Paw-some Abby Hatcher & Paw Patrol Friends: Paw Patrol, Abby Hatcher Compilation | Cartoons for Kids

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a hotel talent show was a great idea our next performer is teeny Terry think of talent think of a talent think of a talent uh tetiny Terry is everything okay I can do [Applause] it I still have a talent for the show we're going to find you one all of us yeah you can try singing like princess flood me me me me me [Music] me singing is not my talent that's okay maybe you can play the accordion like Otis help playing the accordion is not my talent [Music] either okay how about a juggling [Music] act I can't do any of it oh no h teeny [Music] Terry woohoo yeah that was spacular uh what was teeny Terry gymnast but I didn't do anything I was just deflating and that's how I stop myself when no one catches me all those somersaults and jumps and slides that's gymnastics and you're really really good at it you mean it's my talent yes your talent the hotel talent show presents peny [Music] Terry moving can help thanks Abby I got stuck all I wanted was a cozy little snug of my own like princess flog and Otis a teeny Terry snug is a great idea but you should have it on the roof deck where you Bird Watch I'd love a snug on the roof deck operation build a snug is on to to the roof deck teeny Terry welcome to your new snug oo wao use buttons for elevator oh and elevator kind of like your snug great H which button should I press [Music] huh me build perfect snug me it is perfect perfect for princess flug step inside your dream snug what's wrong The Snug are what's wrong they're nothing like what I wanted you're right I'm so sorry teeny Terry the snugs were all wrong maybe I don't need a snug after all yes you do just tell us exactly what you want okay well I want this and definitely this it's spectacular let's [Music] build what do you think Tey Terry is it you yes yes this smug is all me teeny Terry our official to-do list ready fix Miranda's watering can add stuffing and rep patch the cushion on the lobby couch and last but not least paint aby's bedroom we have a long list of fixing to do you said it teeny Terry that's why I've got a surprise for you a new screwdriver for your fix it helmet teeny tastic cool thanks Lex let's put your newest tool to use on to do list item number one the watering can Tool Time teeny Terry W all done here you go and now before we move on with the to-do list I've got to get a new roller brush to do aby's room but it's nothing a quick trip to the hardware store can't fix back in a jiffy teeny Terry see you hey want to check out these colors in my room I've got to get to work Alx gave me a gift now I want to give him one too there the stuffings all back in the cushion this will be so much quicker done teeny tastic I sure hope Lex likes what we did he'll love it okay teeny Terry I'm back surprise the cushion it's fixed there's for follow [Music] me incredible you finished the to-do list what an amazing surprise it was a gift and I never would have gotten it done without the help of all my friends Otis Elevator shake and buttons pop off Lex to the rescue I see the problem the little wheel's out of place and now the gears won't work you'd have to to be really small to get into a place that tight then it's a good thing you have your super small sidekick teeny Terry me yes that's a great idea what if I mess up you can do this teeny Terry I know you can okay I'm going in I can do [Music] this I see it fantastic can you get it back in place I I think [Music] so oh no I messed up again uhoh oh no Abby teeny Terry getting big he can't get big inside the elevator panel he'll break the whole thing he can't help it every time he tries to fix something he gets so frustrated h brainpark that's his problem he gets frustrated teeny Terry I know what you need just count to five nice and slow and Far Away Your Troubles will go ready I guess one 2 three four 5 it works and I'm going to fix this [Music] elevator I did it save elevator for please I can't wait to play with the Pelican hi I mean is that your mom oh no she thinks I'm a baby Pelican let's save teeny [Music] Terry it's us teeny [Music] Terry uhoh ow ouchie yeah it didn't work Abby what do we do now teeny Terry you need to inflate then you won't be baby Pelican size and you can float back home that's a tastic idea here we go [Music] [Applause] it worked Abby the babies want to stay with me but they haven't learned how to fly yet they're not safe up here then let's get him down poo spring shoes activate tickle tickle tickle that's the [Applause] SM w the babies we're on it [Music] gotcha yooo got you yay gotcha teeny Terry a thanks grumbles now I can go back home when the moon is super full and bright we'll see the fuzzle in the moon I want to see the fuzzle in the moon oh here he comes look yeah I kind of see the fuzzle in the moon if you want to see him better you'll need this they're pretend telescopes but they help try it oh I do see him a little better but I don't want to just see him I want to fly up and meet him but what if my wings get tired and I can't make it all the way look dke Towers that's it wo I can make a giant Tower to the Moon then I can climb up and not worry about my wings getting tired climbing the moon thrs he'll climbing meet the in the one more glued uh-oh huh oh no Custer beers go goo gripper gloves activate gotcha ouch it's okay teeny Terry I have just the thing in my care case here all better thanks Abby H but now I'll never get to the fuzzle in the moon H Genie Terry we have something for you you do what is it t it's a real telescope check it [Music] out it's the fuzzle and the moon I see him he's so close hi fuzzle in the Moon [Music] huh what's happening what's going on ship [Music] m [Music] w my snug I've got to get it out of here uh-oh [Music] help Abby Chipmunks took my snook and now I'm stuck in here poo spring shoes activate tickle tickle that's the SP thanks for getting me out Abby but you think you can get my snug out too of course presenting the crunchy the delicious the irresistible barley acorn [Music] woohoo T perfect just a little peanut butter for our chipmunk friends M Bley delicious great idea Abby go get him Bosley okay YooHoo Chipmunks nice juicy Acorn here nice smooth shell johy Acorn cap and inside up oh get me now we can save your snug got it yeah done woohoo I'm so happy to have my snug back thanks Abby I'm glad you're happy Tey Terry well I'm ready for you to work your magic Mrs Melvin how do you do it I'll let you in on a little secret this hairbrush hair [Music] brush I can't wait to try this brush a little sprits now I just need my it's gone there's trouble in the salon we heard there's TR wao wow I know I just can't make the Styles I want without about my special brush that must be why the fuzzle alarm went off Zoom R viiew specs activate a clue h a pink and yellow hair a new fley Mrs Melvin maybe that's who took your brush please find it so I can fix these hair catastrophes please tell me you found her brush we haven't found it yet but we know how to get it back we'll get the fuzzle to come to the salon yeah we'll give her what she loves most someone who needs a great haird I volun if we can just talk to the fuzzly I know we'll get your brush bath okay Mom oh my I am so sad that I need my hair done oh no I'm coming just a sec won't be a moment sorry for the wait you do need a new hair do H voila you're really good at hair but why did you take Mrs Melvin's brush I wanted to be a great hair stylist like Mrs Melvin I shouldn't have taken it without asking though can you forgive me my [Applause] baby you're closing the salon but only for the day Harriet oh what will I do if I can't style hair oh just relax relax and have fun but I relax and have fun styling hair I love everything in the salon curling irons and Scissors Hair flare huh my lists wa Harriet what are you doing I'm styling look cool they are cool but I was writing all my lists on those papers I'm sorry it's okay why aren't you in the salon I want to be but it's close today I don't know what to do if I can't style H here try har size pruning shears they're perfect hair flare a taada wow amazing I'm always happy when my styling hero Mrs Melvin is around oh that is so sweet and I am gorgeous yay har he is what a wonderful way to use your talents thanks Mrs Melvin but my favorite thing is styling hair in Our Salon I'm glad to hear that but the salon won't be open again until tomorrow morning so you can enjoy the rest of your day off but what would I do with myself I [Music] know this is the best idea ever who knew relaxing could be fun are you all going to watch me learn to dance nope the peepers can't see you they're wearing Salon masks seeing Mas I'll see you but I'm the only one you won't be scared around me right right okay peepers hit the disco music here we go and one and a two and a three 1 2 three you're getting the moves and you look fantastic I'm starting to feel great I love your hair but if you want to try something new I could work some magic huh oh the swing yeah har it you saw me I'm so embarrassed I got to go this is terrible I'm never going to dance again but Harriet you love dancing we got to find a way to help her Bosley it's not much now but with some colored lights it'll be the most Dan tacular disco ever [Music] ready Harriet taada dance party everyone's just having fun like fastic you're right I don't have to worry about looking silly I can just have fun woohoo basement disco dance party where are you going we're playing fairy tale buley I'm going to my costume trunk it's filled with dress up stuff be right back costume trunk here I come time for some dress up flare it all looks so good no no no [Music] uh-oh it's locked I can't climb down it's too high up [Music] help Abby help me you're so far away it's it's okay H rain SP we'll save the princess just like we would if we were in a fairy tale yeah let grow giant bean stock not that fairy tale this one princess Harriet princess Harriet let down your hair and you climb up it just like in a fairy tale super hair flare [Applause] spacular you did it Harriet ready for us to climb ready after you Court Jester Bosley oh why thank you night [Music] Abby you did it yay woohoo of course we rescue you uhhuh is that all you got for the weekend camping trip Abby uh-huh I've got my clothes my binoculars and camera and autograph book in case we see large foot large foot isn't real Abby he has to be Zoom riew specs [Music] activate [Music] [Applause] Footprints it's him come on everybody let's meet Bo Fo [Applause] [Music] we're here lordge fo I guess we lost him but found K it is pretty cool but there's no kite string princess [Music] flug Abby get it's large [Music] foot fuzzly trouble C delay to the Rue save the day uhoh H hold on princess blood shoot a sticky string to the top of that tree bomber blimp jacket activate oh no no no it's okay ever tried to zip line it's fun just hold on to it and SL lie down okay he's coming right for [Music] us hey are you okay I made it large foot this is Otis timy Terry Mo Bo princess flug Harriet and curly everyone this is our brand new fuzzly friend large foot hi grumbles you're really shedding I think it might be time for a haircut haircut huh I get the feeling you don't want your haircut and we can make it fun fun how we'll play Follow the Leader to the salon grumo love Follow the Leader then follow me [Music] yooo [Music] crumbles Abby says you need a haircut this will be so much fun haircut ooh massage chair scary oh sorry I scared him Abby I didn't mean to it's okay Harriet I'm just not sure what to do grumbles thinks haircuts are scary how can we show them they're not scary SP Harriet I'd like you to trim my ponytail please but Abby never cut ponytail go ahead Harriet okay I like it Okie [Music] doie all done it feels so nice want to feel grumbles haircut please I'd love to give you a haircut behold my masterpiece crumbles you look so fresh and fancy crumble happy haircut not scary at all don't eat so fast grumbles you might get the hiccups grum rumbles are you okay rumbles feel funny maybe you should rest we'll take care of your brussel sprouts okay bye bye what happened stuck don't worry grumbles we'll figure out why you're stuck stethoscope Bosley uhhuh stethoscope let's have a [Music] listen [Music] tickles you hiccuped and now you're back to you hm that's it you morph every time you hiccup really don't worry grumbles all we have to do is cure your hiccups and we'll get your morphing back under [Music] control a new slide let's try it wait that's probably not a good idea it's so [Music] cool [Music] it's a bonanza of Brussels sprouts there's brussels sprouts kebabs and Brussels [Music] [Music] sprouts grumbles you hiccuped and you didn't morph I didn't the brussel sprouts Che to you brussel sprouts uh-huh try some more grumbles grumbles love Brussels Browns [Music] more oh what a lovely rest oh a ditter let's hop down and [Applause] play yipp caught you well done I can't believe you got down by yourself curly tells Chef Jeff about Yo's playground Adventure bye curly can we have a yo playground Adventure too indeed you can and I bet grumbles would make the best playground equipment oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah oh uh what we do now Abby no gear I know it's all back with wo R first whiteo loves fuzzly Adventures whyo can use the gear and save us Abby are you okay I need your help all of our gear is with you so I need you to put it on and rescue us can you do that on it now how do I [Music] what do I do about B ABI press the orange button orange button what do I do now save bomber blimp jacket activate bomber BL jacket activate this is wonderful come on Bosley [Music] jump that was amazing you are amazing super amazing you're a real fuzzly Catcher by po just like me that b Abby is a greatest compliment you could ever give me happy birthday Abby does everyone have their presents for Abby so they can make her birthday super special yes y night show accordion best gift for Abby Abby love love love cooling chef's hat to cool her down with when she gets hot see but our musical tap shoes play their own song she can tap along I got her rocket boots so she can fly to the [Music] rescue B oh no that's [Music] the pH but AB where is everybody help bomber blimp jacket activate C ears go oo bule's feel sticky really sticky we know what to do I'm glad you're all okay I guess I'll get back to my pancakes now and I'll let you fuzzlies get back to whatever birthday surprise you were planning what happened how'd you get stuck our presents for Abby led to trouble H oh buzzly know it's a combination of our ideas rocket power tap boots and a musical light show cooling hat fantastic pH all that dancing and flying made me hot this is the best birthday present ever thank you so much Abby and the missing Binky Abby Bosley are you here I'm Kitty sitting Elvin and I wanted to borrow something we can play with huh they're not here oh here's something we can play with I'll bring it right back when I'm done Kitty sitting [Music] Elvin thank you pinky what happened peepers where's her pinky heat vision specs activate Footprints a feather and teeny Footprints it has to be teeny Terry to the root deck BOS pleas you like the pill bug huh pill bug favorite not for Kitty Binky gone heat fishing specs activate rubber baby Binky bounces the binky went over the roof the bounce marks lead in here Chef Jeff have you seen little do Binky no but it looks like she found it oh no that's a mushroom I made the same mistake this mushroom does look like little Do's Binky I bet the binky bounced onto one of the pizzas let's find it excuse me nope pardon me excuse me there must be something I missed Zoom rview glasses [Music] activate Bosley did you put that pizza in your pouch yep mushroom Bosley's favorite the only slices of pizza we didn't check are in your pouch taada the pinky we did it bacular Abby and Elvin Elvin you're wrecking your Kitty castle hi Melvin what's with all the stuff I'm trying to build Elvin a Kitty castle but he keeps knocking everything around maybe Bosley and I can help if we Kitty to Elvin you'll be able to finish the Kitty castle that'd be so cool have fun making the kitty castle [Music] Yeah okay Elvin you play with us while Melvin works on your Kitty castle Kitty on the [Music] run this Kitty castle going to be cool I can't wait for Elvin to play in it get us down there Bosley C your ears go woohoo got good save Abby thanks but he keeps running away a Elvin miss his best friend but how can we keep them together without Elvin ruining the Kitty castle I have a spacular idea to Melvin's room Bosley to Melvin's room roll the tube in place great job taada Elvin really can help oh Abby and Bosley help too sure will let's get to [Music] work Elvin loves his Kitty castle so much I'm glad he helped me build it I got to spend more time with my very best friend friend Abby maybe six mumbles a baby mumbles tired from bouncing crum's tired too baby's sitting hard buzle I can watch mumbles for you really sure I know all the rules for babysitting baby fuzzlies fuzzly Fact one never get a tired baby fuzzly over excited two never feed a baby fuzzly after dark three never wake his sleeping baby fley happy does no rules gramble nap now bye what do you think mumbles is it your nap time too Mumble sounds tired sure doesn't look tired we need to wear him out H baby seems really tired and excited we started with one mumbles and now there's two y what's this would you like some milk and cookies wait no it's dark outside and Rule Number Two says never feed baby buzzes after dark after those babies buley sorry I see you baby mumbles Pogo spring shoes activate we need to get those other babies got a toy [Music] Bosley YooHoo [Applause] babies a so sweet no Drool on pill buug please looks like these babies are ready for bed let's get them [Applause] upstairs buzle costume ball you look so cute as a peeper almost time for aby's big entrance me so excited [Music] me my dress is too big me help [Music] me look out we've got a gear up and help follow me to the rescue save the day woohoo goo gripper gloves activate peel him off Bosley help thanks Abby my costume maybe we can make one more there's no time maybe I should just skip the costume ball poor Abby I'd give her the costume off my back if she wanted it costume off our backs ooh rbar I know how we'll get Abby back listen Abby we have a surprise for you surprise for Me Close Your Eyes closeth okay if you say so T it's beautiful I've never seen a costume like it everyone wants Abby at the party everyone that's the most bacular thing anyone's everever done for me I love it so will you come back to the costume ball are you kidding I wouldn't miss it for anything thank you so much aby's lost glasses Bosley coming downfield ready to score won't get past me I got it wo oh Abby you okay yeah I'm huh Bosley Abby Bosley here sorry can't see super well without my glasses help me find them glasses finder activate detective Bosley on the case huh I think I'm back at the playground I don't remember this balance beam W Abby we have your glasses you [Music] do me get the [Music] me wo ble coming oh no oh no copter ear's Jam no I can hear the glasses and if I can hear them I can catch them closer closer spacular I can see again glasses tracker deactivate hang on ha super suction shoes activate hgo spring shoes activate goo gripper gloves [Music] activate y y yay Abby hooray why po visits Abby oh what a lovely rest o a cter let's hop down and [Applause] play yipp CAU you well done I can't believe you got down by yourself curly tells Chef Jeff about Yo's playground Adventure bye curly can we have a wo playground Adventure too indeed you can and I bet grumbles would make the best playground equipment oh yeah [Music] uh what we do now Abby no gear I know it's all back with wo bra first wo loves fuzzly Adventures wo can use the gear and save us B ABI are you okay I need your help all of our gear is with you so I need you to put it on and rescue us can you do that on it now how do [Music] I what do I do about B Abby press the orange button orange button what do I do now see bomber blimp jacket activate bom blimp jacket activate this is wonderful come on Bosley [Music] jump that was amazing you are amazing super amazing you're a real fuzzly Catcher by po just like me that b Abby is the greatest compliment you could ever give me Abby in the Leaky sink muh uhhuh I see the problem I can fix it but it's going to take a while does it have to we really want to get back to our water balloon game I guess I could save the forever fix for later and just do a quick fix for now it's really not the best idea but it's a spacular idea go for it here comes the super Splat Master the fuzzly [Music] spotter secret passageway is flooded now paper's washing away we've got to save them [Music] [Applause] [Music] woohoo Abby there's a problem with the pipes in the kitchen please help on it we'll get it fixed Dad I'm so sorry I think I messed up what happened I asked tiny Terry to fix a clog in my bathroom but I made him do a quick fix not a forever fix don't worry teeny Terry and I will get on it right away thanks [Music] Dad Bosley fly over and grab the peepers cop the re go feet to ears and ears to feet do it one [Music] yay you're welcome peepers hey Abby good news teeny Terry and I have fixed the P happy busy day YooHoo Bosley Bosley really loves making finger puppets with Abby help please oh no I forgot I told grumbles I'd help him fold laundry we have to go but you said we'd make more puppets we'll bring the fuzzly craft case along and do everything at once come on wao you really do need help don't you grumbles there's so much laundry to fold grumbles glad Abby here Abby princess FL and I are in the garden where are you Abby said help plant I'm so sorry I forgot I'll be there as soon as I can can more helping sure it's fun to help everyone Now Let's Fold H okay grumbles what you really need our more hands so come on out Mo Ando foldy foldy foldy fold helping friends never get old yeah o o puppets now Abby one more thing first come on here we come so get ready to plant lot the daisies woohoo yeah now you can drop the daisies in like this oo Meat Plant too me we'll get these planted in no time I got one more thing on my to-do list Bosley puppets Bosley make own puppets laundry done thank you Abby great job jump hi Abby I just wanted you to see how helpful you were Daisy's planted daisies I'm so happy everything worked out Abby PA Le dr's visit my first loose tooth wow Abby hi ready for me to check your teeth Dr Anna I didn't know I had a dentist appointment today I um is that lab coat the fuzzle spotter yes I mean I'm sorry I can't have my checkup right now I understand thanks come on Bosley [Music] yeah my tooth did someone say they have a sore tooth jef Jeff did not me got to go it's so Wiggly Bosley wiggle too are you ready now Abby help Harriet I'm sorry I I'll find you later okay come on bosle Abby I'm just finishing up with all this and then it'll be your turn quick no no no not that one elevator falling falling it's okay deploy the parachute Otis oh yeah sing parachute no weing I see the problem the parachute lever is missing Dr Anna do you have a [Music] toothbrush happy K it YY you're the bravest girl I ever met I might not be that brave I'm afraid to have you check my wiggly tooth what wiggly tooth I only see a missing tooth what I can't believe it came out and I didn't even notice I guess I am pretty brave and I'm brave enough to see the dentist ah Abby's baby toys what's in this box it's all my old toys I forgot all about you you haven't played with them in ages maybe we should donate them to charity but these toys are mine I don't want to give them away I want to keep them sure if you'll play with them that's great come on Bosley let's get these toys to my room and start playing you stacked them biggest to smallest see cool now what that's kind of it oh so not going to play with them we have to our mom will say we should give them away H maybe we can play with them a different way I figured out how to use more of my old toys Georgie Bunny and I attached the the roller skates to the tea tray to make a potato bag roller like a wagon ooh 1 2 oh W caua cut you uh-oh Buzzy okay hi Jeffrey and Lara sorry we interrupted your lunch Abby are those toddlers roller skates they sure are I've been looking for skates just like these for Lara skates skates skates really you like roller [Music] skates R I know what to do with all my old toys Abby look Laura stething skate to bzy I actually think you'd love a lot of my old toys one want to see ooh you can keep them all all for Lara thank you Abby's perfect sport I need to find a track and field sport I can do without my fuzzly catching gear curly try long jump good idea here's the start line curly jump long long okay Curly okay my turn no gear just jump here I go poo spring shoes [Music] activated I knew I'd do that this jump doesn't count I'm too nervous to long jump without using my Pogo spring shoes don't give up try another track in field sport how a ball shot put throw ball really far be confident Abby you can do it I can't do it wter glove activate [Music] taada I have another [Music] pie sorry about your picnic it's okay we kind of lost our appetite come on Jeffrey let's go fly our giant kite yes it's no use I can't do track and field day at all what do we do oh no Bosley look out we lost control of our kite ay [Music] help I'm coming got you you're now Abby isn't jumping a track and field sport jumping over things is called hurdles and I just did that without any of my gear r SP hurdles are my track and field sport I'm good at them all by myself and all of you help me figure it out Abby's sleep trouble okay sleep over time you can have my bed and we'll take the air mattress thanks nighty night Melvin how can anybody sleep through that Bosley I think we're going to need a new plan I hope this launcher is comfy nighty night Abby nighty [Music] [Music] night I give up I just wish I had some place to sleep [Music] big and poor Abby she tried sleeping near my snug but it didn't work there's got to be a way we can help [Music] H we can make Abby her own snug come on surprise you made me my very own snug sure did you you fuzzlies are the best friends ever thanks grumbles wait don't go I know I couldn't sleep in any of your snugs but I love a sleepover in mine will you stay yeah good night fuzes good night hey Abby happy birthday Abby does everyone have their presents for Abby so they can make her birthday super special yes yes y night show accordion best gift for Abby Abby love love love cooling chef's hat to cool her down when she gets hot see but our musical tapes play their own song she can tap along I got her rocket boots so she can fly to the [Music] rescue B oh no that's the [Music] AR pH [Applause] [Music] but where is everybody help bomber blimp jacket activate C your ears go ooh buzzes feel sticky really sticky we know what to do I'm glad you're all okay I guess I'll get back to my pancakes now and I'll let you fuzzlies get back to whatever birthday surprise you were planning what happened how'd you get stuck our presents for Abby led to trouble H oh basley know it's a combination of our ideas rocket power tap boots and a musical light show cooling hat fantastic pH all that dancing and flying made me hot this is the best birthday present ever thank you so much Abby and missing Binky Abby Bosley are you here I'm Kittys sitting Elvin and I wanted to borrow something we can play with huh they're not here oh here's something we can play with I'll bring it right back when I'm done Kitty sitting [Music] Elvin pinky pinky what happened peepers where's her baby heat vision specs activate footprints a feather and teeny Footprints it has to be teeny Terry to the roof deck BOS please you like the pill bug huh pill bug favorite not for Kitty Binky gone heat vision specs activate rubber baby Binky bounces the binky went over the roof the bounce Mark lead in here Chef Jeff have you seen little do Binky no but it looks like she found it oh no that's a mushroom I made the same mistake this mushroom does look like little Do's Binky I bet the binky bounced onto one of the pizzas let's find it excuse me nope pardon me excuse me there must be something I missed Zoomer view glasses activate [Music] Bosley did you put that pizza in your pouch yep mushroom Bosley's favorite the only slices of pizza we didn't check are in your pouch taada the pinky we did it spacular Abby and Elvin Elvin you're wrecking your Kitty castle hi Melvin what's with all the stuff I'm trying to build Elvin a Kitty castle but he keeps knocking everything around maybe Bosley and I can help if we Kitty sit Elvin you'll be able to finish the Kitty castle that'd be so cool have fun making the kitty castle [Music] Yeah okay Elvin you play with us while Melvin works on your Kitty castle Kitty on the [Music] run this Kitty castle is going to be so cool I can't wait for Elvin to play in it get us down there Bosley C your ears go woohoo [Music] good save Abby thanks iby keeps running away a Elvin miss his best friend but how can we keep them together without Elvin ruining the Kitty castle I have a spacular idea two Melvin's room Bosley to Melvin's room roll the tube in place great job taada Elvin really can help oh Abby and Bosley helped too sure will let's get to [Music] work Elvin loves his Kitty castle so much I'm glad he helped me build it I got to spend more time with my very best friend Abby B it's mumbles a baby mumbles tired from bounc bouncing grandle is tired too babysitting hard fzl I can watch mumbles for you really sure I know all the rules for babysitting baby fuzzlies fuzzly Fact one never get a tired baby fuzzly over excited two never feed a baby fuzzle after dark three never wake a sleeping baby fuzzle happy does no rules crambles nap now bye what do you think mumbles is it your nap time too Mumble sounds tired it sure doesn't look tired we need to wear them out H baby seems really tired and excited we started with one mumbles and now there's two what's this would you like some milk in cookies wait [Music] no it's dark outside and Rule Number Two says never feed baby Buy's after dark after those babies Bosley sorry I see you baby mumbles Pogo spring shoes activate we need to get those other babies got a toy Bosley Bo YooHoo [Applause] babies a so sweet no Drool on pill buug please looks like these babies are ready for bed let's get them [Applause] upstairs buzzly costume ball you look so cute as a peeper almost time for aby's big entrance me so excited [Music] me my dress is too big me help [Music] me look out we've got a gear up and help follow me to the rest you save the day woohoo goo gripper gloves activate peel him off Bosley help thanks Abby my costume maybe we can make one more there's no time maybe I should just skip the costume ball poor Abby I'd give her the costume off my back if she wanted it costume off our backs ooh rangeb I know how we'll get Abby back listen Abby we have a surprise for you surprise for me close your eyes close okay if you say so T it's beautiful never seen a costume like it everyone wants Abby at the party everyone that's the most spacular thing anyone's ever done for me I love it so will you come back to the costume ball are you kidding I wouldn't miss it for anything thank you so much aby's lost glasses Bosley coming down field ready to score won't get past me I got it wo oh Abby you okay yeah I'm huh Bosley Abby Bosley here sorry can't see super well without my glasses help me find them glasses finder activate detective Bosley on the case huh I think I'm back at the playground I don't remember remember this balance beam W Abby we have your glasses you [Music] do me get the [Music] me Bley coming oh no C your ear's jam oh no I can hear the glasses and if I can hear them I can catch them closer closer spacular I can see again glasses tracker deactivate hang on H super suction shoes activate hgo spring shoes activate goo gripper gloves [Music] activate y yay yay Abby hooray why po visits Abby oh what a lovely rest o a ditto let's hop down and [Applause] play yipp CAU you well done I can't believe you got Lo down by yourself curly tells Chef Jeff about y Po's playground Adventure bye curly can we have a wo playground Adventure too indeed you can and I bet grumbles would make the best playground equipment oh [Applause] [Music] yeah uh what we do now Abby no gear I know it's all back with whiteo bra first whiteo loves fuzzly Adventures whiteo can use the gear and save us B ABI are you okay I need your help all of our gear is with you so I need you to put it on and rescue us can you do that on it now how do I [Music] what do I do about B Abby press the orange button orange button what do I do now save bomber blimp jacket activate bom blimp jacket activate this is wonderful come on Bosley [Music] jump that was amazing you are amazing super amazing you're a real fuzzly Catcher by poo just like me that b ABI is the greatest compliment you could ever give me Chef Jeff and curly hi Chef Jeff so sorry no time for Hells I've got a dinner party to prepare I still have to mash the potatoes and frost the cake I'll never have enough time early help curly m I can't be distracted by flying potatoes curly please go with Abby and Bosley curly go yeah it'll be fun come on cly [Music] okay Chef Jeffs can't resist cake mashed potatoes Cy ho [Music] wait no don't make a mess Chef Jeff are you okay no I didn't mash the potatoes and now curly squeezing my frosting bag so I can't Frost the cake R first Curly's not squeezing the frosting curly help [Music] that's magnificent curly and you weren't squishing the potatoes either you were mashing them curly Mash can you finish them up it would be a huge help curly help Cur Mash mash Mash mash awesome it turns out Curly's a spacular kitchen helper thanks to you curly I think we can make this dinner party a super success yay Chef Jeff night off we've got hungry guests curly did Chef dff leave any food food no food but the guests are really hungry H I know we'll make dinner ourselves really us yeah how hard can it be the rice is steaming Curley's got the veggies let's tell everyone dinner's almost almost ready yay yay yay yay yay ladies and gentlemen dinner is the fuzzly spotter uh-oh Curly's in trouble in the kitchen the dinner wooo too much price catch some BL I'll turn off the right catching Pogo spring shoes [Music] activate pH you guys okay okay we want food we want food we're cooking as fast as we can R par instead of doing this ourselves we should get help from my mom thanks Mom there's no way we could have made dinner for everyone without your help that's okay I'll cut the veggies and you can make tofu designs with the cookie cutters SPL perfect now I heat up some oil in the walk we put in the veggies and tofu [Music] veggies here's the tofu tofu and we stir fry it all up oh that was a long wait but it was worth it can I have more please Chef Jeff's special guest curly and I have planned the most perfect day for you perfect perfect perfect that's so bful can the two of you entertain mother while curly and I finish the ures she really loves to dance perfect I'll bring out the peepers she'll be dancing in no time wonderful a perfect time to play today sing and dance the away when you are tell we always entertain the well mother's going to love these or she's not dancing this is terrible if everything were perfect she'd dance curly help jef dance dance dance this is so much [Music] fun this is terrible come on [Music] onward coming through inside please Zoom riew specs activate she's headed for that poen street what do we do Abby time to go buzle [Music] f I am the this is fun but I can't stop don't worry we're on it we need some kind of ramp [Music] okay don't worry I'll save you cut CH than [Music] do thank goodness you're safe Chef Jeff's tuba [Music] me sleep me sleep me sleep the fuzzly spotter spotted there's trouble in the lobby fuzzle trouble C delay to the rescue save the day me sleep me Chef Jeff I thought you were going to bed I was after just a little more practice I didn't think anyone else was here see princess flug Chef Jeff didn't mean to wake you it was an accident please unstick his tuba me sorry me thank [Music] you too loud Chef Jeff it's so late everyone needs to sleep and it's it's so noisy what do we do R spart Chef Jeff a bad note now I need to practice more I know you want to practice but what if you could do it without making any noise then I could practice all night my performance would be perfect but how Bosley what do you have that can muffle the tuba and make it quiet basketball spacular pass it here Bosley my left score try playing now Chef Jeff Perfection thank you Abby now I better get back to practicing now we can all go back to bed mo and B's road trip ooh what are you looking looking at Mom it's an exhibit a few Towns over a display of the world's largest tap shoes o world's largest tap shoes on display please let's go see them right away that's a spacular idea we'll take you there to dance in front of the world's largest tap shoes oo I'm happy to drive you but we better hurry today's the last day it's going to be there and it closes at sunset [Music] woohoo we'll get to the world's largest tap shoes in plenty of time for you to dance in front of them right Dad uh-oh hold on everybody why did we stop construction hi how long do you think we'll be stopped it'll be a while I'm sorry Mo andb I don't think I can get you there in time I'll have to fly you there myself come on Mo andb this way woohoo Y super thigh Wings activate wow we're off to the world's largest tap shoes [Applause] wo we made it just before Sunset yay looking good Mo andb hey I'm glad I didn't miss the show you made it tell you what how about you join Mo and B and I'll take the video spacular Mo and B's new shoes huh what is happening attic upstairs Abby the attic I bet that means trouble with Mo Bo we'll get to the bottom of it Mrs melin I promise thank you Abby just please hurry they're tap dancing let's hit it Bosley yay room shakes wait we are making the whole room shakes and that means everyone Stop Dancing than why no tapping tapping fun H maybe if we try dancing on the roof deck it won't bother anyone yeah to the [Music] roof Tey Terry we've got to save teeny Terry Bosley C it bomber blimp jacket gotcha thanks Abby roof deck bad for dancing now we still want to dance but how I'm not sure where we can dance without bothering anyone Abby judge Thorne is about to judge my hotel High te but where is the entertainment um we're the [Music] entertainment how we entertain when we're start delightful the only thing that number needs is more me hit [Applause] [Music] it Mo and B enter an art show oh my hi judge Thorn Miss Hatcher assorted fuzzlies we think those boots are really neat we want to put them on our feet uh those boots are the prize for my Art in the Park show we can do a painting too will we get the cowboy boots if we do if you win then yes hooray if we don't win those boots we'll cry Abby can you help us try better believe I will Ready Set paint I think you're swinging too fast if you're not careful [Music] you'll I'm coming Mo andb Roller Shoes activate do Grier gloves activate roller breakes activate cut you I may have saved the show but not Mo and Boart it's too bad you really had a shot at winning those boots what now Abby I'm not sure [Music] R I know how you can turn these ruined paintings into something spacular ruined artwork turned into something brand new Mo and B I declare you the winners and I'm making the prize two pairs of cowboy boots yeah yes woohoo anything you want day all done your shoes are super spacular shiny since they look so good and new we love the other shoes in our trunk shine too that's a big trunk of shoes but it's Mo and B's anything you want Da so we'll shine them all Abby Bosley I'm right here and as for Bosley and Otis where's Otis Abby bosy soundbound that way let's go in here we'll need some Super Cyclone action to get him free [Music] ready thank saby and B we have a new idea now let's go to the salon I'm so excited you came to the salon on anything you want e you have a silly bubble hat and Bosley have Bubble mustache I want to blow off bubbles too now I have a big bubble hat car it launcher CL activate wo cross your go gotcha we heard a big fuss is everyone okay you blew me out of the salon I left Otis with big mess of shoes we're sorry how do we make it better sprar we'll clean all the messes good as new yeah Abby meets Mo and B go Mo go cool let's see how fast we can fill up these boxes with stuff for our Fort ooh yeah okay cool a lampshade Bosley could always use a new hat huh I think the boxes are full Bosley up to the Fort More Fort stuff let's go get the other boxes Bosley no no don't bounce on [Music] bat uh-oh time for B to go bat where B go the fuzzly spotter there's trouble at our play fort Hi friend I'm Abby want some fuzzly treats wow look at what you can do that's bacular help Mo find bow Mo find bow twin bow I don't get it you have a twin fuzzle and you want to find him zomer view specs activate fuzzly tracks They go right to the salon Mrs Melvin have you seen a fuzzly that looks like her sorry Abby I haven't you're all done see you next time we'll find him oh quick the bike ma'am excuse me oh mo mo I got this MO [Music] poo spring shoes activate yooo caua B Hotel work for Mo and B woohoo last of our morning chores Bosley take our laundry to the basement yeah gotcha miss me wo W yeah that was fun and you saved all the laundry now we can finish our chores what's a chore tell us more chores are jobs around the hotel we need everyone's help to make the hotel nice Bosley and I make my bed and clean my room my dad and teeny Terry fix [Music] things C and Chef Jeff Cook and princess flug takes care of the garden with my mom [Music] we l jobs too we do we do let me help you with your luggage woohooo wow thanks Mo and Bo I can't believe you can carry all those bags H carry bags RK they'd be spacular Bell hops Bells that's all jingle jingle jingle jingle bell hops carry luggage to and from rooms that's the perfect job for Mo and B we'll take your bags and away we go hello welcome to the Hatcher Palace Hotel don't worry about your bags our Bell hops will take them right up for you we'll take your bags up on our backs so you'll be free to just relax tap dancing buzzly Bell hops no wonder people love this hotel the secret passageway peers never find Otis here where is alst oh just lost the peers will never find us here the fuzzly spotter help spotted it's Otis he's in the fuzzly passageways Zoomer view specs activate I see his tentacle Prints but they end right here [Music] strange woohoo yeah nice catch how do we get out easy same way we came in bomber blimp jacket [Music] activate how get out Abby there has to be a way H maybe that is the only way out it opened to let Otis in and to let us in Rain Spark the hide and seek game the peepers are still seeking you have to make lots of noises as loud as you [Music] can now hgo spring shoes [Music] activate it's hard to hold [Music] Bosley time to go Otis a snack machine aha no snack [Music] stuck uh-oh o stuck all cleaned up spotted o is is in trouble in the lobby I'll get you out Otis H I got it if we had the key we could open the snack machine and get him out Dad we need some help if you've got some trouble I'm here on the double do you have the key to open the snack machine just got to figure out which one it is let's see I've got the key to the back door uh key to storage key to the free freezer in the basement Abby it's taking too long don't worry Otis I have another plan hi teeny Terry hi Abby we need your help if you've got a gy I'll make it scram thanks teeny Terry Bosley do you have your extendo hand oh aha extendo hand can you make this extendo hand come down from the top of the machine then we can use it to pull Otis free sure I'm ready to build watch this ta here you go Abby thanks teeny Terry almost almost got [Music] it done is free ding ding ding thank you thank you thank you Abby meets Otis sound found Abby ding sounds like it came from downstairs to the lobby huh right what weird there's no one here uh-oh wait byebye who was is that b mailman the fuzzly spotter fuzzly trouble can't delay to the rescue save the day wo ooh buttons press press press press press press press Bosley keep an eye out for the fuzzle ooh there ooh more buttons bye-bye fuzzle just wants to ding and play with lights and vacuum hooray Bosley that's it all those things The Bell the light the vacuum oh fuzzly like buttons yes the [Applause] elevator open hey little guy I know you like buttons buttons brain SP Bosley do you still have that hat Tada D elevator operator ohus buttons fosly quick something with lots of buttons okay Tada accordion yes an accordion has lots of buttons here you go Otis butons new elevator operator here you go Otis sad want to play with pillbug sure her tentacles mean Otis can't do anything what if Otis uses your extendo hand to grab the pill bug yeah extendo hand it works doesn't hurt now just can cuddle pillbug aha the elevator's free here you help me with these princess blug I need a big favor can you run the elevator for a while it's easy just make sure you're the only one who touches the buttons happy to help Abby thanks so much welcome to elevator oh buttons stop Abby said only me press buttons me uh-oh help help I'm so glad you're having fun with the extendo hand the fuzzly spotter me help me princess fls got elevator trouble ult just come too what about your boo boos o just have extendo hands what do we do Abby I'll just know what to do push your red buttons at the same time we can do let's go Bosley one button left I'll just press last button with Theo head W elevator fixed now ding ding ding Abby best beach [Music] dat passion here that's a lot of water wings and floaties you look fastic let's [Music] swim how come you're not in the water ois it's the best part of fuzzly beach day yeah uh well Abby look let's jump off Abby and fuzes jum off dock and Otis judge another fastic idea Otis come on everybody jumping contest off the dock yeah all right the water's great let's do it everybody woohoo we so F fantastic cres do big jumps happy Otis are you okay jump off and swim back no Otis stay on laugh why won't he just swim back to us we have to save him he's too far away I know what to do huh Super Splash skis activate yeah we're coming Odie hurry OD reach out and grab my hand T [Music] youy we got this wooo this is fun ocean was fun the fuzzle trick or treat you all look so cute now get together and say trick-or treat trick treat woof woof woof I see you take your costume very seriously let's go trick or treating have fun and stay [Music] together we'll be home by dark and we'll all stick together now let me show you how to trick or treat come on is everyone ready for for the next house yes Otis didn't wolf Otis where Otis go where go but he has to be here I know I'll check the fuzzly spotter fuzz black he's too far away Otis no Otis he is not there Otis Otis it's just about time to go back in look it's almost dark it is almost dark H maybe Otis could see us with a signal brain spark That's How we'll get Otis back we'll make sure he sees us in the dark bubbles princess plug bomber blimp jacket activate lift that basket curly me bubbles me flashlight activate the perfect signal Abby and fuzzy stinging [Applause] Abby a I missed you Otis You're Happy Abby helps [Applause] [Music] Otis's okay he's good to stay and play Just what just going [Music] up hi are you out here bird watching too we're here for a picnic huh picnic tree fort picnic up here tree picnic too high I think a balloon ride with Tey Terry will make you feel a zillion times better about going up high Bon ride my tickle spot oh no teeny Terry's tickle spot makes him [Music] deflate I've got you Otis gotcha [Music] W I'm stuck Bosley save Tey [Music] Terry teeny Terry tight to Bosley can't save teeny Terry on his own what do we do friendly help to the [Music] rescue yay tickle tickle tickle ding ding ding safe and sounds thanks s [Music] gotcha Otis is not scared anymore Otis out of control uh-oh the on and off button is sticking oh for right it's too dangerous until I fix that onof button but don't worry I have just the right Tools in my snug o just want to go zoom zoom and you will right after teeny Terry fixes the engine button hey BOS Lee let's bazzle the bike moreo be right back Otis oo [Music] buttons look out come on Bosley follow that Otis hi Mom have you seen Otis momy look out rain spark we'll use the net no uhoh oh no hgo spring shoes activate got you bye cabby it's ruined oh just so sorry Abby now bike broken it was an accident and I love you a lot more than I love that bike we know you made a mistake with the bike but you said you were sorry so Tada scooter Otis ride scooter ding ding go Abby meets The Blossom band see flower bulbs gone flower bulbs they are gone what could have happened the fuzzly spotter spotted but I don't know these fuzzlies they look like flowers maybe the flower bulbs grew into flower fuzzlies and that's why the bulbs aren't here in the dirt anymore we discovered a brand new kind of monster buddy it's a flower fuzzle an accordion super sweet wow new fuzes cool they're flower fuzzlies rose Sweet Pea tulip Daisy this is Otis Melvin and Elvin hi flower fuzzlies Otis was just playing some music for me and my kitten Elvin loves accordion music we love it too can I please try your accordion sure [Music] thanks night night [Music] yeah yeah we're rocking and rolling and it's all right rocking and rolling all through the night now you're a part of our fly family where as happy as can be and rolling the blossom band way theom we're so glad that you're here today the blossom band's runaway stage this is going to be spacular the blossom band can perform at pedal paloa and show everyone they're the most unique flowers ever the fuzzly spotter it says the blossom band is traveling away from us we've got to catch them and get them to the park before they miss pedal paloa rock and roll stage up ahead rock and roll stage going away not if I can help it ejector seat activate roller skate boot [Music] activate wait don't go hey that's coming from my [Music] truck wow uhhuh oh yeah who are you they're the blossom band and we're here to take them to Pedal paloa in the park well that's pretty far away that's why this is a job for the super [Music] skywing hey Blossom band everybody okay un you and now the award for the most unique flower we're too late grab your instruments and let's do this always follow your dreams it's easier than it seems don't give up you can do it do what you love and stick to it the trophy is yours congratulations bom bans versus the rocking roses is there everybody ready for a country song yeah huh where's that music coming from let's check it out who stole our audience I'll check it out come on Bosley thanks for coming everyone we're the rocking roses wo she started her own band oh the crowd loves Rose's petal power pop then they'll really love this it's the biggest petal popper ever Everybody Run Run help these concerts keep getting Wilder let's go B onward [Music] [Applause] woohoo thanks for saving us Abby now you can come back and sing for the blossom band she can't because she's singing with The Rock and Roses blossome band Rock and Roses I'm not singing for either one of [Music] you but it's tulip's fault she wouldn't play my rock song it's Rose's fault she wouldn't play my country song you're friends even if you disagree you can compromise work it out so you each get a little of what you want yeah if Abby likes honey and Bosley likes [Music] apples yummy for both our tummies think we can compromise so you can come back to the band I'd love it the blossom band presents the perfect mix of everything they love the Rock in country show woohoo Melvin's Lemonade Stand get your lemonade [Applause] [Music] for what that's it I only had one lemon that's all I could make still thirsty for more what do we do Abby too bad we can't drink these leftover lemon seeds H I know no we use those lemon seeds and plant our own tree then we'll have all the lemons we need I'll show you come [Music] on flower puzzl make plants grow that means if the blossom band plays the lemon tree will grow so it's music [Music] time ah oh yeah ahh oh yeah aome band we the aome band we the a [Applause] [Music] band thanks Blossom band you're welcome Abby see you later this is so cool now I can make a lots of lemonade see it's our giant lemon juicer all we have to do is put a lemon on top then Juice It Up ready teeny Terry [Music] ready [Music] yay here you go lemonade for everyone Blom band to tour okay Bosley and I set up tour stops for Abby and the blossom band o now let's hit the road good afternoon Cafe are you ready to [Music] [Applause] [Music] rock run away M oh no I messed up Step One open the rock and roll stage next time Abby just Open Stage away from from other things you're right I'll do a better job next time and we'll be ready for the big show onward yeah it's going great and now the big big finish hit the fan Bosley all the way up too much too many pedals Bosley turn it off why' they all run off it's my fault I made it too big and blasted the audience with pedals until they ran away it's okay big show tonight will be better what if it's not the big concert is cancelled look it's Abby and the blossom band all right why is everyone clapping we can't wait for your next show when is it but I messed up every show know maybe but never messed up the same thing twice I learned from my mistakes everyone the next Blossom band concert is tonight right outside in the [Applause] [Music] courtyard ends [Applause] power [Music] rescue nights ready for action Rider sir claw and his flying dragon are headed our way so we have to try to keep them away from the castle but Ryder how can we stop a flying fire breathing dragon with your new Rescue night Vehicles wo cool so for this Mission I'll need Marshall I'll need you to use your water Lance to put out any fire the dragon starts this Knight is fired up to make things right all right rescue Knights are on a roll now to melt a hole in the drawbridge and storm the [Applause] castle what you best turn off your water s soggy never and it's sir Marshall and I'm a rescue Knight spot to the sky ow ow hey get off fight ret I'm not leaving till I get the dragon's tooth back sparks fly upside down no chase now rough Dragon [Music] net wo I'm good but the enchanted Dragon tooth is broken Marshall that's good now claw can't use it to control the dragon look Sparks wait on behalf of barking BG I thank you all for saving the kingdom whenever your dragon gets a little too fiery just yel for [Music] help hello Earl how are things in barkingburg a shield has been stolen a shield with a map to The Cauldron of snores The Cauldron of snores it creates an enchanted fog that puts people to sleep okay we're on our way [Applause] [Music] everyone in town seems to be asleep The Princess and the Earl are sleeping too we can't go into the city if we run into one of those clouds it will make us fall asleep too Ryder The Cauldron is on a roof near big Benji next to the clock tower Marshall Rocky see if you can stop the fog on it got this I wish we had an alarm clock to wake everyone up Rubble what a great idea Chase get to the top of the clock tower we're going to make big Benji ring Through Your Dragon megaphone it'll sound like the world's loudest alarm clock but how's it going to ring the clock hands are nowhere near 12 we'll use the magnet to pull big Benji's metal hands straight up to 12:00 but how are we going to get the magnet way up there you're going to catapult it up rough megaphone in position rer R [Music] [Music] catapult thank you sir Rider thank you rescue Knights once again you've saved barkingburg looking good Miss marjerie thanks Mayor Goodway well just be careful with that torch we'll need it to light the flame here when we're ready to begin the games I wouldn't want to slip or trip for Miss Audrey are you okay I'm cling Deary but where did the torch go oh no everyone out of the park hi Mayor Goodway is everything ready for the opening ceremonies well it was but now there's smoke coming out of the field no field is too smoky no pup is too small thanks for getting here so quickly Paw Patrol what do you think Marshall there's nothing burning above ground so it must be a root fire it must have started when the game torch fell into one of the gopher holes Chase use your heat scanner to check it is a root Fire Sky I need you to do an aerial search to see if there's smoke anywhere else Wings Marshall Ryder I see more smoke Sky's right there's more fire underground the Flames must have lit other tree roots and it's chasing the Gophers out of their tunnels their tunnels crisscross everywhere underground that's how we can get water to the fire we need to make sure all the Gophers are out of the tunnels come and get some gopher goodies wait go for alert hey little buddy did you stay behind to help us fight this fire marshall hurry hang on the smoke is all gone Marshall no sign of fire from up here either you did it way to go [Applause] PP uh rescue n's ready for action um sir Rider sir claw and Sparks wrecked the bridge and now the Royal Carriage can't get back to the castle so for this Mission I'll need Rocky green means go and Rubble Rubble on the double I'm going to need the rest of you pups too let's do this let's go all right rescue Knights are on a roll okay we've got to fix this bridge first we one the D and Rocky let's get those broken bridge pieces out of the water coming [Music] up the bur of excalibar will be mine you can't protect it by yourself Chase rough [Music] Pines it worked it worked Chase are you all okay we're fine Ryder princess now that claw has the bone of excalibar he's the Royal Knight now unless I can stop him okay sir Chase okay peners place the bone gently down in the bucket and no Ryder the bone was a fake hey Sparks want to play fetch rough Bola [Music] launcher R Dragon net gotcha rescue Knights thank you you saved the day whenever your bridge is broken just yel for help rescue nights ready for action Rider sir we need to live sweetie off Sparks back help and fix the tournament course so for this Mission I'll need Skye this puppy Knights got to fly and Rocky green means go all right rescue Knights are on a Ru thank goodness you've returned so quickly rescue Knights Sky have you found anything yet so far no dragon and no sweetie just keep looking and let us know as soon as you see something this post is toast I've got just the thing to fix it in my truck don't lose it fre suit [Music] it great work sir Rocky and Sir Rubble Sky any sign of the runaway Dragon I found Sparks but he's blly so wildly I can't get close enough to grab sweetie see if you can distract him Sky may I have those [Music] please thanks farts don't these look like two giant marshmallows come and get them I got [Music] you oh yay thank you Ryder and the rescue Knights for saving the tournament you're welcome your highness whenever your dragon is ruining your day just yel for [Music] help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks for hurting pups mer Goodway no Chi Getta the turbet and Danny that's daring Danny X have fallen into a canyon high up in the mountains Skye I need you to fly the ultimate copter and lead the sky pups on this Mission yes this ultimate puppy's got to fly all right Paw Patrol is on a [Music] Ru Ru use your claw to free Danny from his glider Rubble parachute down to the turbet and I'll lower the cable [Music] wo cool parachute CL yeah hi guys next up the ultimate copter woohoo this is so extreme oh no my my rft's moving Skye mer goodways raft is slipping Marshall Zuma I need you to pull the mayor onto the [Music] platform I'm slipping o oh got it nice work pup oh what nice smiles and what a spectacular view thanks to Sky and the pops whenever you're climb turns into a tumble just yel for help rescue nights ready for action Rider sir claw has taken two baby dragons and it's up to us to rescue them but we have to be careful their mama is also looking for them so for this Mission I'll need sky this puppy night's got to fly all right rescue Knights are on a roll you're stuck boohoo serves you right for breathing fire and melting all those marshmallows hey baby dragons who's [Music] hungry ew Sparks a little help we're on it [Music] CL rescue Knights I need you all for this rescue we are on our way sir [Music] Rider oh no the Llama Dragon thinks we're trying to hurt her babies Rocky use your cin hook to snag the wagon on it keep dropping yes I'm falling Chase your turn R Dragon [Music] net much [Applause] better you're welcome Mama Dragon just remember whenever your babies are stuck in a marshmallowy mess just roar for help careful cuz this lens is clear and crackless so let's keep it that way but of course this nice new Glass Lens will make your Lighthouse lights so much brighter and it also makes the goofy funny faces if you look through it let's get this lens loaded now let's get it to the island fast I don't think so I'll drive super smooth and slow so my lens stays [Music] safe yikes those logs are going up in smoke I better hit the brakes my brake lever's stuck now I can't stop I need [Music] help okay let's put up those smoking logs but we'll have to stop the train first good plan Marshall Rubble grab the train with the side Club then we'll stop it using our brakes I've never caught a train before cool okay thans now let's hose him down water cannon cart great save Paw Patrol no problem you're welcome rescue Knights ready for action Rider sir Sparks throws big Benji's Tower shut and the Princess and the Earl are trapped inside that's cool dude so for this Mission I'll need Rocky green means go and sky this puppy Knight's got to fly all right rescue Knights are on a [Music] roll careful it's super slippery wo wo wo wer Ryder it's Skye I found them stop claw stop I think you mean freeze [Music] uh-oh that was one worth Landing but a really warm welcome hi little ones they got away Ryder but I did figure out why sparks is breathing ice it's those blue marshmallows thanks for the info Sky how's your copter it'll be okay my new friends are here to help they must really like you Sky how's the door coming Rocky awesome nice work Bravo we're free they got out now we can return to the castle and warm up the ice has been melted and big Benji has been wound now it's time to say thank you rest nights you're welcome your highness whenever you're in trouble just for [Music] help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir a beehive broke and the queen bee scared the elephants away from their watering hole so for this Mission I'll need Sky I need you to search for the elephants in case they ran into trouble this puppy's got to fly all right Popp Patrol is on a Ru Rider the sky any luck yes I see them no cuties don't go in there Ryder the elephants went into the temple everyone let's hurry to the temple Chase and tracker go into the temple and lead the elephants out on it [Applause] Ryder the tunnel's blocked we're on our way tracker Rubble Marshall get ready to [Music] launch Let's help these elephants get out of here tracker we'll hook your cables between that slab of rock and the Paw patroller tow hook you got it Ryder Earth cables now let's get our big friends onto the slab Marshall blast the floor of the tunnel with water Robo do put the patroller in reverse and back up woo that was close thank thanks for your help Paw Patrol no problem whenever you need to move an animal just yell for help my turn my turn that's the pup hat ringing someone might need help oh right Ryder You're not Ryder I know I'm pup sitting for Ryder M Goodway don't worry the PAW Patrol will be right there to help all pups to the Tower actually Ryder says Paw Patrol to the lookout got it Paw Patrol to the lookout Rider needs us I mean I mean k Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir uh I mean Katie Sir um ma'am thanks pups so um what does Ryder do next Ryder tells us which pup he needs and what they're going to do okay hm to rescue Mr Postman I'll need Marshall you'll use your fire truck l to help him down from the tree I'm fired up and Sky I'll need you to use your copter to airlift May Goodway and chickaletta safely to the ground let's take to the sky the PAW Patrol is ready to go I think you mean Paw Patrol is our a roll yes that don't worry Mr Postman Marshall will get you down right rough ladder let's get you down Mr [Music] Postman I'll have you and Cheta down in the SEC May good way harness got it thanks so much [Music] Sky you're all good pups so how'd it go today Katie did a Pome job Ryder I knew she would Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks for coming so quickly pups cell phones are disappearing all over Adventure Bay oh my Kelly and people can't call us for help that's why this is an ultimate police Rescue Chase I need you and your police kills to lead the team we're going to need all you pups to crack this case all right Paw Patrol is on a roll what so glad you're here Paw Patrol we've got this Katie Marshall use the ladder to get C down on it Chief ladder that tickles Mr Porter can you tell us what happened here I was playing corn nibblet Crush when I heard my trash cans fall over so I went to pick them up and left my phone right here there may be some more clues near those trash cans Rocky you use your scanner to see what you can find scanner Chase I found some tracks they're really small can ghost Lea tracks these tracks smell like melon Follow That [Applause] [Music] Smell it's a raccoon a rocking raccoon I get it now raccoons look for food at night that's why I went after the melons I have an idea what's your [Music] plan that's right little raccoon let's dance to cor ni Crush you did it you're the best thanks pups thank you Ryder You're welcome Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir the town's electricity has gone out good thing the lookout has its own emergency generator it's up to us to get the power back on so for this Mission I'll need chase chase is on the case all right Paw Patrol is on a roll look what's this and what's that glow mayor Humdinger please turn off that sign it costed a blackout in town never it's a work of art plus who could shut down this handsome fruit oh sorry Mir Humdinger but Adventure Bay needs its power back and we still have a big mess to clean up come on Chase well there's one thing the PAW Patrol didn't count on rechargeable batteries come on [Music] jumbo [Music] I can't see any stars with all this light H what's the source of this pseudo sunlight uh-oh if that light doesn't get turned off we'll miss seeing the planets line up tonight better call the PAW Patrol okay Sky use your hook to pull the sign away from the lighthouse Roger [Music] that you're coming with me jumbo look the planetary alignment is proceeding as planned wow most awesome view ever Paw Patrol thank you you guys save the day um night you're welcome Alex whenever the lights get too bright just yel for help Paw Patrol ready for action r sir in skydiving gear their aviator suits Captain turban and France War are trapped in a mountain cave somewhere on rumbl toop Island along with a tiger for this Mission I'll need Sky I need you to fly your ultimate copter and as our expert flyer help direct the team this ultimate puppy's got to fly there's the opening Rumble talk is definitely an old volcano Ready Steady Sky pumps away it's a mama and her cuup okay well the cuff ducked into our backpack so Mama followed and then enough explaining help hang in there mama tiger your baby is going to be fun hey there little fella ready to take off a cutest co-pilot ever there you are cutie safe and sound your mama should be out soon they should have been right behind us Sky we have a situation no volcano too big no that's too small Sky yay anybody need a ride come on that was an incredible safe Sky a pup's got to do what a pup's got to [Music] do Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks for hurrying pups Captain turbit's been acting kind of strange he's zooming around town on daring Danny's rocket board so for this Mission I'll need Chase I'll need you to use your 4x4 to safely stop Captain turbet before he hurts someone or himself chase is on the case all right Paw Patrol is on a roll Chase you need to find Captain turban Ryder I Ste off my board for a second and Captain tpet rode off with it this is extremely weird don't worry I'll get your board back daring Danny that's daring Danny X Captain turbet Look Out w [Music] w careful Captain you're going to fall w I think he's having trouble seeing and hearing us chase call up to him as loud as you can volume up rough megaphone chase that you [Music] woo thanks for safely snatching me oh hey I can hear but golly my glasses are gone special delivery nice work Zuma Captain turbet we've got your glasses a thousand thanks for your help whenever you lose your glasses just yell for [Music] help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir Rubble is stranded on an alien planet and it sounds like he's stuck uh-oh so for this space mission I'll need Chase Chase is ready for space great I'll also need Rocky Ro green means go all right Paw Patrol is on a [Music] roll hi Chase is Rubble okay hi Ryder Rubble looks okay but he's uh making funny sounds he'll be okay once he's home oh uh-oh looks like your Paw's caught [Music] claw rough [Music] net pop on Rubble Rider h help hey look there's Rubble huh but if rubble's down there then um you're not Rubble that's not Rubble it's an alien Rubble Rubble has a double guys I hope you can hear me because I need your help looks like rubble's still down there we need to rescue him fast SK Rocky Chase Zuma you're all here and ready to help rough net hop on dude woohoo all right thanks pups Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir something's gone wrong on the turbet swamp tour a swamp creature scared the good ways and they ran off Swamp Creature even worse oh no now the mayor's stuck in quicksand and Captain turbet isn't answering his phone but Ryder the tide goes out this time of day and the water will be too low for the sea patroller you're right Zuma that's why this is Ultimate swamp water rescue I'm ultimately ready to dive in all right Paw Patrol is on a roll Paw Patrol [Music] Z these trees are scrambling my GPS signal I can't pick up the flounder or the good ways Chase use your swamp drone to look for Clues swamp [Music] drone footprint I bet the small ones belong to Julia and Julius and the bigger ones must be m good ways let's go check it out follow that TR here they are mer Goodway Julia Julius yay it's the PAW Patrol I knew they would come Rubble use your wake board to pull mayor good way out Rubble on the ultimate double wait for okay Mayor Goodway just carefully crawl onto the board oh wait for it turn oh thank you Rubble as my niece and nephew would say you [Music] rock Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks for hurrying pups because we're going to need to build something super quick our monkey KN pal Captain Gordy went off course we've got to help Captain Gordy land safely so I'm going to need a team of pups to build a landing pad fast that's why this is an ultimate construction rescue we're on it you can count on us I'll need an expert in building to lead the team rubble and his ultimate construction vehicle Paw Patrol is on a rule oh no Gord supposed to land here but there isn't enough room for The Landing Pad it's too narrow if we can't go wide we can go up what are we going to build Rubble just trust me and follow my directions first we need to take apart the old Landing Pad don't lose it be use it Zuma drill po holes over here Ryder Chase let's get the pools into those holes I see Gordy's spaceship we've got to speed it up Captain Gordy's counting on [Music] us Rubble this is the coolest Landing Pad ever a rubble double spiral slide here he comes Ryder come in please is Captain Gordy all right he's landed and is safe and sound thanks Ryder you saved the day Rubble deserves the big thanks Paw Patrol ready for action Ridder sir police style as you know the Royal kitties were on their way to Adventure Bay were what do you mean Ryder they're missing we're going to need everyone to solve this case Chase you're the police pup so I need you to lead this operation copy that chase is on this ultimate rescue case now I'd like you to give a warm welcome to the newest members of our kitten catastrophe crew why aren't we going faster oh come on kitties this isn't nap time you twoo Royals now shovel pull this train over m humer fine I'll do it [Music] myself M hser won't stop I've got an idea Rocky Sky I need you to get to the bottom of the hill as fast as you can then Sky Drop the spike strip from your copter Rocky line it up across the road let's do [Music] this here comes the [Music] train now where are our visitors Elizabeth Henry Welcome to our humble town and thanks again Paw Patrol you're welcome whenever you have a problem just Yelp for help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks for hurting pups it looks like mayor Humdinger has somehow gotten himself trapped inside a giant chocolate bunny who knew that mayor Humdinger was really a big sweetie well now he's being carried off into the woods and it's up to us to rescue him so for this Mission I'll need spy Chase spy chase is on the case and Sky let's take to the sky all right Paw Patrol is on a roll help Skye lower your harness Roger that Ridder uh-oh Sky hurry the sun's melting the chocolate a Chase go to the bottom of the gorge and get your net ready you got it what's happening oh no I almost had it rough net Ryder the bunny bounced and now we've got a floating fluffy help me Zumo we need you and your hovercraft stat let's Dive In [Music] now we just need to get that bunny to Shore Ryder we've got a problem oh yeah those dolphins look way too close Zuma I need you to tow the bunny to Shore and [Music] fast what's [Music] happening mayor Humdinger grab the buoy well it took you long enough but than thank you for the rescue you're welcome mayor Humdinger whenever you're stuck inside a chocolate bunny just yel for help oh this monster remote is impossible to figure [Music] out no no I don't want this monster to Boogie wogie I want it to walkie walkie to bogy bottom uh-oh here they come that gigant disor so gigantic it's going to break something ah stop dancing sh sh better stay back M Goodway looks like gigazaur is going to blow another Fireball I heard screaming what's wrong a giant lizard yikes take a letter M perfectly baked Skye see if you can buy [Music] gigasaur Ryder I found gigasaur where is it near the lookout Paw Patrol to the lookout fast now to save chickolet [Music] oh windows down hold still [Music] chickaletta hurry Marshall it's going to blow who tick aeta hop on y uh-oh now it's pointing at us get ready pups sprayers and hoses it's going to hose is up water on now tilt for the ra to the left that's it keep it still Marshall hups we stopped the [Applause] robot Paw Patrol ready for action Riders sir Robo doog follow the signal to Big Rock Canyon that's where Mr Wing's being chased by Wolves Big Rock Canyon is where that big storm is headed there's a lot of rocks in those Canyons so I'll need Rubble Rubble on the double and Marshall since you're great speaking to animals I'll need you to tell those wolves to stay away from Mr way nut I'm ready for a rough Ruff Rescue all right Paw Patrol is on a roll Marshall heads Southeast into the canyon that's where Mr Wingnut is and the Wolves I'll tell them to go away like this oh no sounds like another wolf great job Marshall I'll go rescue Mr Wing knot Ryder we've got a problem we've got another problem Ryder the thunderstorm we are trying to stay away from it's almost here we've got to get Mr Wingnut out of there before the canyon floods Marshall lead your new pack onto the Paw patroller [Music] Robble try to move that Boulder out of the [Music] way Robo do get us out of the [Music] canyon what are wolves doing here don't worry we're all friends [Music] Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir uh Rider Ryder I'm here with Alex so this is going to be a little [Music] different hey we're going so fast the brakes on my ATV burned out so we need your help to stop but before we can stop the ATV we'll have to get Alex off safely so for this Mission I'll need sky let's take to the sky Paw Patrol is on a roll Ryder I can't pick up Alex yet too many trees are in the way what are we going to do what if we met you [Music] halfway gotcha a that ride was fun we have to catch Ryder it's time for maximum [Music] speed sorry pups this high speed is throwing off the steering control we need to slow this ATV down jeez let's try a drag shoot great idea Ryder I'm on it wa I can't get any closer I've got one shot steady now R try shoot awesome aim puff it's working I'm slowing down you're all such good pups it's not every day I have to be rescued by my own team if you ever wind up riding an out of control rocket all you have to do is help for help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir as you know a bunch of wild bunnies have shown up at our Easter Festival so for this Mission I'll need Rockies I need you to use your catapult to toss out treats and lure the bunnies into this carrier green means hop to it all right Paw Patrol is on a roll that's not a duck look Julius it's a little bunny a I've got this [Music] come here bunny bunny bunny I know you want these tasty [Music] carrots gotcha thanks Rocky oh no look there's still one more whiskers is on top of the ferris wheel Sky we need you at the ferris wheel with your copter and basket whiskers is in trouble this puppy's got to fly I've got a visual on whiskers please be careful he startles easily everyone be perfectly still basket slow and steady all right little buddy now just hop on in there easy does it oh goodie my turn to [Music] ride oh no uh-oh bunnies can't fly but good thing pups can imp aome catch Sky yay she did it thank you all so much for saving the fair and especially for saving those adorable little bunnies whenever bunnies are in trouble just hippity hop for help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir something's up at the Adventure Bay game all the medals have gone missing that sounds like a big mystery this mission calls for some serious detective work so we need a team of top-notch police pups led by our expert Chase copy that Paw Patrol is on a roll oh you have to find those medals Rocky scan the ground here and look for tracks you got it no sign of any tracks here anything where you are Marshall just some flower pedals around the metal display I just wanted something I think you need to get down here look up there where the gold medal was hanging kitten fur but there are no kitty tracks in the sand because they use something to whoosh through the air and knock the pedals off the flowers but how are we going to catch these flying kitty Bandits I have a plan fetch me those medals [Applause] Stop in the Name of the PW return those medals no they're all mine mine mine mine help we need to save M Humdinger Sky keep the Mir in sight Roger that it looks like he's flying right towards the canyon wall n [Applause] a pH perfect now you can give me back my medals sorry mayor they're going back where they belong oh thank you Chase and the Paw Patrol you're welcome whenever your medals go missing just yel for [Music] help mayor humer crashed a ship into an iceberg it's up to us to fix it before it sinks so may Goodway and the others can sail home so for this Mission I'll need Rocky green means go and Everest ice or snow I'm ready to go all right Paw Patrol is on a roll all right let's bring in that ship okay Everest let's get the Paw patroller connected to the ship nice aim Everest now let's reel it in okay Robo [Music] [Music] doog this ship will be a whole lot better by the time we're done good then mayor Humdinger can sell everyone back to Adventure Bay wait where is Mayor Humdinger about [Music] that a cave I bet the Treasure's in here wait May hinger careful you're causing an avalanche aw I was so close I could taste it there that you do it you're all set to sale Ryder thanks for not leaving us in the cold no problem whenever you're in trouble just yel for help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir mayor Humdinger kitties are trapped in toodles clown car and it's racing out of control so for this Mission I'll need chase chase is on the case and Sky let's take to the sky all right Paw Patrol is on a roll don't worry kitties someone other than me will save you we have to power it down Sky lower toodles down onto the car now toodles pull out the key do you have any oil in your hat to help loosen [Music] it oh no the oil made the roof [Music] slippery he did [Music] it great job [Music] toodles oh my kitties they're safe yeah [Music] wow help Rocky Zuma we need backup green means go let's dive in you better hurry he's heading right for Alex's party watch out my cake is going to get ruined by mayor Humdinger not on my [Music] [Applause] watch [Music] you Sav my cake and my party thanks Paw Patrol you're welcome Alex whenever clowning gets out of control just for [Music] help oh we found them look at all those gold bones and they're all mine chck letter I'll be right down to get you chicky poo oh hello chick letter what Ryder town hall is sinking what H my GPS says we're almost under Town Hall we'll see what's going on hurry kites load fast that sounds like m h stop huh you just want the gold bones for yourself but they're all mine full power no we need to lift Town Hall we're here to help you dude and we're here too great I need those metal beams you found green means let's [Music] go and done Town p is dropping fast no problem I'll just give Town Hall a lift with this totally upcycled super lifter careful run [Applause] yes Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir mayor Humdinger took Katie's portable Pet Wash oh no and we've got to get it back so for this Mission I'll need chase chase is on the case and Rocky green means go all right Paw Patrol is on a roll hang on my gritty Kitty oh now what there's Katie's portable pet L I've got to slow down those pesky pups kitties uh-oh the mayor's kitties are floating away and it's about to get worse look at the Pet Wash all those bubbles are getting stuck underneath it Rocky you Sav the kitties let's pop to it I got to find the down [Music] [Applause] [Music] button catch him Chase rough [Music] net no no no mayor hinger are you okay a I'm covered in mud and my kitties floated off in bubbles my kitties they're okay see I think I'm back in [Music] business wow it's like everyone in town wants a bath Ryder thanks for getting my Pet Wash back you're welcome Katie whenever you're in bubble TR trouble just yel for help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir engineer Ed just told me that the train with all the carnival equipment is stuck in the tunnel a all the kids will be so disappointed that's why we have to make sure the train reaches the fairgrounds so for this Mission I'll need Rubble Rubble on the double and Rocky green means go all right Paw Patrol is on a roll am I glad to see you H what a crummy time to get stuck it'll be okay just show us where you're stuck oh I can see how it got caught Rubble can you make that tunnel lider Earth [Applause] [Music] drill Rocky let's put that cargo back where it belongs and this Tren should just roll through I'm on it how's this look Ryder great rubble and the cargo car is almost straightened out I just have one more thing to load come here you have to see [Music] [Laughter] this nice and secure let's get going we'll ride here to make sure everything stays put and I'll finish cleaning up engineer and we're all aboard let's go set up the carnival did you see how I looked in that fun house mirror my legs look so wobbly I sure did that big clown in the Box made me jump so high hey thanks oh thank you we wouldn't have had the carnival without the PAW Patrol you're welcome whenever your train gets stuck just yep for help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir a beehive broke and the queen bee scared the elephants away from their watering hole so for this Mission I'll need Sky I need you to search for the elephants in case they ran into trouble this puppy's got to fly all right Paw Patrol is on a roll Rider dis Sky any luck yes I see them no cuties don't go in in there Ryder the elephants went into the temple everyone let's hurry to the temple Chas and tracker go into the temple and lead the elephants out on it [Applause] Ryder the tunnel's blocked we're on our way tracker Rubble Marshall get ready to [Applause] Launch [Music] Let's help these elephant get out of here tracker we'll hook your cables between that slab of rock and the Paw patroller tow hook you got it Ryder our [Music] cables now let's get our big friends onto the slab Marshall blast the floor of the tunnel with water Robo do put the patroller in reverse and back [Music] up woo that was close thanks for your help Paw Patrol no problem whenever you need to move an animal just yell for help Paw Patrol ready for action Riders sir thanks for hurrying pups the turbet are trapped somewhere in the jungle oh they tried to call but their phone cut out that's why we have to find them Sky I need you to use our goggles and coper to search for them from the air Captain turbet said beneath so they may need to be dug out of where they are Rubble I need you to use your rig Paw Patrol is on a [Music] roll Ryder I found something there's a truck outside the temp Pur great that's got to be the turit we're on our way escucha listen that's the noise we heard on the phone it's coming from inside the temple that noise does not sound good let's find the turbet quick I think the turbet are on the other side of this wall but how do we get through it this part of the wall looks like a door I can use my shovel to Pride up [Music] open oh is that really you Ryder yeah hold on we're almost there yes we are saved that should do it all right everybody push yes we're in we are saved so happy to see you that's the scary sound big hairy more like big noisy he fell in the room Z he was smashing things all over let's get you out before he wakes up we don't want to startle him thanks Paw Patrol for a picture perfect Rescue you're welcome whenever you're trapped in an ancient temple with a giant monkey just yel for help catch Wall-E some Choice Chow for my cherish Chum great grab here you [Music] go uh-oh that's the sonar [Music] siren [Music] yum uh-oh that ping looks like trouble let's pack up and turn for town no no great gushing geysers I need the PAW Patrol captain turit we're here to save you zum up Rubble Sea Patrol go R got it [Music] rer they're coming from everywhere look out oh no now the tentacles have the sea patroller too I've got Rider you rescue Captain turbus you got [Music] it it's tickle time W oh no I'm coming thanks Marshall Ryder this is tough these tentacles keep getting in the way maybe we can scare them off Robo dog give give them a blast of the horn it worked Paw Patrol ready for action Riders sir thanks pups we've got to stop a food dropping Air Force Mr Porter's remote control is missing and now he can't stop his drums from dropping food everywhere it's up to the PAW Patrol to protect Adventure Bay from raining food but those drones are flying all over the place that's why you pups will need your flight packs to chase them down Rocky you'll use your claw to snake food in midair before it spats people Rubble you'll ride your hoverboard and use it to swat away flying food Marshall you'll use your water cannons to wash away whatever mess we miss Paw Patrol is on a rule claw arm my hero oh oh water [Music] cannon all clean nothing gets past Rubble especially carrots my [Music] favorite no the piglets are going to crash land right near Mr Porter's restaurant wait that pool full of Pies would be the perfect Landing Pad Chase go over to Mr Porters I'll meet you there on it Ryder Chase go to Alex's pool sure thing okay now push the pool towards me turbo [Music] Jets okay Chase stop right here here Jets off Bingo Sea Patrol ready for action Captain Ryder sir we have a lifeguard ICE emergency pups oh no is the flounder trapped yes it's frozen in some very thick ice and we're going to free it so for this Mission I'll need Rubble I'll need you to use your underwater drill to kill carefully cut the ice around the flounder Rocky all you to use your underwater welder to melt away any ice around the flounder that rubbles drill can't reach SE Patrol is on a rule Rubble time to drill some ice but remember not too close Rubble on the double kind of dark underwater I'll help you see underwater spotlight roof [Music] [Applause] drill Rocky your [Music] turn great job pups I'm ready to help too Ryder thanks Everest Robo dog and the Sea patroller will finish the job check out our new ice breaker now that the flounder is safely detached this ice breaker will create a path to the flounder Robo dog forward yay way to go okay Robo doog let's turn around and lead the flower out woohoo woohoo we're right behind you welcome to barking BG Mr Stars it's an honor to be here I'd be so pleased if you join me for tea this afternoon before the concert cool I wonder what's taking Luke so long princess I looked at his dressing room and searched the entire Castle but he's nowhere to be found Luke stars is missing I'd better call the PAW Patrol Paw Patrol I'm so glad to see you hi princess we got here as fast as we could Rocky you and I will search inside the castle Sky you search outside let's go Roger Rider on it I'm afraid he'll never be found and the spotlight will be all mine he can not behind this wall keep looking Sky any sign of Luke I see something Luke's lucky hat it's stuck in a window on the East Tower great work Sky the inside wall of the East Tower is right about here Rocky try scanning this wall wa a hidden elevator it's Luke he's in a room up there good work Rocky Rubble Sky meet us outside the castle I'm on my way [Music] Ryder construction claw my lucky hat thanks Paw Patrol you saved me hey guys I would have called but sweetie took my phone and trapped me up here but at least you're okay now let's get you to the concert ladies and gentlemen Luke star hello barkingburg sorry I'm late [Applause] princess [Music] you're doing great pups you're turning this empty lot into a really nice place like for a little park cool this bird's already found a home here hi Miss margerie what's up holes have popped up all over my yard Ryder you can't step anywhere without falling in one which is exactly what mayard and I did we're on our way Miss Mar am I glad to see you where's mayard over by that tree uh-oh that tree's going to tip and trap Mayer Rocky get him out [Applause] quick hey mayard need a [Music] p drop on to the front of my board W I got this Sky lower your harness for Rubble Roger that Ryder still hanging in there Rubble no problem for me and I'm not sure about Miss margery's house all that's holding it up is a thin piece of dirt but Ryder how am I supposed to live in a Tippy tilty house we'll move it uh where the perfect place the old lot we were cleaning up oh that sounds nice take it up Robo doog [Music] Robo dog let's move out gently gently easy set her down Robo doog you did it pups you did it Sea Patrol ready for action Captain Ryder sir we need to clear the fish away from an underwater water volcano that's about to erupt near lava ledge Island oh no Miss margerie and Maynard are on their way right now to visit an old friend herrian alai then this just became a bigger rescue so we'll need Marshall use your speedboat to find Miss margerie and herrian and warn them about the volcano I'm fired up all right Sea Patrol is on a [Music] roll helloa puppy hi May is that you hello herrian margerie no dear stop margerie I'll meet you on the other side of the Island Ryder we have a raccoon on the Run Aloha are you friends of marjerie and Marshall they need Koka help oh no the Island's volcano is erupting Marshall help me with this palm tree what are they doing they're going [Music] surfy hang on Marshall we're going to catch some hairo yay [Applause] [Music] wo awesome thanks for coming to the rescue Ryder Mahalo for your help just remember whenever a reunion is ruined by a rumbling volcano just yel for kuua seat Patrol ready for action Captain Ryder Sir Alex and Mer Goodway spotted a mysterious creature in the ocean it has has a horn like a unicorn a green man like a lion and black spots like a snow leopard or like a marshall Alex calls it a unpa lion cor and he's worried because he heard it crying we need to see if it's in trouble and be ready to help it Zuma I need you to go into your sub and find out more about this mysterious creature SE Patrol is on a rued Ryder it's over here now oo Zuma see if you can get a picture of it come on out give me a [Music] smile I'll send it to your pup pad hi Ryder what can I do for you could you please identify the sea creature we found cool it's the unile leppa lion corn apologies Alex but it's actually a narwhal a type of whale that usually lives in the icy Arctic but he must be Mighty [Music] lost Ryder narwhals Get Around by listening for sounds echoing off objects the cargo ship noise is so loud it can cause gnarly catastrophic confusion he could swim right into something harmful look out it's okay gnarly we're going to get you out of [Music] this good work [Applause] pups Moto pups ready for action Ryder sir well except for Chase that's why I called you we have to find our missing teammate we'll find them Ryder can I help too sure thing wild cat we'll need your super motorcycle skills to help us search those narrow can Canon roads thanks Ryder all right Paw Patrol is on a roll everybody okay you got us in here now get us out I would if I could but I really need the rest of the Moto pups you I heard another one it sounded like it was coming from over here AR scoop roal cat better not get too close I don't want to make you sneeze more it's not your fault wild cat we'll always be Pals those pups think they're so great but if you built cool stuff like this we can rescue ourselves and CA some real trouble watch woohoo I mean help chase you saved the pilot Wildcat you saved the jet on it [Music] Ryder yeah autopilot [Music] net great teamwork you two time to rig up something to stop your sneezes hey no sneezes I added a hypoallergenic filter that'll stop chases cat out allergies whenever he's wearing it thanks Ryder whenever your sneezes cause you trouble just at you for help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks for hurrying pups Olivia the ostrich is in trouble she's going to be okay because we're going to help her Rubble I need you to use your crane to move the Rock and free Olivia Sky I need you to use your harness to lift Olivia out of the canyon Paw Patrol is on a roll Ridder not a minute too soon right it'll be okay Oscar we'll help Olivia [Music] [Applause] CR got it hold it up okay Sky use your harness I don't think a likes flying I have to set her down then we'll have to find another way to get her back to her eggs poor Olivia your foot hurts huh she definitely can't walk home we need some Wheels Robo dog come in I need you to bring the Paw patroller here so we can drive Olivia back to the ranch here's the Paw patroller Olivia Robo dog can drive you back let's go to IIA inside end Sho Sho W Rider Robo doog use your jets to catch up with them and lead them back stop stop wa thanks Robo [Music] do thanks for saving our ostrich family Rider no problem whenever your birds are on the Run just Yelp for help Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir thanks for waking up pups hey that looks like our space Rock only with legs and an eye it is the space Rock wow I thought it was just an ordinary present nothing ordinary about this rock and for some reason it ran to Jake's mountain and then started a rock slide and now it's trapped in the cave with Everest and the turbet we have to get them out so for this Mission I'll need Chase we'll need you to use your night vision goggles and wall Walkers to find the right cave Spike chase is on the case Rubble we need you to use your rig to move the boulder Block in the cave Rubble on the double all right Paw Patrol is on a roll wao now that's some seriously big trouble here's where the Rockside stopped the cave must be behind one of those Boulders spy Chase you're up night vision goggles I can't see a cave from here I'll need to look from a different angle wall Walkers nothing behind this one anyone call for a rescue we did we I found them they're behind this Boulder good work spy Chase Rubble your [Applause] [Music] turn we are safe we're free thanks for getting us out of there all in a night's work great job setting up today pups we're going to have so much fun on Cowboy day tomorrow I'll be cheering yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] sounds like trouble at the pig pen well I'll be she's sleepwalking I'm stop I better call the PAW Patrol thanks Rubble how is your foot Mighty muddy but it'll be fine over here pups Rubble push those hay bals over to catch the [Music] M there she is Chase she's headed right for Oscar and chetta on it [Music] spider Sky we need an air rescue we need to keep her away from the edge until Sky gets here Chase climb up there wall Walkers mer good way [Music] stop and got [Music] you oh sorry did I miss something I had the best dream Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir in construction gear thanks for waking up ready to go pups something smashed Uncle Otis's cabin poor uncle Otis we're going to need all Paw on Deck to rebuild Uncle otis' cabin that's why this is an ultimate construction rescue I'll need an expert at building who's great at leading a crew rubble and his ultimate construction vehicle Rubble on the ultimate double Paw Patrol is on a roll Reb your poor cabin I came outside to give my Beaver buddy here a midnight snack and then Wham this is a pretty big job Uncle Lotus but the ultimate construction crew is here to get it done first let's clear the sight of rubble not me I mean all of this Marshall use the mini Steamroller to flatten the [Music] ground now Zuma use the mini drill to make post [Music] holes use your winch to help lift the walls R [Music] winch great job construction crew I'll say now that's some quality cabin building Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir the Ruff Ru pack has kicked me Humdinger out of his layer and on to that Cliff that's right Rocky so for this Mission I deputize Marshall I'm fired up Moto Style and Rubble Rubble on the Moto double all right Paw Patrol is on a roll we're here mayor Humdinger Marshall help him down rubble let's move that rock just stay calm here Humdinger and we'll get you down safely oh look at this mess and they took my kitties we'll get your kitties back why Cat come quick to Foggy Bottom hey I'm ready for a wild ride boy he really is fast yep let's [Music] roll gotcha that's enough Mischief you guys where are the kitties down [Music] there we've got this Chase Rocky chase is on the case green means let's [Music] go I'm ready Ryder rough [Music] winch we're coming in h oh I can't [Music] watch detach Rocky special delivery gotcha y whenever your kitties are missing just yel for help oh this monster remote is impossible to figure [Music] out no no I don't want this monster to Boogie wogie I want it to walkie walkie to boggy bottom uh-oh here they come that Gigantor so gigantic it's going break something ah stop dancing better stay back may Goodway looks like gigazaur is going to blow another Fireball I heard screaming what's wrong a giant lizard yikes take a letter M perfectly baked Sky see if you can find Gigantor [Music] wing Ryder I found gigasaur where is it near the lookout Paw Patrol to the lookout fast now to save [Music] chickaletta oh windows down hold still chickaletta hurry Marshall it's going to blow W take aett hop on the ice uh-oh now it's pointing at us get ready pups sprayers and hoses it's going to hoses off water on now tilt for the ra to the left that's it keep it still Marshall pups we stopped the [Applause] robot Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir Robo doog follow the signal to Big Rock Canyon that's where Mr ringa is being chased by [Music] Wolves Big Rock Canyon is where that big storm is headed there's a lot of rocks in those Canyons so I'll need Rubble Rubble oh on the double and Marshall since you're great at speaking to animals I'll need you to tell those wolves to stay away from Mr Wingnut I'm ready for a rough Ruff Rescue all right Paw Patrol is on a roll Marshall head Southeast into the canyon that's where Mr Wingnut is and the Wolves I'll tell them to go away like this oh no sounds like another wolf [Music] great job Marshall I'll go rescue Mr Wingnut Ryder we've got a problem we've got another problem Ryder that thunderstorm we are trying to stay away from it's almost here we've got to get Mr Wingnut out of there before the canyon floods Marshall lead your new PA onto the Paw patroller [Music] Robel try to move that Boulder out of the [Music] [Music] way Robo do get us out of the [Music] [Applause] canyon what what are wolves doing here don't worry we're all friends Paw Patrol ready for action Rider Sir Alex let farmer Yi's animals out of the barn now they're on the Run they're headed towards the race so we need to stop them before they run into anyone Chase I need you to use your megaphone and Cones to safely hurt those animals Rubble I need you to use a rig to build a safe area to put the animals in Paw Patrol is on a roll con great work guys and not a moment too soon wo I'm a cowboy on a real cow HS they're following the path but they're not flowing down I've got this Ryder Stop in the Name of the P hey it worked all right Rubble move some more hay bales to close the animals in Alex I'll get you off patina shoo shoo get away from there wa help I never knew cows could be so fast wo how do you stop this cow Scot use your harness to grab Alex yeah it's okay she loves to swim Chase told me what happened thanks for rounding up my animals it's okay whenever you have a problem just yel for help the ancient and mysterious golden statue of Lup what are those bigger statues branis ah those are L's Guardians the Guardians would follow the orders of whoever held the golden statue of L how fascinating and sensationally [Music] shiny huh that's no Jewel it's a piece of the meteor that gave me super [Music] powers are those statues moving did you just listen to me bring me that treasure chest of gold I can control them now I have a whole crew to take shiny stuff for me okay mighty pups we're going going to lure the ladybird out of the museum with the biggest shiniest statue she's ever seen and take back the golden Lop statue but we don't have a bigger shinier statue we will and you'll see when we fly up to the desert in the mighty jet now here's the rest of the plan how hard is it to find one giant Jewel en crusted statue it's so giant so shiny carry statue back to my museum layer gotcha ladybird what you're not a statue nope I'm a mighty pup and the golden statue of L is not yours mer Paw Patrol you saved our precious Museum exhibit you're welcome whenever your statues come alive just Yelp for help Mighty p pups ready for Mighty action Riders sir thanks for hurrying pups it looks like mayor humer has somehow created a bunch of super clones of himself that's a whole bunch of humdingers the Clones have carried off Katie's Pet Parlor with Katie and Callie still inside Mighty Chase I need you to use your super speed to catch up to the Humdinger horde and stop them and mighty Rubble I need you to use your super strength to bring back the pet parlor Mighty pups are on a roll there's a trail of pieces from the missing building Chase follow that trail and catch up to them just watch me if you can stop where you arm M humdingers and put that pet parlor down yeah that's Ste oh no oopsie let's get out of here Katie are you okay no oh we're going to need more Mighty pup power Marshall we need you out by the gorge I'm ready for a red heart rescue I'm here Ryder Great Mighty pups it's time to get charged up on it oh yeah pop power Marshall we need a charged up super jump to get Katie and CI out of there fast on it Marshall I'll get you out of here hold on tight thanks uh-oh Chase use your Sonic bark to blast the pet parlor out catch it Rubble thanks for everything Ryder You're welcome Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir as you know a bunch of bunch of wild bunnies have shown up at our Easter Festival so for this Mission I'll need Rocky I need you to use your catapult to toss out treats and lure the bunnies into this carrier green means hop to it all right Paw Patrol is on a roll that's not a duck look Julius it's a little bunny a I've got this come here bunny bunny bunny I know you want these tasty [Music] carrots gotcha thanks Rocky oh no look there's still one more whiskers is on top of the ferris wheel Sky we need you at the ferris wheel with your copter and basket whiskers is in trouble this puppy's got to fly I've got a visual on whiskers please be careful he startles easily everyone be perfectly still basket slow and steady all right little buddy now just hop on in there easy does it oh goodie my turn to [Music] ride oh no uh-oh bunnies can't fly but good thing pups can imp aome catch Sky y she did it thank you all so much for saving the fair and especially for saving those adorable little bunnies whenever bunnies are in trouble just hippity hop for help this is my favorite comic pator sweet aome Let's Pretend We're pator you're playing puff anator want to play hi Mayor Goodway everything okay not at all Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir a delivery plane accidentally dropped mayor goodway's armor which broke apart and fell all over town but that's the gift she's giving to the princess which is why we need to work fast so for this Mission I'll need Rocky I need you to put all the pieces back together with your reuse it truck green means go all right Paw Patrol is on a roll I hope this armor turns out okay I think we all did hi M Goodway the princess's train just arrived oh please tell me the Armor's ready see for yourselves pH greetings your Royal Highness we've got a very special and unique gift gift for the princess oh I do apologize for the racket Mayor Goodway but wherever we go they give us a suit of armor hey Mayor Goodway we've got the Ryder did you know that the princess has a whole train car full of suits of armor WoW um Ryder I think I have an idea we'll be right back reubel we've got get the armor back into the Reus it [Music] truck pator we are huge fans thank you Paw Patrol whenever you need a special gift just yel for help hey what's that Mr Wingnut the wing flinger 3,000 a turbocharged automated flying disc that even comes back to you after you throw it uh isn't it supposed to come back now stop that Wier wa what was that better call the PAW Patrol thank goodness you're here Ryder we'll get you down Mr Porter Marshall ladder thanks Marshall oh my bucket's still way up there though no problem I'll get [Music] it not good there goes the Flying [Laughter] Saucer the wing flingers got cie what are we going to do we've got the best disc catcher in Adventure Bay who can help who Robo Robo dog hatch that [Music] disc Chase your net [Music] n [Music] we did it Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir something's gone wrong on the turbet swamp tour a swamp creature scared the good ways and they ran off Swamp Creature even worse oh no now the May's stuck in quicksand and Captain turbet isn't answering his phone but Ryder the tide goes out this time of day and the water will be too low for the sea patroller you're right Zuma that's why this is Ultimate swamp water rescue I'm ultimately ready to dive then all right Paw Patrol is on a roll Paw Patrol [Music] Z these trees are scrambling my GPS signal I can't pick up the flounder or the good ways Chase use your swamp drone to look for Clues swamp [Music] drone footprint I bet the small ones belong to Julia and Julius and the bigger ones must be mer good ways let's go check it out by follow that Tru here they are M Goodway Julia Julius yay it's the PAW Patrol I knew they would come Rebel use your wakeboard to pull mayor good way out Rubble on the ultimate double wait for okay Mayor Goodway just carefully crawl onto the board wait for it turn oh thank you Rubble as my niece and nephew would say you [Music] rock my plan worked perfectly attention citizens of Adventure Bay inside this energy Dome of energy I can do whatever I want and no one can get in or out we need the Paw Patrol hups the copycat is somewhere on top of the Dome it's time to go into hover mode I don't see him anywhere Ryder I bet he went inside there must be a hidden door somewhere I found another way in Rider down near the water Suma Marshall it's time to get charged [Music] up I'm inside the Dome Rider and I've got eyes on the coffee c not for long I'm on on his furry tail time to make my [Music] grandest there he is and there's the door let's get charged up let's wreck and roll you I can't thank you enough for freeing us from that awful copycat whenever you're trapped inside a giant Dome just yel for help Sea Patrol ready for action Captain Ryder sir the mapa brought us shows the area where Carlos and tracker are stranded but there are lots of islands around there Sky will use her paraso like a super tall Crow's Nest that way she can spot which island has a big mountain on it that's where we'll find Carlos and tracker and Zuma since we know there's booby traps there you'll Scout ahe for them on your watercraft Sea Patrol is on a Ru Sea Patrol is on a Ru looks like we're getting close to Carlos and tracker's island sky time to be our Sky High [Music] scope there's the island with the big mountain from Carlos's map I see them and they look happy to see us okay Zuma time to check the water up ahead for any booby traps we need a clear path to the island i i c wa booby traps up ahead look out Suma time to go into submersible [Music] mode Rubble launch your under water construction rate Rubble on the double Captain Ryder Rubble you'll use your rig's big scoop to push on the pillar and Zuma you'll use your CAU arm to pull on it I captain it's starting to fall get out of the way yeah all right yo ho ho we're ready to go ready to go welcome aboard the sea patroller Carlos thanks Ryder Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir we've got a mission on Jake's mountain and we've got to hurry Uncle Otis the prospector is in a runaway mine cart y we have to rescue him and stop the mine cart before it crashes so for this Mission I'll need ever I'll need you and your snow cat use its front Grabber to get over us out of that mine car Rubble that mine car looks like it might run into Otis's cabin I need you to use your construction rate to bulos a big Mount of dirt to stop that car there he is Everest Grabber armed the power patrol uh-oh gotcha nice catch Everest but please don't let Goldie get away Rubble get ready that M car's headed your way already over here ryer I hope Goldie uh-oh Everest the Nuggets headed back down the hill Goldie she's come back to squish us if we don't move fast Marshall head toward the river bike at the base of the mountain hang on Uncle Otis imp first Rider but now that Beaver family's in trouble hurry up Marshall use your water can to soak the ground in front of the Beavers to stop that nugget in the mud got it I'm Mighty grateful to the PAW Patrol for saving the most valuable thing of all your big gold nugget nope I knew pal buddy and his Beaver kid [Music] Ryder I'm afraid I have very disturbing news the Royal Crown of barkingburg has gone missing and so has my former favorite pup Chase he stole the crown that's impossible and I thought he was such a good pup we're on our way to find him and prove he didn't do it and find your crown okay pups we've got to find Chase and The Missing Crown Chase's special bow type pup tag sends GPS [Music] signals looks like Chase's pup tag is somewhere in the castle once we're inside we should get a stronger signal so we can pinpoint his exact location all right Mission paw is on a roll than we're here huh but where is he I don't know but his pup tag signals coming from down [Music] there Zuma time to use your scuba gear with super sonar scuba sonar wowow go ahead Zuma I think someone's sending a signal from the castle basement you think it might be Chase Rocky use your radar scanner to see who's making that noise radar scanner it's Chase he's right on the other side of that wall Rubble we found Chase we need your mini Miner Chase you're safe Chase way to roll Paw [Music] Patrol hey from Morel are you excited about your big morning I was until someone or something took away my rainbow potato and made a mess in my garden that's terrible that fellow from the special vegetable book is supposed to be here any minute what's wrong he's early this is going to be a perfect potato day don't worry we'll take care of everything no potatoes too missing no pupp is too small I've got this I'll are looking for [Music] Clues this feels pretty solid Rebel now just fill in the hole Chase any luck yet actually check this out I found some animal tracks hm send out your drone to see if we can find out who they belong to and if that who took the potato rough drone follow that drone they're having so much fun how are we going to get theato po let's distract them use your launcher to send them some real bouncy balls R [Music] launcher it worked now everyone to the [Music] farm ah another rainbow potato fan um sure you're starting to draw crowd of folks wanting to see your very special veggie so where is it already well uh to be honest with you it's uh right here well well well well I hereby declare that farmer owl's rainbow potato is one of the vegetable Wonders of the World y wow amazing Paw Patrol ready for action Rider sir Marshall got zapped by the shrink rate and now now he's very very small we have to find him at that size he won't have gone very far from the tower spy Chase stepping on the lawn is too risky so I need your drone to fly over it to look for him Rubble I need you to lower your rig's electromagnet over the lawn to pick up Marshall's truck Paw Patrol is on a roll Ryder I think I found something okay bring it in easy easy you did it Rubble yes there's no Marshall in it it's okay we're going to find him time to launch your drone got it Ryder drone go find an itty bitty Marshall Chase's drone I could totally ride the Drone home if I could get up [Music] there thanks jome returns W let's try looking roomm with the lookout's Periscope W hey wait for me my truck ladder hey everybody he's on the P pad good thinking y YY go Marshall go Marshall [Music] wo guys catch Marshall before he crash lands I'm on my way full thanks Sky careful cuz this lens is clear and crackless so let's keep it that way but of course this nice new glass lens will make your Lighthouse lights so much brighter and it also makes the goofy funny faces if you look through it let's get this lens loaded now let's get it to the island defeat fast I don't think so I'll drive super smooth and slow so my lens stays safe yikes those logs are going up in smoke I better hit the brakes my brake lever's stuck now I can't stop I need [Music] help okay let's put up those smoking logs but we'll have to stop the train first good plan Marshall Rubble grab the train with the side Club then we'll stop it using our brakes I've never c a train before cool okay thanks now let's hose him down water cannon cart great save Paw Patrol no problem you're welcome check your local TV listings for full episodes
Channel: Spin Kids Treehouse
Views: 49,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abby hatcher, spin master, paw patrol, fuzzly catcher, abby hatcher episodes, full episodes, fuzzly episodes, new episode, abby, fuzzly, otis, bozzly, princess flug, teeny terry, squeaky peepers, fuzzly plush, fuzzly toy, abby hatcher toy, chef jeff, preschool shows, kids show, family friendly, learning, educational, kid friendly, songs for kids, fuzzlies, catch a hug, cartoons, kids cartoons, all about abby, abby hatcher live, pretend play, toy play, abby hatcher pretend
Id: mgDT9KU5jJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 36sec (13776 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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