Aaron Rodgers - Farewell to The Bad Man (Packers Career Documentary)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Joseph Vincent
Views: 595,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Sports, Film, Comics, Fights, Highlights, Spin, Truck, Juke, History, edit, diving, leaping, catching, one handed, dunk, slam, jam, alley oop, jordan, lebron, vincent, bored film, first, rookie, college, high school, last, final, comeback, history, record, best, top, moments, epic, all time, longest, furthest, touchdown, run, division, injury, return, trade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I’ve watched this video numerous times over the past year. It’s hard to put into words the joy this man brought me on many Sundays. All the times he led miraculous comebacks and the times he just purely dominated.
This one is another one of my favorite videos:https://youtu.be/CubJC-ygHvc
Favre was who made me fall in love with football and the Packers. Rodgers took it to an even deeper level.
Honestly I don't feel good about the break up. I wish Rodgers was able to ride or die with green Bay until his career was over and I definitely feel he gives the Packers a much better chance to win in the next 2 years.
I honestly don't even want to watch or follow the NFL next season. Too many emotional heart strings are being ripped out and I think I'm just gonna take a year or two off from the NFL.
To me, it just doesn't provide me with the enjoyment that it once did. Hopefully stepping away will bring back the excitement. All the great seasons and heart breaks over the years and now the departure from Rodgers have left me jaded.
I honestly invest too much of myself into it all. It becomes one of the only things I look forward to and I think about it too much. It gets me nowhere because I'm obsessed. I just don't feel like it serves me well at this point in my life.
I know nobody cares and I probably sound like a bitch right now, but I just felt the need to somehow write down how I feel about something I've cared about deeply since I was old enough to remember. It's not all about Rodgers just being a fanatic in general. Sports can become unhealthy if it becomes all you care about. I just need a step away and to gain some perspective.
Goodbye NFL for a while.
www.bringbackaaronrodgers.com would be a good idea for a website