ABANDONED FARM FULL OF CARS! Will They All RUN!? - Revival Lightning Round

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today we're gonna see how many cars we can get running that have been abandoned on this farm for the first time in like two and a half or three years it's time for a lightning round all right so the rules for today's games are simple we've got a couple booster packs that are mostly dead like a gallon of gas electric fuel pump a pliers a screwdriver and about an hour an ambition and some ambition and in that hour within ambition we're going to see how many of these cars we can get running they don't have to drive they don't want to move around we just want to see if they'll sit there and idle or see if they've checked out on life so without further ado let's get into it it is exactly 140. i say we give about five to eight minutes per car ready go angus chooses the 54 right off the bat what do we got here sir we have keys this is a 54 chevy it's it used to be a grain truck it's got a tilting flatbed you'll see a lot of these ten and a half two ton trucks 64 is this a stove bolt it should be a stow vault six either a 235 or it's a 261. hey it's a supposedly this ran a few years ago or something and supposedly the fuel tank is bad and supposedly the brakes kind of worked last it was all moved so the belt no longer works but does it spin the alternator spins uh batteries are under the the floor pan on this side aren't they we used to have one of these back in the day back in the good old days back when you were more likable wow wow i meant when i was like 10 but whatever let's get our batteries hooked up and get our fuel system hooked up and see if should come to life is this what seats were made out of yeah holy that's just grass all right prepare for calamity we've climatized okay oh the fuel gauge works so if you know anything about these 50 chevys that down there is the starter this is a mechanical starter that literally closes a contact on the back of the starter which i can't show you because it's under the truck dang it sorry go ahead sir let's see if she spins are you in neutral uh yes hey is the throttle stuck wide open or is that pedal just on the floor um oh it's not the pedal is not even connected so if this goes down that would be okay it's that idle we're safe all right go ahead uh sounds like points yeah there we go there we go oh yeah those are corroded those together a couple times try to snap them clean bonus points if you can wipe them off with your finger get all the dust off distributors oh wow that's how the vacuum advance works it moves the whole distributor wow i mean it's the same principle i guess all right try her again [Music] one more that's a no oh you got a little wasp friend there huh i wouldn't call us friends either we don't have enough voltage out of that booster pack or we're not getting sparked because the points are so dirty and if we got power left over let's come back to this one because we're a little low on booster pack battery we got a few more cars to do yep big brain move let one of these charge so we can come back to that all right good luck that one next oh it's right there let's do it what have we here angus uh looks like a 78 or nine square body tow truck so this would be a oh it's a k30 so this is a four wheel drive tow truck i talked to the guy about this earlier and he was like oh yeah i started my business with this tow truck he ran it for 20 years and this was his main light duty wrecker but minnesota winners have gotten to the uh everything and it won't pass the other person anymore yeah she gone oh it's a manual dude he said the clutch is too weak and it just slips like crazy so it makes for a really bad tow truck he's got the lid flip yeah i gotta let this down oh hey the lights work oh it's a circular boys oh dude can you get me one of them well let's figure out how to crank it because i can already tell you there's a there's some custom work that's been done here this power hey there we go i bet he uses the original rod battery pack put it right on that permanent pliers all right ain't nothing happening mate let's go let's click it is that the starter i think so okay nope nope big sad we're not doing great at least the other one like you know cranked yeah those are balers kevin i don't think a jump pack is going to do us any good on those i see something over there we haven't been out here we just know there's stuff out here three front end yeah it's a fury 3 front clip let's start with that one i don't think a booster pack is going to do us any good on that angus a race car right here flat tires and everything it's got traction for days let's begin hey wait is that the rest of the fury 3 over here dude this thing's got a working battery and the keys in it and there's a full bottle of everclear in the back [Music] on seat the next one for every two that are nothing happens one fires right up with its own battery next oh buick the fuel injected stuff is easy it either goes or the fuel pump doesn't work and it doesn't okay so fun fact we're walking exclusively through stinging nettle there's a mopar motor right there so that was all the fury three oh sounds like a giant what are you doing over there oh dude i didn't even see this the heck is that there's a whole car right here it's a ford lcd sure yes it's been here a while it's not in horrible shape it's actually pretty damn good shape it's a four-door obviously check and see if the old owners are still in there oh something's living in here i'll tell you that much let's take a look at this ltd final top really not in awful shape a little rustle there coming inside yeah we something's been here what's that blue thing oh there's two more cars back here you won't believe this angus there's two more ltd's oh sure so actually i have a little backstory on why there's two ltd's uh this guy's first car i think was uh ford ltd blue like that one so parts cars maybe he just really likes them let's get the booster pack and see which one of these comes alive eh i'm gonna break this one all right um yo yep that's a car i'm gonna guess the 3800 3100 oh no all right there's a hood prop for you thanks i should check for keys first okay we're good ready yep [Music] oh my god okay got a little voltage in the booster pack and i gotta cool off for a second so this thing definitely was not off the road for long and uh the tabs are updated for 23. oh so shocker hell of a revival i don't know how it started folks but you saw it here first a real miracle out here in the woods today ltd time melt anytime this will be the real miracle out here in the woods today what year is this thing do we know 27. it's greater than one 351 windsor that's the best option i never even considered and we have a little chunk of rubber hose so we can hook our fuel pump up to it what do you say sir uh let's yes let's yes all right let's make sure we got fuel here all right damn our floats even worked maybe nope no they don't maybe now they did all right who wants to be the one to crawl inside and hit the go button you said it okay it is i go button man [Laughter] it turns over is this dur spark or is this points uh i don't get the box oh it's dura spark that's registered in oh six [Music] oh it might be flooded because we just oh yeah that makes sense that i'm sure combined with the fact that it's turning over the speed of smell means that she ain't gonna clear her out anytime soon [Music] oh they're both connected yay ready [Music] oh it's sad now i don't even know okay so this was actually really unique and i can't say i've ever seen this before watch the alternator pulley right here the engine stalls pauses for a second and then runs backwards it actually ends up doing this a few times jesus like runs backwards or something [Music] i see an issue he's only going when i hit the key one time it like tried to run a little bit off the key yeah off start and it was just it was the backwards thing i don't know what that was about it was like blowing it's like it has a bunch of stuck valves which is entirely possible it sounded like it was spinning healthy i think it's a wiring issue the mice probably got something who knows all right we spent way too much time with this one next one backwards literal other ltd's you know what the blue one's a lot more accessible yep wait hang on oh no let's not try this that was easy enough and this one won't start got it so far only the fuel injected cars have started which is not great for our show nope not looking good for the home team red ltd part two pink ltd all right ready sure oh it's not loving that oh there's a motor under there that's too bad let's see if we can do the old wiggling pole and get this to lift without kinking you know the hood was made of metal didn't know that thought it was made of woodland leftovers all right we're going to grab on the back front we're going to go your way in my way and up oh that's of no anymore we'll damage the hood this one has a 351 or 400 in it well is the door open and there's their keys oh dude the interior on this one's cherry like damn drive this one home how many miles has it got on it i would believe that's absolutely 36 thousand not 136 000 especially with how many little ribs are still on that pedal oh six let's get our stuff hooked up and see if she goes back to life all right batteries are hooked up fuel systems hooked up oh there's an alternator light i've got no crank give the booster packs a wiggle oh dude dude i got nothing hang on let me try for neutral or a neutral light nothing dude i don't even have any radio stations damn it we're zero for four on carbureted vehicles well it's the lightning round which means the rules are if you don't go you move on what a cherry interior though all right good luck out here old girl hopefully someone comes and rescues you before the mice get the rest of you it is now 2 47 our one hour is up bonus hour here we go shopping cart there i say we go to that ford fairmont i think how do we even get there oh dude there's more over there something yellow come on to the yellow [Music] let's make that one run there's no way we get the hood of that flybat is there oh i wouldn't look at that spider look at him it's thick it's a big boy jesus and here i was about to walk through there you go you about died let me go on a limb and say the flat bed that's on the scrap pile which is in better condition than the flatbed that still was recently used the one that the cricket sorry hit me right in the crotch anyway the green 54 was still like kind of used recently and this one wasn't which means this one's probably blown up or something yeah this takes more than five minutes to get a car from on top of a truck with a crushed cab so it looks like a no van definitely a woman who owned this van she's got keys oh they left the key on the battery's dead silly gooses bastard how could they neglect such a nice van me as an adult i've never sat in one of these this thing's comfortable why do you think people buy them i had no idea until right now i bet it'd be fun as hell to have a bunch of these in a race in the corn field i'm sure the windstar 100. who knows all right that stuff oh hey that's a 3400 like grand prix motor that'll that'll run this is a two-door van it is let me in god damn it wow five foot high this thing better start so what you're saying is it's locked there is one option that i've been avoiding the hole in the side of it man that was a nice window oh thank god they put the key on the steering wheel um yeah you might want to shut that off so i think that is a fuel line this that sure and it was just going so i just ate it look at that i ate the top right off of it all right on to the next one all right i guess i see three more cars we have easy access to a van an exploder and that fairmont thing all right i got keys sick hang on the keys might not turn the ignition cylinder is stuck nice oh that's actually nice inside it's leather so it needs a whole battery there are bear cans in literally every car revival in 2035 and this is all that's left [Music] so that was way more violent than i was expecting i was expecting rev limiter like you know what the all the other motors out here have done straight to valve float sorry if you still wanted this one eric so as we mentioned earlier eric the guy who owns the land here has a local towing company and any scrap cars they get still run and drive they'll stick in the woods to have a little fun with on friday nights which is exactly why most of these have not been sitting long and fired right up today also why you shouldn't give us any grief in the comments because all of these efi cars are destined for the scrapper already 212 000 miles i can already feel how bad the suspension was just moving it was like all right angus our last shot besides the eagle the thing we came here for our last shot at getting a carbureted car run this is a it's a fair mount body but it's not a ford a z7 it's a mercury okay so this is a ford fairmont futura it's got the slanted back this is the durango as a mercury and you know not made into a truck i wonder if it has a 302 or if it's an inline six dude it's got some cool pin striping down and check out the louvers it's a captain's chair car not a bench car i bet this would be a very interesting car i love the color and the silver pinstripe ah inline six two hundred good news is it'll probably run as long as the water pump doesn't go out you know well let's uh let's just start with a little brake clean start start small this time you know we've been going all out maybe that's our problem brake clean ready kevin you got any power in there i do oh dude did you download the free i hardware the radio finally works we might have a shot for the first time ready oh yeah let me hit her with some all right oh you've got to be kidding yeah the horn doesn't even work no junk dude this has been a horrible run i'm not ready to admit defeat on all the carbureted cars yet let's go back to that 54 and see if we can attach spark do we know for sure this motor isn't seized no i don't know at all actually yeah oh it might be i mean i don't want to go out on a limb and make acquisitions or guesses but the water pump went out they ran it hot and it seized funny enough guess where the water level in the radiator stops right level with the the seal on the back of the water pump damn you 200 inline sixes which would have been a really neat car though i love the colors i love the silver i love the louvers the mercury z7 never even seen one of these before all right to that truck both booster packs i'll even get some sandpaper on those points we're committed let's make something with a carburetor run before we leave all right back where we started still hoping for success on a carbureted car our reputation is at stake or stake is it reputation that's a big fly i think this has got the double booster pack on tonder going there i'm going to check for spark up here i've sanded the points a little bit with some sandpaper um sure i don't know not a lot to go here for for uh for checking with the body distributor i'm gonna get the shocked out of me for science all right go ahead sir all right all right we got spark i'm hoping that's that was not the case before and that's a new development plug this guy in our rotor's still installed let's check that let's see if we can reboot these plugs okay go for it come on you got both booster packs hooked up well enough yeah they're kind of sparkling though i was gonna say it sounds like one's dying out on you all right i gave it a little throttle try that there it went okay both batteries were hooked up that time boy all right try that again there we go motor to run yay i'm leaving this cab a few bugs in there there's a few bugs i'm scared well there you go ladies and gentlemen in a roundabout way we ended up where we started but finally got at least one of the carbureted vehicles to run usually it's completely the other way around all the fuel pumps are junk and all the carbureted stuff can be nursed back to life but i think the case here is the carbureted stuff out here has been sitting for a long time and the fuel injected stuff is on a constant rotation getting scrapped so they haven't been off the road very long hope you guys enjoyed this episode if you did please consider subscribing here to the channel leave a like and a comment below and share the video thank you guys very much for watching we will see you next week for a full episode of junkyard digs peace eagles eagle eagles peagles now we get to go scrub pee out of your eagle oh the timeline is so messed up i'm going back to the woods i don't want to get in that thing that thing stinks you
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 666,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, revival, first, start, first start, run, drive, and, will, it, can, we, junkyard, digs, cold, classic, car, cars, trucks, truck, vgg, jyd, junk, yard, diggs, lightning, round, farm, how many, will they, all run
Id: nXOvr-NiAVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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