Abandoned- Drive by find/ 2 neighboring 1950`s homes with granny flat, what is their fate?

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what's going on guys just drove past this place and yes it is abandoned and most likely up for redevelopment we've got a feeling that that one's empty too so I'm gonna take you through and show you this place cause Michaels already in there taking photos we were thinking perhaps as squatters but there's not that's a huge garage nothing in there pretty big backyard there's a little shed down the back there we might end up and then look at the end guys but it's going for a look cool little sunroom here that looks out over the backyard I think but I'm sure you can see there's this little fishing line thing it's got those tiny little lights on there probably renters when he last can't be certain though some cheap wood paneling put it over the brick laundry and Lou but there's a squatter now stop and look at its little kitchen it's like just a tiny little alcove and so we as you'll see you that I think they've liked are and altered the walls and diverted the hallway and possibly even tinkered with this kitchen area to make it smaller I don't know seems kind of small see here this looks like it's been partitioned off it would have been the hallway it's the front door is actually the other side of their linens little bathroom pulverize bison and a little shallow all the taps are gone patrons I've never seen that before Vince wouldn't Vince this one bedroom two bedrooms and front living room [Applause] that's either an old oil heater or a gas heater with the electric fan [Music] and you can see here the front door and that is a makeshift petition and possibly without knowing exactly but going by the crease in that although it is concrete yeah that's probably original that wall was thinking maybe there was a doorway through to that other room alright we'll take a quick look down the back look at that tree oh he's a mud lock and he's nest up there little black and white bird similar to a magpie bit small yeah we'll go over there for a look next guys cuz that one looks empty to look at the palm tree hmm you should typical old tool and work shed nice big air conditioner there though we definitely need that in the summer just your bits and bobs tiles motor oil all right I can go over there for a look Nick say alright guys we'll end this one here thanks for watching and hopefully we can access into the next one that was the house world Justine we're going into this one here yeah this one is empty too we actually just did a quick walkthrough to make sure there's no squatters Michaels in there taking photos so this house is huge we haven't been down the back yet so we'll go back down then cuz it looks like there's a big parking lot or something in there it's definitely aged aged care facilitated [Applause] it's like your typical mid-century modern I think this one late fifties perhaps early 60s so there's actually things left behind here too maybe there was squatters in here at one point [Music] as an arm sling and enough thrust on no it's a pantry there check a date check the Vegemite awesome Australian product hey Richie might where's the date 12th of feb 2013 there you go oh yeah that's some michael gone through some newspapers i think that noise check out the etched cupboards classic 50's and earlier and this old philips radio it's an old mono it's probably just a em over there don't dial that says May 19 2008 een okay through here first so look at the curved cupboards Art Deco 50s and 50 style it's a bedroom a bathroom there are signs that a selvage if it has started taps letters sitting around [Applause] bedroom number two [Applause] bedroom number three probably the master bedroom and the front door which leads into the main living room oh yes someone's got mantle top probably was a huge mirror there I think that's one of those cold briquette fires fireplaces and that's where we entered that's like your second that's probably the look the large dining room and this is the living room so go back through this way and this is the laundry there's another section say that maybe that's where mom was going there's the whoo a nifty little hiding spot in there hmm you're through here there's another section it's probably like a granny flat let's go check it yeah these were random guys and if you watched the one before this she would have said that we just drove past and saw it so this is a granny flat yeah look down there it goes that's what I was talking about this some sort of car park parking lot you go down there at the end oh yes it's its own self-contained living space in here this is this is cool that's cool that's retro date hmm the date says expiry oh three 2019 there's a grill cooker their barbecue nice breeze coming through this window and bedroom I like this place this place that that home the main home part was huge but with this included this is a massive property and it's no surprise that maybe this place needed a lot of car spaces because it probably was a very very large family or seven and goes yeah let's walk down there and have a look oh look at the thorns on that thing so Rhys bush it's just out of control hmm try and do some research on this place and find out what it was used for there's another section basically empty and it's the granny flat and this is beneath the granny flat hmm probably used to storage or something [Applause] and very back corner just a little garden shade or something alright guys that's it jump in the comments if you want to comment and we'll catch you in the next video cheese for watching bye
Channel: Urbex Indigo
Views: 47,062
Rating: 4.9263411 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned, Urbex, Urban exploring, Old houses, Abandoned houses, 1950`s homes, Abandoned exploring
Id: z-OohB2uGlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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