Abraham Could Have Stayed Home | Carter Conlon

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Father we thank you Lord God for the presence of your Holy Spirit thank you Lord that you always come and confirm us when you are leading us as a people thank you Lord that you confirm your word thank you that you confirm your leading thank you my god that you confirm us as your inheritance even when we are weary thank you Lord that you come with an overwhelming love and a sense of hope for tomorrow thank you that that's just who you are that you say to your own people I know the thoughts that I think towards you thoughts of good and not of evil to bring you to an expected end so thank you God I'm asking that we could move forward as a church this morning every one of us nobody left behind that everyone would take at least one step forward and god we thank you for it anoint me God one more time and speak through this vessel I've no other desire but to bring you to your people and your people to you and so Lord we thank you with all of our hearts in Jesus name Amen Luke chapter 14 beginning at verse 16 Abraham could have stayed home then he said to him a certain man gave a great supper not just an ordinary supper I just want to bring your attention to that but a great supper and invited many and he sent his servant at supper time to say to those who were invited now I believe in my heart that Christ is speaking now about himself he is the servant that's been sent by God the Father thank you to invite everyone to this great supper which is the strength and life and redemption and calling and blessing of God through Jesus Christ on the cross which is available to each of us as we come to him so he gave a great supper and invited many and he sent his servant at supper time to say to those who were invited come for all things are not ready now when we look back at Abraham for example the Lord called him from home and send him out into a place and the scripture says he didn't know where he was going but he was given a promise that you're going to have descendants as numerous as the Stars of course that we know today that's you and me as the Church of Jesus Christ and through you all the world is going to be blessed talk about a promise given to a man amazing promise I mean I don't know how I don't know how his heart was large enough to receive such a promise but he did at the age of 75 and so he said come now all things are now ready verse 18 says but they all with one Accord began to make excuses the first said to him I've bought a piece of ground and I must go and see it I asked you to have me excused and another said I bought five yoke of oxen and I'm going to test them I ask you to have me excused still another said I've married a wife and therefore I cannot come so that servant came and reported these things to his master then the master of the house being angry said to his servant go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city and bring in here the poor and the maimed and the lamed and the blind and the servant said master it's done as you commanded and still there is room then the master said to the servant go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in that my house may be filled for I say to you that none of those men who were invited shall taste my supper now it's an amazing thing that the scripture talks about a certain king or certain man made a great supper and invited many now the Bible tells us Jesus himself out of his own mouth said these words he said in John chapter 6 verses 33 to 35 for the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world in other words this is the nutrition of God this is the supper of God and I put it that way this is the strength of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world and then they said to him Lord give us this Fred always and Jesus said to them I am the bread of life and he who comes to me shall never hunger and he who believes in Me shall never thirst I am the bread I am the feast I am this great supper that a man prepared and invited many to come and partake of this supper and to be part of of the blessing that it promises to be to many throughout the world David the psalmist in Psalm 23 speaks of this incredible feast and he says you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies so it speaks about God says I I'll give you strength in the midst of everything that would be sent to oppose you I love that in the in the presence of my enemy not not on the outskirts in my enemies are not after my enemies have ceased to attack me but right in the presence of my enemies he says you sent me down to this incredible banquet and people may have their swords drawn over you and all you can say to them was would you pass the buns please and would you mind buttering it with your sword you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies there's a strength of God that is available to those who walk with God a strength that is supernatural a peace that passes all understanding giftings and abilities that could only come from God as a matter of fact in life that can't be triumphed over that's the promise of the Word of God not just having power which is great but a life that will be attacked but cannot be triumphed over you anoint my head with oil I have clear thinking in other words I know my purpose in the earth I know that I'm called David could easily say I'm called to be part of that chain as it is or that lineage going through the Bible where God promises to bless all the families of this earth that that spiritual DNA was in David he had to have known it inside his heart when you read his Psalms of course he didn't know it he understood it not everything but he understood that his life was part of that lineage as yours and mine as well and he concludes by saying my cup runs over in other words there's so much here at this table there's so much strength in this anointing that it's not just for me it's for others it flows I have a cup that I can say would you mind take a sip of this it's overflowing would you take a sip of this would you take a sip of this there's a there's a cup of anointing in the lives of those who say yes to God that overflows our natural ability to overflows our own reasonings it overflows our own strength and begins to move in a realm that only God moves in now just as Abraham had to respond at this great feast there was a response that was required the scripture says in Genesis chapter 12 the Lord said to Abram get out of your country from your family and from your father's house to a land that I will show you I will make you a great nation I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed now it's interesting that the invitation of God came to Abraham at the age of 75 and he said but it required him to leave a place that he was in and go to a place that he didn't know it's amazing like quite often we want to be kind of blessed where we are don't we like bless me now and don't ask me to do anything just pour this life and pour this light and pour this anointing and pour this oil and oh God and just right here where I am isn't that good enough and that's what Jesus was talking about in the scripture that I read at the opening text where a man gave a great supper and invited many in other words you he didn't it was not delivered to the door the persons had to leave where they were to go to the supper there was a distance to travel and I'm I'm assuming there would be some inconvenience maybe even associated with it that they were invited to this this incredible supper but with one Accord the scripture says they began to to make excuse and and so many are invited to undertake this journey but they begin to decline it you know there's a call on everyone's life here there's a call on your life and it requires that the willingness to say God I'm going where you're leading me we sang that today where he leads me I will follow you no we're not talking about going to Starbucks after the service today or out to Dunkin Donuts or wherever it is that you go it's it's it's about the pattern and pathway of your life where he leads me I will follow I'll go up with him with him all the way and I pray to God today that in your life and mine this would be more than just a song we sing on Sunday that there would actually be something in the heart if if Christ is inviting us to this incredible banquet of his life his strength in his victory that we wouldn't turn it down and say what Lord they began to say he said know all things are now ready the banquet is now complete in other words the strength is now there the victories now want remember when he rose from the dead he took captivity captive and he gave gifts unto men and women and the reality is like it's all there the banquet is ready and he calls us but you know as is this circumstance throughout history they all with one Accord began to make these cues and the first one said I have bought a piece of ground that I must go and see it and I I ask you to have me excused or in the original King James I believe it says I pray you it's almost like a type of a prayer that a person is praying God please don't ask me to do this please don't ask me to go there you see I have a stake in this world there's things in this world I still want to see and your ways so narrow and you're asking me to go out there and be rejected by society and be misunderstood by people and cetera etc etc and you know there's just so much I want to see I haven't been to Disneyland yet in Florida on that there's just so much you see I've I've got a stake in this world and I want to see things so I'm not ready yet please excuse me from this banquet that you've set before me and the next one said well I bought five yoke of oxen and I'm going to test them and I ask you to have me excused and that's a cut type of a person says I have investments you see in this world and and I believe they're gonna provide me a future and I may be the security that I'm looking for so just let me test it out at least first before I even consider this invitation please excuse me from attending this banquet then the third says well I've married a wife and I can't come and you know it's the type of person that says well what about my family in this calling I'm all settled in and I finally have what I want and I feel comfortable and we I've got his life ahead of me and I've got commitments I can't come I can't do this thing that you're asking me to do and you know the sad thing about it it doesn't mean in this parable that any of these people don't go to heaven so that's not where I'm going with this what I'm saying in verse 24 he says none of those those who were invited speaking of the people who just made excuses not to go with God they will not taste of my supper this is not about eternal life folks this is about the power of God it's about finding the purpose of God for your life it's about walking in the supernatural it's about doing things or God doing things through you that only God can do only God can do these things but it doesn't happen to those who choose to hold to the land or hold to some other investments or hold to some other relationship it comes to those who say God if you're leading me I'll follow you now you don't have to in my life when he's been leading me it's never been like in a week you don't like you know just like if you're going for a job interview say well you got you've got 48 hours to make up your mind what I found with God is he persists when I went into ministry I fought with him for six months no not interested no not doing this don't talk to me about it got a good job have a good career I'm advancing I've got a farm I got a white I have everything in here by the way I had a farm out of white and I had cows so I had all of the things that are in here so I really relate to the scripture and yet I find him calling me to another place to something else from my life another purpose for my life but I had it all mapped out I had it all planned it looked like it was going well I mean and and and yet suddenly God started calling the question that came to my heart as I was looking at this passage of Scripture is what if Abraham had stayed home can we even start to fathom it what would what would biblical history look like Abraham could have said look I'm 75 and I've got I've got a commercial interest and I've got a home and I got a family and he did he had all of that I've got I've got reputation in the community and I'm maybe he was a civic leader who knows what he was he could have had all these excuses but God was calling him and even worse he's calling him out into a place he has no idea where he's going and quite often with the call of God that's exactly the way it is we he doesn't show us the whole pathway it's just one step at a time asks us one step at a time I remember the first time like in this coming May will be 26 years from the first time I stepped on this platform and that day I was in a high-rise World Challenge had a high-rise apartment one of the high-rises here and was looking outside in the window out of nowhere out of nowhere the voice of the Lord comes and says would you consider coming here to minister my first thing out of my mouth was first of all I thought this is kind of jumping the gun I've never met this man David Wilkerson I'm only here to speak on a Tuesday night and already you're talking to me about coming to this place and the first thing out of my mouth was what about my wife and what about my children we're all settled in we fought hard we dug two churches out of the ground we have a Christian school my kids are entrenched in the community and God we fought for years and this finally come to fruition we're sitting people outside to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ everything is prospering our missions program is exploding it's just amazing and now you're you're speaking to me about you're speaking to me at this point about coming to New York City the Lord was speaking to my heart and the first thing I wanted to do was to protect my own family and then there's a knock at the door and Pastor David Wilkerson was there and he we went down and we were walking down Broadway at underneath them the marquee of this was a show they're called cats back at this time and I remember pastor David said to me we stopped and he said would you be willing to pray about coming here to help me and God had just spoken to me just a few minutes before and New York City you have to understand was not attractive to me the oh I loved out in the country you understand like I played on the community hockey team you know like this was my life out there and New York City the only thing I'd ever seen about New York City was the cross in the Switchblade I mean where people are running after each other down alleyways with knives you know that's all I'd ever seen I had no exposure to New York City in it I'm looking out this window of this high-rise and it's really not an attractive place to me yet God began to speak and when he speaks we learn over time to begin to move with where he's leading us to go and I thank God that we did pastor Teresa I thank God that we made the choice and we came here what if Abraham had stayed home can we even fathom that if he'd stayed home you see the point is that for everyone who follows the leading of God the future can be changed and so too it can be changed for those who don't you think of the numbers of people whose lives would not be transformed if we chose not to follow God if we chose the safe path if we loud ourselves to get tied into this world if we if we chose our own plans and dreams and visions instead of the leading of God the numbers of people whose lives would not be changed in the book of Acts the Apostle Paul was on the shores of the sea and he was heading off to Jerusalem and people sensed in the spirit there was going to be difficulty for him and in chapter 21 in the book of Acts verse 10 it says as we stayed many days a certain prophet named Agabus came down from Judea and when he had come to us he took Paul's belt bound his own hands and feet and said thus says the Holy Spirit so shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles now when we heard these things both we and those from that place pleaded with him not to go up to Jerusalem then Paul answered and said what do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart I'm ready not only to be bound but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus and so they loved Paul Paul was a good man of God and he brought the truth of God and people loved him and if Paul had listened to those that pleaded with him not to go you think about the books of the Bible that we would not have today we would not have ephesians philippians colossians or the book of Philemon they were all written in prison in rome and you think about had he chosen the path of that looked to be the best in the natural and he not followed the leading of the lord how difficult it would have been not just for paul but for all the other people associated with him for pastor Teresa and I as I just began to review this scripture I thank God that over the years that we've had the courage to say yes to him we were just young believers and we had a farm a sheep farm out in the country and we as I said we had cows and we had ponies we had a horse we had chickens and a duck and we had goats we had a whole bunch of stuff and and suddenly I'm asked by the church that were attending to get involved in the leadership of that church and as an elder and I knew what that was going to cost you see we lived 36 miles away from that church so that meant I would have to come home for example on a Tuesday night I'd have to put my kids to bed I'd have to go in the barn throw down 20 bales of hay feed all the livestock get dressed drive 36 miles back into church to be at the prayer meeting and then 36 miles back home again and it was a huge commitment on our part but we felt the Lord leading us to do this and so in spite of the personal inconvenience we obeyed God and we went and I became part of the leadership of that church and did many things in that capacity on top of all this at some point the Lord speaks to us about starting a Bible study in our own community it's as if it's it's strange sometimes but it's as if God looks for somebody who's faithful to give them more to do you know there's a saying if you want something done give it to a man who's busy don't give it to a lazy person give it to somebody who's already busy and so we began to start a Bible study which added another 9 miles on to our journey because it was 9 miles in a different direction from our home and we would go there every Wednesday night pastor Tracy myself our children and sometimes only a couple of people would show up I remember one one time was only me my brother-in-law and my son Jason who shared his testimony that night so it was a very very good evening for all of us and to start a Bible study that Bible study eventually grew into a church and the people there said we are a church and you are a pastor and I said well you got part of that right you got part a bright but part be wrong we are a church and God has done a miracle and he has established a testimony in an area that's been spiritually bankrupt for a hundred years truly a miracle and I said we are a church but I'm not your pastor and I never will be and somebody brought sited in a prayer meeting one time and I said you ever do that again I'll throw you out of here I told him straight out I was serious I said don't you ever do that I'm not a pastor the problem is that God started prophesying to me about that and I just wouldn't let me away for six months and then finally I broke and said Lord I'll go where you're leading me to go and I left it all because in the police department I had a good job I was making really good money I had a dental plan for my family I had retirement plan if I'd stayed there I'd be retired today and I don't know heaven knows what I'd be doing but it was a career and it would and I actually enjoyed what I was doing and but I remember the day I walked out and across the road for the last time I just turned in my uniforms and turned into my firearms and all the rest of it and I walked out to the parking garage and there was this incredible peace came on my life in the natural it was suicide spirit it was I mean financial suicide and every other thing and and yet I knew God was in it somehow I had almost no encouragement to do this I had people warning me of the disaster warning me of the cliff ahead warning me of the your children are gonna go into hardship and you're making it you're irresponsible and even in my own my own father even had some pretty harsh words to speak to me the only one that encouraged me was pastor Teresa thank God thank God she told me she said I was afraid you wouldn't go I wasn't afraid you would I was afraid you wouldn't and when we did that then suddenly heaven opened how else do you describe it we saw the hand of God at work in everything it was absolutely amazing how we were fed how we were able to to feed others in the midst of all of this the Lord started asking us to open our home to two people that were needed help or they needed even just a place to live in some cases and and we did and we watched God's supply in incredible ways one of the one of the ladies that came out with her two children had rededicated her life to Christ found her husband when she was living with us and ended up a missionary to South America with her husband and her children you know if we had not gone with God you see I this is my point when we don't go with God there's a lot of things that could have happened that don't happen a lot of good that could have come and we end up not being the blessing that God would have us to be that was the promise through Abraham and then coming to New York City as I said was not easy for us and I'm telling you I told pastor Patrick here we came in 1994 and by 95 96 I used to spend half of my servants staring at that light right there on the top until my eyes burned wondering how in the world am I going to get through this it was so unfamiliar to me to come in from a culture that was really familiar to ministering in a church was over a hundred nationalities and many of you were here then and you know I stepped on landmines constantly all over the place because I don't know all of the all of the cultures all of the value systems and the beliefs etc plus I wasn't raised in New York so I don't know the some of the imitations of culture here in this city so it was it was very very difficult and I would stare at the light and say oh god how am I going to make it through this plus there was a huge rebellion in this church I hope you don't remember that if even if you were here and so it was very very tough to get through people were saying extremely unkind thing both to me and my wife and our children and pastor david included and so it was a very very very difficult time in New York City but I leaned over to pastor Patrick and I said I'm still staring at the light and it's still there and I'm still here 26 years later and in the midst of it all one day when everything is kind of calmed down I'm starting to be more relaxed than I've ever been in the pulpit and I'm just sharing my heart with you today okay if I feel let me do that the Bible school that was founded by our founding pastor was in need of assistance to go forward and so he ended up asking pastor Theresa if she would consider giving it the bridge to where it needed to go from where it was to where it needed to go and it was supposed to be just a short little seasoned of doing this and so we agreed to it we met with Pastor David and we agreed and that she would do this and it was about a year or so in where one day standing in the driveway of the school she looked at me and she said I won't do this if you tell me you don't want me to and she said but I feel the Lord calling me I see something ahead for the school I see it in the spirit and I feel the Lord asking me for a commitment to the school that I knew what that would immediately I knew what it would cost us so I only had one question for her I said is the Holy Spirit asking you to do this and she said to me I've never been more sure of anything in my life I feel like I was born for this moment then I looked at her and I said so I won't stand in your way I can't if God is calling you I can't stand in his or your way knowing full well both of us the constant would be so for the last 10 years roughly every Tuesday morning she heads out from New Jersey to the school and I head into the city and it's always been hard we're apart from we've been apart from Tuesday morning to Friday night and I wanted to thank you for driving home for my sake every Friday night I really mean that and she would drive home every Friday night to be with me and to be here at the church on Sunday then we would have Monday together then Tuesday morning she would go back to the school it's been ten years like that and it's it there have been over 400 young people in that time put out into the marketplace who know who they are in Christ they are missionaries founding churches in Africa they're pastoring churches in Europe they're leading in the United States I could bring you a list of the great good that's been done through all of these lives but also the fact that if if she had not gone if she'd not obeyed God none of these things would have happened we would have had some good things happen but what could have been would not have been which brings me to what really I want to talk to you about this morning because for about the last two years God has been calling me to something I have fought hard against it I fought as they always do to push it out of my mind or out of my heart at times but it just doesn't go away two years ago I started to speak to me that he had opened a large door and he will ask me to go through it and in those two years I found myself in Washington I found myself in California I found myself in Europe in pastors conferences with pastors that are just starving for a word from God churches that are being called of God to go back to prayer again the radio program has just exploded across the nation now we are in 605 stations now the call to prayer and three hundred stations 302 I think it is something like that a half-hour program called a call to the nation I knew that if I responded to this call that I I couldn't give the time that this church deserves this church needs a pastor it needs a full-time pastor fully engaged with the 60 or so ministries in this congregation a pastor who could be here for the weddings and the funerals and the counseling and the trials the difficulties and the numerous things that go on every week and I knew with the call that God's putting on my life that I couldn't do it and you deserve more than just to fly through pastor that's here once in a while and gone and traveling a lot in that context I will be transitioning on May the 10th into a new role in Time Square Church as general overseer of Time Square Church incorporated now let me explain that role to you that role Titan Square church was just a church when I came here but now it's five unique and distinct parts it's the church the Bible school a radio program across the country it's a newsletter that goes into 28 thousand homes and it's pastors conferences and leaders conferences that we are part of now I am part of at least all around the world as general oversee of Time Square incorporated I will be here as a guide leading as best as I can I'll be here to advise be here too I'll still be speaking I'll still be leading the prayer meeting the new pastor has asked me to continue the prayer meeting to guide it on Tuesday nights for the unforeseen future and I know this is a bit of a shock but the point really is God is calling me you saw that he bore witness to it today in the worship in this church I always look for the witness of the Holy Spirit that there is a new calling on my life and as a church you will be getting a new pastor on May the 10th of this year a new senior pastor and I'll be transitioning and I'm not leaving ok I'm not leaving I'll still be sitting here I won't be in that first date anymore but I'll still be sitting on the platform I'll still be speaking when I'm asked to speak and I'll still be speaking and leading a prayer meeting on Tuesday night so I'm not leaving I'm gonna be here I'm gonna stay as a guide I'm gonna guide the new pastor into that which the Holy Spirit spoke to our founding pastor David Wilkerson and pass on as much as I can to the new pastor in the the coming couple of years I really loved this man of God to be honest with you the Lord spoke to me about him about 10 years ago and showed me that he was going to be my replacement one day so I've known this for quite a long time I took two of the elders and pastor Teresa into confidence ten years ago and told them I said the Lord has shown me who my replacement is but certain things are going to have to happen for that day to come but I want you to bear witness I want you to understand what it happens I'm not making this up the God spoke to me 10 years ago about this good man of God he's not a novice he's 55 years old he's very very familiar with this church his father was the man his father was the police captain who when David Wilkerson [Applause] come on you can worry you can rejoice [Applause] his father was the police captain who when David Wilkerson was standing on a box wanting to preach and the local police officer said you can't his father was the man who said let the man speak I don't think he was born then you're probably wondering who it is his name is Frank Johnson pastor Tim Delina is going to be a great cop [Applause] he is a wonderful friend I love him I love him it's gonna be a pleasure for us to work together and you have to understand though he will be the pastor of this church there will not be a duality of leadership here I will never allow this to become an I am of Paul and I'm of Apollo's situation if that ever happened then I would withdraw completely and I have given him my word on that I will be here in a helping role a guiding role for the church and I'll speak if he asked me to speak in all chair if given the opportunity I'll be out there on the radio for those who are concerned you will still be able to get the message as I speak on our website and you'll be able to get those at a website that's been around for quite a while now called Carter Conlon comm it will be connected to the church it will not be a separate ministry from Times Square charge but just for the sake of order and those who want to hear what God is speaking through me as I travel to pastors conferences throughout the world you will be able to go to that website and you'll be able to listen to the messages I am honored to have been your pastor for 26 years I'm honored [Applause] thank you if you wouldn't mind being seated just for a moment I want to read to you from a scripture that the Lord gave me concerning this transition in first Corinthians chapter 4 verses 15 to 17 now in this light I want to tell you I'm going to do everything in my power to see pastor Tim Delina fully established and hit his full stride for this church I believe that for Time Square Church the best is yet to come I honestly believe that I believe the glory of this latter house is going to be greater than the former I am committed to putting that baton firmly in his hand I'm committed to being a friend a confidant a guide I'm committed to serving and being under the leadership of the new pastor of Time Square Church Incorporated and I'm doing this of my own accord because God is leading me it's important to know that Paul said these words in first Corinthians chapter 4 verse 14 I do not write these things to shame you but as my beloved children I warn you for though you have ten thousand instructors in Christ yet you do not have many fathers for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel therefore I urge you imitate me so I'm asking you as a church body to give that your full heart and your full support to pastor Tim Delina he is not my choice he is God's choice you have to understand that he's God's choice God chose him to do this God took him through the school he needed to go through to prepare him he's been learning that and he's a he's a very quick learner he's very bright I thank God it's going to take this church to a whole new place verse 17 and I love this because I sent this to pastor Tim a little while ago it says for this reason I've sent Timothy to you who is my beloved and faithful son in the Lord who will remind you of my ways in Christ as I teach everywhere and in every Church so Paul was moving on to do what God had called him to do and he sent Timothy to look after the church I think we're gonna have I think it's just going to be a great journey I honestly do i I have a gladness in my heart about it and anyhow I want to read to you this is this is the letter that's going to be going out on our all of our social media just so everyone understands from this is from the board of directors of Time Square Church after 26 years of faithful service pastor Carter Conlon is transitioning his role from senior pastor of Time Square Church to chairman of the board and general overseer of Time Square Church incorporated over the past decade pastor Carter has felt a mandate of the Lord to call the nation to pray this call to prayer it's time to pray has grown to include a nationwide radio ministry pastors and leaders conferences a book and the time spur church worldwide prayer meeting which has participants in 204 countries God has placed a sense of urgency in pastor Carter's heart to dedicate this next season of his life and ministry to continuing this imperative message in early 2020 pastor Carter asked the Board of Directors to consider the nomination of pastor Tim Delina as the new senior pastor of Time Square Church the nomination was accepted and unanimously approved we are pleased to announce effective May the fifth and it'll be the tenth which would be the service for pastor Tim actually takes over the church the pastor Tim Delina will assume the role of senior pastor of Time Square Church with over 30 years of pastor leadership and experience pastor Tim Delina joins Time Square Church is the third senior pastor in 33 years since the founding of the church by Pastor David Wilkerson pastor tim has been a frequent and well-loved speaker at Time Square Church he has a love for this church body and for New York's New York City his hometown we are excited welcome him his wife Cindy and their four children to the Time Square Church family we look forward to his leadership and vision for the future as he carries on the rich legacy of Time Square Church pastor Carter is committed to stand in unity with Pastor Tim as he and David Wilkerson once did to usher in a christ honoring transition that ensures the continuing health the mission and the future of times richard sincerely the Board of Directors Time Square Church incorporated if you would be kind enough to stand and pray with me by the way pastor Teresa will be speaking at 3 o'clock on sharing her thoughts on this part of the journey that we are now entering into God Almighty I thank you with all my heart Lord for how you have kept your hand on this church congregation I thank you Lord Jesus Christ that your kingdom is advancing that you are moving and you are preparing to keep this house so that the latter testimony would be greater than the former thank you Lord for the past thank you for all the things that you've done thank you that you've carried us and kept us through flood fire trial through blessing Lord you've not let it take away our hearts from you thank you God that you've been speaking about the future we praise you and bless you God for the incredible harvest that is going to come into your kingdom through this church and through the fact that not only those of us Lord on this platform but pastor Tim is also obeying you to leave a very comfortable place to come here knowing knowing that it's a difficult place to be at times so thank you God for this man of God for his wife Cindy thank you Lord for their children their willingness to come back to New York City and to fight for those God who don't yet know you as Lord and Savior to teach train and disciple those who are new in the faith and to help us all to respond to the call of God on each of our lives thank you Lord for the great privilege you've given pastor Teresa and I Lord as we have served this church and will continue to serve the Bible School thank you my god for the great great great great blessing of walking in the anointing of your Holy Spirit thank you for the lives that have been changed thank you God for the words that you have given week after week after week Lord you continue to speak and you've taken this frail vessel and God you poured your word out through my life Lord I I thank you God I thank you that I have no regrets I've done it all I've laid it down on the track god I've not been in this pulpit Lord I've sought you for the people's sake thank you Lord that you will protect this church in the future and you will guide us all Lord into that place of life and blessing that you promised Lord you said if we would respond to this great feast Lord that we would taste of your supper so I pray God that we would taste of the strength of Christ in this church not just a few of us but of many Oh God most the majority would taste of this God that in this house would be born things in people's lives that would truly give glory to you God in your kingdom thank you lord thank you God thank you God thank you God thank you for pastor Teresa thank you for her dedication to the young people of this congregation and those you bring in from around the world thank you Lord that you'll continue to give her strength to lead that school as long as you call her to lead it Lord thank you God thank you Lord that I'm gonna get my wife back finally God thank you and Jesus name halleluyah halleluyah
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 37,592
Rating: 4.9057117 out of 5
Id: AGvOOGof6Fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 37sec (2677 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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