AAW Total Experience Woodturning tip Jimmy Clewes

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hello everybody do you know about our monthly membership drawings our active members are eligible to win a variety of great prizes like tickets to regional symposiums gift certificates tools DVDs and more including a chance to win a Powermatic lathe for yourself and your local chapter be sure to check out our website under our services tab to see a listing of all our prizes and links to the generous sponsors who provide them this year our end of the year grand prize will give one lucky member a power mattock 35 20 be late and the ability to name a local chapter to receive either a jet 16 42 or 5 jet mini lathes donated courtesy of our friends at Powermatic jet your dues must be current qualified for all our drawings anyone whose membership has expired or lapsed will miss this special opportunity all members in our active roster are included in every drawing so there are many chances to win we wish you luck and happy turning the AAW supports your total learning experience with resources provided to our fifteen thousand five hundred members and three hundred and sixty five local chapters throughout the country please enjoy this video tip from an AAW woodturning master happy turning so here's a little tip for you wood Turner's out there a lot of people find it difficult to get a nice clean cut using a gouge on the undercut rim of a platter so what I'm gonna do is show you how I would sharpen the tulip basically what what look to do is to take away the heel or to make that front bevel smaller more obtuse and try and grind the heel out of the way when we go to the turning I will show you what I mean I'll show you the heel rubbing and what to look for and this grind is going to really help you to avoid getting any cush marks getting the bevel in the right place make being able to make that into good and cut it nice and clean so we're gonna zoom in a little bit okay so that's a tool a nice little quarter-inch bowl gouge the flute is a quarter of an inch the bar is 3/8 so I call this a quarter of an inch you could get a one-inch bar put a quarter of an inch flute in and it'll only cut the core of an inch so I think that is the correct measurement personally just amazing matter as long as you understand what you're doing so I want to sharpen this at that angle which is approximately 45 degrees to start with so this is a very simple jig to use we're just gonna bring that arm out there it's the one way grinding system make sure look down here make sure the bevel is flush to the wheel tighten the arms sometimes when you tighten that it might lift the tool slightly so we're gonna switch that on and just literally roll the tool around when this flute is horizontal basically pointing at three o'clock that's as far as you go if you take it further and point it down to four or five o'clock you're actually grinding that wing back and it won't cut very well okay so literally just till that flute there is about four o'clock [Music] let the wheel do the work for you [Applause] so there we have the initial angle of 45 degrees what I want to do now is going to heal with I don't want the heal to to rub the wood behind the coast so we're gonna move in this arm here I'm just a little [Music] I'll take that away so if I take 9 away you can see I've ground the heel away now we're gonna put the cutting edge on I'm just gonna stop that for a moment I want to change out the jig put that into here and put in that position there okay now I'm gonna put on the micro bevel so I basically put the tool of horizontal drop it from there from there to there no idea what it is I just need to know I'm putting on a more smaller more choose bevel angle so we'll switch this on put the total horizontal drop at a fraction and then grind on that last bevel you didn't see I'm moving the tool slightly to get onto those wings [Music] we stop that now you can see the last level angle which is the more it's only about a sixteenth of an inch big and it's on a more obtuse angle so we've got the cutting edge the middle 45 bevel and then the field ground away so let's take that over to the to the work and I'll show you how it works and how to sweep it around okay how this magma bevel works what I've done is prepared this platter blank I always like to put a slight curve on the rim does two things aesthetically draws you in and ergonomically draws you in your thumbs when they give it as someone will always always do that so nice soft curve on the rim because those two things now then if I used to spin this I'm gonna switch it on and you'll be able to see a line there right there and a line there okay if I stop it they're really quite visible what the problem is the reason getting those lines is because with the standard gouge that I use okay the bevel angle there's approximately sixty degrees it's quite a long deep level not necessarily acute but deep that way that is too long a bevel to get around that tight curve and what's happening is the heel is robbing behind the cut so what we're looking to do or what we've done with that tool is we grant the heel out of the way we've got a much smaller bevel so basically and it's a smaller tool to start with that's like using a sledge hammer to crack a nut on this cut so I'll put that down put the pencil down what we're going to do is we're going to come right around there to pick the cut up because the bevel angle isn't here it's there come right around here pick the cut off and push the tool around and quite a tight off don't go too deep and too slow enough doing it around quite quickly and then there's no way you can go too deep and then your curves gonna head too that the middle of the other platter and maybe cook through loose recess so what I'm gonna do is take away this waste wood first okay I'll just use this tool and then change the bevel angle of approach until I can get under here nice little one because I'm bringing it around and we should get a really nice clean cut there okay so let's switch this on and do it two less little low for this footnote is the angle of the tool I am NOT in this position I'm more square lon that's better get rid of this water [Music] just stop that look here beautiful clean because no tear of those lines have dissipated so basically there you go the smaller bevel and cutting the grind the heel out of the way it allows me to get that nice undercut there nice clean cut again that's the end going there it's been around looking there's the end going there if we zoomed in that's absolutely clean as a whistle no tear out and that's what you're looking for I'll do one more cut I will leave it zoomed in I'll do one more coat so you think does that see exactly what the tool is doing get rid of some of this work first why pounds here close the newspaper push around again stop that have a look beautiful again there's the end going there clean as a whistle no tear out the long grain cuts nicely again and going clean as a whistle that pebbles lying down the fibers so that is my little tip how to sharpen your you bowl gouge your small bowl gouge into a micro bevel to get a nice clean undercut on any of the any of the turnings that you're doing so there you go what we enjoy that
Channel: American Association of Woodturners
Views: 10,053
Rating: 4.9384613 out of 5
Id: pyhko6YmTX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2018
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