After Effects Tutorial: Particle CHRISTMAS TREE Animation | Trapcode Particular

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Hey what is going on Internet Josh Noel from Sun up film so in this tutorial we're gonna continue our series on Christmas motion graphics and in this video I want to create a Christmas tree using particles kind of just like you see on the screen right here and here is the full animation of what we'll be creating in this video and I think it's really awesome I've been you know playing around with the particles today figuring out how to do this so you will need a trapcode particular to follow along in this video and plus you will need to have access to Adobe Illustrator and we do have the optical flare at the top but that is optional as always but let's go and jump right into this tutorial and see how we can create this so the first thing we're gonna do is go up to layer new null object and layer new light and let's entitled this light layer emitter and make sure it's a point and we'll click OK and ok and what we need to do is maybe go to the knoll to here or you should be no one for you hit P keyboard select the position copy it go to the emitter and just paste the position there so the light and the emitter are basically right on top of each other so let's go right over to illustrator and sort of create that path that we need for our Christmas tree so here we are in illustrator what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab the line tool here and we're just like draw out a straight line kind of like this and you know very simple like that and then what we do is we're going to go over here and we're gonna grab the twirl tool as you're underneath the whiff tool and let's go and double click this talk about some settings so I'm gonna use about you know a 300 300 width and height keep the intensity at 50 percent the total rate at total rate at 40 degrees the detail at 2 in this some simplify about 50 and those are my settings so you can take a look at that and okay and then I'm gonna go to the end of our line here and all we do is a click and hold it down and twirl this around a few times until I think that's enough animation for my Christmas tree then we hit a on my keyboard and I'm gonna start like selecting some of these points that we don't need like the side point over here and we don't like you know these points and then maybe come here to the middle and delete that extra you know segment there and then now we kind of have our twirl or sort of our circular path and so Center this up and if you want you can hit V on your keyboard and we can make it a little bit larger I'm not sure if that's really needed to do but I did it anyway and when we're done make sure this is all selected and you copy it and then we can head right back over to after-effects and we go to the emitter and we can paste our position detail right in here just hit P bring it position and paste it right in there and we have this like this Rome Rove over time sort of keyframes here so let's go ahead and maybe pull this out to maybe like four to five seconds or however long you want your animation to be and then make sure all the keyframes are selected and you right-click one of them and you click on keyframe assistants and click on time reversed keyframes so now it will be coming from the outside all the weights at the top and now what we got to do is parent our emitter to our null object kind of just like this and let's make our null object a 3d layer just for whatever reasons we want and let's go to the X rotation and let's set this to 90 degrees so now it'll be animating kind of like from the side point of view which is what we need and then let's go to the position here in this add a keyframe and let's maybe bring this down just by a little bit and then let's go to the end of our animation of five seconds here and let's just drag this up so now we'll have a full extent of our Christmas tree and then let's go and do the particles for this tutorial so scope to layer new solid and we call us want particles and let's go to effect tref code and we'll use particular so the first thing we'll do is well set the emitter type to light and if we look up through here now we've got it's a little upward animation of course this is not what we want so let's go start providing or finding some of these settings so maybe set the velocity down to 20 maybe the velocity from motion applies that that down to zero and then let's let the emitter x y&z values to zero and then let's go into the particle in here and let's set maybe the life for second to like you know however long an animation is gonna be so maybe this entire animations means like a 10-second video so I'll set it to ten and maybe we can set the size to one and the particles are really small but we'll get right back into that maybe increase the size random all the way to a hundred percent or something maybe I'll keep it at 50 I don't know and the opacity random you know I'll keep that 0% for this one and then we'll go into the physics let's go to the air and the air tap here and let's set the air resistance up a little bit so they don't kind of fly off so now it kind of looks like they're in this nice little spot here and maybe just first I'll put the size the two just so you guys can see it and now things are looking pretty good we probably have you know this effect in the can but I want to ask some auxilary particles through this to kind of seem like you know there's some sort of things falling from the tree so it's go to the Ox system here let's turn it to continuously and you know that was really awesome looks like some bulk but let's set the but let's set the emit probability down to ten maybe the particles per second down to one the life per second back to ten so they don't die and almost got some you know random lights in there so you know if you want to just create some optional elements in here like maybe these are like some ornaments or something you're gonna obviously use the iakh system to kind of create this but let's go ahead and maybe set it to where the falling down so I want to set the velocity to like ten we'll go to the size maybe set to one so it's not so big and then let's go to the gravity and maybe set this up to like 15 or something so now on these particles will kind of like fall down and let's go to the back up to our particle and let's set this back to you the size of one and then let's go to our particles per second and we set this to 2000 so now we kind of have like you know a lot of detail on these particles and let's go and maybe start setting some of these colors a little bit go back to the ucks deoxys t'm and we're says color over life let's set this to like you know a nice little color maybe I'll just leave it at a pink color let's go back to our particle unset the set color too random from gradient and we click on color random or sorry the color over life tab and we click on preset I'm using this light blue preset here you can of course mess with the different colors you want or must be commenced with the colors and then one last thing I want to do is I'm gonna create a new solid and one close one flare and this is optional if you have optical flares scope to effect Video Copilot and will use the optical flares effect and I'll come right in here I'm probably gonna do like a very simple lens flare you know I don't like doing too much players I just like it's a simple glow here and maybe I'll set this to you know a pink sort of color and that's all good exit out here and let's set the source type to track lights and let's make sure to set the transfer mode to add so now this will follow our path just like that and maybe now we can start animating this a little bit so maybe I'll go to the Flickr for our flare increase the speed in the amount and then maybe well I'll do is set the brightness down to like eighty percent so it's not like too intense and then add a keyframe for the brightness and once we get to five seconds maybe we want this to be even brighter I don't know and you know we will have that and then let's go up to a layer new camera and this really cool what's cool about this effect is that you have a lot of options because it is a 3d effect so if I come into the camera you know I can rotate around the tree you know I can do whatever I want so you know it looks really awesome it's a lot of things you can you know ya think you can think about so let's go ahead and open up the camera properties here it's go to the transform and let's add a keyframe for point of interest and point of position and let's bring those two keyframes to about two five seconds right at the end of our animation and then let's go ahead and grab the track XY camera tool maybe bring this up a little bit hit C on your keyboard go to the track Z camera tool maybe we'll zoom in a little bit and if we scrub here we'll kind of have some cool animation kind of just like that so you know what kind of zooming out if you want maybe we can add just a little bit of rotation to this you know and then they'll seem like we're kind of rotating around the tree maybe a little bit I don't know maybe that looks good and let's say we want to stretch the tree out a little bit more always go back to the new object and just increase the Y position and as you see the tree kind of gets stretched out a little bit more and look so it's a little bit more realistic with that point of view and after a quick render this is what we have and the concept of this tutorial was just to help you guys kind of set this up and of course now you guys can animate this a little bit further but really I was just focusing on focusing on the first five seconds of this video you can go ahead and maybe do some other sort of animation maybe rotate around the tree or do something cool but you know I hope this tutorial was helpful guys so you guys enjoyed the video please drop a like and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and please be sure to check out my social media networks those links in the description of this video and guys as always thank you so much for watching this video and I hope you have a good day
Channel: SonduckFilm
Views: 65,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial, After Effects Tutorial Christmas Tree, After Effects Tutorial Particle Christmas Tree, After Effects Christmas Tree, After Effects Particle Christmas Tree, Particle Christmas Tree Animation, Particle Christmas Tree in After Effects, Christmas Tree Animation, Christmas After Effects Tutorial, SonduckFilm Tutorial, After Effects trapcode Particular, Particle Christmas Tree with Particular, Create a Particle Christmas Tree
Id: H2WVNvOK68o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 30 2016
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