Abandoned 351w Foxbody - Lunch Break Revival/Build PART2 (Spring 2021)

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this is just too easy i expected more trouble especially with the level of hackery that we're doing you want to run this thread chaser through a bunch of bolt holes oh i i'll buy you a coffee aha so there's this deal where you just need to be a man and just get it [Laughter] my arms are tired it's been a long day it could be a hat bro pythagoras in geometry what's going on here oh dipped over the coolant ah not too often you get to pour oil right into the center of the engine [Music] it's a good time [Music] like all things a lot of the universe is if you get excited about something and think it's going to be fine it never is so i'm hopeful here but just had to go and run my mouth get overly excited oh we're in for a good time yay and the moment i've all been waiting for and it looks good howdy my friends and welcome to the channel today i'm luke thunderhead289 here i am again with alex we're working on his old fox body that he bought with uh selling gamestop stock so um if you watched our first video we had some valve train issues which we knew about when we picked the car up and so luckily for us it wasn't too bad so we're at the point now of reassembly all the old lifters are out and um moving right along i guess so he's over here scraping the old gaskets off we have everything good and covered up as you can see of course we're going to change the oil and you know today is already we're at reassembly so with that let's jump right in so in our last video pulling the engine down we did find a few lifters that were just completely exploded now oddly enough the back side of the lifter that rides on the cam lobe seems to be in really good shape and just looking at the engine it's real clean like it's been boiled and assembled very recently or at least it has very very low run hours so i assume this happened early on i've been trying to figure out why racking my brain and one of the conclusions i came to is that someone mistook these what are called positive stop stud rockers which ford used at a certain point that you actually torque down but they're kind of misleading to look at because as you can see they look like your typical stud rockers where you know you would set your preload and all that but these aren't that way you know if your push rods aren't right then you're not going to have the right amount of preload they're very similar to how pedestal rockers work on a ford so all i can really figure with this engine is that someone tried to adjust these like typical stud rockers not positive stop style and it flew apart just very early in the run the other thing i really don't like about this era of fords is these are actually all press-in studs so they had a few different variants of them but they have a tendency to like to pull out if you run any aftermarket valve springs so i got a valve spring seat pressure tester here and what i'm looking for is just the moment when that valve starts to open you can see we got a nice little lever arm on the rocker arm down there and it's looking like it's somewhere between 60 and 80 pounds so um as far as stud rockers go you really or i guess press-in studs excuse me you really don't want to get much over 100 or else they start pulling out so it's one of those things so we should be okay there i'm not in love with it but we're just gonna i think we're just gonna run it and see how it goes alex and i we've gone back and forth about pulling these cylinder heads and having a machine for screw-in studs but i think we're gonna send it now the other reason i bring up the spring pressure on these guys is the other potential that could have happened is someone just straight up had this all set up right but with that low spring pressure they just over revved it and you know on the valve train the lifter has to stay on the cam lobe and it's directly correlated to that spring pressure so if the springs are too light at high rpm that valve won't get shut fast enough and there'll be clearance on your valve train they'll start bouncing around and it just makes me wonder if the push rod started bouncing around the lifters and everything got real funny at some high rpm and it just flew apart so it's hard telling but this time around you know i'm sure we'll get it set up right my infinite wisdom here it still didn't bring an oil drain pan so again with our clear valve cover that looks like a five quart valve cover right right the beauty about living in a college town is that the girls never really seemed any older yeah i had the camera on i think i determined that a valve cover is in fact not five quarts let's put the drain plug back in fine it's fine pythagoras in geometry what's going on here nope dipped over the coolant ah oh man everything's like tetris around here in hindsight i should have cut this out first oh yes a funnel it really doesn't look that metally or really metally at all even smells kind of fuely which kind of fits with the narrative of everything being rich and i mean obviously it was missing a cam lobe or a lifter so one of the cylinders was doing absolutely nothing okay back for round two here we go this is one thing i want to point out here something to be aware of when you're using gasket sealer on an intake it doesn't take a lot it's a very light coat so you can see that there's actually enough gasket sealer here where it's restricting the coolant port which is absolutely not what you want to do on an old 50 year old design push rod engine because they already do not cool the greatest so just something to be mindful of now regarding the cooling system here when we did get the car there was no means of cooling on the engine no fan nothing like that the belt was super loose but something to note about being in this fox body and the serpentine style is you'll notice that this water pump pulley doesn't have any ribs in it and that's because of the back side of the belt actually rides on this pulley in particular which means it should be a reverse rotation water pump so a shout out here to jamie miles you know i wasn't sure if this particular water pump was a reverse rotation it's very hard to tell with forge there's a lot of different timing covers and everything and he was able to reference some of the defining features on here and he did tell me that it is in fact a late 80s early 90s truck water pump which is in fact reverse rotation so that's good and luckily i did find a reverse rotation clutch fan and some of my piles of parts that i have everywhere so it might not be perfect for this car permanently but just to get everything up and going um it'll be enough where we'll at least have a sufficient cooling system for breaking in the cam so these b style intakes are already pretty hard to install there's a lot of mistakes that people make along the way just there's a lot of geometry at play there and you know no fault of anyone it's really pretty easy to mess them up so you want to give yourself every advantage to succeed when installing the thing now oftentimes the bolt holes in the cylinder heads will get real rusted up and everything they can you know give you inaccurate torque reading so it's always a good idea to run a thread chaser down through your cylinder heads here where your intake bolts go into and then you can get an accurate torque of course you're going to lube up your intake bolts first make sure all those threads are clean i got a 5 16 thread chaser here we're just going to run through all these threads and especially on these fords the four outside corners they get real rusty and really screw with your torque so again always a good idea and this is really what you're going for here once you've ran the thread chaser all the way down and through you know you should be able to thread it in and out pretty easy dude you yeah you look like you just got out of a coal mine i'm the canary the mine pigeon brought you the tinted ones oh perfect that doesn't look safe whatever you're doing i don't like it i know it's fine what could go wrong do you want to run this thread chaser through a bunch of bolt holes oh i i'll buy you a coffee aha i'll scraping all those gaskets going for you notice i made sure to not do that if i ever had children like and i wanted to punish them that's what i would do i literally have a bunch of cylinder heads intake manifolds and i just have them sitting and that would be that's worse than anything ever is having to scrape old gasket off i'm out right now you've been bad said a naughty that's actually not a joke i don't know how to tie your shoes and now there's oil in my eye i have glasses on here you could wear this as a hat let's wave to everyone oh they're leaving what if what if we get hurt who's gonna save us i'm right here what are you going to do with those wiener arms do you guys have an oil filter wrench by chance i've always used to use this i i tried to use that and it's like someone put that on with a lug wrench so i'm going to use this so a hammer and a chisel work sometimes i know i don't want to mess up all this nice gravel it's so nice to lay on so there's this deal where you just need to be a man and just get it [Laughter] my arm's retired it's been a long day i think i think you should keep it as a gift no i think you can add it it's fine yeah no kidding so the first thing i'm going to do is pull our little wads of rags out of our intake ports pull everything into the lifter valley we'll try and pick that up all right not gonna dump any of the debris in the engine theoretically please minimize it tada victory all right so to give these lifters the best opportunity to live here what you're going to do is take each one out and then put a pretty hefty glob of assembly lube on the bottom of them where it contacts the cam nothing too too crazy here just a big old gnarly glob on there maybe a little generous with it slide that guy on in and now to do 16 others you met 15 others didn't you well we're engineers and we don't have a calculator so you know i'm catching a lot of flack with my friends for buying a non-working car yeah i was kind of wondering what they would all think when you told them what was wrong with it since they you know they do new cars and then like i said this is like stuff 30 40 50 year old men are even afraid to get into and do i mean you can see it's really not that bad i i got a mean who was like scared when i said the words take the engine apart on my behalf yeah well hopefully it all works out and then you know you can give them a good what for all right so alex has all of our rocker arms cleaned up here and i'm probably being hyper precautionary at this point but i'm just going to use some engine assembly lube on where the rocker pivots on the little rocker block for whatever reason the camera what the thing's called but you guys get the idea getting low on assembly lube this stuff lasts a long time i think i've put together three engines with that thing like full builds so it's probably completely unnecessary but just makes me feel better they pretty much pulled all the zinc out of the oil i think most oil has like 500 ppm some diesel oil still have quite a bit so that rotella t4 we're going to put some 1540 in here just some cheap essentially walmart oil but it has a good zinc content and follow that up with a good additive blend that in good um you know for a camshaft break-in and you know i really don't think we're going to have any issues you know it's always a decent idea to just again add a zdp am i saying that right cddp additive and so that helps again with the metal to metal contact services of the cam i've never seen any issues from breaking into cam with it so seemed like cheap insurance to me so once in a lifetime opportunity well not once in a lifetime maybe but not too often you get to pour oil right into the center of the engine [Music] it's a good time okay so in my haste i grabbed my 302 oil pump driver which the 351 has like a larger what is it like 5 16 5 16 oil pump drive hex on it so uh i do not recommend doing what i'm about to do but uh that's what we're gonna go for so get in here without filleting my leg again i prefer to use a distributor because you can stay nice and linear that way there we go you can hear it starting to build pressure gonna slow down eventually we'll see oil come up from the lifters you can see right here our front lifter there's already oil coming down this is a tight engine more loose engines have a lot less resistance you can see it coming out of some of the lifters now the lifter bores you can see it coming up and through our rocker arms so again i prefer this because you get all the air out of the lifter this way and right now we don't have any preload on them so the lifter is at its full volume size i guess for lack of better turn so once i see flow on all of them i'm gonna call it good all right there we go i think we got oil coming up in every single one of them it's draining through the bottom there because it's not tight of course but every little oiling hole the oil obviously comes up through our lifter valley here into the lifter to the hole in the side of the lifter of course where there's this recess goes in there fills up the whole lifter body and obviously comes out where the push rod is push rods hollow comes out up to our rocker arm so it looks like everything is good and pre-lubed the lifters are charged with oil now the scary part got that out without dropping it in a lot of folks will install that oil pump drive shaft upside down it's called a tenerman collar and if they don't have that on there you can actually pull the oil pump drive shaft out with it and if you're really unlucky you'll pull it out and it'll fall down in the engine so we didn't have any of that happen so that's all good things this is just too easy i expected more trouble especially the level of hackery that we're doing all right so since these are technically positive stock rockers they're going to take you know 18 to 23 somewhere in there foot pounds of torque i need to look up the quick the spec on google real quick but um you know i still like to preferably torque the rocker nut when it's on the base circle of the cam so i mean with the intake off here it's really easy to see you can see when one valve is open and when it's closed not that it's super matters in this scenario but i don't know just makes me feel better so again there are positive stops you can see the uh it's not like a locking rocker nut to any degree so now it got down to its stop it seats down on the shoulder of the rocker there and then we'll just torque it from that point so i'm just going to work my way around the engine and so like take cylinder 7 here i'm just going to run this one down here because obviously it looks like it's on the base circle and then i'll rotate the engine around of course and then this thing's in gear isn't it yep all right so that was a long time consuming process of getting all those ran down but now they're all good and seated and we can torque them and i guess you want to take them to zero lash first and see how long it takes how many turns it takes to get to the point where it's seated down on the shoulder just to see the amount of lifter preload we did that in our last video let's just roll the clip on that um and so but we do have i think it's like it's over 40 thousandths of pre-load on our lifters so we'll be in good shape in that regard all right so them all seated the positive stop rockers these 5 16 guys here are supposed to go to uh 18 was it 18 to 22 correct foot pounds and so there we go i just went ahead and set it to 22. so those older units they're probably a little pre-stretched as it is it don't take too much a big torque bar like this to get to 22 there but i feel confident that that's enough where it'll stay and it's not going to blow the threads out of the thing now these rocker nuts are completely seated so all that we're doing here with the torque is we're just basically doing the thread stretch and everything that keeps the threads engaged and prevents them from backing off you know this isn't adding any preload you're not changing the geometry of these nuts as we're turning them here all right another day another lunch break here we got about 45 minutes to an hour so we're gonna try and get this intake manifold all installed and then from that point i mean we're pretty close to firing the thing up so appreciate today i actually have pants on without any holes since everyone always complains about that piece oh hey you do too that's a rare occasion oh no oh i've been putting homie to work here when he's waiting for tool paths to load so i gave him all the intake bolts and a thread chaser here just to clean them up so we can get a good torque on that intake when we go to run it down look at that one this one's gonna be very satisfying so clean on the other side minty you can see the threads again so alex here has done a good job of getting everything good and cleaned up everything is good and scraped went around with carb cleaner and made sure all of the residual oil is off of everything so our gasket sealer sticks i just do the intake gaskets in here to check the alignment the nice piece about these fords is that part of the head gasket actually sticks out and there's a lip on some of these velcro style gaskets they're just the typical standard stock units but they catch that head gasket piece and help to align it because that's one of the things that folks do when they install these v-style intake manifolds is they set them down it's not perfectly aligned they slide around the intake gaskets move and you know you can have some really fun vacuum leaks so i also cut a few pieces of all thread just to help us line up that intake manifold when we set it in then of course we'll take those out and put the normal bolts in so again you know the biggest thing with these v-style engines these folks mess up the intake installation so what i like to do and of course i'm you know more the hyper cautious type now see those studs help when you go to drop your intake on so it sits on square and what i actually do i even go a step further and i'll put all the intake bolts in just make sure everything's good you know we've chased the threads on our intake bolts um on our cylinder head so everything should be good and clean but you know you'd hate to get in a situation where you get bound up something's not right and you're chasing you know racing gasket sealer for it to set up which i've i've gotten that scenario before and you know it's just a good idea to run all your bolts in just to see if everything's going to go down snug before you know you're actually doing the real thing how is that plugged up just a something off the vacuum tree that they decided not to use hard to say what this intake was on before it was on this engine in this car all right so we got the intake all mocked up and it looks like it's good and seated and i don't see any issues all the bolts went in fine um one thing to note here is on the front of the engine where the intake meets the block some folks call it the china wall has a lot of different things that folks refer to it as but you'll see that that's a very tight clearance now and this is a good reason why i don't end up using these cork in gaskets in favor of using gasket sealer oftentimes like with this engine you know we know the heads have been reworked and what happens is they'll play in the bottom of the cylinder head so they'll actually come in you know they technically sit lower on the block so there's a few things to watch out for with that it changes some geometry obviously where the head bolt is that goes into the intake here that's going to move inboard more so you just want to be mindful and that's why i mock all this up if you trying to run your intake down and it's dragging on the side of the intake you know you're going to get a bad torque it might not see same with you know the front intake seal here if if this is hanging up that intake you're going to have vacuum leaks all over the place it's just a nightmare so some good reasons why i go ahead and do this before i actually install the intake so it's kind of a messy ordeal the way i do it but remember earlier in the video i talked about people get a little too much gasket sealer on the intake gaskets and it splooshes over into the port and restricts your ports now some folks actually run them around the intake ports i'm not going to do that i guess i've never had issues and if you do have a leak you know the fuel will just quickly deteriorate your gas concealer anyway so if it does save you it's not going to last that long anyhow so really you know this just helps seal up any anomalies in the in the block you can see there's a lot of pitting around the water ports that's why i do this it's just a little added security and the coolant isn't going to mess up the gasket sealer to any degree at this point i usually like i said i opt to go for a gasket sealer and where you want to be minimalistic on the intake gaskets per se you really don't want to be on the china walls here so you can always wipe off the excess that's not an issue also a lot of folks always comment on this hole on small block fords everyone thinks it's because the block is damaged for whatever reason that's just a typical ford casting thing that they do allows oil to get up to the timing chain a little extra lubrication a little extra drain back make sure i get that right there and this begins the scary part where we're erasing the clock against gasket sealer my absolute favorite this is especially fun when you're in a vehicle so i'm just gonna wish i had four lineup studs here but i don't catch that guy watch the wind is blowing and the door is shutting on us you typically don't want to drop it but luckily somehow it landed perfect and you can see like you know say you did that and you didn't have these lineup studs you know you'd just be out of luck one thing i always try and do is just get a little oil on the threads for torque nice lubrication you're not dragging on any dirt that you might not have got and you cleaned everything out they go in nice and easy boy i got the shaky hands today this is why we need to eat stuff for lunch this is what happens probably recommended skimping on the gas station burritos man as you can see we took all of our studs out of course and replace them with bolts i do like using intake studs obviously not all thread because it can't handle the torque of 20 foot pounds or so everything looks good i know you guys are going to whinge and complain about these bolts that i use but you know what that's what we had and we're doing it live it'll be fine it'll be fine you'll see this is this is one of those things where i wouldn't recommend doing it this way but it's like doing the wrong thing the right way it'll be fine so i don't have the actual pattern in front of me but just kind of remembering it starts and kind of goes in the crisscross pattern to here back to here and you'll notice i'm just kind of going a little bit at a time again hello it's that wedge design oh this is my favorite about engines in cars so we're just gonna slowly run it down you can see i had all these snug as we're going they're getting loose if you go too much at one time that intake will get tilted and it's just bad news i don't know why ford as you do the middle ones last in their torque procedure i'm pretty sure but that's how they do it so anyway around we go again we're doing this whole thing live aren't we so ill-prepared today that is correct when you're in a hurry that that's kind of how it goes i guess the name of the game with this whole thing is patience a lot of folks just jump right in with the torque wrench set to like 10 or 15 foot pounds and just start going to town right away and i mean you get this intake all cantilevered and cockeyed and just bad news so you know i'm still going around and it's still drawing down just by hand oh this is going to be a good time so unfortunately i don't have the torque wrench i normally use this is the one from the shop that goes up to 150 so it's pretty hard to increment it but in theory you know you want to start it somewhere like maybe 10 then go to 15 then go to 20. all right so again name of the game here is patience i've been at 20 foot pounds but you can see i went around three times and when i get back to the starting point you know i still have a little bit where it turns and so a lot of folks that one's good a lot of folks will stop right away when they get to their final torque but you want to just go back to the starting point see this one's moving it's a wedge design it likes to walk around and so i really don't call it quits until everything clicks off at the very first instance of a turn all right she's all done none too soon so my back is about split in half sitting at this this angle here you can see it's erased this gas concealer is starting to get a little tacky just going to wipe off the excess here trying not to slather it all over everything else and uh i think we're good i mean i think i had to go around like four times at 20 foot pounds before everything clicked off at the first turn and uh you know a lot of folks will ask why i use 20 foot pounds i mean with aluminum intakes and whatnot um you know you can warp them real easy so 20 you know i've just seen that 20 foot pounds works just fine and i have warped one in the past at 25 so i've never had any issues with 20. so that's kind of what i keep to with aluminum intakes oh man i feel like an old man all right my friends that's gonna do it for video two we got the intake manifold all installed just set the valve covers back on we're gonna let the intake sit here and just everything seal up um and i'm just gonna cut video two here because we're gonna be pretty busy here for the next couple days um we can only do a lot of our programming automation changes cnc stuff when production isn't running so that's going to consume our lunch hour for i guess the next little bit so we'll catch you guys for the next one we'll jump in the distributor show you how to get everything timed uh install the carb all the pre-adjustment settings and then hopefully light the thing off and she's just good to go so with that catch you guys later thanks for coming along [Music] is
Channel: ThunderHead289
Views: 78,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vice grip garage, vicegrip garage, junkyard digs, dylan mccool, deboss garage, flying sparks garage, roadkill, motortrend, revival, old car revival
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 9sec (1929 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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