Why is God Does Not Answer My Prayer ~ Bro.Zac Poonen

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remember that I've been honestly praying to God every day to remove my anger but I'm discouraged because I can't get victory over it why is God not answering my prayer well the thing is there's something we said we are supposed to do see if God made us like robots took away our free will there's only one thing God has to do to make you never sin in your life you know what it is take away your free will make you like the planets you know the planets and stars never disobeyed God for two thousand thousands and thousands of thousands and thousands of years since the time of Adam never disobeyed God you want to be like that you'll never disobey God but they don't have a free will look at the trees an apple tree will never produce mangoes no matter whatever you do lore is produce mango apples mango tree will only produce mangoes there's no free will but God doesn't want trees and planets in heaven he wants children even as we as fathers let me ask you my fathers and mothers you have a four-year-old naughty little boy fights and quarrels and yells and screams but will sometimes hug you and say mummy I love you and you're so touched when you know children are that nature would you rather have a naughty boy like that your father's also or a robot the size of a four-year-old who comes up to you walks up and said daddy I love you very much shall I pick up your slippers for you and walks back and never disobey you it's a robot which do you want a robot who never disobeys you or a naughty child who will want some time come and hug you and say daddy I love you I know what I want give me that naughty child because out of his own will one day uggs me and says I love you and that means the world to me I can help him get over his naughtiness but I don't want a robot what will I do with that I can't love a robot that's a true father God doesn't want robots in heaven who automatically do if got it for example God could have made Adam like a robot you know how these robots walk and God Adam walks up to the tree of knowledge good and evil or Eve and the program inside says turn right and it'll turn right go to the tree of life God didn't want a human being like that he wanted a human being who chose God has told me not to eat of this I won't do it unfortunately he did not make that choice he listened to his wife more than he listened to God just like a lot of husbands well that's how all the problem came so that's the reason why God doesn't give us make us like robots but if you say Lord give me the power of your Holy Spirit see we're like a house without electricity and we want light God says I'll supply you the electricity but you got to put on the switch you don't expect the electricity department to come and put on the switch in your house that's all you know God says I'll give you the power but you got to turn it on you got to say Lord I want this I want to drive the darkness out you have to make a choice in your life and that is that something reigns in our heart called self and you must move self and say Christ is going to rule in my life and the reason why God gives us the power of the Holy Spirit is so that I can put to death these selfish desires that keep coming up like anger bitterness so many things I can tell you from my own experience I was a slave to anger discouragement gloomy thoughts all that well I said Lord this is not christ-like I want to be christ-like I want to overcome it was a battle it is the battle for a long time but I asked God for the power of the Holy Spirit and I said Lord I want to walk the way of the cross and over a period of time I overcame and I believe it can be true for every single person sitting here I want to tell you in Jesus name chapter six verse 14 says sin cannot rule over you because you're under grace grace is a power it's like electricity this bulb can never produce light by itself but you send electricity through it it burns that's a picture of the spirit filled life I cannot live a holy life I admit that but if I am willing to empty myself of these selfish desires say Lord I want the power of the Holy Spirit in my life I don't want self to rule in my throne I want the Holy Spirit drive out these selfish desires I can't do it you allow him to open up your every area of your life to him but God knocks at door 'he's in your life for example you have to do something practical the holy spirit's come into your room into your heart your heart is like a house with ten rooms let's say one room is the guilt room guilty of all the sins you committed in the past you say lord please come and remove my guilt he comes in the room becomes full of light because your past sins are forgiven but then there are other rooms the lord says connect knock at your television room will you let me sit with you in the television room and stop you from watching any program that jesus christ will not watch are you willing many people say no I want to watch some programs which Christ may not like but I like or even adults I want to play some video games with Jesus would not like to play but I'd like to play it children fooling around with that is one thing but when adults are occupied with all that or Lord there are some financial transactions I have which you may not agree with but what to do in this evil world we have to do some unrighteous things and the Lord walks away you are asking that Lord to fill you with the spirit when you have closed the door to your television room you close the door to your finances room and the Lord says can I come into your library to see what all books you read your clothes no no no don't there how will they fill you with the spirit you'll never be filled to the spirit in 100 years because you're locking every door you have to say Lord I want you in every room of my life if some program comes on television which you cannot sit and watch with me I'll turn it off and if I'm sitting in somebody else's house and they are watching it I'll say excuse me I've got to go I'm not afraid of offending them I'm more afraid of offending the Lord I'll tell you this many people are defeated by sin because they want to please people they want to please their relatives they want to please their friends they'd much rather displease the Lord and then the Lord sees that the Lord says okay go ahead and please your friends you'll be defeated all your life make a decision in your life that you'll never want to please your relatives you'll never want to please your friends you want to please the Lord alone and I'm sorry I gotta agree with it that's how we say I remember once a person came and asked me a very good friend of mine so a believer he said brother Zack can you sign this statement some agreement he was making but I said see I'm willing to it was not me agreement with me he wanted me to sign as a witness to something he was signing with somebody else I said but there's something here which I don't quite agree with it's a bit unrighteous so if you feel happy about it go and sign it but I cannot sign it I will not sign something which I'm not absolutely sure is 100% true okay am I going to offend him what to do I have to offend people because I'm not going to sign something which is false even if he is my good friend so if you decide to please the Lord more than human beings I tell you your life will be wonderful but if in your heart you want to why did Adam eat what the wife offered him because he didn't want to hurt his wife he didn't mind hurting God there are many husbands like that they don't want to hurt their wives they don't mind hurting God well then you'll suffer the same way Adam suffered but if you say I'm willing to hurt my wife but I'm not willing to hurt God sorry you'll find that one day your wife also will come through to the Lord so it's a question of deciding that God I'm the God is I'm going to please all the time
Channel: The Great Commandment
Views: 2,835
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Id: SRj5pHByR2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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