Carb Cheater: What It Is - Q&A

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bothered me about this project is I've come Veteran Park what kind of the same I've kind of you know been we're on the scene [Music] howdy my friends and welcome to the channel today I'm Luke thunderhead2e9 here on YouTube and today we're going to talk about a few carb cheater things I've seen a lot of questions and comments have kind of floated around the internet and to be fair I've been a little behind on content um you know I don't want to make you sit through an hour-long video so I try and break it up into parts and pieces and I'm a little behind because I work every day and the only time I have is the weekend and I got plenty to do around the property here too so that being said I'm going to do a little short clip of answering a few questions about carb cheater itself some of the misnomers I've seen clear that up so with that let's Jump Right In so the number one thing that shrouded mystery with the carb cheater is how it's actually working now contrary to popular belief the auto-tune feature is just a small piece of carb cheater but that's the one that everyone seems to like to talk about so I'm going to address some of that here today [Music] so in its simplest form this is what carb cheater is doing to control adjustment you don't alter anything on your carburetor if you watch the install video you can see that you know we don't do anything to the carb it's a real simple install and basically it is a dynamically controlled air bleed that basically has a differential between some engine Telemetry and what your target Telemetry is and we'll adjust based on that you have an idle setting a cruise setting and a high load setting so you know you have all those things there and and different ways to capture it but it's simplest form all it is is an air bleed now this is the original original carb cheater that I made on Power Tour 2019 and I made this thing as a temporary fix for going through the mountains I live in a fairly flat area I didn't have to do this regularly but going through the mountains there's less oxygen your air fuel ratio gets way richer so I needed a way to lean the air fuel ratio so this was a good way where I can kind of do it on the fly as altitude changed without having to change my Jets which if you're familiar with carb tuning and know what you're doing you know that altitude becomes quite a pain in those scenarios so but the drawbacks to this are I mean you cannot run this fast enough when you go from idle to cruising High load you know it's really all only acceptable for steady state and then you're still going crazy with this needle valve to try and keep everything happy but conceptually it worked really well and that's how we got to this point where we can do everything on the Fly and there's several thousand lines of code just dedicated to doing this well and it's why it can do it you know so much faster than you could ever do it with your finger here trying to keep up but I've really tried to push that carb cheater is not a Band-Aid for you not wanting to learn how to tune it's supposed to be a tuning tool to help you understand the Dynamics of tuning and then the auto tune features just a small piece that handles the inherent variability from day-to-day driving and if you think that doesn't exist go ahead and put a wide band in your car and drive around and I assure you you'll definitely know what I'm talking about after that now there's one Camp of people that are particularly hard on this product which you know it's kind of sad because they're my type of people the folks that I was hoping would look at this and be like this is great this is going to keep people into carb tuning you know it's the folks that spend a lot of time tuning they like Simplicity they understand tuning and you know um they're just really about this stuff and so am I you know and I'm trying to help people get into this thing here and I understand the whole point of learn to tune a carb again put a wide band in you'll see what I'm talking about with all this stuff there is a wideband built into carb shooter by the way weird the other thing I see is that folks say I don't want all these Electronics on my engine to over complicate it dude I completely understand that I'm a programmer by day and I drive a carbureted car to work every day I like the inherent Simplicity carb cheater is very minimally attached to your engine you can completely unhook this thing and Pitch it and you are on a normal carb it will not shut you down from going down the road it was very important to me to design it like that or else would be going against everything I stand for with this stuff all right I'm gonna fire the car up here and you know carb cheater doesn't have to be connected to your phone for carb shooter to run all the brains is in the Box okay your phone is just your user interface to make adjustments to Target settings and uh basically so you can see what's going on okay and when you make a change to a setting you don't have to do that every time that is hard written to a variable where you can take carb cheater out completely unhook your battery you plug that thing back in in 30 years and that last setting you told it is still going to be there but anyway you know we'll just screw out of this thing here a lot of compression on this engine there we go a little trick to that stuff if you're in a boat like me where you have a way too high compression engine uh you can just turn your ignition off put it on a switch roll your engine over and then once the engine's spinning flip the ignition on but I like to party so I haven't done that yet or I like eating starters you know all right so we're up and running here carb cheater is doing its thing all right it's running here we're going to completely unhook carb cheater there you go you heard RPM drop a little bit it got a little bit rougher there but overall it's not going to stop you if you ever have an issue okay obviously the engine still runs that's how minimally invasive carb cheater is I feel like I'm letting too much of my Anarchist hot rod self bleed through here today also again every setting that I put in here before I unhooked it um still there so very convenient everyone asks about the HEI hookup so again works really easy on an HEI your yellow wire will be tied into your battery post I just spliced them in real ugly because it's the Maverick and it's ugly but you can do that however you like and then your green wire goes to your tack post you know simple as that HEI might even actually be easier than a standard ignition coil installation like what you see over here on my dad's truck so that brings up another good point why are we tied to the ignition so it was super important to me that carb cheater had zero draw with the vehicle off okay it has absolutely zero draw now how I do that is I use basically solid state controls from the ignition signal from your key that's going to the ignition side of your coil your distributor whatever and basically that's what turns on carb cheater you know the other two wires that's hooked to the battery this is basically think of it as a switch you know a little more complex than that but it's simplest form that's what's going on here and so when your vehicle is off you know carb sheeters off and it's drawing absolutely nothing the other trick I was able to do with that which again this is why this is a simple concept but really hard to do is that you know say this was way open at idle you shut your engine off it's going to run on you know it's going to keep you know kind of cackling and bucking for a little bit when you shut the engine off what we've done with carb cheater is that when you shut the engine off it has itself self latched on once it's on okay it sees that ignition drop out it's going to completely close this valve immediately before it shuts itself off that way you don't have any run-on issues again this is really simple but programmatically highly complex to make it work and that's probably why no one did it back in the day because everyone says oh feedback carburetors well okay that was back in the early 80s and I want you to sit and think for five seconds about what a personal computer was in the 80s and how much Firepower that had versus you know what you have in your cell phone today or microprocessors of today you know we're pairing apples to oranges here if we're doing that you know this is way more advanced than the type of tech they had in feedback carb days so let's round this out here you know carb cheater can do a lot for you as long as you're willing to do something yourself this isn't some magic box and I'm not trying to Pander it to you as that either it's only going to be as good as you are you have more Telemetry in the palm of your hand than you've ever had before all these companies try and tell you that you're not capable carbs are bad you can't do all this stuff I'm here to tell you you can and the 60 000 miles I put on the Maverick in the last two to three years can attest to that so thank you I'm putting the power back in your hands questions with [Music] the show you Auto Tune In Action here now we're cruising cruising 14 7 14 5-15 and carb shooter is at like I don't know half adjustment I drive in in the morning carpeters at zero adjustment and we're right around that 14 and a half because it's a lot cooler in the morning at five six A.M it's denser here [Music] driving down the road here so let's turn auto tune off now we'll go back to our gauge screen [Music] we're in the mid 13s now low 14s goes to show how much just to change in the environment the facts air fuel ratio you can see with carb shooter doing its thing cruising down the road here you know if it's 50 degrees out 80 degrees out cruising AFR is largely going to be the same which is really nice for consistency and efficiency uh keeping your engine in good shape oil keeping clean you know all good things man I love a good manual car definitely not an automatic guy such a cliche individual aren't I feel very cliche is kind of the same I've kind of you know been we're on the same [Music] room [Music]
Channel: ThunderHead289
Views: 42,425
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Id: JGy_f8qMjy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 10 2023
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