After Effects Tutorial - Christmas Text Animation in After Effects

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this video is sponsored by video Lancer as Christmas is around the corner why not create a magical sparkling animation to wish your friends family and clients a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year it can be a great way to show them how much you appreciate them this holiday season so let's create a magical sparkling Christmas animation inside of After Effects without using any kind of third party plugins I am Nikhil from the motions and without any further ado let's get started are you familiar with these video transitions certainly you are nowadays they are the most popular transitions on YouTube video Lancer motion designer who developed them have created more than 3000 of such handy seamless transitions for After Effects as well as for Premiere Pro try them now free versions are available for all subscribers of video Lancer channel links for downloading in the description now before we begin with this tutorial I would like to take a minute and say a huge thanks to my patreon family because of you guys I am able to do what I want to do and keep this channel going by creating some amazing tutorials and by the way for the people who don't know I have a patreon page you can support me on patreon by donating as less as just one dollar and get access to all my old tutorial project files and many other exclusive stuff like templates some behind the scene videos and stuff like that so I'll mention the link down in the description and once again thank you thank you so much my patreon family I love you guys alright so here we are in after-effects let's start by creating a new composition which is going to be our main comp 1920 by 1080 29.97 f years you can also go with 30fps if you want to ten seconds long looks good here okay let's create one more composition for our title so let's call this title and hit OK now you can of course use any font and text that you want to use for the title I'm gonna go with Merry Christmas and align it into the center just like so and I'm using a really nice creamy color you can copy the color code if you want to and hit okay then select the text layer go to layer and layer style and I want to add a bevel and emboss so I'll just zoom in so you can see what's going on go into bevel and emboss make some room right here and change the technique the technique yeah the technique from smooth to chisel hard so you have this really nice bevel and increase the depth to 200 so now we have much more depth into our text as you can see also for the size set this really high so I just increase it somewhere around somewhere around there looks good to me and yeah everything else I'm gonna leave it at the default settings I think this is looking pretty good and then I can select this go into layer layer style and add some outer glow to this very minimal so I'll go into outer glow and maybe give it a really nice yellowish color that goes with the color of our text and we will increase this a bit and bring down the opacity just a touch so now you can see it's looking much better maybe increase opacity a bit okay that is looking good now let's go into the main composition and drag in the title come into the main comp and then we can start animating this so I'll go to around maybe two seconds hit T to bring down the opacity create a keyframe go back in time let's set this to zero and I also animate the scale so hit s to bring up the scale property drag this to around seven seconds create a keyframe on the scale go back and let's scale this down to Ron maybe I'll go with fifty and right here I'll go with maybe some they're so 84 looks good to me so now we have a very basic animation as you can see let's select this and hit you so we can see just the keyframes select keyframes and hit f9 to Easy's the keyframes then I'm gonna select the layer and hit s two times so I can see just the scaling keyframes select the keyframes go into the graph editor now if your graph editor doesn't look like this then make sure to right-click and select edit speed graph select this point and drag the handle just like so just touch and now we should have this very nice and simple scaling animation that is a zoom animation basically that we are going for but this looks pretty good let's select the opacity as well go into the graph and we this a touch so now we have something like that maybe that is not working with opacity I'll just bring this a bit closer okay so that is much better maybe a bit more I think I'm gonna select the scale keyframes again go into a graph and I'll tweak this one as well so I'll just drag this yep that is looking very better the small animations matters a lot actually now let's select the composition and add some glow to our text so I'm gonna add glow let's bring up threshold a bit zoom in and increase this you around maybe somewhere on there you can play around with the threshold depending on what kind of look you wanna go for I think this looks very nice let's duplicate the globe hit ctrl D to duplicate it and increase the threshold assign and increase the glow radius as well so I'm going to create a larger glow just like so you can play around with the opacity you want to keep it really minimal okay so that is looking much better I think it's a bit too red for me make this a bit like Christmas yeah there we go that is looking great then let's select the composition and hit ctrl D to duplicate it and change the blending mode to add then I'll solo this up and then I can delete all the effects that we have added and we'll be using a very interesting effect that as Vegas now this is a very underrated effect I believe cause the potential of this effect is very high and there are several tutorials on YouTube that will show you how to use this effect in number of different ways which are absolutely amazing so anyways as said the first of all set the blending mode to transparent okay and then what I'm going to do is first of all let's go to image contours and bring down the intensity a bit to Ron maybe somewhere on there I think tolerance I'm going to keep it zero and yeah everything else looks I think looks good so far let's go into segments first of all bring down the segments to 1 which is pretty important to get the desired look and you can of course play around with the length how long you want the strokes to be but I'm gonna keep it somewhere around maybe point there you can also turn on random phases so that it animates through different you know sides of the textview turn that off it will animate just on on the same side or the same way so I'll keep it random bit low I'll go to rendering and give it a nice orangish color okay that looks good maybe increase the stroke size around 3 yep and now I'm gonna add a fast block this just to blow this up touch and add some glow increase the radius play around with the threshold and then we can animate the stroke while using the rotation so we get this really cool look as you can see right over here maybe bring down the width - that looks much better and make this appear yellow so yeah that is looking great let's go at the very beginning and create a keyframe on the rotation I'll go to around 7 seconds and drag it just like so so we have a very simple stroke animation as you can see yep looks great let's go right over here and animate the opacity of this so hit T to bring down the opacity actually we have already animated the opacity so I'm going to tweak this a bit I'll track it and let's create a keyframe right over here go to seven seconds or maybe somewhere around there and let's set it to zero so that it fades up really nicely you see looking great you can also play around the mid opacity and stuff like that but right now I'm not gonna go into that much of depth for the segment I'll keep it even yep everything else looks good to me Oh one thing that I forgot to do is I need to go into image contours and set the channel to alpha so that the strokes are just at the outer side of our text so now you can see it looks much more clean and nice make it a bit on the orange side just like so maybe a pretty lighter yep that is looking much better now let's go ahead and add some nice particles to this so what I can do is I can select this and hit ctrl D to duplicate it and delete all the effects solo this up so you can see what's going on on this layer okay so let's add CC particle wall to do this cc particle system - it's been a long time since I have used this effect so I just forgot the name anyways what I'm going to do is let's go right over here somewhere Iran maybe let's go one second 15 frames create a keyframe on the birthrate first of all that set is 215 create a keyframe go one frame forward by hitting page down on the keyboard and set this to 0 so we have keyframes on just one second because I want the particles to stop animating or you know stop getting produced basically both but the what both means like getting produced anyways so for the longevity I'll say this to one and let's go into the producer settings let's increase the radius X maybe somewhere around there looks good and for the while I increase this a little bit we something like that let's go into physics and set this to sideways for the velocity I'll make this around maybe 2.5 it should be good and for the gravity let's actually keep it at 0.1 because I want very you know a small amount of gravity as you can see okay for the resistance I'll increase this a bit maybe something like that that I started to look really cool maybe a bit more okay and everything else looks good so I'm not even peak anything I'll go into the particles and set this to fade it spheres and blending down the size really nice and small to maybe 0.05 something like that he something like that let's actually go with 0.05 so the very very small maybe I'll increase the opacity so you can see them size variation I'll keep it maybe zero and for the color I'll set it to nice orangish color looks much better for the max opacity I'll set this 200 so far so good but I think the particles are way too small so I'll increase the size a bit just like that may make them a nice orange color let's unsolo this so we can see it with our Christmas text as you can see looking very nice now we need to just you know adjust the position of the particle someone hit you we can see this two keyframes I can drag them just like so keep it somewhere you that looks great so this - a nice yellow color yep I think it's looking very very nice maybe I can create some nice gaps between those key frames just to have more particles and the background as you can see maybe you need just need to you know rearrange the timing just to make them look proper alright so now we have our animation ready to go now we can start building up our background which is very simple I'm gonna use some assets that I got from Internet I'll also mention the files into the actually I'll mention the videos into the project file but if you want you can download the different footages that they have on their website so it's very simple you can just sell like the background particles I'm going to drag and drop it so there we go let's scale this up hit s and bring up the scale property just like so so now we have some really nice particle in our background and then add some more air particles I'm gonna change the blending mode to screen scale this up as well also let's rotate it because the particles are going upwards I want them to fall down so I'll rotate it by 180 degrees now we have something like that and really quick I'm gonna create a new adjustment layer called this glow and add some glow on to this particle so I'm drag this down and add a glow on this increase or decrease the threshold actually and increase the radius just like a touch now you can see we have some nice glow onto our particles also I can create one more new adjustment layer put this on the top cause this CC for color correction and let's comes to this let's bring up some color just like so and there we have a very nice Christmas title animation so that is a wrap for today guys I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and if you did then make sure to subscribe comment and like and make sure to follow me on instagram at dope dot motion I will see you guys in the next video till then take care thank you so much for watching and don't forget to stay raw state [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dope Motions
Views: 84,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christmas text animation, after effects text animation, writing animation after effects, Christmas particles text animation, write on after effects, after effects, Christmas greeting card, new year text animation, motion graphics tutorial, text animation after effects, smooth text animation after effects, after effects tutorial, greeting card after effects, invitation video after effects, dope motions, ae tutorial, particles text animation after effects
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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