto radius will be a little bit smaller the inner radius a little bit bigger this will be kind of such a star and I can also I'll leave it like that I also changed points maybe maybe we'll do that you know change it to eight points then we have a little bit offer of a variety by a rarity of a rarity no Verity I've no idea you know what I mean in our stars so I think I'm recording already too long my mind is is fading you know I don't know what's happening okay I think I have to concentrate and get this done so now let's create a third star move it over to the third frame and here we will change the settings a little bit so poly star poly stop off an expert tip that I usually use but sometimes I forget especially when my mind starts getting strange and weird you can type in the Faculty of searching right here in the search bar and you will find it immediately so it's way easier like that now let's change this back to five and let's change the settings here we make another star that looks like something like that okay now we have three different stars you see three very different stars with different stars and now we go to our Christmas tree animation and we drag in our composition that we just created which is called stars particle and drag it on bottom here we do not need to see it so we can make it invisible go to our particle setup and in our stars tab here let's go to particles and we change these from sphere to textured polygons and we want them to be colorized so let's see like textured polygons colorized and now we see that nothing is happening because the stars are very small so let's set these now to about something like five and I still do not see any stars that's very strange ten still no stars 25 still no stars what is happening ah I know what's happening let's see what do we have in the render settings no this should work this should work why is this not breaking I'm again confused let's go to the physics tab let's change the size to zero still no stars I'm worried I'm worried so this is set to add this should work this stars I know why it's not working I forgot something I'm really sorry guys I don't know why but I'm just a little bit tired I think so let's go to the particles again and let's specify the texture I did not specify the texture so let's go to the texture and then to layer and then particle stars now it will look crazy and Vees change from current time because in the current time we have nothing we only have three frames in here so you choose random still frame now we have stars and a bunch of stars awesome ok let's turn down the size to 5 it's too small 8 looks better 10 very good random size 50 maybe so that there is a bit of variation in it and I think it's still way too many stars so let's turn this down to 25 that's enough and I do not want them to get smaller so fast so I will go to the particles size over life actually I can turn on the life span because I want them to be visible maybe 7 seconds and they do not fade away so fast and I also want to change the emitter settings here because I want these to fly out a little bit further so the velocity that's increase it to 50 you see now they're flying out a little bit further and we can't just change this back to 10 a lot of different motion only two just to get a little bit of variety in here and now I will go to the physics tab and set the gravity to 5 I do not want them to fall down so fast and I will set the air resistance to a higher value here so like one this looks quite good and now let's change the rotation in the particle tab so I want to apply a random rotation but this should be very subtle so three that should do let's take a look and I think that the emitter is still very very high so the emitter doesn't look too bad but what I want to do is I want to make these small in the beginning and then they should grow over life so let's go to size over life in the particle step I will close this down go to size over life and now instead of this preset we can use maybe this one here and they will fade in there rotating very fast so I think I will turn this down they're too big actually so I will turn down the size but the movement from the particles themselves is not too bad so let's turn down the size to seven let's increase the velocity a little bit - let's say 60s that fly out a little bit further emitter size we can make it small here because we do not need this like so now I want them to rotate a little bit less rotation value set it to maybe two or even 1.5 or I have to take a look at that oh it's not too bad actually I can rotation speed set it one then it's really slow and what I want to do is I want these to grow a little bit faster so I need to go into my my size of a live type here and I will change this curve a little bit so that they grow a little bit faster like so I think that this is a little bit better and now I want to decrease the size again because I think that seven is still a bit too big so five let's take a look and yes I think that this is this is really cool okay now this is it for the trapcode particular work on this animation you see that it looks quite cool it's quite organic and of course it could need more tweaking but I will leave you to this you know you can create your own styles your improve it you know I really recommend to work on this to make it really cool I had a few more custom particles add a few more other particles that spit out a little bit further or you know to get in some variation here and what you can also do if you own the optical flares plug-in from Video Copilot then you could also add a flare so let's create a new layer and a new solid call it flare and let's apply the trap coat our optical flares plug-in not trap codes video co-pilots optical flares and now we can't go in here and set it to on transparent of course now I want it to track lights so not 2d but track lights you see it will track the light here use light intensity no no no now I will bring the scale down here because it's way too big I want it to be blended in better so I will instead of take normal I will take add and now I can tint it and choose the warm color here so that it blends in with our cold and look here pretty cool and I can of course turn down the brightness it's it's not so obvious I can of course also choose another preset if you have installed the presets then you can't choose something that's that's more like Christmas stuff maybe not right in the lights but maybe in the motion graphics let's see I think that this is not too bad let's choose this one maybe make it a little bit bigger something like that actually I really do not like it I would prefer to get rid of these elements now you know I like the flare as it is but I do not like these these flare elements because it looks a little bit strange you could come in here and just hide what you don't like you know maybe this would be the better option or choose another preset okay I do not want to to change or to waste too much time now for this play with it you know create your own cool look if you do not have to plug in there is of course another option to realize this so let's delete the optical flares plug-in and let's delete this layer what I want to do now is I will show you how you can make a really quick custom flare so let's go to composition let's go to new and let's create a little bit of a bigger conversation than we made before like 500 times 500 and call it light okay and now we will create a new circle and I will call juice the ellipse tool here and make it a circle here in the middle it doesn't need to be big you know alt and shift to make a real circle now go to the ellipse contents and transform it and set it to the middle so I zero out two position values here okay now I will take a Gaussian blur or a fast blur whatever you want you can take whatever you want and blur it to blur it quite a bit and now we duplicate this move it below our thing here press t press s to get a scale value and scale this up blur it quite a bit you know like so we can set these to add not make much difference but a bit so now we have a small light so I will duplicate this one more time make this caution put our value a little bit smaller let's go to the contents and the ellipse pot and make it smaller so even smaller 20 let's change the opacity of this one about no oops sorry 50 and you see now we have a small light sphere here and I can make this even a bit more subtle like changing the opacity of the last one here to 60 something and now I want to add another shape and I want to add another star here so let's select it and let's draw in a star let's go to the poly star settings first of all make sure it's in the middle so zero out transform position now let's change the inner radius to a very small value like really small and no maybe two and now with this selected we will apply a new blur and we will take a radial blur radial blur so like so increase the amount here I do not spin it but zoom it you know like so and now we can scale this down a bit lower the opacity so opacity something like that and you see now we are creating our own little layer here so we cannot light here so you can also apply flash blur to this one now just to make it a little bit more or no - no that's okay now let's duplicate this let's rotate it a bit let's scale it so let's increase the opacity on this one a bit also the blur so let's say this is OK for now I just created a simple small light here and what I just realize now is that this composition is way too short so let's go to the comm settings and instead of these three frames that were still in there from the last from the particles comp I will set it to 10 seconds select all my layers and drag them out so that this is really working okay and now I can go back to my Christmas tree animation dragging our light set it on top of our particles here make it 3d if you do not see these switches here you can switch them on and off with f4 so let's make it 3d you see it is now positioned right here down here because this is because of the other coordinate system that cinema 4d uses now we are in the series your spot here are not in the standard standard world center of After Effects well it doesn't really matter because I will well I will parent it to light anyway so I will parent this layer to the emitter layer now let's select the position and zero this out zero zero zero and now let's press AAA and let's set the accept lights to off because otherwise you see that it looks can we do not want this of course swim in here and it's a little bit too big so I will scale it down I will press f4 to change the blend mode to add and now I could also put tint on it to make it to color it or colorize it a bit so to take a slight yellow color here to match our overall look and this is it so now you have small light traveling along your animation the Christmas tree is building up the particles are looking cool okay so now let's create a preview here you see that the light is now traveling along with our light and it's forming this really nice Christmas tree thank you very much for your patience I know this was probably not the best tutorial that I ever recorded I still hope that you at least learned something from it and that you can take this further that you can implement the techniques that I showed you here for your own projects I'm always happy if you take a look at my website and if you support me by maybe purchasing the one or two after effects template of mine my website is www.seannal.com YouTube then I would be very very happy if you subscribe to my channel and if you leave a comment maybe you post some videos that you created with techniques that you learned in this tutorial so thank you very much for watching and I really hope to see you soon goodbye you
Channel: graphicINmotion
Views: 68,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, template, motion design, motion graphics, videohive, graphicinmotion, animation, after effects project, after effects template, project file, free after effects project, free after effects template, tutorial, christmas tree, christmas, trapcode particular, particular, cinema 4d lite, cineware, light streak, custom particles, 3d data, c4d, cinema 4d, After Effects CC, bake animation, bake keyframes, abstract
Id: el-dy_2iEzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2016
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