About Full Time Ministry ~ Bro.Zac Poonen

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how do I know that my desire for full-time ministry is from God or not not just seeking honor from men well I'll tell you something there very few people whom God calls into full-time ministry I'm God called me to full-time ministry when I was 24 years old but it had to be a very clear call because I was in the Navy and I was had other ambitions to go to the top in the Navy when God called me well I'll tell you one thing if it is a real call from God you'll have to sacrifice something very very precious if you have nothing to sacrifice it's definitely not a call from God 95% of Christian workers in India have never sacrificed anything for their full-time Christian work they did badly in school they couldn't get admission in college so the parents decided let him go to Bible College because they're the education is free and he can be a preacher and he can get paid like a pastor useless it's a disgrace do you ever find Jesus calling an unemployed person to be an apostle no he always called people who are working a fisherman or someone who's working tax collector like Matthew you don't even find one example of someone who was doing nothing called to be a full-time worker and 95% of Christian workers in India like that that's why there's such a disgrace to the name of Christ jesus is our example he gave up something precious to serve God on earth follow his example so ask yourself have you are you giving up something precious in order to be in full-time work or you didn't find any other job so you want to be a pastor that's crazy follow Jesus example I've seen in my life that the people who've been who have blessed me the most are the ones who sacrificed something very precious and who when they came into Christian work earned I know when I left my job in the Navy as a naval officer and came to Christian work my income dropped eighty five percent that is one proof that God had called me and I was happy in it but I find a lot of Christian workers today they are earning five ten times what they would have earned if they were in a secular job look at all these television preachers if they were doing a secular job they wouldn't have all these private planes and all these type of stuff they're deceiving people don't follow such examples Jesus Christ did not gain by coming to earth he lost Peter did not make more money he was making more a lot of money as a fisherman he became poor when he served the Lord Paul he was much wealthier before he came to full-time work so that's one of the tests to see whether God has called you and I believe God calls one in a thousand to serve Him and it has to be a clear call and God calls you I've never regretted I've been serving the Lord 53 years now and I'm full of the joy of the Lord always being full of the joy of the Lord because I know God called me so I find it you got to be very careful and I would say also seek advice from some godly person before you think of going out into full-time Christian work
Channel: The Great Commandment
Views: 2,009
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Tamil, christian, Tamil Christian, old song, Tamil old christian, lyrics, tamil christian song lyrics, song lyrics, christian video, CFC, cfc chennai, cfc tamilnadu, cfc, cfc kadalaiyur, cfc thanjaure, church, service, worship, zac poonen, zac, Sermon, ministry, data, time, question, answer, question and answer, india preacher
Id: cke5VQRzzZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 13sec (193 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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