Abby & Bozzly Babysit the Peepers +MORE Cartoons for Kids | Abby Hatcher

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[Music] no we're singing it's time for bed [Music] it's the perfect way to get you peepers tired we'll play hide and seek no more singing okay you hide Bosley and I'll count okay okay one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ready or not here we come I found you [Music] great hiding peepers now come out come out wherever you are wear papers Abby I'm not sure I'll track them with my watch hello spotted ways we've got to get them before they mess up Mom and Dad's party come on [Music] and there they go foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah sweet dreams Abby princess plugs lumpy blanket time for your Royal bedtime routine me getting sleepy me then we'll start right away first you can sleep in my bed and finally the cushiony soft extra thick Royal polka dot blankie is [Music] you're right the polka dots do look like squeaky peepers right this way your highness oh [Music] there the perfect bed for a perfect night's sleep Ah that's so nice bed me sleep me that feels lumpy bed wait a minute these polka dots look a lot like the peepers I wonder Zoomer view specs activate [Music] all the lumps in princess plug's bed were the peepers hiding in the polka dots the peepers were sleepy and they like sleeping on your Royal blanket oh they understand me but me need blankie to sleep me it's okay peepers you don't need to use princess plugs blankie I'll make you your own eat little blinkies for eight little peepers night night yeah night night [Music] squeaky peepers missing snug ready to get out of your paper bed and practice to impress judge Thorne [Music] hi Chef Jeff no time for chit chat chadstone is coming and I simply must get cookies fine here's verse two [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi [Music] [Music] baby [Music] to the kitchen [Music] hooray hooray hooray the egg carton looks like their paper bed it must have gotten mixed up with the groceries when they spilled [Music] we're so happy [Music] you promised me a happy song [Music] the big date is finally here the fun fair is on let's go ride the ferris wheel the ferris wheel sounds really great but we want candy apples we can't wait let's split up and meet again later we'll just stay with our group so we don't get lost sounds good to us have lots of fun we'll see you when your ride is done [Music] like me [Music] we've got a winner picker prize any prize if the little one please I love it I've never won anything before we're gonna check out the whole Fair together I'll put you in my backpack to keep you safe he's gonna be around here somewhere [Music] they're already on this wheel it stopped Pogo spring shoes hello great view from here don't mind us just popping through hi sorry to drop in on your ride but we have a fuzzly emergency one of our monster buddies is stuck in your backpack my backpack whoa I'm so glad we found you just don't wander away again okay we were worried [Music] yeah we did it you found Little Doe the secret passageway here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the papers will never find us here the fuzzly spotter [Music] spotted this is the fuzzly passageways Zoom review specs I see his tentacle Prince but they end right here [Music] nice catch easy same way we came in bomber blimp jacket [Music] come on I'll get out Abby there has to be a way hmm maybe that is the only way out it opened to let Otis in and to let us in the hide and seek game the papers are still seeking you have to make lots of noises as loud as you can [Music] now Pogo spring shoes activate it's hard to hold Bosley time to go Otis [Music] yay Chef Jeff [Music] my tuba sounds plugged I'll fix that [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time big Dough too little though [Music] huh where's Little Doe she's gone I'll get little dough Dismount huh Melvin we checked the paper to your room have you seen her no but coming to my new pink hamster huh pink hamster she's not a hamster Melvin she's little dumb let's get you back to the others stuff don't worry grab the Peeper and I'll catch you on the bike excuse me casting little dough in five four three two woo [Music] [Applause] hiya gotcha now let's get you home foreign [Music] [Music] now I see what it is I'm afraid you've got fuzzlingitis it's okay he's just lost his voice and has to take a break from singing I'm just not sure he'll be better in time for judge Thorne's show but without big dog yeah he couldn't sing doo-wop doopy Dooby doo-wop that sounds splizacular hmm [Music] grumbles you're a great singer and you know big dose part you could fill in scrambles be big though well I'm here where are the sneaky creepers um actually they're called they're squeaky with special guest paper rumbles hello [Music] we can fix this get ready grumbles when grumbles gets wet can you awesome let's play grumbles out of here [Music] I see him whoa you did it grumbles is out now he can sing with the peepers for judge Thorne Bosley and I will help we'll do it with you hit it peepers [Music] [Music] the pizza deliveries [Music] and done these tubes go to every place in the hotel now we can deliver anything anywhere and we've got all kinds of stuff to deliver we've got for the bigger and better paper transport system come on Coopers [Music] where are all the peepers oh no the squeaky peepers are in trouble come on Bosley [Music] Zoom review x-ray specs Timmy Terry can help us rescue the peepers teeny Terry we need your help for the ultimate people rescue plan yeah first step of plan teeny Terry unscrew too [Music] step two of the plan Bosley free the peepers go laughs [Music] hitch pipe [Music] that was a great plan thanks
Channel: Spin Kids - Cartoons & Original Shows for Kids
Views: 8,873,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abby hatcher, fuzzlies, videos for preschoolers, videos for kids, abby hatcher adventures, fun with fuzzlies, abby hatcher full videos, hatcher palace hotel
Id: l3pFW32-caI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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