Abandoned Freemasons Mansion - With Hell on Earth and Tracy Explores

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yes we come to Liverpool and Tracy who's here somewhere we've got a surprise for everyone it's magical key holders like from this place for us to take a look and basically there's a massive management so you know somewhere Tracy's around guys peddled over here somewhere as well bad sites place so big everyone's got lost so yeah guys everything driving more people let's yell this is definitely outside of what we normally do I've got a sigh actually got power platino it there someone's coming here and chuck paint up a few of them don't they that's mental oh we gotta look beyond the bar in a minute anyway still pint glasses and blends they're still artists like it nice men or I'll check out look at this that's how you get into the bar yeah I think the the behind the bar needs a bit of work no you can have some mold there's all the paintings up here as well now they've proper findings are they just like print oh no they have actually been painted look they go they've got all the artists the mainland the knife pays inside you'd live well you might want to do a bit bit of it up firstly I look at the massive chandeliers is wrong I'm surprised no one there's by smash muffle so there's a bit of damage but no long I mean this must have had like well it's gonna say like rooms you can look out and higher oh it has a basement yeah basement no smoking in the basement apparently but that looks like that X was also remind me of like nineteen seventies I have a feeling there's gonna be a lot of stuff like that down here oh look it's like a it's like a wine cellar check it out yeah this had to be food storage or wine cellar or something yeah there's drainage and stuff in it happy wedding anniversary nice call Cole why yeah what why does that look like you used to go somewhere and they've bricked out although yeah the brickwork change yeah totally was brief else is amazing but if we go around I wonder if we'll find anything I'll source this hey why not yeah yeah oh yeah that's a hot water tank you set the temperature yep Maggie yeah work I'm god I'm getting covering it so many spiderwebs yeah well there's quite a few saws and tools and stuff down there as well as a Christmas tree yeah sure around cheese buyer some fella oh it's a bike align with all the places they must do anymore yeah Singles further down well someone's got to be paying for Italy Oh another one check that out see that looks a lot more modern than everything else oh yeah flatty older man that's all the Maine is into the building well I wonder what this is oh is that to put the barrels down from outside oh yeah I wouldn't want to be in the way of that when it's wrong with down there no see now that Carlsberg one looks pretty new so how long has it been since this place yeah I these drums they're expensive yeah less well the pumps we've been Cronenberg foster small bear we do need to get out of it like this is making me want to point be nice having get on the roof yes this is although this is a lot of hotel rooms and that does the piano still work yeah stop it no don't stop it you're misbehaving yeah oh oh so this is another set of yeah there's another big door over here now I'm getting lost now I really I properly am getting lost do they still flush well there's a little bit water in there I'm guessing that's just been Oh No have you seen the state of that those quite bad Ashton temple yeah I think you might be right about this [Applause] yeah I doubt very much this still works yeah hey is blood but well if people been doing working it maybe someone just cut the round all right hold on does this go outside nope guys oh yeah that's why we came in over there honestly I'm getting proper lost in it I've done oh well go what with dodgy curtains in front of it I'd really don't want this it looks like some kind of lap dancing club or something Oh what so they played the evil music over there and then there's like an altar knock it off must you play with every instrument okay so there are actual like working buildings around ISM some way yeah oh this room is be a bit more guy doesn't know yes we are going up there check that out yeah yeah yeah now that's cool one I'm fine without I really don't care I'll just want to go up there my I'm gonna have to tie my bag off though cuz I'll I'll get bit fat so this ladder is so what I so hot up here yeah woah that's really weird well there's a crapload of chairs the chimney comes out but has been aft demolished it is kind of boarded yeah it is very hot there I mean by the time I come back down out of there I'm gonna be swayed looked out that's a weird way to build a chimney but you know exactly so can the guys who use it bought it no so this one's not boarded but these go on the beams out wow there's a door at first some huh oh there must be a leak in the roof up here they've set up a bunch of chairs with some top other than that there's not much up here other than insane hate yeah honest Oh honestly the floor up here is so weak hard to be careful alright what's that secret trapdoor it's a what No that's really cool it's a secret door yeah I spray solid actually yeah hahaha no but the whole of the floor is simply held up by lots and lots of really thin bits of wood so you can have a magpie oh yeah oh look there's actually holes that go through the entire floor Wow I don't think I'll actually be climbing through it though it's it's just gonna be empty void space like this yeah very dusty you you've got to go up to the top floor all the way down the end there's a ladder going up into the ceiling and then oh you bet did you did you find the trapdoor yeah in the corner of the same room there's a trapdoor when you go underneath it's pretty cool [Music] yeah I think that's the only one we haven't been through isn't it yeah so pull that thing up there thank you what this place is just getting more confusing Khan reminds me that you know that God the purpose built a building to slaughter people and there was a little hidden passageways and stuff throughout all the walls come on I wanna hold on went back out here oh all right I'm sorry I completely missed that bear fair enough really oh it comes out back in there yeah [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Sub Exploration
Views: 230,469
Rating: 4.7278781 out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban, exploring, explore, urban exploration, urban exploring, subex, subexploration, sub exploration, abandoned, haunted, urban exploration military, urbex military, military exploring, explore military, woolton hall, abandonded mansion, mansion, tracy explores, hell on earth, upthehoe, decay
Id: -2OOloO1aHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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