Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktum (ra): After Abasa | The Firsts with Dr. Omar Suleiman

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as i will frequently say it's good to go back and review some of the previous episodes inshallah especially as you keep hearing the same names over and over and over again there's a study of the seer of the prophet saws when you start from the beginning and go to the end one of the benefits of studying the sahaba in this fashion especially when we're doing chronologically everyone that we've studied are the people that um who would put in the front of the line the earliest people to islam and you keep on hearing these names over and over and over again that inshallah it reinforces a connection that you may have otherwise been aware of now tonight's biography is is one that's very special to me when wahsen was founded muslims understanding and helping special education needs and you start to look through the biographies of the sahaba to find the stories about disability this is the story that always comes up first this is the one that we talk about this is the go to to try to impress upon muslims the importance of honoring those with special needs with a special honor and this is a person who allah has revealed quran about and not just one time more than one time and subhanallah what i find very interesting about this person that we're talking about tonight is that most people only know him through one incident but subhanallah he has an extensive biography alongside the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and he had a position amongst the companions that inshallah we will talk about today and his name is now what's very interesting about this as we get started is that there's actually a difference of opinion about his name all right so the people of madina the scholars of medina they said his name was abdullah the scholars of iraq said his name was actually so abdullah there is also a narration that his name prior to islam was hussain hussain with assad not hussein and the prophet salallahu sallam changed his name to abdullah this is also the case by the way of the famous jewish rabbi in al-madinah who became a great scholar and companion of the prophet salallahu abdullah bin salam i will ask you when one day we do his biography what his name was prior to islam his name was also hussain and the prophet saws changed his name to abdullah so abdullah ibn um now before i start talking about anything in regards to him all right does he come from the lower class of mecca or from the higher class of mecca how many of you say lower you have to raise your hand all right so none of that like i don't know how many of you say higher all right the two people are actually right abdullah bin maktoum is not from the lower class of makkah he has a disability but he's actually a person of good lineage good in the sense of the meccan standards of lineage right the days of ignorance uh he is actually the first cousin of none other than our mother all right so here's what another test for you and i might give you my laptop if you answer this properly what was khadija and his mom named just her first name i'll give you a clue but i'm not giving you my laptop because you didn't answer it without so her mom's name was also one of the names of one of her daughters not zainab fatima all right khadija and his mother was fatima bint okay so fatima bint za'ida bint kais is the sister of the father of abdullah bin umaktum so she is the paternal aunt of abdullah abdullah is the son of praise so his actual name is and i'll talk about why he's named after his mother or he's referred to by his mother instead so his name is the brother of the mother of khadijah and her name was fatima bint za'ida and the mother of abdullah ibn praise ibn zaida is a woman by the name of atika bint abdullah al-mahzumiyah she's from the tribe of banu mahzum so ayatika bint abdullah from the tribe of banu mahzum who is also from the tribe of banu mahzum come on somebody make me really happy it's come up a few times great okay this is the tribe of abu jahl which again was a key competing tribe with the prophet alaihi wasallam's tribe of benue and probably the main under underlying reason or definitely the main underlying reason for abu dhabi's insistence that we could not acknowledge the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam because otherwise this gives benue hashem permanent status over banu max zoom so he has pretty good lineage right i mean both sides of his family are korashi they're from a high place in quraysh but at the same time he has this disability which he's famous for which is blindness and there's something really interesting to be said about this that uh that you know that the the biographers say that he's the only companion of the prophet some that we know that was actually born blind okay so he was born without vision it was very common for them and you read about many of the sahaba who lost their vision later on in life very common to read about i mean everyone for abdullah bin abbas other great scholars and you'll read that by the time that the sahabah became elderly they lost their vision but he's actually the only companion that we know of that was born without vision and this is why his mother is nicknamed um maktoum comes from ketam which is concealed so she is the mother of him the one who could not see his vision was concealed he was unable to see the world around him how these things play out in life you have no idea how these names are going to unveil themselves later on in life so he's technically referred to he was al-maktoum okay he's not able to see the world around him so his mother was who they they said it as an expression of sympathy for her she is um she's the mother of the blind child okay so abdullah it's not that he and that's why you don't find that he was you know he wasn't amongst those that was oppressed like bilal and sohaib and ammar and khabab right he's he escapes that level of torture because though our vision of him tends to be one who belonged to that lower class in that sense he wasn't right so he's not someone who's going to be persecuted in mecca that we know of in fact we know of no persecution of him it could have been sympathy towards him or it could have been that his status protected him or a combination of the two okay so he is abdullah um and because he is the first cousin of khadijah he was already familiar with the character of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam before the prophet saws and began his call and so as soon as he heard about the call he said a slumped i believe i believe in the religion of this noble man he witnessed his character he to heed the idea of monotheism resonated with him so abdullah allahu ta'ala is actually considered one of the earliest converts of islam and the way that you know someone is very early on islam is when they say that they became muslim even before arkham opened up for the earliest converts so his connection to khadijah ah perhaps allowed him to know that the prophet said some was calling to islam early on and so abdullah embraced islam early on did not need much convincing and accepts the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam with all that being said the only story we know about him in mecca is the one that he's most famous for okay which is the story of abbasa the story of abbasa so let's dissect the story a bit inshallah then we'll talk about the rich biography of him after abbas after the story took place the prophet salallahu was trying to get the attention of the nobles of quraish that is not a mission or that is not a priority that is to be dismissed the prophet saw some figures if i can get some of these people to become to become muslim then that is going to have an immediate impact on both the ability of the early muslims to practice their religion freely in society as well as other people converting because when powerful people convert then those that look to them either out of a sense of tribal obligation or because they have they hold a certain position in society they will also follow the proof is in um who embraced islam only three days apart and changed the course of islamic history right so the prophet saw is trying to speak to these people and he does not shut the door on them and so finally they tell the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam look you want us to listen to you we'll listen to you come meet us at this place so the prophet saison goes to meet with the elders of the leaders of quraish and i will name them for a moment okay and his brother shaiba rutba the father of we talked about the position of utma in society is you know there's a famous incident of him uh the the the leaders of quraysh eventually trying to send him to reason with the prophet saws and stop him from calling and saying we'll give you everything that mecca has to offer for you to stop this call so is in this gathering brother shaiba is in this gathering um who of course is most famous for being the one who who who possessed and tortured persecuted bilal he embraced islam so you have shaiba omaya abu jahl is giving the prophet seemingly giving the prophet some an ear all right add on to all of that the person who mocked the revelation itself the father allah refers to him in the quran okay threatens him with punishment in the quran because he basically mocked the quran and said i know i can tell these stories of the past and i can buy my way out of hell if there is a hell anyway that's the arrogance of so these are the men that are sitting there and saying go ahead and address us we're going to we're going to give you a chance to give us this message of yours golden opportunity right the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam sits with them and as he sits with them who is looked down in society not again because of his tribal status but because of his disability and he wasn't someone that really you know participated in the workplace or anything like that so he comes to the prophet salla sallam running okay yes all right he's coming to the prophet sasam he's looking for him anywhere he can find him now there is something that's very important to mention here rasulullah saison had made himself so accessible to abdullah bin um that that was the nature of their relationship abdullah um would come out would look for him he would find him put his hands on him and the prophet saws would talk to him for as long as he wanted to talk to him so there's a a pretext to this incident that should not be lost about the character of the prophet salla whatever you need ask and the prophet saws would answer him with whatever he wanted he has no idea who else is around the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam rasulullah sam is in the middle of this conversation feeling like he's finally garnering the attention of these people who hated him and who persecuted him for surrounding himself with the lowly of whom one is coming and rushing to the prophet sly son on top of that he's raising his voice and he's saying yeah muhammad teach me from what allah has taught you teach me from what allah has taught you teach me from what allah has taught you and he's looking for the prophet saws and when he fight he says bring me close to you muhammad sit me close to you adnini bring me close to you so so i can listen to you let's talk right now because that's how the prophet saws was with him he has no idea what is happening and by the way the prohibition came later on just this is just very interesting because it comes in the books of tafsir to call the prophet saison by his name and form of nida to call him ya muhammad to call out to him and say yeah muhammad you can of course call him muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam but not to refer to him call out to him as allah says don't make it that you call upon the messenger slay some the way that you call upon one another so this is a prohibition that comes later on right now yeah muhammad teach me from what allah taught you only the hypocrites would use it after that that form of addressing the prophet salallahu so when he does that the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam does not tell him go away he doesn't tell him i'm busy he doesn't push him he's simply means literally by the way he moved his two eyebrows close to each other in a means of like being frustrated like not now right and what abdullah um had known that the prophet saws did that had the revelation not come no he wouldn't have even known because he couldn't see him right but the elders could see him okay those people from quraish could see the prophet says i'm expressing the displeasure and the dismissal in his face towards abdullah um and then he simply continued to talk to the prophet saws turned back to them after he shouted out that way and the prophet saws continue to address these five men allah subhanahu wa ta'ala did not implicitly say to the prophet sallam that something is wrong with this allah did not send jibril to the prophet saws outside of the capacity of quran which happens sometimes to tell the prophet saw islam about what he should do or instruct him on what to do next allah reveals 16 verses for this man just think about that for a moment he revealed ten verses to clear the name of isha allah allah reveals 16 verses admonishing the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam for that shows you the standard that allah holds his messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam 2. but this is not to make an example out of the prophet saws it's to make an example for the ummah that things have changed about the way that we look at people that there is a paradigm shift that has to take place in our hearts and our vision towards the world around us and towards how we look at people so it wasn't even a private revelation to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam allah subhanahu wa ta'ala reveals abba he frowned and he turned away anja as the blind man came to him interrupting him how do you know he's not coming to you so that he may be purified oh yeah or he would be reminded and the reminder would benefit benefit him remember allah told muslim that when you speak to speak to him in a way la allahu yatazaka perhaps he might ye thakka he might be reminded and he might purify himself so allah is saying that's what you're looking for when you're speaking to a person that's what makes a person worthy of listening to a message or being spoken to how do you know that abdullah who perhaps he was coming to you so that he may be reminded and so that he may be purified as for that person is not even a sense of rudeness and arrogance because right now the leaders of mecca were not showing the prophet's life some rudeness they actually were making it appear to him like fine we'll consider what you have to say but istaghna means they feel independent of what you have to they don't really need what you have to say we'll consider it we may or may not need it whereas why is he acting with a sense of urgency is it because he's annoying is it because he wants to annoy the prophet sallallahu alaihi no it's because he wants to get to jannah so whatever it is we don't we actually subhanallah through all of this we don't know what he was going to ask the prophet saws actually we don't know because it's irrelevant to the conversation but he was coming to the prophet saison with that sense of urgency because he's worried about his akhirah so these people is they you know maybe we'll think about it we'll we'll we'll see if it has anything uh to benefit us and you're giving them your undivided attention you're giving them your attention even though you would not be to blame if they were not to be purified and ask for that person who came to you with eagerness one of the best things that the sahabah took pride in is when allah praised characters inside of them and he is in awe of allah what does allah say in the quran is that those who truly have all of allah are truly learned people they are people of knowledge so the fruit of knowledge is khashya is that you have all of allah if you don't have of allah it doesn't matter how much you memorize and how much you know your knowledge is worthless but khasya means that you have a true internal awe of god and allah subhanahu wa ta'ala saying this person that came to you has an awe of and you allah pay any attention to him but no o prophet of allah this revelation is a reminder so whoever wants to be reminded let them be reminded in written pages held in high honor right these sort of these these pages are far too elevated to be denigrated to appease these filthy people who cares if they believe or they don't believe you do dawah to them sure but don't betray your principles to do tawa to them in the name of dawah that's the difference it's a noble thing that you want to call everybody to allah the famous person the unknown person the rich person the poor person you see some influence that could come out of that but do not betray your essence and your principles to try to bring them that's where you are now altering the tao itself so allah subhanahu ta'ala is saying that these are words that are on elevated pages they are highly esteemed and purified safara kiram in the hands of angels who are scribes honorable and virtuous allah subhanahu wa ta'ala sends down 16 verses 16 ayat of quran for this incident subhanallah and that's by the way one of the proofs of the prophet saws prophethood why would the prophet saw some admonish himself for an incident that most people didn't even know about but allah was teaching the ummah a lesson and this is not humiliation to our prophet salallahu this is an honor to our prophet sallallahu because this is the terribly of the prophet salla the way that the prophet saw islam is being taught and we are being taught by extension how do you think the prophet saw some looked at abdullah um after that incident every time he would see him the prophet saw allah would stand up and the prophet saws would say to him welcome to the one on whose behalf allah admonished me welcome to the one on whose behalf allah admonished me subhanallah the prophet saws did not hold him in contempt because you got me in trouble with allah no absolutely not you must be a special person for allah to reveal quran on your behalf like this there are so many gems that we can take from the story i don't want to take too long because i want to get into the biography but obviously tafseer can be in and of itself however one thing subhanlallah that i find very interesting and i mentioned the names i mentioned all of them died in badr all of them [Music] were killed in badr all right in the very you know step on top of him and kill him the one that he almost killed in front of the kaaba one day and omayo was killed by bilal the only one who wasn't killed in badr was because he died before the hijrah anyway so he died in the meccan period anyway so subhanallah allah humiliated all of those men and allah subhanahu ta'ala honored those that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam was told to honor so this is so when do we actually start to get into a seerah actually in madinah and it starts with this the first people to come to us in medina were two people two people that came to us before anyone else came to us from mecca one of them is so he is the second person considered the second person to make hijrah who's the first person the person we're talking about next week so he says the first two people the prophet saws sent to us from mecca were with them all what were they doing what were musab and abdullah maktoum doing in madinah before the prophet salla islam had made his hijra and he sent the the muslims towards there but they were teaching us the quran these two men were teaching the people the quran while we were waiting for the prophet's islam to come upon us these were the two men that were around the prophet saws and when he received revelation in mecca they were going around and they were teaching the muslim households in madina the quran so abdullah um is the second person who made the hijrah which we're going to be talking about inshallah tomorrow as well and of course this is the month where the hijrah is revived so he is the second person the second muslim to go to madinah after musa and be commissioned with teaching the people the quran the muslims make the hijrah they go to medina and now as the preparations of bader start to take place is experiencing his first moment of being left out he wants to partake in the battle he wants to strive alongside the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in badr and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam does not put him in that position so he's worried about his situation in mecca everyone was kind of on the run and everyone was equally honored quran has already been revealed for him early on in mecca and abbas he knows the status with allah subhanahu ta'ala i mean that's as high as it gets there is abu lahab the lowest and then so he knows the stats but better is happening and he can't participate in badr and it made him so sad so sad you know when someone has khasia of allah when they have all of allah they're not seeking out excuses to not perform their obligations to allah they're trying to convince themselves that they can do things that they actually don't have to do because they want to please allah that bad ramadan comes and you can't fast it's not you know your health does not allow you to fast and you want to still fast you're not obligated to do certain things you want to still do it because of your love of allah subhanahu ta'ala that's a hashtag of allah so abdullah missed out on the battles with the prophet sallallahu alaihi and he made this dua he would say allahumma anzel udri allahuma anzir udri o allah reveal my excuse o allah reveal my excuse he already knows that allah revealed quran for him once before so o allah reveal an excuse for me he wants to hear himself represented in the quran because he's a very unique situation in this regard not being able to go out and strive with the prophet saws though he was from the earliest muslims he says i was with the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam when the used to come to him when the revelation used to come to him zaid being one of the scribes of the prophet saws in medina and he said that the body of the prophet saws would become so weighty when revelation would come upon him that it could crush a mountain and indeed the revelation when it came to the heart of the prophet saws it literally if he was on the camel it made the knees of the camel buckle because had the quran been revealed to a mountain it would have flattened it out of what out of the hashing of allah out of that awe of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so zeid or the allah said one time my thigh was under the leg of the prophet saw i saw when revelation came to him and i could not feel my thigh anymore i thought my leg was going to be amputated because when the revelation came to the prophet saw i saw him i couldn't feel my leg under his leg anymore so this is an incident where he says that i was with the prophet saws and the revelation came upon him and the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam we knew when he was receiving revelation he said to me to bring forth a shoulder meaning of an animal to write on right they were obviously containing the uh the written revelation on what was around them at that time so he said i brought it forth and allah revealed to the prophet not equal are those who sit at home from the believers and those who strive in the way of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala they are not equal how do you think that made abdullah to feel made them feel worse right wait a minute so i'm left out again so he he heard the prophet saw some say that and he said yeah rasool allah he said oh messenger of allah fama al-basr what do you command me to do then because i can't see i can't see what am i supposed to do subhanallah who said i noticed that and this was different this you know the revelation came upon the prophet saws shortly thereafter allah stands salaam to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam again and the prophet salaam was overtaken by revelation again and when the prophet saws regained after that revelation the ability to convey it at that point the ayah continued until except for those who have a disability except for those who have a disability so subhanallah this part of the verse was revealed allah responding to the dua of abdullah umaktum this could have been explained through filk right understanding the sunnah explains the quran just like many other things in the quran the verse is then explained and broken down by the prophet's life i'm explaining it but allah honored him with quran again so another revelation comes down for him and even though it's a few words those few words were so beloved to him and and you know and something that he could hold on to that allah revealed in accordance with my dura an excuse and said i am not considered amongst those who are left behind in any way whatsoever so this is the first man that we see these two revelations come in regards to now what was his status in medina who is the most famous of the prophet saws he is the prophet sallam bilal is the caller of the prophet saws the other caller of the prophet now what does that look like in functioning in society right in the society the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam used to send belarus out to give the adhan for qiyam ulir if you've ever been in mecca medina umrah hajj you get confused when you hear that adhan from you rush to the masjid and you're like why is fajr not happening and then they do another adam and you're like this is weird it might have happened to you if you've been for hajj may allah grant us the opportunity allah i mean that is the adhan for qiyam so the prophet saw islam would tell bilal the allah to go out and to call the adhan and that would wake the people up sometime before fajr so eat and drink meaning if you're planning to fast eat and drink until you hear the adhan of abdullah okay the wisdom of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam why couldn't bilal just do both what is the function in that society when the first man that gives the adhan and the most prominent man for the adan is someone who was in the most denigrated place in the days of jahlia in the days of ignorance for his color for his status for his you know lack of a tribe everything that would be associated with lowliness in the days of ignorance due to their ignorance not from allah associates without the allah and look how allah has elevated him and now the prophet saws the second person who is honored is the only companion who we know that was born blind abdullah um now here's the thing how did abdullah maktoum know that it was fajr please do not say he had an iphone all right he did not have an adam clock isn't fajr something that people saw in the skies i don't know if you know this but you actually see it in the sky all right there's like a thing where salah time is not based on an app okay a fajr was based on you know the actual fajr right the break that you would see in the sky and so abdullah um who could not even see it so doesn't that complicate things further why would the prophet saw islam choose him to give the adhan for a feather he can't see not only that how would it take place suddenly could not see anything so he would not call the fajr until someone would go to him and say it's out it's out now you can call the fajit why all this complication because allah subhanahu wa ta'ala wanted to honor that man the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam was setting up a certain way within the community we extract so many uh rulings and so many lessons just from this alone i'm going to go through some of them by the way the fact that the sahabi was defined their entire chapter is like a like a a disclaimer right because the sahabi technically someone who saw the prophet saw and believed in him abdullah makktum of the allah and who never technically saw the prophet saw islam imagine what that did to him subhanallah he never got to see him in this life he knew him he knew of him he loved him he adored him he was everything but he didn't see him and so you'll find that the books when they're explaining what a sahabi is there's like that paragraph at the bottom but by the way you know for some people this wasn't actually visibly seeing the prophet saw some it was being in his presence knowing he was there and affirming that he was there sallallahu alaihi wasallam should not see the son but allah subhanahu wa ta'ala chose him to be the then for fajr and who could not see the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam raised him in the presence of the messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam there was another thing where the prophet salallahu appointed him to lead the salah and that was something that wasn't looked at as something that could happen because they thought a person with a disability could not lead the prayer the prophet sallam appointed to lead the people in prayer and he was blind this goes on by the way to another honor that when the prophet saw some would leave madinah he would put abdullah um in charge of and not just symbolically it was actually understood that abdullah umaktum was in charge of madinah when the prophet salisa would exit from madinah 13 times that the prophet saison made it clear that as he was going to the outskirts of medina this blind man that you would not look at prior to islam is in charge while i'm gone so advent of the prophet saws leads the prayer as the prophet saison appoints him and the prophet salam puts him in a position of leadership if you look in the position in the chapters of the books of hadith by the way the chapter of a blind man can lead can be in a position of leadership right so they establish it always with the rulings in regards to abdullah some of the other famous incidents by the way are the incidents in regards to hijab in the presence of abdullah um that one time uh the prophet saws sallam came and maimuna was present and she was present and ibn umaktum came and they didn't put on their hijab and the prophet saws told them to do so and they said to the prophet saws isn't he blind and the prophet saws said are you both blind as well are you both unable to see as well are you both unable to see as well they said no so the prophet saws said then just you know uh you know observe the the veil in the presence of it so here's the thing is this something that is uh established that if a person is blind that a person still that you stuff to observe hijab around him yes or no okay so here's where it gets interesting another incident fatima bin's and this is just a sealed tidbit but it has some fix to it as well fatima was the first cousin of ibu um and the prophet saw salam observed her or told her to observe her iddah in divorce uh with him at that time and the prophet saws told her that you can remove your hijab in front of him because he cannot see so abu dhabi he comments on this he says this was specific to the wise of the prophet sallallahu because as you can see he told fatima bint base that she could pass in his presence and she did not have to observe the hijab however you know of course you need to know that a person truly cannot see all right so there's something peculiar to the wives of the prophet saws in this regard however the ruling does not apply to everyone according to abu dhabi and according to many of the scholars in that regard now i'm going to fast forward insha'allah to two incidents one of them being his death and this first incident is very interesting it's narrated by hackman and beihaki that masrook was a student of aisha being one of the greatest students of the law and who collected her knowledge passed it on to the next generation he says that one day i came to a and is found her serving this this blind man he was wrapped up and she was serving him uttaraj which is like citrus fruit she was cutting it up for him with her own hands and she was preparing honey as well and she was taking it to him and she was honoring him and i was shocked i had no idea who he was so i said to her oh our mother o mother of the believers who is this man for you to be cutting fruits for him and serving him honey and honoring him in this way like this this isn't what we're used to seeing who is this man so responds and she says this is the one upon whose behalf allah admonished his prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and then she narrated to him to me masrook who's narrating she narrated to me the whole story of abbas and then she said and this is how the family of the prophet saws has been ordered to treat him since then so subhanallah this legacy lives on with the whole family of the prophet saws they knew that when abdullah um comes around we have to treat him in a certain way because that's how allah honored him so subhanallah what about the followers of the prophet sallallahu alaihi allah countless amongst his family his brothers his sisters that we honor this man was still honoring him decades after the prophet saws passed away in accordance with the order of the prophet is a man who salallahu honored with revelation we should also honor him in accordance with that revelation we come to his death and it's an interesting story because everything that he was prohibited from coming to be in those last moments in the year 636 which coincides with 14 years after hijrah you had the most decisive battle between the muslims and the most powerful empire in the world which was the persian empire so the most decisive battle takes place between the muslims and the persian empire under amir mu'mineen now in the battle of qadhafi the preparations for the battle of qaddhiya which is again against an arrogant large powerful ruthless empire um about the size of that army and it was over a hundred thousand people can you imagine an army in the seventh century that large over a hundred thousand people the persian empire had prepared an army of over a hundred thousand people to basically say let's do away with this nuisance of the muslims once and for all let's wipe them off the face of the planet when um got word of that effort to amass over a hundred thousand soldiers there was a draft of sorts around the entire muslim ummah okay so the calls to try to amass an army that could put up a fight against this army and qadhafi so people are coming from around the muslim ummah and you have in medina an effort to put forth people that otherwise you know at that point is voluntary right to go out in in battle this is this is voluntary but now there is an encouragement how do we get as many people as possible to fight this massive battle under sadhana as but you can't right you have you know subhanallah this man did not participate in bed he didn't get to participate in those battles now you want to participate in this battle where you know it's an existential threat for the muslim ummah at least outside of the area of medina what do you mean he said yeah let me go why am i going to go he said i'll read qur'an to the people i'll pray with the people qiyam because by the way subhanallah the nights before the battle what did the muslims used to do did they used to get a good night's sleep no they'd spend the nights in priya mode they'd spend the nights in prayer before battle so i'll go there i mean i was the first person next to muslim to be sent to medina to teach them the quran right so i'll go with them i'll teach them the quran i'll pray with them but let me go with them so um who lets him go now when they get to khadisyah what it ends up being is that you have about 30 000 muslims against this over a hundred thousand persians says i want to fight with you all i want to be in the battle and they said to him what are you going to do and he said don't you need someone to hold the banner someone to be the flag bearer when you go out and battle right there's always someone that's carrying the flag so they said yes but but you know you're not going to be able to defend yourself he said you know i'll wear my armor and i'll hold the flag so subhan allah eventually they allowed him to do that in this decisive battle now the battle of qadhafi raged for three days it was a battle where the persians employed elephants that literally they sent out to stomp people to death on the other side i mean this was a violent large battle he takes the flag he is the flag bearer of the muslims a man who never fought before but allah is granting him a he had a s inside of him he had a desire to be of the greatest of those muslims and someone who sacrificed everything that happened before so they said subhanallah that the narrations mentioned that he even you know in order to make sure he wouldn't fall back because of the thrust of just the winds of war i mean he couldn't see anything so he they dressed him in armor and he just held the flag he put his feet literally planted his feet under the ground so that he couldn't move because he didn't want to move and so when the battle would rage he's literally got his feet kind of buried into the ground in a way that he's firmly planted and that he wouldn't fall so he goes and he stands in the middle of this battle subhanallah holding the flag covered in armor with his feet an old sahabi one of the first people to become muslim and no one could tell him no and on that day this was the third day of qadhafi out of the 30 000 muslims about 8 500 of them were killed we talk about stishad like the amount of people that were martyred over 8 000 of the 30 000 were killed over 40 000 persians were killed and so subhanallah in that day they as they went to count all of these sahaba that had passed away multiple companions multiple taberine passed away in this battle and this was of course the battle by the way that opened the next step for the eventual fall of the persian empire this was it once upon the seal was done that was it so allah granted them victory they found abdullah and subhanallah he was laying down and he had the flag clutch to his chest how beautiful subhanallah clutching the flag of muhammad the man who used to go out and who used to call the adam even though he couldn't see fajr the prophet saws knew and allah knew that he had something in his heart that could see because the eyes are not blind it is the hearts that are blind and allah subhanahu honored him with being one upon whom quran for whom quran came down then of the prophet saws the governor of medina in the absence of the prophet saws the one who was appointed to lead prayer the one who was honored by the most honored family of the prophet salla solomon here the man who was honored as a shahid as a martyr as well in this battle of qadhafi allah be pleased with him have mercy upon him may allah allow us to be gathered with the prophet saws with the companions with his family with the prophets with the righteous ones one of the most touching uh stories that we find in the seer of the sahaba so insha'allah i will see you then and for now we have a few minutes before aisha so i'll actually go ahead and take questions and show them you
Channel: Yaqeen Institute
Views: 38,378
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Length: 48min 26sec (2906 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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