Abandoned Tunnel Boring Machine - Exploring an Unfinished Metro Tunnel

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in today's episode we're in Barcelona for a rather unique Adventure we're heading deep below the city streets to search for an abandoned tunnel Boring Machine left rusting away in a section of Unfinished Metro tunnel the tunnel is part of Barcelona's line n one of the newest and most high-tech Metro lines in the world as it stands today however the line is disconnected with an isolated North and South section the middle section was partially bored out around a decade ago but at some point the work stalled out and was never finished now join us as we venture beneath the streets in search of this Mammoth [Music] machine [Music] thanks to morning Brew for sponsoring this portion of today's video morning Brew is a free daily newsletter delivered straight to your inbox Monday through Sunday before I subscrib to morning Brew I would wake up check social media and go from website to website endlessly before I did anything else with morning Brew I get all my business Tech and finance news and I'm caught up with everything going on in the world that's important to me in just a few minutes traditional news is dry dense and boring but morning Brew Brew is concise and straight to the point and of course if something catches your eye you can go more in depth on the topic with morning Brew important news topics are easily accessible such as the current situation with gun reform in the USA and the state of the housing market there really is no reason not to subscribe to morning Brew if you're interested in business finance or Tech it's completely free and takes less than 15 seconds to subscribe sign up for free at morning Brew daily.com slpr people or click the link in the description find [Music] okay he's going to be around there like on our level right [Music] now God this is nasty [Music] [Music] mod there's a light up there yeah I saw it is there someone in there you think that's not usual quietly careful uh okay now you that you're there look at the wall on your belly because there's a nail on the wall okay and you don't want to scrudge with that nice there's a mail around there in the middle on the floor on the flater just put your it's called this what is it once you put this on the wall it's your cuz then you can just lift upwards yeah give me hand yeah yeah just just right on grab my wrist other hand yeah nice your other arm oh get your other arm your armor yeah you've done it it's done there used to be a ladder there they used to but they took it off a couple months ago one maybe makes sense it wouldn't would still have to like climb because you do Tre and also there's a Bigg spine of sand I thought it would be way harder they probably realized people were getting in that way and took it away like usually you have to go from down like where it does know sit down we all made it [Music] [Music] slipper [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Turn Style only s on one side of the this doesn't rotate only step on one side of the stairs tell him okay [Music] Stu here okay [Music] y it's few [Music] yeah [Music] I I love the tunnel noises big ventilation shaft M the active tunnel it's right through there parallel and I'm guessing that if you could take that thing off you could get the I can see it spinning in the wind we're already at almost 300 well what number did we want to get to 6500 6500 you're kidding I'm completely oh man are these exactly a meter do you know no it's more than AER more than a meter okay so if it's 6500 we're going more than 6 and 12 kilm a connect to a gas something probably got stolen or something if you it probably came from this red emergency cabinet and then yeah and there's no fire things in case of emergency you're screwed that many many people know on the other side of there's an exit so it's not a like a mine okay you can go all the way through yeah I guess something's can see here coming from by the way [Applause] right that looks Narrow Gauge right that's got to be worker rail yeah this one way wider alsoo securing if they friendly bols and everything yeah there's some pretty large calcium deposit up there there's some big stag ties [Music] wow the Ws are not the most efficient [Applause] thing okay [Applause] only 10 times more I really hope you're misremembering I don't think so I'm use my Ming it's 5500 that's the only the only way you can get it [Music] one Barcelona's line 9 is unique in that only one tunnel will be boarded to contain the entire line the tunnel will be divided so that the two tracks are stacked on top of each other this will allow space for station platforms to be built with in the tunnel [Music] itself we're kind of the Caboose of this party yeah but it's worth it for the shots [Music] wow it's hot in here this one's Super H for some reason dying wow It it's hot in here it's only so is this basically where they would build the escalators and the elevators to come down like maybe 10 15es in AOW wow and then here they like got thetion of the tunnel yeah and they build it out yeah they build the platform here wow and while on one of the sides you can doesn't fall up there there a ladder I see an opening look yeah the yeah shine at the opening up there that might be the lobby or an emergency exit or something but also the ladder right here on the doesn't go there so there might be another exit or something up from here on top of us here Brian can you blast your flashlight through this Cavern do you like Max brightness this massive cylindrical Cavern will eventually house the elevators and emergency stairs that will be used to access the station platform as with most new Metro projects line 's tunnel had to be dug extremely deep to avoid existing infrastructure above therefore these holes will eventually feature Banks of high-speed elevators rather than more traditional escalators almost done so much nicer in here yep mine's already defogging we broke past a thousand sections only six more of that to go how much would you say that that is length like a meter and a half maybe a little more than that how in Us in American units like 2 yards maybe 6 feet I feel that's like close to me all so maybe yeah M heal yeah wait how many feet are in a yard is it five or three three okay so that's like yeah two yards I'd say but we don't speak of the imperial system let's not remind [Music] people it makes perfect sense 3 feet in a yard 5,280 ft in a mile dude it's makes so much sense we'll know when we get to the next station this is what they're using to build the um the side supports to hold the platform above yeah then they pour the concrete in the like covers of the whole tunnel or the like supports yeah build them the T machine itself like it BS and you can see like right next to like the drill mhm like arms that like are supposed to like back this already these panels here M that's cool like there's no no wall okay we're going have to climb over this like yeah they just cut into the tunnel there used to be a lot of lights that one that one it's funny how they just like build they build it just to destroy it it I guess it's more cost effective that [Music] way that light is really cool [Music] yeah [Music] can see I can literally see clouds yeah [Music] on there goes up it looks like sh down oh the water stops yeah so don't go on the pipe just go okay so it's not walk on the edge 26 27 C okay and this makes a big S turn very big okay big straight line soft turn to the right and then we on okay sweet which side looks easier to go down okay yeah look like yeah this stuff is all super loose I you can go on the side on the B you going to pipe it the whole way I was just going to Walk On The Edge where it's slanted I us you okay my ass will be bruised every fucking Ro clut just came out did you cut your pants open or is that dirt dirt okay how are we going to get off the pipe once the water stops and then we have to get back on the pipe somehow too to get out [Music] I did did you get him [Music] so it would appear that fall Brian took earlier did his light panel in it's completely bugging out now the circuit board broke or something yeah never seen it do that and he lost his flashlight too so Brian is just going to have to walk around in the dark now see you that sucks yeah take this off got it on video got it on video it's so [Music] slippery oh this side how bad it's up that's bad yeah just come over here I uh I was a victim of the [Music] [Applause] center so we're almost there the machine is at the end of the straight we're at panel 2,376 thankfully it wasn't actually in the 6000s like we initially thought or else we would have been in here until the next morning Liv been here till like 300 p.m. yeah but is the tunnel haunted wo [Music] this is usually oh okay oh that was pretty solid light like to the end of this like this entire thing is the machine a bit more [Music] wow Kamar Escape esap ah like if there's like a uh like a disaster happening like a cave in or something or an explosion this would be like with fire or fire okay there's water and oxygen here okay makes sense you're supposed to be able to hold here for like some time you know yeah I'll take a look in there jeez imagine the whole place burning down around you and you're just trapped in this box yeah feeling it get hot outside and you're waiting for people to come rescue you 30 Max people jeez people in here fuck that would be terrifying like this is not that big German H it's like a glove yeah I think so right Swedish ventilation system very International project here I like what's that you got a stretcher here here we got a date look 11 of March of 2014 oh okay there's shelves of equipment here log Breakers Elric it's like a workshop yeah lot of electrical equipment we even got one of these cookie cookie containers GR my Bo are you your got a workshop up here they'd be laying hose down for something C right should I start pushing button wonder if the room the one that's smelt far maybe this one this is a break room maybe for all that you eat you have to clean mhm we have like yeah there's the fridge this is the stinky room it's a cool welding mask want to drink that milk on the fridge a lot of wrenches in there still have the tools hanging on the wall that's a lot of Motors oh my God this part of the system that would move it I imagine so like it's a lot of Motors I can see why they leave this in here now it's much less of a single machine and more like a big assembly of a bunch of stuff so there's also like moves like all together yeah it really wouldn't make sense to try to get this out of here what the barrels of looks like fucking sludge Grease We got buckets of lube big old barrels of lube barrels of lube oh that would bring the rocks out of here yeah wow this would probably funnel water to the front to keep it cool yeah oh we the front oh look there's the camera oh yeah it's for just monitoring Dev Bel yeah m jeez H that's pring cool do they call the piece at the front The Shield what do they call the piece at the front The Shield a right I guess I don't know for some reason I feel like I remember something about it being called The Shield yeah cuz it's like big and round what's in here the front that's the front wheel that's a tra you see the drill y That's a pressure Cher there's like seats and stuff in here places to chill yeah you can get like past it so this is air locked to get to the front because on the front as the or Shield as you call it works with water and pressure okay um only like people that was like trained to dive on water could go in this really yeah so it was constantly flooded in that front room while they were digging when it's working yeah and I mean no one's going through here when it's working but if they have to make some Min it just to be pressured not it's open wow you're like literally touching the drill right now holy fuck big drop oh [Music] yeah big drop has to be at least 30 ft on this side there's a lot of climb down stuff to get over to the front down there which I imagine is what he's talking about when they got that photo yeah oh wow that's a drop yeah that's what I'm saying I don't trust this platform what platform what you're standing on no this thing yeah it just sticks out yeah it has no there's nothing below it no but on the on the side of the wall okay where there's like a fence yeah yeah yeah if you go there there's another station like orig old place and if you follow like went up this thing we would like get on our natural or it's like halfway up a ladder of water like it's like it's very the only way to go to there six or seven rungs up the ladder is the water level you have to S yeah I'm not going to do that let me get out of here this is kind of like sus poolies C oh yeah there's that big hole to the left yeah so they just busted into this room and stopped basically like you can see this wall in front yeah yeah and this obviously the machine didn't dig that cuz that's like a perfect wall yeah no but this is like it looks like the cemented it yeah this is concrete like it's just more stable that's why this so you have to climb down this ladder and then go across didn't you shit send us picture we definitely need something come on Michael here's things that start up is this a control room oh yeah Michael look at this remote control he guys yo key is still in here turn it on we're digging I have a ho it won't come out that's why mhm smells moldy in here all these binders filtracion erector just like all the SM yeah roll Mouse ball we can get it to work here's a diagram of the whole machine that's pretty fucking cool oh this is the like the manual yeah let's get di camera [Music] okay after over 5 hours in the tunnel we were exhausted bruised and almost out of batteries but we had completed our goal if we had any doubts about whether the adventure was worth it they were erased less than 1 month later when it was announced construction on the tunnel would resume already a crane was seen being assembled to finally remove the obsolete tunnel Boring Machine it appears we managed to see this amazing piece of engineering just in time before the window of opportunity vanished we hope you enjoyed coming along on this Subterranean Adventure [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Proper People
Views: 824,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, urban, exploration, urbex, exploring, haunted, proper, people, theproperpeople, abandoned places, subway, tunnel, metro, construction, train, tracks, abandoned subway station, abandoned metro station, abandoned places in europe, europe, spain, España, barcelona, tunnel boring machine, machine, TBM
Id: X05A_MctIlg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 21sec (2181 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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