ABANDONED 19th Century School Mansion

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there's something about this place it reminds me of one of the rooms you might get in the amateur ville horror house what the i am creeped out in there like i'm going through a horror maze [Music] hello welcome back today i'm at a late 18th century i think it was in 1874 it was built it's a school and the school was built by lord haribe and it was essentially a school that consists of two classrooms one for boys and one for girls and their parents would pay like six pence a term for them to come here so obviously it's not a lot now but back in the day i can imagine it was quite a lot of money not only that this school was also used for minors minors would come here and if they wanted to learn to read and write they'd come here and they'd learn their english so yeah it's a pretty cool place it's really um really old it's got a lot of history and this actually took me quite a while to set up today the reason it took so long is because every time i started moving around and doing something i'd hear like footsteps in the room just to the right of me here and there's no one here i've been out a few times in check there's no one here i'm not saying anything weird is going on but i'm going to take my timing going around just because i'm very imaginative it's very dark it's really old like i just said so yeah we're going to take the time we'll go around we'll see what we find all right then so this is um this is the way we came in through here and yeah it's got really old vibes you know the old fireplaces and whatnot like i said it is quite dark in here so we'll go through here shortly i'm not gonna lie i am creeped out in here look at all the paint peel this place look at this place this is huge so this here looks to be main the main hall i guess absolutely crazy so this must have been abandoned for quite some time automatically okay so i'm guessing this was one classroom still got the power connected a relatively new energy meter weird see the ceiling is starting to give way look at these big doors here look how cool they look this place from the outside it's got quite a big chimney on it looks like it's got a big upstairs but i'm not convinced yes it's more like scriptures and stuff on the walls i'll get some b-roll of those later so you can see them in better detail pretty sure there's a basement here too it's this ceiling here it's crazy it's really apocalyptic this is really old guys there's the upstairs these tiny little doorways and stuff and get some really creepy vibes in there staircase this side too so guys we're about to go upstairs now this is um it's a really creepy place i know i say this in all my videos it's usually because i'm on my own but you know there's something about this place it's the low ceilings the small doors it's just it's really eerie so we'll go upstairs and we'll see what we find okay i'm pretty sure both these stairs connect together but we'll take this one so so creepy again i've got these really old fireplaces the original beans up top as well along with the old school wallpaper and as i said downstairs the low ceilings it's makes my helmet creepy place i feel like i'm in a horror maze horror maze vibes in there look at the stairs now the ceiling wraps around with all those cobwebs that must be the other staircase okay goes up again great wallpaper it's old school and these corridors are eerie smells old i know there's not much to see but it's more the layout of this place let's push on what the more stairs i'll do the downstairs first well it's top level everything is so red tray keep hearing things so okay so we'll go to the attic so i'm literally walking around here like i'm going through my horror maze you know like i feel there's so many little corners and i feel like somebody could jump out and grab me i'm not normally like this i'm not normally this bad but you need to be here to understand what it's like so just notice up here there was like some little doors with locks on not sure what they used to be the architecture is bizarre in here as well look at this arch it's strange i don't know you don't normally see this kind of thing do you normally see this kind of thing on the other side you've got crawl space what looks like crawl space could just be storage the doors up here are tiny very unusual place cool place so you can't see the whole room properly but shape of it and the really retro wallpaper it reminds me of one of the rooms you might get in the amateur ville horror house so that's pretty much it for upstairs and well attic and first floor but we have got the basement [Music] [Music] all right so we have come outside um glad to get out there not gonna lie it's a bit eerie so hopefully i can show you um around the outside of it just so you can see what this place looks like and given that you've seen the inside and so yeah i'll spin the camera around and give you a little look so i do need to kind of stay out of view but this is it from the outside just to give you an idea big place may have to be quite sneaky when i come around to the front because it's pretty open from the road albeit it's not a very busy road it's a tiny little lane but if i hear a car coming i'll probably dodge out the way look at the um the size of the place absolutely huge and this is this is just it from the other side absolutely huge this is the front now so i'm going to try and stay clear of the road there's always some nosy neighbor that thinks you're up to no good and all you want to do is take a photo okay guys so that's everything for this video um very creepy in there i'm not going to say um that i completely enjoy this one on my own um usually i really take my time and i try to take my time but um i just want to get out there this time so i hope you enjoyed the video if you do um drop me a like subscribe thumbs up comment um and i'll keep the videos coming for you and thanks again for watching really appreciate it and i'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Urban Uncovered
Views: 439
Rating: 4.8888888 out of 5
Keywords: ABANDONED 19th Century School Mansion, Abandoned mansion, abandoned school, abandoned staffordshire, abandoned locations uk, abandoned uk, abandoned victorian school, abandoned house uk, abandoned mansion uk, urban uncovered, urban uncovered abandoned, urban exploring uk, abandoned errie, paranormal exploring, abandoned 19th century, urban exploring gone wrong, urbex uk, urbex stafford, abandoned school uk, abandoned school stafforsdhire, staffordshire
Id: SHk05VjAIog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 02 2021
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