ABEJOYE: The man behind ERUJEJE Song || Joshua Isreal || Bent Show || Episode 39

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foreign and today we have a very special guest in the house [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] you are welcome to be on entertainment show with pvo our guest today in the house is joshua israel i am sure you have heard that song over and over again when [Music] in case you have been wondering how the song came about the inspiration behind that song how were [Music] make sure you subscribe to this youtube channel if you have not done so and tell your advice to you exactly just say let's go there entertainment beyond the applause of men we seek for something valuable [Music] and that is [Music] [Applause] and this is [Music] [Music] stay clear stay tuned with vivio i am israel uh joshua um i am from ocean state but i grew up in craft states because my parents reside in craft state i went to federal polytechnic offer and i studied civil engineering so i moved to lagos i think four years back yeah so i'm a singer i'm a composer and i love music so much that um i get distracted at the slightest sound of strings keep it keep up with any instrument so in any aspect i have any place i am there wants to you know concentrate and make sure music is not right and um well i love watching football i'm a football fan and i support a cena and i love watching football so well unfortunately i don't know how to play but i love analyzing when it comes to analyzing and talking about football you'll find me at the forefront how did he come into music from civil engineering music has been a team right from the start and that's been a part of me and he throws in the family actually i come from a family of five i have two other sisters and two junior sisters and they only made a chart so my other sisters happens to be the choir director of our church back then when i was small and when they married you know the baton was returned to me so i took i took over as the choir caught in the church and it has been it has been like that and i believe that it is one thing that god wants to use me for because in any aspect and anyway i find myself i notice i've been useful to people or to ministries musically so that's that's probably actually um i'm a son of amazon a pastor but being external pastor doesn't mean you are you are born again christian so i gave my life to christ when i was in secondary school and um ever since then now it has been a street journey there have been a lot of raw ups and downs nice human being but through the grace of god we have been standing and we have been moving gospel movies uh right from time when we are very small my parents never allow us to have ourselves to secular movies no it has been if you if you come to our house then the only movies you are going to see in the house are only gospel movies apart from wrestling because i think my dad loves watching wrestling so gospel movies has been one thing that we're very conversant with when we were very young so talking of gospel music movies we have the likes of man zion system um headphone and so on ever since then we we have been watching gospel music movies so from the beginning i am very used to mozzarella movies rifle time and i've watched movies like um right from abandoned issue um so those are the movies and i have a lot of them that continue counting you understand i've not scan so it has been a thing that we have been watching right from childhood and nothing now because i believe there is no there is no family in me i mean a christian family in nigeria who is not a fan of uh manzai when it comes to crystal movies so we have been a fan i've been a fan right from childhood well let me just say um everything was divinely orchestrated because it was never my plan as well and i never think of okay i want to watch this movie because i want to bring something out of it i just sat down like every other nigerians like every other human being who wants to watch a movie wants to be impacted so i was watching the movie believing that okay i'll be impacted and i will find one or two things you know to gain because the movie is powerful enough for any christian to gain a lot from so while watching the movie i think i was watching the movie with my kid sister that yes i could collect so i'm watching the movie uh when abajo signed that song hey came to my mind and immediately i have one thing like that when i have something like a inspiration just like that i picked up my phone and i recorded immediately so i believe that okay maybe later i'm going to do something on it but i don't just know when i was watching and i heard that part the thing just came to my mind that you can just do it and i believe that it is not just me and it's not just about talent it's about the spirit of god and which is the reason why i'm even thanking god because out of many verses that are outside there god's no in his message jimmy fade okay let me choose this boy so it is only by grace and through the messes of god this is beyond entertainment woohoo beyond entertainment [Music] on my phone like few days later i was i was trying to develop it i did not check the phone i didn't check it the first day the second day it was about like three or four days later so i tried to just you know develop it on my own believing that okay i've done something like that before and i can do it again like i have been composing songs on my own so i tried the first day i tried like three four days it wasn't working so i was i was like okay so it was until at the point i was thinking a worship song so why singing the worship song my mind you know went back to that song but i couldn't remember i decided very well again so i picked my phone and i was listening to it so i wanted to sing the song as part of worship song so while listening to the song i realized that it's not a worship song so i don't know how i'm going to know put it i mean together with the worship song why present god because everyday gentlemen so i was just like so in the process of singing this at that particular point i don't know the first line came in arjuna law so immediately that inaudible the door opened and every other leaks came [Music] so i believe it was it was good maybe he wanted to show me something at that point that okay i wanted to use my own wisdom at the initial stage to get it and it is never like that so we need the intervention of god in anything he wants to do as human being so after recording this song one thing about the zombies i never even recorded the sank or planned to do anything about the sun because i want to send it to manzan no no i was surprised as at the end of the day when i sat down i was thinking that at the initial stage i did not even plan to do anything else anything that has happened so after recording this design was on my phone i believe that okay fine it would be in one of my cheat you understand so i keep i kept it so first of all due to february 2020 so that was around i think march not march 2020 so the lockdown came and we're at home was boring we were not doing anything at home so i had a sister in the church i was chatting with that day so i was asking because she stays in the church so i was asking the teacher uh the sister that okay what's going on what's going on over there so she explained to me that okay she's just in the church nothing is happening in the church there is no program as well because they said no churches shouldn't open okay fine but she said in the church sound room there is a musician in our church that is a recording in the church syndrome because there is a brother there and i said i love that you know and i would have not loved to come over to do but i don't know the person there and she said that there's nobody that okay if you go and talk to him he's a very nice person and he's going to overcome with both hands as i know because i'm the kind of person that i'm always afraid of um rejection like if i you know come up to you that i need an assistance from you i'm always afraid of what no oh i can't help so i rather shut up and just you know keep the thing to myself rather than walking up to the person just to hear the word no i stand so the sister okay what if i come in on your behalf and i tell the brother i said if you can just help me to tell the person so in the evening she called me and she said she had she had followed the brother to talk about this thing and he says no problem so a few days later i think two days after i went there and i recorded my own song as a matter of fact earlier was not among the songs i i recorded in in studio in the church uh sand room daddy i think i recorded three cents within like maybe two three days so he said we will be perfecting it and we are going to wait for like maybe three or four days i said okay no problem so that the reason why i said it was that divinely orchestrated is because now when i was recording the song in the church there are some people sitting down that day watching between season one and season two so while watching they were talking about the theme and uh the impact of monsanto um athletes in nigeria and at the moment atlanta so they were talking about the impact of banzai and all that so the brother the peter williams so he was the one talking he was one no editing and no recording his son's array so he was now telling me that he so much loved our ministry and all that and i said that something even happened i was watching there a few months there is one of the line that okay that is how you say when i try to build uh on the same guy and to just to compose a part of it and he said okay no problem bring this song letters here so i played the song for him that night and i was like this one is lovely you can develop it and we can we can record it i said no problem so we said next day that is busy right now the next day we are going to do something about it so we did it surprisingly all everybody that came into the church uh sandroom that that morning they were like i love this song i love this song i love this song so i was surprised like how come everybody is involved with this thing okay i said okay no problem so rabbit and down later called me that day and said okay why don't you just find the sauce and if you can send it to uh maybe any of the monster mansion crew [Music] i said i don't have any source i don't know anybody dead and i don't know even if it is possible for them to because they are already the project is already going on so why would they collect something from somebody that i don't even know anything about in the first instance and besides jay mikey is a songwriter so he can do these things on this one so and he said that don't say things like that just right so i believe in pushing me is see with the above god last time because i don't know the reason why he was doing that he himself doesn't know the reason why he was doing that without without having to believe that okay they are going to take it but we just want to just try so i got to again and i called some of my brothers empire states my child brothers [Music] are my brothers so i called them and i explained to them that i wanted to do something like this but i don't know i'm going to talk to them there's no problem that they are going to send messages to their bands their instagram their twitter and their facebook so we're there for like three days i myself i must say hopefully i'm going to say a response so after like few days later something else came to my mind that you have the gmail account of that mic on your phone and i i i think that was like 2018 i was like three years ago so i was following that the mic on facebook so he is he sent a message that day that okay he asked a question about the old christian about the old movies that anybody that can get the correct answer to do those questions he asks that is going to send a pdf textbook to their gmail account so i was fortunate to be among the people that got the answers right that day so he asked for a gmail account of which i dropped my and other people who dropped their own i could have dropped that home so after a few days i got a message a pdf message pdf file on my gmail account so the thing came to my mind that okay you have daddy's gmail so okay fine let me try it so i tried it i sent the message to daddy and we were viewed after like three or four hours i got a response immediately from daddy that okay uh brother israel god bless you i have seen you and i love it but unfortunately it is very short i don't even come too actually it is more because i truncated it because of the pie it was very big so i said okay fine i have the larger file because i composite and it has like close to three glasses as i've taken a problem and saying is what's happening to me so that i should send this i should send out a message to him whatsapp so that was where i started chatting with daddy i sent a message to him i love him and he said he prayed for me that he said god continued to bless me so i thought that was up so later on my brother impressed first joshua binga now send me a message that they already uploaded on monzayon television on twitter i was amazed i was surprised like ah they have uploaded it no before that day yeah before that day that is that he asked me that if i can insert it if i can insert the sins where the power of god was shown in the in the movie where where the the masquerade came to attack a betrayer where they send all those kind of view forces but that decided if i can start it but due to i don't have the enough um electronic jacket or what do i call it i don't have what it takes to do all those things so i have only just viva video on my phone so i used that video and i think that it was not to satisfy with the video i did so he said look in the brother you're saying this thing to me so i sent a song to daddy and um he did it himself and he sent it back to me so a few days later um roger bengal called me and yes and told me that they have are completely so i was not even on twitter it was because of this um what they said on twitter i had to just create a twitter account for myself that day so i went to twitter to go and check it and i saw it as a while so i thought that was okay so after like that all this happened within i think may may to june 2020 so i thought that was up so around 20 uh 2020 december 2020 uh very early i received a message from daddy that uh hello brother joshua how are you i said okay on facebook what's up brother so he that they are going to be needing me and he sent the number of j mike hey everyone my name is jay and my name is josh and i want to encourage you to subscribe to this youtube channel and click the notification button so that you can be aware whenever we post a defined inspiring and godly course he doesn't bite to me that i should contact him that okay whatever he says that they are going to need me so i tried to reach out to j mike his number wasn't going so i messaged him on whatsapp so i said okay no problem so and that was also he called me that um when will i be chance i told them the exact time i would be free at work so and that was how i went to me to manzan studio so to to record this thing so within like one one one or two hours we were done so and that was up and i came back to lagos it was really a great feeling it was really incredible actually i was singing and but unfortunately that would be my first time officially in the studio i understand so hearing my voice even the first time that j mikey uploaded my pictures i have servers i mean a lot of people calling me asking me if i'm the one they are trying to say okay i said i'm the one so they were surprised like wow wow that's great that so it was a great thing seeing myself hearing my voice to the greeting and but i i refused to get distracted because i believe that okay god only choose me among a lot of justices that help them so i if i obey his commandments and i keep aligning i believe he's going to do better so it was a great feeling but with the grace of god we continue music is fine music is okay about that one okay let me go straight to the advice how we advisors as music ministers not to get distracted because as a minister when your ministry and god is using you health care is not taking the test you get distracted with um what the words are saying how they are healing you how they are praising you but um where we are going is different we still have a lot of things to do we still have a lot of potentials in us that is yet to come into reality so it is until we allow the spirit of the monster to manifest himself that's the reason why the scripture sent the book of proverbs that siesta a man who is diligent in his work shall stand before kings so as a music minister our advice was not to get distracted and um as it makes this music minister it tends to have people around you flattering you telling you that is your product that subdue yourself it is not the new work it is not you in you that is the holy spirit that is manifesting and if we see anybody that is still trying to go like myself here we advise us to move closer to god don't force it just continue praying to god just continue looking up to god the scripture says looking out to dishonesty hopefully to finish our faith it is a variety to do it for us all we have to do is just to keep living and just keep working in alignment i hope to release my first hour in the next year and i'm believing god for what it's going to do so let's just be open next week i'm going to raise my face [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] keep watching beyond entertainment show with you god bless wow wow thank god for the life of joshua israel and people like him i don't know the gift you have i hope god is benefiting from that gift i hope souls have been converted i hope people's lives have been transformed through your gift i want you to think about it thank you so much until i come your way again with another guest on the bench show keep serving the lord jesus christ thank you very much so in the meantime keep watching beyond entertainment show and make sure that you recommend this show to your friends and relatives and everybody anywhere you can find them god bless you and see you modern entertainment beyond the apples of men we seek for something valuable and that is this all of men and that is this whole of man [Music] [Applause] and this is beyond [Music] keep watching beyond entertainment show with pvo [Music] you
Channel: Victor Olukoju PVO
Views: 6,669
Rating: 4.9357429 out of 5
Id: TTKzzzdohuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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