ABANDONED $5,500,000 1960s Time Capsule Abandoned Mansion

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what is up guys welcome back to another freakography abandoned mansion adventure guys today i'm in an abandoned mansion worth 59 million dollars guys this mansion is a 59 million dollar mansion no it's not but it's an abandoned mansion and it's a pretty nice one and there's lots of stuff left behind so guys first i gotta say thanks to the follower who wishes to remain anonymous who sent me this location to explore so thank you for giving me this abandoned location to check out we all love abandoned mansions so guys i just spit so guys let's not waste any more time cue the music cue the intro see you guys on the other side [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this video is sponsored in part by loom cube loom cube lives to help us create better content hit the link in the video description below to shop lume cube's wide assortment of products and use the code freak photo at checkout for 10 off your loom cube purchase okay guys let's get started so i'm here a little bit later than i would like to have been so it's a little bit dark in the house it's still bright outside but it's pretty dark inside the house here because there's not much natural light coming in so we got to use my lights so here we are now in the main living room area guys of this abandoned mansion there's some lovely furniture interesting pepsi cola garbage can right there beautiful piece of artwork look at that so i do believe this home has been purchased by a home developer and they're going to demolish the house and put a brand new bigger and better house in its place okay some more beautiful artwork there followed by a what is up guys even though you can't see me gorgeous fish serving platter here crystal serving platter very nice so now we'll take a look at that room we were just in a nice slow pan if you can see like i said guys it's pretty bright i mean it's pretty dark in here so might need the help of some further additional lighting for this video again thanks to my friends at lume cube for hooking us up with the lights that we're using here hit the video hit the hit the um link in the video description down below to shop lume cube and use my code freak photo at checkout guys save ten 10 off your loom cube purchase moving right along here we've got a very nice family wedding photo very nice it looks as though there may have been an attempt at having an estate sale here lots left behind considering that this home is owned by a developer there's not usually this much stuff left behind in these types of house there's your china teacups oh i love you grandpa see that that's nice as we move throughout the house seeing what there is to see doing what there is to do pretty much just saying words here guys to fill in the space and the empty spaces and the gaps all kinds of garbage bags here guys okay now let's have a nice look at this kitchen we were just in there you go here we have a laundry room fleecy fleecy is a word that you can't say without smiling say fleecy right now and tell me you're not smiling fleecy fleecy oh there's a nice dress right there okay so we've covered the kitchen the living room dining room we got a bathroom coming up over here everything's pretty blue in this bathroom blue wallpaper blue towels blue toilet blue cup blue sink blue kleenex blue cup what is up guys okay heading on down main hallway here got a teddy bear here he is guys chadwick i got here suitcases are always interesting i can already tell that it's empty can't get it open though what's in here guys oh storage storage room guys oh boy we got super moist chocolate fudge cake tomato soup corn soup bubbles mouse poo pringles so much stuff guys wow here we have some growth charts hey ethan ethan on to september 2nd 2016 perry alyssa lindsey ryan daniel oh that's the basement we'll go down there in a little while guys now what do we got in here there's a top hat right there it's just a pretend top hat guys not a real one now watch the staircase guys beautiful staircase here look at that hey look at this wallpaper beauty another randall room in here so much stuff to see there's a chair right there books on the floor [Music] hmm that's beautiful right there beautiful artwork hockey stick love seat coach books and movies and magazines and stuff oh that's nasty look at that all the dust on there [Music] gross okay so here we have uh a cane and a baseball bat at the front door to protect you to protect your home from intruders all right we have done the whole main floor we started off in this room a little more light we started off in this room went into there around the kitchen through the hallway here so let's go upstairs now guys okay red carpet in this room what's up guys several mattresses here that's a giant suitcase hey look at how big that suitcase is oh nothing in the closet guys dead flowers pillows 50th anniversary pillow happy 50th anniversary big bathroom here there you go you got your toilet there a little bit of toilet paper left over just in case we need it gorgeous floral print wallpaper guys whoa it's even on the ceiling whoa look at all the wallpaper are you guys getting dizzy is this making you feel sick feeling a little woozy guys from my fancy camera work here what's up guys some toys here ashtray all right moving along empty closet here some beautiful dresses in the closet guys all right here we go master bedroom there's stuff all over the floor guys look at this what's going on here huh it's like a whole other part of the house wow all right well let's start here toilet shower oh look at the look at the door huh very interesting okay so this is another bathroom the man's bathroom you've got the man's shaving stuff here what's up guys so much stuff this big fan there's a random thing on the floor on the wall here it's weird oh there's those guys again okay then we go through oh there there again go into this closet area here and i've got a giant walk-in closet it's massive we've got another big suitcase up here it's empty we have a box here with some wine in it guys empty though very old bottle of wine or something it's this empty okay everything's empty guys here we have a very nice suit jacket here a lot of shoes on the floor all right heading on over here we've got a bookshelf okay there you go nice little look at the books there okay looks like the bed is gone all kinds of garbage bags on the floor full of clothes guys here okay i'm not going to go through them all because i'm not interested in doing that here's your wall wall system here you've got a vhs in this picture here this is obviously a bar there's a what is up guys right there and what is up guys in there how many people have read this book hey i can't open it because then my video will get demonetized because that book has inappropriate photographs and content not that i've read it but that's what i hear here's the staircase get a look down i don't know how good i'm gonna be able to do with taking photos here today because it's dark here's another bedroom with the baby's crib in it whole bunch more suitcases right here guys bunch of them feathered boas very fancy sup here's your baby's crib full of non-baby things anything under the bed guys let's take a look nope nothing under the bed a couple more rooms go here guys this is pretty much just an empty room here i actually need one of these but i'm not taking that so what is up guys for you right there this is pretty much the best bedroom in the house and here there's two beds lots of stuff still intact left laying around so let's take a look we have some art on the wall adam baldwin matt dillon and chris make peace okay from a movie called my bodyguard all right single child's bed here karaoke microphone mickey mouse puzzle the billionaire parker brothers game this guy right here what else we got over here another bed okay there's a lot going on here lee buttons i support israel [Music] books some rings on the table here on the dresser is robin williams when he was uh morgan mindy let's see what does this say here [Music] what are these right here toronto life magazines and fashion magazine this is a good room i like this room oh hey look it's uh brook shields christopher atkins in the blue lagoon all right guys let's head downstairs and we'll go to the into the basement let's hope it's not too much moldy down here there is mold on the floor and on the wall happy birthday fireplace the teapot oh there's a bar yeah it's very moldy down here guys i don't like it don't like it much at all when it's so moldy i hope you guys can see okay cause it's dark in here giant freezer food city that's an old bag old bag ski boots goldfish bowl all right one room at a time guys people have been rifling through their stuff in here though there's stuff scattered all over the place another big fan desk hmm willie alexander and the boom boom band i've never heard of them before guys at home with the berry sisters well hello moving right along guys washroom very end of the hall thank you it's a big basement holy crap is it ever bagel slicer hmm it's a fun little hiding space this is an exercise machine there's a lot of stuff in here very moldy down here as well there's another uh exercise bike right here very old vacuum right there another vacuum right there whoa look at this fridge huh that's an old fridge it's big it's a big fridge guys there's a bunch of chalk in here chalk oh look at all the chalk guys this is like a it's like a separate apartment in here i believe this is sauna in the basement at the end of the hall there's a sauna what a weird place to have a sauna there's the bathroom at the end of the hall shower with a chair in it can't see me because the light's too bright okay furnace room dad's workshop it's a very happy mattress nothing in there guys i think that pretty much covers it all guys i think that covers it big mouth billy bass or that thing look at this wee little chair right here just a wee little chair been in there been in there okay guys that's going to be it for this one i mean i don't know it's pretty good house lots of stuff to look at hope it ain't go uh go through too fast some guys you guys like to yell at me for going too fast through these houses so hope i didn't go too fast and you were able to get a feel for the place this is our 58.7 million dollar mansion thanks to uh an anonymous person for giving me this location and letting us explore it thank you very much so guys what do we always say number one hit the like button number two drop me a comment down below number three share the video number four if you're not subscribed to my channel hit that subscribe button and last hit the link in the video description down below for lume cube that is what is illuminating my beautiful face right now it's a loom cube light very bright in my eyes right now but that's what's illuminating this house and my face so hit the link in the video description for lume cube shop their products if you see something you like use my code freak photo at checkout get yourself 10 off your purchase that wraps this one up guys this has been an abandoned mansion urban exploring video i'm photography see you next time peace [Music] you
Channel: Freaktography
Views: 12,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, abandoned house, abandoned mansion, abandoned time capsule, abandoned 1960s time capsule, abandoned 1970s time capsule, untouched abandoned, untouched abandoned time capsule, abandoned untouched 1960s time capsule, abandoned canada, abandoned ontario, abandoned toronto, 1960s abandoned, 1970s abandoned, abandoned mid century modern, abandoned mid century, mid century modern abandoned, urbex, urbex ontario, urbex canada, urbex toronto, ontario abandoned places, 1965
Id: C2es9vXLL6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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