ABANDONED $2,000,000 Renaissance Mansion Of A Notorious Belgian Painter - Found RARE Art Collection!

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somewhere in Belgium you can find his majestic mansion originally built in 1764 French patrician as a hunting pavilion after this period the building has been inhabited for a long time by a well-known Belgian painter who has made an important contribution to the arts and crafts today we will give you a look inside but unfortunately this was not without risks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey guys welcome back and explore it's getting dark bite size but that won't kill the fun because we are an incredible millionaire's mansion this mansion was owned by a famous Belgian Boehner this place it will blow your mind there's so much antiques so much royalty inside this place I can't wait to document for you let's just go on with the exploration ok so we are right now in the attic and we will first be exploring the top floor and after that we will go to the second floor and then you will see the main floor and the main floor will definitely blow your mind it's just insane so over here was a toilet area this used to be a little storage area I think there is actual instruments live inside of these boxes maybe guitars or pianos we got to be very careful because the owner or the relatives of the famous Belgian Bingham who passed away they were living close to the property there's actual monumental property so we got to be very couches of course we have no wrong intentions but this place it's definitely worth it and I really want to show it to you so this used to be a bedroom over here used to stand about with these beautiful curtains but mostly the rooms on the attic are emptied out except for the main floor everything is left there cabinets there is a luck it's closed we can't open it there's only some notes left in this drama you can tell the decay inside this mansion even a ceiling over here it's falling apart sand a wouldn't last long however it looks like they are trying to maintain this property and hopefully they will renovate it soon because it's so beautiful I mean this is a monumental property in the monuments paying taxes to remain as property it's absolutely amazing you can tell he gave the wallpaper which is peeling off let's just go down take a look this beautiful staircase so it's very smelly on this floor but over here does it beautiful I think it was a wardrobe hand girth made out of wood you can tell they were still trying to maintain it because there's all these cables I don't know what the actual purpose is but they are trying to maintain a property however it's not inhabited but there the floor is damaged and aware the rainwater which is dripping they catch it with this crate luckily there is still someone caring about this property but however it's just wide open to public Poly's arches beautiful Renaissance style Wow there used to be a bathroom [Music] pretty ordinary bathroom with however there's a lot of space another sign of the game and over here we have a bathroom it's beautiful how they made it [Music] and then on top of me there is this majestic channel air so gorgeous and there are nice to troll chess stuff with this blue pattern man it's hot in this place you can tell it's 25 degrees but I don't know if it's still working because it feels like 30 35 we have found these draw us a lot lately they use as a writing desk you could just swipe it open move it open and then you could work here do some paperwork for example and overhead they would trouble the bansal's store all their fans and then they have all these built-in lot ropes in the wall so need perfectly matches the wall and the design okay this room is gonna blow your mind this is one of the most beautiful bathrooms I ever found and definitely the most beautiful one in Belgium so this used to be a baby carriage and then take a look these two bets which are perfectly matching the interior and the design of the wall it's absolutely amazing there are so many details on it take a look just magnificent is this used to be a little storage spot of the house I don't know where to use this for but as you know it just leave that comment section to me looks like it maybe had a medical purpose so here's which are stored there's not really interesting well there is a beautiful fireplace with a built-in heater okay so let's take a look in the hallway but immediately through my eye is this beautiful desk Wow I like this one even more than the other one [Music] however it's Lux weekend to open it but just take a look at the black pudding design well I call this room the blue bathroom however it's quite an ordinary bathroom compared to the other one maybe it was just for servants I think the people who live there definitely used to have servants I mean this Belgium painting was very wealthy it was very known in Belgium I can't see his name because otherwise you will find this beautiful mansion literally all their towels and blankets are left unbelievable so it is by far the most beautiful bathroom of the Attic you can see cabinets are still completely filled there is a stereo surround system and over here used to stand the Beth but it has been taken out and then look on the wall babe you look so tropical this man definitely had a good sense of art and they were religious too you can tell by the crucifix a wooden chair [Music] while these shelves all the keys one way to use this for maybe a cigar holder or for jewelry Birds oh no way they're still jewelry left I think this is worth a lotta unbelievable how can it be believe this I'm positive that softy jewelry is real silver or real gold and I'm not over exaggerating this really for this as well so very old pictures these one are reading ancient even tell almost look like film reels [Music] I don't know where they use this for and then this was the bottle which was attached through this bathroom a tropical bathroom I'm going to give names to every bathroom we find I think that's fun there's even more of these old pictures all pictures could certainly art all these statues even more jewelry unbelievable with people leave the building is just wide open luckily burglars didn't find a way in for example with this marvelous stone collection no way with all the screws stemming stones as promised it's time to show you the most incredible floor and that is the main floor the first floor already a beautiful painting we don't know if the motion sensors and displays are still transmitting but apparently there is also an alarm I mean we have no wrong in tangents so we're not doing any harm to this place we're not stealing anything vandalizing anything it's not inhabited it's abandoned and we just are within a historic interest and to document for you our audience with these beautiful paintings which are made by the artist you can tell it was talented and they live with the project off the wall Wow these animals remain inside the wall that Buffett looks fun and apparently they also love the Goulding sports all these golf clubs Wow definitely a hobby for wealthy people unbelievable I love this mansion but the best is yet to come guys I also love this standing in front of the fireplace take a look at the arcs we're in a sauce style marble of course this was a bathroom another one where to sing I think they used to hang up their fluids so we're before they went to the shower like the shower is over here oh no it's a toilet there is some toilet paper left okay we made it pretty downstairs literally all their glosses China a lot of elby's on the grounds even some of it I'm still in the government old currency of Belgium D : before the euro was entered in 2004 Wow this fireplace unbelievable it was an encyclopedia mysterious around systems not a marvelous painting such a place would show much royal royalty I'm speechless really I'm absolutely speechless and the ceiling as well is oval beautiful style okay so this is the grand ballroom with a beautiful grand piano oh my gosh the first grand piano I think I found unbelievable they're still music notes left and then this gigantic chandalier take a look at all the arches as well Wow this place has so much royalty this carpet on the ground here another chair these flower paintings on the walls these arches then it's fireplace I think it does burn a little bit too much and this was the Belgian painter Wow this doll is pretty eerie but it's also very cool itself vintage so old fashioned then you can tell us not a normal doll I think was pretty expansive for the time the 19th maybe 18th century here's another one there's another room beautiful chair these paintings on the wall all these candle lights on a stable I think this was the dining room it's so fancy all these golden details chandelier has a mansion but none of the gay and that hurts a lot to see it so said oh my gosh this is a beautiful portrait Wow so far fireplace I don't know what this was but there's another statue Wow slam is very unique with these lions was actually again the light then some other paintings he made and we are already almost at the end so there is another hallway even more paintings he made they are spread all over the place pigeon not a statue don't know what represents this but he's holding two baskets probably filled with water there is another part probably the basement area okay so I didn't know what he had a basement table tennis table or ping-pong a barbecue and then the last room and there's the famous painting room with his wall art collection and Hollis paintings another statue [Music] Wow this was his wool art collection all the beautiful masterpieces to Stalin tits Belgium Boehner made you can tell he was so talented this was his destiny and even more of them unbelievable the quantity of all these artworks I noticed this little stairway going up there's even a whole other part even more paintings unbelievable I thought we already covered everything then I saw this little tiny staircase going up and then we were eventually in another part oh no way this is where the man made this actual paintings is all equipment with all the pencils Holly paintbrushes chalk I think it's my most insane find ever during all the abandoned place I visited to see the masterpiece is where a famous Belgian being a word with no way guys this is unbelievable [Music] [Music] [Laughter] you know lost parts of this incredible mansion this what is this place this is a porch I mean it's so so massive I think there's even more of his art collection there was a wall sitting area there's so much mysteries looks like a religious person well maybe this was too I don't know what all these wooden planks are ever probably for the renovation projects they are plans but they're not happening at the moment this was a school collection of all the governs used to place paintings in and those are the actual paintings and this fireplace unbelievable I think this is angle cook because of the size we call these massive fireplaces Engle cook let's end our exploration for today with the room with the most paintings of him literally all these stacks are paintings of him unbelievable okay well it's a pretty touchy location so and I'm also really out but I don't care this location was a dream it's time to go now see you at the car okay we're having then enough I can't believe we did this but it has been in my list for years and I'm so glad finally got to share it with you guys now I glad it worked out I mean apparently there were a lot of motion sensors I don't know if they were active but maybe we just had good luck anyways I really want to thank you for watching to this episode I think this is by far the most beautiful place I ever did in Belgium we explored a lot of abandonments in Belgium but this place is my number 1 spot in Belgium and I think my all-time favorite spot on my second place and what's the first place you will see it when a portable series large because one place we did there it was just unbelievably beautiful anyways I really want to thank you for watching if you light it as much as I did then leave a big thumbs up you can subscribe to our channel below and also leave a nice comment down below and as always peace out and we see you on our next adventure in Italy you [Music]
Channel: Explomo
Views: 63,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, abandoned places, millionaire mansion, renaissance, renaissance mansion, abandoned renaissance mansion, belgian painter, belgium, jozef de coene, explomo, urbex, exploration, explore, abandoned, art collection, art, found, found art collection, decay, mansion, painter, painting, lost places, $2.000.000, history, era, top 10, famous, notorious belgian painter, rare, treasure found, exploring with josh, steve ronin, urban exploring, dr matt, abandoned house, urban exploration
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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