Self Check ( Isaiah 6: 1-8)

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word of god declares in the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and his train filled the temple and burbot stood the Seraphim each one had six wings with twain he covered his face and with twain he covered his feet with twain he did fly when crowded to another and said holy holy holy is the lord of hosts the whole earth is full of his glory and the post of the door moved in the voice of him that crowned and the house was filled with smoke then said our woe is me for I am undone because I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell miss number people of unclean lips for mine eyes have seen the king the Lord of Hosts then flew one of the seraphim's unto me having a man cold in his knee which he had taken with the tongs from off the altar and he laid it upon my mouth and said lo this have touched my lips and thine iniquity is taken away and thy seeing hers also I heard the voice of the Lord saying whom shall I send and who will go for us then said I here am I send me the grass withereth and the flower faded but the word of our God remaining forever I want to preach full letter while using the subject it's time for a self-check maybe seated in the presence of the Lord we give honor to the Spirit of God that is in this place we found his spirit whoever in the world would we be it had not been for the Lord it was on our side we recognized that we would not be standing where we are standing the privilege of worship we thank God for your presence people don't have to come the new rising star I'm so humbled that you were here and today thank God for the presence of our honor and esteem pastor and First Lady emeritus as well as the presence of my wife and my children it's all of God's children we thank God for you it's time for a self-check ladies and gentlemen there's an extreme difference between vanity and self-examination they are similar in a sense because I've come to the understanding that both vanity and self-examination they cause me to look at myself at the same time they are all together different because when it is that I view myself through the lens of vanity I see myself from a partial perspective which furthermore suggests to all of us church that vanity is deceitful it is absolutely deceitful because anytime that you see yourself from a partial perspective it gives you an imbalanced and an unrealistic picture of who it is that you really are and so therefore as a consequence vanity is absolutely deceitful because when it is that I see myself through the lens of vanity I am only able to see my success it helps me to see my success but at the same time it causes me to ignore my flaws and so watch this new rising star vanity is not just deceitful but it is also dangerous it is absolutely dangerous because any time that you look at yourself and you only see success while ignoring your flaws it is not long until all of us become prideful arrogant and cocky all at the same time which is absolutely dangerous it's dangerous to be lifted in Pride it is so dangerous that the scripture warns us in proverbs chapter 16 starting with verse number 18 that pride goeth just before destruction and a haughty spirit just before fall at the same time self-examination is altogether different from vanity because when it is that I see myself to the lens of self-examination it causes me to see myself not from a partial perspective when it causes me to see myself from a holistic point of view and because I'm viewing myself through a holistic point of view when it is that I see myself through the lens of self-examination it causes me to see not just my success but it also causes me to pay attention to my flaws when I see my success I become encouraged but when I see my flaws I am now provoked to kick myself together ladies and gentlemen contrary to what many of us have heard throughout our tenure of Christianity there is nothing wrong with us looking at ourselves the problem is not looking at ourselves the problem is when looking at yourself turns into us becoming full of ourselves it is absolutely dangerous to become full of yourself because the Bible says of Christians in Ephesians chapter 5 starting with verse number 18 it says be not drunk with wine wherein is excess but be filled with the spirit and so therefore as a consequence it is dangerous to be full of myself because when I'm full of myself there is no way for me to be full of myself and be full of the spirit all at the same time the danger is not looking at myself but the danger is when self-examination is watered down to a state of vanity because I stopped paying attention to the areas of my life that need my tender loving care in other words I only see my success but while Buick my success it causes me to ignore my flaws and because the only thing that I see is success inside of my life I've become putting for cocky and arrogant all at the same time and it is not long until I'm washed away because pride goeth just before destruction and a haughty spirit comes just before far ladies and gentlemen can I pause to tell somebody that all of us in here under the sound of my voice have an innate desire to see ourselves so much to the point that when it is that we wake up inside of the morning one of the first things we do after getting out of the bed we walk into the bathroom and we look inside of the mirror why do I look inside of the mirror I'm looking inside of the mirror for the purpose of me seeing myself but it is quite interesting to note that when it is that I look inside of the mirror I am NOT trying to see my face from a partial perspective but when I look inside of the mirror I want to get a holistic view of with ears that I really ain't when I look inside of the mirror I'm not looking just to see my hair when I look inside of the mirror I am not looking just to see my mouth when I look inside of the mirror I am not looking just to see my nose when I look inside of the mirror I am NOT looking just to see my ears even if my hair is the best part of my body when I look inside of the mirror after getting out of the band in the morning time I don't just want to see the parts of my body that I think successful but I want to see the parts of my body that need my attention anybody can testify that when I look inside of the mirror I'm not just looking at the parts of me that I like but I want to see the crew that is in my eyes I want to see the Booker's that I in my nose matter of fact I don't just want to see that but I even want to see the light anybody seen the light I'm talking about the light around my lips and other words went out of you inside of the mirror like I'm not just looking to see myself from a partial perspective but I'm looking to see myself from a holistic point of view ladies and gentlemen that is absolutely important this morning is the reason it is absolutely important because we are down to the last Sunday in 2012 and because we are down to the last Sunday in 2012 all of us in here under the sound of my voice including this evil preacher holding this microphone need to conduct a self check everybody say she'll check the reason we need to conduct a self check new rising star it's because where I am at the end of 2012 it's the sum and the totality of the decisions I made throughout 2012 I think I'll say that again where I am at the end of 2012 is the sum and the totality of the decisions I've made throughout 2012 have you not considered new I think star that we reap what we sow according to Galatians chapter 6 starting with verse number 7 and so if I don't like what I read at the end of 2012 if I want to see it different in 2013 then perhaps I need to change the seeds that I'm suing in the first place but it starts with a self-check why does it start with a cell check it starts with a self check because if in fact what you're able to be honest this morning many of us hanging in the twenty twelve with big dreams you came in the twenty twelve with big goals you you clean in the twenty twelve with a new year's resolution and here it is you've been confessing your dreams and your goals and your revolution throughout the entire twenty twelve and now we are at the end of the twenty twelve and many of us are disappointed because preacher straight up I thought that I can speak those things that are not as don't they were and I ain't seen nothing yet and because we ain't seen nothing yet many of us have and Adam complex so much to the point that anytime we mess up and we really don't like where it is that we are instead of starting with ourselves we always have a tendency to blame somebody else but ladies and gentlemen that's the reason that it's time for self-examination because when it is that you examine yourself you don't have time to talk about nobody you don't have time to look at anybody else's faults and anybody else's fears and anybody else's failures and anybody else's short comments because examining myself is a 24 hour a day seven days a week and 365 day a year job but it starts with a self check ladies and gentlemen many of us you really don't even know who we are mad at we've linked it with your man with somebody else when in actuality here we are man with ourselves because life is not going the way that we wanted to go and rather than look at ourselves in the mirror we want to blame everybody else as to why it is that my life is the way it is right now but if we can start with our sales we'll be better off the more I'm not saying that people don't contribute to where you are and I'm not saying that others don't play a factor in where you are but before you look at the con at the contribution of somebody else you got a look at yourself and realize that I did something to get myself in the mess that I am the problem with many of us is that many of us don't like looking inside of a mirror because we really don't like who it is that we are and so therefore as a consequence the cover-up who it is that I am I wanna shine the light on somebody else's flaws so people don't really have to look at me in other words to keep myself out of the spotlight and to keep myself out of the limelight I wanna shine the light on somebody else so that nobody has to pay attention to where I am falling short but ladies and gentlemen if in fact that life is going to get better it is not going to get better with us looking at everybody else but it starts with us checking ourselves I figured to look at the person beside you and say check yourself before you wreck yourself God Almighty somebody just missed it I beg you to look at the person beside you and tell them check yourself before you wreck yourself ladies and gentlemen that is not just for you that is where everybody getting here under the sound of my voice including this feeble preacher holding the microphone from the pulpit all the way down to the pews and all the way back to the nursery all of us have some things in 2012 that we are not proud about but instead of us blaming somebody else and be a man and somebody else that had nothing to do with where we are we got a start with our sales ladies and gentlemen it is quite interesting to note that seeing myself first requires me to see God and seeing God first requires me to see his word because God is his word how do you know that God is his word the Bible declares in John chapter 1 verse number 1 it says in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God ladies and gentleman it is quite interesting to note that there happens to be a man by the name of James who's the brother of Jesus and James writes along this same line and gives us confirmation to checking our sales in James chapter number one starting with verse number 22 he says watch this but be doers of the word and not hearers only let's James chapter 1 verse number 22 verse number 23 and James chapter number 1 for if any be a hearer of the word and not a doer of the word he is like a man beholding not his made up face but his natural face in a glass watch this he says in verse number 24 he says for Hiba give himself and goeth his way and straightway forgetteth what manner a man he is now ladies and gentlemen that really doesn't mean much to you until you come to the understanding I cannot really see myself until I see God but I cannot really see God until I look inside of his word because whether you know it or not when it is that you read James chapter number 1 verses 22 through 24 the first thing that we learn from James is that God's Word is a mirror for me to see myself the glass that James is talking about it's not a glass that I drink out of but the class that he's talking about it's a mirror that shows me a reflection of myself the problem with many of us is that we don't treat God's Word like a mirror we treat God's Word like a window it's so much to the point that every time that I come to church you think that the message is for your neighbor you think that the message is for your friend I'm talking about those people who come to new rising star and you say inside of your mind such-and-such should've been here today because he was right on her street and such-and-such needed to hear this word because he was talking about her situation but whether you know it or not I've come to the understanding that when you open up the word of God it is not enough for you to use God's word for everybody else because anybody can testify you can save the world and steals it yourself to hell because you don't take your own prescription and your own medication in other words when I read God's Word I got a reading this word like a though but I'm reading his word like a mirror anybody can testify that when I look inside of his word the standard is so high and because the standard is so high it causes me to see myself and have a ball in short his stead that is so high and God is so holy and because God is so holy it causes me to see the areas where I'm falling short his word is not a window when his word is a mirror ah look at the person beside you I tell him I'm starting with the man inside of the mirror y'all didn't know that Michael Jackson was a prophet but I tell you to just tell somebody real quick I started with the person inside of the mirror not only does James teach us that his word is a mirror but James also teaches us in Chapter number 1 verses 22 through 24 that seeing myself requires me to hear God but watch this after I hear God if in fact that I'm going to get better I cannot just hear his word but after I hear his word and his word shows me a reflection of Who I am I then have to remember what I look like in comparison to God's Word the problem with many of us when we read God's Word it's not that we don't see ourselves but after we close the book we forget what we look like after we close the book we forget that we are falling short and because we forget that we are falling short we have a tendency to frown line nose on other people's falls and and other people's shortcomings and you don't even recognize that you wasn't saved your whole life either and even after you were saved you still sin daily and salt in a word and indeed you're talking about I don't sin because I don't do like I used to do and I don't see him because I don't say what I used to say but I've come to the understanding there's a whole lot of psychological sinners in the body of Christ you might not do it you might not say it but you showed no thought about it it starts with a spellcheck seeing myself requires me to see God after I see is worried and it shows me a reflection of what I look like I then have to remember what I look like in comparison to his word it is only when I remember what I look like in comparison to the Word of God that I'm able to apply his word to my life ladies and gentlemen that proves to be true in Saturday text because when it is that we survey the text watch this the question has to be raised that if seeing myself requires me to see God then what does it take to see God anybody ever asked that question I'm glad you asked if if the only way that I am able to see myself is through seeing God the question has to be raised preacher what does it take to see God ladies and gentlemen when it is that we surveyed the text the text reads in verse number one I say yo who happens to be the writer of our text he says watch this I say your chapter six verse number one he says that in the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord ladies and gentlemen I hate to be the bearer of bad news but but allow me to pause to tell somebody that if in fact we are going to see God then something has to die I must say that again if in fact we are going to see God then something has got to die hate to be the bearer of bad news maybe you know what that something is inside of your life but watch this in order to see God something has got to die I say it says in Isaiah chapter 6 verse number one he says what died in my life was king Isaiah what does the Bible teach us about King Uzziah the Bible teaches us of King Uzziah watch this that a saga was a great king of Judah at the time that Isaiah writes this text watch this Israel is divided they are divided into the Northern Kingdom of Israel and into the southern kingdom of Judah and Isaiah is the king of Judah Judah means praise God Almighty in other words he's the king of Judah and he's a great King but the Bible teaches us that in spite of his greatness second chronicles chapter 26 verses 16 through 22 then one day Isaiah got lost in his own sauce in other words he believed how great that all the people said that he was and he became a lifted in pride so much to the point that self-examination turned into vanity and he had a partial perspective of who he really was because he sees only his success he has the nerve and the audacity to walk inside of the temple and take over the priests job in other words he walks inside of the temple and he burns incense on the altar of prayer when that is the job of the priest and the priest tries to warn him but because he didn't vanity his pride won't allow his ears to hear what the priest is saying and the priest tries to warn him and before you know it God anger is kindled at Isaiah it is hindered and as I owe so much to the point that God strikes him with leprosy now ladies and gentlemen you have to come to the understanding that leprosy was the old time equivalent to the modern day age they really didn't know much about leprosy the only thing that they knew is that if you were and your skin turned white you were considered to be unclean so much to the point that you were no longer able to have fellowship with other people but now you had to be exiled if it is aasaiya list of his life in greatness but at the end of his life he messed up and he got caught in pride God strikes him with leprosy so much to the point that you see early observers of his life in leprosy until his until he dies ladies and gentlemen I don't even have time to mention to you that 90% of the leaders inside of the Bible started well but once they became great they got lost in their own souls and 90% of the leaders inside of the Bible didn't finish as well as they started it's not about how you start but it's all about how you finish anybody ever seen a basketball game see sometimes in the game you can be down by 30 points but when the fourth corner rolls around there is still time left on the clock and even though I started wrong and I'm down by 30 how is it that a team can come back from 30 points to win the game because it's not about how your start it's about how your finish me that's a word there's somebody in here under the sound of my voice because somebody can testify that I didn't start well in my childhood preacher straight up I grew up inside there together where I grew up inside of the project my momma told me I would never be nothing my momma didn't go to college and they didn't expect for me to go to college and I thought all of my life that because I was never exposed to anything different that I could do better for myself I kept selling it for things that were beneath me and people that were beneath me because I never saw anything via printer but when I got God's Word inside of my spirit it told me that in spite of how I started I can still finish strong anybody can testify I want to be able to finish like Paul and 2nd Timothy chapter number 4 why I ever ran my race and I finished the course and there is hits for a crown of righteousness that is later for me Isaiah says that that I didn't see God until as iodide Isaiah is a metaphor for prying Isaiah is a metaphor for flesh and so watch this here's how the text really reads it says watch this in the year that fresh got out the way he says that's when I saw the Lord in other words he says I didn't see the Lord until my pride got out of the way ladies and gentlemen you have to come to the understanding it is important that we check ourselves but I can't check myself until I see God and I can't see God until I get rid of my own pride I can't see God until I get rid of my own flesh the reason that many of us get couple of new rising star and sit inside of the sanctuary with all of the other worshipers and somebody is worshiping God because they see here and they feel his manifest presence inside of the building but you don't see the same God as a person sees that is sitting right next to you on your road that's because we come to church with all kind of meskhi inside of our heart and meskhi inside of our spirit but God says when you get fresh out of the way that's when you'll start to see God ladies and gentlemen seeing myself requires me to seek God seeing God requires me to get flesh in Pride out of the way what happens when Isaiah sees God I'm glad you asked the text of just in verse number one that I say you sees God high and lift it up in other words when Isaiah has a vision of God God is opposed I say and because God is above I say your vet says to all of us ladies and gentlemen that I say you're recognized is that card is not my equal and because God is not my equal it's not whether or not I wanna do what he tells me to do but because God is not my equal everything that he speaks is not an option but it is a command you can tell people who have really not seen God because people that have really not seen God treat the Bible as an option and once this you really can't recognize who they are because they sitting in church like everybody else they got only best soup like everybody else there they're fine jeans and they're fine clothes and Gucci and Louie and they sitting inside of the church looking good and they look spiritual but because we treat the Bible like an option we think that God is our equal many of us treat God like our children treat us we tell our children to do things and every time that tell them to do something the child always has a rebuttal they want to know why they want to know what for I'm confused in 2012 as to who is the parrot and who is the child and God says the reason your child treats you that way is because you treat me the same way every time that I say something it's out of my world you want to know why you want to know what for but if you really trust God you ain't gotta know why he says love your enemies you ain't gotta know why sales for kill those babies that hurt you and pray for those that despitefully use you because I see who you are I'm obeying because when I see them I recognize he is not my equal but but that's not the only thing that happens to Texas Jeffs in verse number two watch this in verse number one it says that I see your soul the Lord not just lift it up but he saw the Lord on the front the phloem is the place where God rules in other words in spite of the nation being divided when he sold the Lord on the throne that game isaiah a sign in spite of what he saw that God was still in control ladies and gentlemen I don't care what you see at the end of 2012 many of us have a little faith because of what it is that you see many of us have lost hope because of what it is that you see but the Bible declares that we walk by faith and not by sight and because I'm a walking by faith I am not moved by what I see because in spite of what I see I recognize that God is still in control look at the person beside you and tell him whatever you going through he's in control God Almighty he's so in control that God would never allow anything to hurt you everything that God allows he has a tendency of turning even evil things into good things not what unites all of us together this morning because none of us have anything cooling in us no not one we are evil our righteousness is as filthy rags before God but he specializes in taking evil and uniting it into good anybody can testify that 2,000 years ago when God was on the cross man he took the most evil death and turned it around and caused it to work for my gulity and that's the reason I'm able to say watch this that all things not just some things but all things are working together for the good of those who love God and for those that are called according to his purpose he sees God on the front ladies and gentleman that says not only is God in control but when he sees God he sees him from a balanced perspective how do you know that he sees him from a balanced perspective because the Bible speaks of the throne from two different spectrums in other words God's throne number one is a throne of judgment so much to the point that Revelation chapter 20 verses 11 through 12 speaks of the judgment of the great white throne when God is going to judge the great and the small the quick and the dead but ladies and gentlemen his throne is not just a throne of judgment but according to Hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 it is also a throne of grace ladies and gentlemen I'm glad that God is on the throne because he didn't judge me so harshly that he doesn't tip his judgment with grace kind of mighty anybody could testify I'm glad that God is on the throne because if man was on the throne there would be no grace there would be no mercy but thank God that God didn't leave me in the hands of somebody that cares nothing about me and a everything about himself he sees and from a balanced perspective it is important that when you seek to see God that you see God from a balanced perspective why is that important pastor Beavis it is absolutely important because some people see God only as a God of judgment and because they see him only as a God of judgment they are afraid of the God that they serve and they think God is always gonna get me God is always gonna punish me God is always gonna allow bad things that happen to me because they have a partial perspective of who God is about ladies and gentlemen there's another crowd with a partial perspective and they see God only as a God of grace these are the people who only talk about God is just so loving in God it's just so wonderful that God would never do a thing like that and God is just so good god it's just so awesome how is it that you go from one spectrum to the next spectrum God says if you want to see me for who I really am you gotta see me from a balance perspective and the problem with many of us is that many of us can't handle who God hears so we water him down to what we freq we can understand but God says I'm bigger than what you can understand my ways are not your ways my thoughts are not your thoughts man you got us from a balanced perspective see you from a balanced perspective ladies and gentlemen it is quite interesting to note that Isaiah's vision of the Lord takes place when Israel is divided we already told you that Israel is the Northern Kingdom and Judah is the southern kingdom watch this then says to all of us that if Isaiah sees God in a time of division watch this that seeing God is the catalyst to bring unity to where there is division you want to know the reason that so many churches are divided is because many of us in church focus you start to put your focus on the preacher you start to put your focus on the choir and everything that you like or everything that you don't like about the church but God says that if you want to create unity where there's been division instead of you focusing on each other he says start to focus on me that's the reason why many of our marriages don't work because many of us in marriage our focus on our spouse but God says that marriage and the church is just like a triangle in other words in marriage there is one spouse on the left side at the bottom of the triangle there's one spouse on the right side at the bottom of the triangle and God says I'm that man that's at the top god says that as long as you look in horizontal at each other if you wanna always be your part but the closer you start to get to the closer you start to get to each other ladies and gentlemen that's the reason we fast and in 2013 I'm fasting that God would put his hand on our church like never before I'm fasted that God's getting ready to unite hearts I'm fasted that God's getting ready to unite minds God says when you get close to me that's when you'll be close to each other seeing God ladies and gentlemen causes Isaiah to see himself not only does he see himself but it causes him to see himself in comparison to God how do you know that the text says in verses 2 through 4 that Isaiah sees how holy and how glorious God is God Almighty but watch this in verse number 5 after seeing how holy God is he sees how unholy he is so much to the point that Isaiah replies in verses 5 through 6 he says woe is me yeah I thought I was all right until I got a glimpse of God anybody can testify when you was living in the world you she was all right until you got a glimpse of of who he really is when I think I sees God it causes him to see himself he says who it's me for I oh my god he says for I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell amongst a people of unclean lips I see you thought that he was okay until he saw God but not only did he think that he was okay he thought his surroundings and the people he was hanging around was okay and till they got a picture of who God was ladies and gentlemen can I preach it but somebody can reach it can I teach it what somebody can reach it watch this when I woke up inside of the morning and I looked inside of the mirror I wanted to see myself from a holistic point of view and so when I looked inside of the mirror watch this before it is that I brush my teeth I just took a quick smile at myself get up inside of the morning breath steal tore up from the floor up but I still smile when I smile I thought that my teeth were white ladies and gentleman I thought they were white until I put them next to a white sheet of paper here I see your flute he was okay until he saw how holy God was he he thought that he was doing well until he saw that God was absolutely holy and that's what's wrong with many of us many of us think that we okay because we keep comparing ourselves to other people when other people say that I am the standard and until you come up to my standard you ain't never gonna be alright I gotta see myself in comparison to who God is and when I see who God is it causes me to be unsatisfied with who I am I'm content but I'm not satisfied I'm telling you this is your pastor goddamn I'm content with who I am because I don't want to be nobody else but ladies and gentlemen I'm not satisfied I'm not gonna be satisfied until I be able to love like Jesus I'm not gonna be able to be satisfied until I'm able to pray for my enemies I'm not gonna be able to be satisfied until I'm able to bless those that despitefully use me I wanna be just like God the palmer declares in 1st John chapter 3 verse number 2 that it does not get a pill what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear that we shall be like him that is Jesus the Christ but we shall see him as he is I'm content but I'm still not satisfied anybody can testify Richard you ain't the only one I can't it with where I am I thank God for who I am I don't want to be nobody else I am the best me that I can possibly be but even though I'm content with who I am I'm still not satisfied I still got some ways about myself that I'm trying to improve I still got some ways about myself that I'm trying to get better Tech suggests in verses 6 to 7 that God sends an angel to cleanse Isaiah's mouth this is really a metaphor for what happens in Acts chapter number 2 because notice in Isaiah 6 before God uses Isaiah he cleanses and he cleanses him by sending the angel to put a hot mouth got a mighty X chapter number 2 for all of you Bible scholars in here under the sound of my voice before God sees the 120 disciples he says wait on the promise God am i together and when the promise came the bomber declares that the Holy Spirit descended and set on their mouths watch this Isaiah 6 as terms of clothing sodomite the problem with the church is that we use people just because they're gifted when they show no evidence of being clearance I just want you to get on a pre scene because you can sing it because you can see I think you're gonna attract numbers to my church you ought to stop press the two people for their kill you're gonna show something against something and clean there ought to be a difference between the non-believer and the believer there ought to be a difference between the Christian and the non-christian even live believers are able to sing God there just want you to have the gifts of the Spirit he wants you to have a suit of a spirit that hits allow you to do so things but the fruit is what validates shall give and causes you to live right gotta have some evidence opinion cleaning I don't care how where we are able to preach God Almighty we gotta have some evidence that at least I'm striving to live right okay how well we are able to sing we we gotta have some evidence that I'm striving to do the right thing yes I fall short sometimes but I'm not satisfied and falling short that's the reason that many of us ain't going to heaven because many of us think that everybody getting inside of heaven watch this the problem is not seeing the problem is when we become proud and I seen the bottom of the cliff in 1st Peter chapter 5 verse number 5 that God resists the proud but he gives grace unto the humble if grace is the cure for sin and I'm proud in my sand talking about how many women I've slept with how many plants I smoked and how much stuff I do and you proud so much to the point that you bragging about your sin if grace is the cure for seeing then where is the grease when we're proud there is no and so watch this before God sends him and uses him he cleanses him and the text says in verse number eight after he cleanses him God asked the question he says watch this who can we see go ahead we again told you that God is a relational God he's talking to himself Father Son and the Holy Spirit and who will go not for me but for I've got a mighty watch this and Isaiah says here am i Lord see can I translate what he really said he said my storage is empty and I am available he said Lord here am I send me now watch this that really doesn't mean much to you until you come to the understanding watch this that says to all of us that God uses Isaiah in spite of his imperfections ladies and gentlemen you ought to be shouting right there you ought to be shouting right there because that says to all of us God doesn't use me because ah but he uses me in spite of he didn't use me because I'm holy he didn't use me because I've always done the right thing he doesn't use me because I've crossed every T and I did every I but anybody can test the fire-eater and he used me because all but he uses me in spite of in spite of all of my fears in spite of all of my failures in spite of all of my shortcomings that's the reason that Negroes can't stand you they don't see after everything that you've done that was contrary to God how God keeps shoes and you be sure to me not because of uses me in spider they know your business but so does God so when they try to throw it back up in your face you can't tell me nothing about myself that God doesn't already know hallelujah hallelu hallelu hallelu hallelujah I beg you to take 30 seconds and celebrate God for looking beyond all of my faults and supplying every one of my needs hallelujah Sykes Peter God hallelujah our clothes on this note isaiah sees god when he sees god he sees how holy he is after he sees god he sees him still he sees how unholy he is in comparison to the god that he's trying to serve god is holy after verse number 6 isaiah is not holy because God cleanses his mouth but there's one problem because God is holy isaiah is holy but the people around him are still jacked up now isaiah has been made clean he could have easily taken the attitude god you need to send somebody to do something about them people he could've easily taken that attitude and pointing out everything that was wrong with the people who are unclean but ladies and gentlemen I'm proud of Isaiah because Isaiah didn't say a mumbling word Isaiah did not complain about how bad things were but when God was looking for somebody to fix the ills of society God says watch this Isaiah says if you're gonna use anybody card then use me kind of matter the reason that many of us are mad because many of us are waiting on somebody else to fix a problem that we don't like you're waiting on somebody else to fix a problem that irritates you about ladies and gentlemen I speak and Isaiah anointing / new rising star because I'm not waiting on anybody else to get things in order but if it irritates me that bad God put the passion inside of me god I want you to use me to get friends right instead of us waiting on other people to change things we got to be the change that we want to see another people if it ever tasted that bad you've changed stop waiting on somebody else he didn't put you here to sit on no if it irritates you that bad we got to make ourselves just I got Z Lord I'm available because you cleanse me you put your spirit inside of me I'm capable but God I'm not just capable but I'm willing everybody available is not necessarily capable everybody capable it's not necessarily willing looking for carcasses some willing people in 2013 I'm looking for God to ignite a fire inside of our church we ain't even heard the best singers and new risers far we heard the most committed singers because we know now Gibbs I'm available I'm capable God won't start hard to get to the point where we can still like Isaiah he reminds me don't you let another negative word come out of your mouth about this church even if you don't like it it is God's church there's some about it you don't like you change oh my god
Channel: NRS Church MBC
Views: 18,716
Rating: 4.78125 out of 5
Keywords: NRS, Pastor Thomas Beavers, New Rising Star
Id: 57EhhvyyzE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 27sec (2907 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 30 2012
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