Josh Allen on Aaron Rodgers to the Jets & why he's more focused than ever 🏈 | Kyle Brandt's Basement

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[Music] everything [Music] to the basement my friends Josh Allen is back he is coming on in mere minutes we're going to get right to him and I'm going to ask him everything as the off-season how's life how do you feel about Aaron Rodgers becoming a New York Jet how do you feel about your team drafting a tight end in the first round have you met the guy yet is he athletic have you played catch with him uh could you have been a professional baseball player Josh we're going to talk about everything what did you mean when you said you've never been more focused on football than you are right now are you gonna get a better Josh down on the field this fall I'm gonna ask him everything and I'm going to ask him right now let's get him in here thank you [Music] [Applause] yes this man drinks tequila on the golf course he thinks that Super Bowl Halftime should be performed by Journey and he is the QB one of the Buffalo Bills as well as this program it's our guy ja17 welcome back brother good to be back Kyle it's been a it's been a while it's been too long it's let's never go this long again I missed you I love you we have a ton to catch up on let's just set the table how's life how are you life's great uh back in Buffalo working out today was a doozy uh we so we did this thing called iron bills challenge right and there's team captains we pick our team and there's uh seven or eight players and then you you sign about three or four coaches to your team as well and today was the Amazing Race which is the absolute worst challenge you can ever do it's three bikes like the the fan bikes one bike you got to burn 500 calories the second bike you got to burn 400 and the last one's a road bike it's a little bit different a little bit harder that one's 200 so you have to break them up how like it's kind of strategic and it depends on what guys you drafted and like that that's that's why we draft right to to try to win these challenges and today just absolutely kicked our ass it was I mean it sounded like an infirmary in our locker room guys coughing up lungs and um I'll tell you we didn't win this this round uh we our team's been doing good we're still in first um but we'll we'll see we still got we got dodgeball next week so we're looking forward to that this is so good all right that air bike you're talking about it's usually called an air dine and it saps the energy out of nowhere like 100 calories is is no joke just 100 on that I have follow-up questions uh you didn't get the dub fine who was on your squad and Shout out some people that took you guys out that maybe deserved like a game ball for getting the win today yeah let's go uh Boogie bashams on our team Kingsley Jonathan Greg Russo so I just I try to get hybrid guys that's that's who I was trying to think me and Taryn Johnson their captains we picked Trent sherfield um Zane's on our team and then coaches Wise It's Shermer Kyle Shermer Ken Dorsey Kelly skipper um who am I missing I feel like I missed him and Demar Hamlin is on our team as well so oh nice and uh we we worked really hard and again we're not built for kind of the bigger competitions last week was tug of war and this week like the the last two games are for the big teams but I decided to to draft a different uh a little bit of a different route because the hybrids are typically the guys that are scoring the most points throughout the season throughout the off season in this tournament so um I'm proud of how we did I think Trent sherfield um you know put his big boy pants on today and help us out quite a bit he worked really hard shout out to Trent sherfield and listen I gotta think dude I gotta think that the DodgeBall competition might lend itself to your personal skill set like are you coming for blood that day let's go I I there's a caveat to that though I'm not allowed to throw with my right I'm not allowed to throw with my right hand that's BS what is that about I that trust me I trust me we we say this all the time that's the number one rule that we have as quarterbacks we can't throw with their right hand it doesn't make sense to me um but it kind of does because I'd be out there and I'd be just throwing fastballs as hard as I can trying to pop people in the face you know um let me tell you something I'm taking J.A left-handed over anybody else in the locker room you're gonna go like a left-handed submarine style I know you're still pegging guys oh yeah oh yeah I'm still throwing that thing and again it's it's more of like a sidearm whippy action but it gets there I wouldn't say as quick but it we can we can we can move the ball now I want to see this it's like you guys don't put it online nobody's got their camera like I I would actually pay for a ticket to go to the bills dodgeball you know what this might be a way to sell some some merch or something we might have to start like kind of like a live golf's doing you know we'll have to bring in some some wildly controversial money into to fund it but what the hell they're gonna have the great talent on the topic of talent Josh we do have a little breaking news that I need you to address you address I don't know if you saw this NASA has reported several UFOs in Earth's orbit that originated from the Micah Hyde charity softball game and their Engineers believed they came off of your bat sir can you confirm you were blasting these balls into orbit boom you know what it's it's smoke a bat that bat was pretty hot the balls were pretty hot but um I'm not gonna lie some of these balls came off the bat and I I was expecting them to go that far but there's a couple that I think I hit three over that big net down there which is uh that's quite a poke so it's gotten some attention um MLB posted me and I don't know why but hey if there's any uh any team out there that needs a a DH that can play a couple couple games I'm your guy I guess yeah I know why it's because you look like Aaron judge dude let's let's review this you and I have talked about this let's go back to high school you're playing High School baseball you're pitching let's say you are a scout attending one of your baseball games in high school what is the scouting report on young Josh Allen back in Fireball on the baseball diamond see that's the crazy thing is though in high school I wasn't really much of a power hitter um that was my brother my brother could actually crank the ball because that senior year of high school is probably six 270 pounds 75 pounds soaking wet um I could I could throw the ball pretty hard off the mound I was right around 90 92 topped at 92. um but I'm I'm happy with the decision I made I do think that if I you know just the internal drive in me whatever sport I picked I would have found a way but um I'm glad I'm glad with the sport I picked 100 you know I I was watching the clip we were on good morning football the other day and Logan Ryan the defensive back you played him many times we're watching it we're all saying the same thing yeah he made the right choice choosing football and Logan's like I don't know did he like have you seen these baseball contracts have you seen like the quality of life that they had do you honestly think let's say just football wasn't your thing whatever you had a change of heart you throw all your energy and all your talents into baseball you think you're in the bigs right now because I do I mean again personally I've got I've got a lot of confidence in myself I think I would have found a way um I think and this might be stupid to say if I picked basketball I would have found a way um but the thing with baseball is right I like I think the starting pitcher position in baseball may be the best job in all sports I mean you pitch one day you kind of recover the next but like in between pitching days because you're not going to be called in to relieve the guy so those guys are absolute sticks at golf so they get to golf whenever they're traveling around and get to golf these cool places and um that would be pretty fun um but again most of those guys unless your name's shohei Otani they don't they don't swing the bat so um I think hidden is my favorite part of the game and again that's that's a life way back in the day but um I did did enjoy baseball there is some times too like oh like just think it back in high school like some of the best times were playing in the like practice in the Outfield spit seeds shagging balls for BP and just talking crap with your friends like I know some of the best memories I'll ever have you know got a big old dip in just hitting BP it's there's really nothing better than back in the day um yeah there's so much to cover because we we just talk about baseball for the next 20 minutes if we want to but there's some other photographs we need you to see dude I'm proud of you I'm proud of you how you showed up at the Derby because you have told us I'm a sweatpants guy my idea of style is wearing a couple pair of Jordans just walk us through it this is a statement I love it what are you saying with this statement what is this Josh yeah so Tom I this this guy Tom's been reaching out to me for a while now trying to style me up and he does a few notable guys in the league and he does a fantastic job um and I just like I never really needed that I don't really dress up for game days um and then I got asked by Eric wood to attend the Derby and he's kind of asked me the last couple years and I was like you know what I'm gonna go this year and so I called him in he and you wear pink to the Friday race which is the Derby Oaks um and that's the uh the Philly rate so that's the the girl race right the the horses are girls and they race and that's why you wear pink and I he just kind of brought out this stuff and I was like you know what dude like I don't know what I'm looking at just kind of tell me what you want to see me in and you go for it and he gave me a couple options and I'm glad he did because I I wouldn't have picked them um but he did he did an amazing job I've never had a suit fit me like that and um I did get a lot of compliments so I'm not a compliment guy that's not really why my forte I don't really care what people say but um you know it does feel good though when you're walking down and then you know people are just stopping like hey I like I like your your jacket I was like oh thanks yeah I'm right it does so it's not that big but again your touchdowns damn like that that color is so crisp Alan I can't even stand it and then the next day you show up in this like three piece little bam with the thumbs up take us through this one we're talking fashion with Josh Allen yeah this is seafoam green which I have no idea what that technically means uh it looks blue in light but then you get into the darker areas and it looks a little green so it's like a cool change in color type deal um which again he he kind of told me about this I was like dude just do it I don't I don't know I don't care what I'm wearing as long as it fits to my body just throw it on so he did he did a good job I guess all the reviews were pretty good is this now the new Josh down like when you're walking into the games next fall are you gonna be showing up like burrow and all swagged out and your drip is gonna be off the charts come on don't don't you dare put that on me don't you do it oh there there might be one or two games where you know you might throw something on nice but I'm I'm just gonna put my sweats on and especially the weight gives there there might be one away game and I'll let people figure it out there's one in one game that this is only one away game that we know of right um where I'll probably put something on in honor of maybe the guy right above my head um maybe so and I know exactly what you're talking about brings my next Point that's Thomas Shelby it was announced today you're going to London I remember we were talking last year I was in London and you were in Buffalo and then we're like we've never gone I'm like dude they're totally sending you next year sure enough bills Jags are you telling me you have already conceived your peaky blinders outfit for the game and how do you feel about going I I have not I've not conceived it uh but I did talk with a cup the quarterbacks Kyle on that today and just said let's that's probably what we're gonna do in honor of peaky blinders which I think is the greatest show of all time yep um I'm a little biased I love it but um yeah I'm excited to go I've never I've never been across the I've never been to England period I've been in one time to Across the Palm to Monaco for the F1 race a couple years ago and it was like stay there a couple days and fly out so I've never explored over there um but I think I'm going for the Open Championship in Royal Liverpool which is gonna be pretty fun kind of like last week of July you got so many cool plans I'm happy for you like you're at the Derby you're talking this this event you're thinking about London already uh a lot of your plans are going to be crystallized for the fall because tomorrow night we're talking on Wednesday tomorrow night's schedule comes out so dude you've been through this a few times Buffalo Bills schedule comes out you scan your finger across it or look on your phone what is the first thing that you look for when a schedule drops game one game one that's it how come that's it's the most important one first one is the most important one the next one's the most important one that's that's that's all I can worry about that's all I can focus on and I know that sounds cliche and it's not the answer that you wanted but uh whoever it is I don't know I don't care about when you play the Jack blah blah blah don't you like come on don't you look for when is our buy when is the bleeping Thursday nighter like I know how you guys think don't you look at that stuff I mean for sure that that creeps into your mind but the only one that you have you care about is the next one um obviously buys for for players is such a huge deal so you hope that you don't have a early buying you'd hope that you don't have a super late buy so you kind of want one around that nine ten week Mark where you're kind of like splitting the season in half and your body can you know adjust and get back to full health as you go into the later part of the season so um I think that's that's probably number two and then again just we don't really look at the Prime Time games with the Thursday games like I guess you could say are like all right which where do I have to be mentally prepared to play on three days rest you know well it's great to see that even though you dress all fancy now the old Josh Allen still looking at week one game one and all that matters that that guy is still here he's still owning it I will tell you this you're the king of Thanksgiving you're the only quarterback who's won all three time slots on Thanksgiving we were hoping you might get Black Friday you did not it's actually Dolphins jets are you looking for Thanksgiving or would you rather just be home stuffing your face um I would like a I don't know if that's possible to have a home Thanksgiving game I think our fans have watched enough Thanksgiving games from their from their houses where at least now it's in their backyard and they can come to the game and um we can enjoy Thanksgiving together as a as one big Bill's Mafia Family you know what I think I think if you win in all three time slots you get the home of Thanksgiving game gentlemen ladies give Josh the home Thanksgiving game he's the king of Thanksgiving you know what else you got big baller Bean he got you like a really cool new toy Dalton Kincaid a first round tight end they're bringing sand to the beach you get a load of this guy tell us about him get us fired up about the rookie tight end he he moves very well I think when you add him and Dawson on the field together they complement each other so well um he's very shifting he's instinctive from what I've never met the guy I know he's going to be here this weekend for a rookie mini camp never met him um texted him right after he got drafted but I'm super excited to get to work with him I mean everything that he's shown on tape and again he hadn't played football for that long you know he went to a D2 school I think he went to University of San Diego if I'm correct he did he transferred to Utah um yeah and again so that that in itself if you've got a guy that good and he's still got so much more to learn um that's exciting to work with an exciting look he's a guy that you can mold and you look at his tape it's it's super fun to watch his catch radius is awesome his shiftiness is awesome so not sure exactly how we're going to utilize them yet um and I'm excited to get to work with them Josh we always it always comes back to movies for us remind me the guy's name is Dalton have you seen Roadhouse have you or not I I've not seen Roadhouse I've seen enough on Family Guy to understand what Roadhouse is though so Peter Griffin does the spin kicks then goes Road House dude it is the preeminent uh feature of the name Dalton you and he should watch it together like as a bonding activity it's so bad but it's so unbelievably awesome watch Roadhouse like sometime this summer I promise yeah absolutely that's so good um all right I'm gonna show you something I told you we have things to play with today I'm going to show you something and I just want your reaction to it you're going to see an image or some video I'm going to totally spring this on you go ahead bring it up just go ahead Josh what's your reaction to this what do you think it's a good ball that's uh I don't know how I feel about number eight on him yet all right so before we craft through the nuances of the past Aaron Rodgers is on the Jets in your division we're in the green in a different number it's 2023 dogs and cats living together we're in the upside down does this make your head spin are you getting a kick out of it what do you think looking at that it's football um I freaking I will say this and I saw him at the Derby got to talk with him for a little bit like he's he's one of my favorite favorite quarterbacks of all time I think he's the gift most gifted thrower of all time his body mechanics like I try to emulate what he does and I've been such a big fan of him for so long and to kind of have the relationship that we have like it's still surreal to me that he's taking a liking into me um like that and kind of I wouldn't say take advantage of his wing but to text me and you know he's he's awesome I I really do enjoy spending time with him um but yeah he's again he's one of the greatest quarterbacks if not the greatest quarterback to ever play the game and um it's always going to be a challenge in these division games when you had a superstar quarterback like him it's just going to make it that much tougher I I understand that Josh and that's very well said however there is a business of like that guy who's great who I also love like he is going to try to beat your ass twice a year maybe three times a year is there any part of you that despite your respect for him and like it really your admiration of him that you see this and you're like I gotta get some extra reps I gotta get some extra throws like I got to be the best Josh Allen that I've ever played if I'm going to beat Rogers because this is a bad bad man in our division my job just changed now he's definitely a bad man but at the end of the day it's it's still football uh the goal doesn't change it doesn't matter who's who's backward phone passes for the opposing team you know we're trying to go out there and score more points than them you're so full of BS dude this is crown no I just I know I feel the same way about trying to beat them they're trying to beat us you know yeah I mean listen what did you say you we talked last year you're sick of the t-shirts and the hats right you're you've got we've got enough division t-shirts we've got enough that was an incredible quote do you feel that way now you've had more time to think about it or have you kind of mail it out because you're far away from the season no it's like it doesn't matter if you sneak in to the playoffs as a wild card doesn't matter if you win your Division if you're the first first seed like the goal is to win the Super Bowl and it doesn't matter what you do before that um I mean I guess it does in terms of how you get there but the only goal you know and I think coach McDermott does such a good job of preaching this to us is playoff caliber what can we do to make the playoffs right when you get home winning our division um and then you know 10 to 11 games is kind of that threshold that's been there the last few years of getting into the playoffs so how do we get to 10 to 11 wins and obviously we want to win war we want to win every time we step out into that field but you you give yourself a chance to win the lottery maybe buying a ticket and get into the playoffs is your ticket to win the to win the lottery so um there's a lot of different things and variables that go in and teams being healthy and this and that yeah the day like you want to win your last game and that's all that matters and it doesn't matter if you win the division he's there's been Wild Card teams to win the Super Bowl like it's who's playing the best at the last you know at the end of the season do you still do you keep those t-shirts and hats like do you have them around the house it's funny that you asked that I'm I was going through my closet to try to do some donation stuff and I pulled them off they're actually they're on one of my shelves I'm just like I don't I'm never gonna wear it like I don't know it's it's good to Keepsake so I'll probably put it in storage somewhere and hopefully show my kids one day I'm sure they'll be pumped about that if I ever have kids um but uh which I hope to have kids that's that's sure but yes it'd be something for them yeah I hear that but yeah they don't get the prime real estate in the Shelf like you you got some other stuff to put there and I totally get it I want to show you something else as um this this this set off a lot of social media reaction this comes out this week and I'm just putting my name on it I gave the Seven Levels currently of AFC quarterbacks because they're so good and there's so many I think it's the most talented field ever when you look at this list we'll bring up the list yeah what what uh just you know football burning anybody you know all these guys personally or you will what jumps out to you about this list yeah everybody's uh way too low I think everybody belongs in tier one Kyle all 16 and tier one even the rookies no I even the rookies but I'm a tier one um you know it's I'm not the one to to sit here and say who belongs where I do think two and Trevor probably uh they they played extremely well last year um I don't know if I think they're a little a little too low I got a lot of respect for both those guys I got a lot of respect for everybody on this list to be honest um and I think obviously Aaron Aaron belongs a little higher I again until until me or or Joey or anybody else can can win a Super Bowl I think Pat's kind of the clear number one right now and uh he's been playing at such a high level for so long and he's got the Rings to kind of prove it so um again it's not my not my decision or expertise to make these lists um I think you did a an okay job an okay job just okay you're not the only one who thinks that you know what's one of those quarterbacks was not pleased and tweeted shade about this list it might surprise you take a guess who who tweeted legitimate shade I think I saw it I think I saw it Trevor oh yeah Trevor Lawrence doesn't Tweet stuff like that he's like yeah games have played on the field I was like damn right Trevor I like it and maybe he's right yeah um you will be playing him in one day we'll see in London that's right talk about peaky Blinder here if he really wanted to he can he can he can go real real snazzy with that hair he would be like kind of a blonde Arthur and get it out the back of the Hat God that's true I don't know if he watches that show but it's a great call before you go Josh um you spoke to the Buffalo media a couple weeks ago and you had this fantastic quote that made a whole bunch of headlines that is like something you could put on like a weight room wall and you said I've never been as focused or locked in on football as I am right now and everybody I got all fired up and like it's super motivational why'd you say that yeah I mean I think uh obviously I don't like losing I don't like losing at all and the last couple years we've been close and we've had our opportunities and we haven't taken advantage of them um and this year just kind of understanding what to say every every year again you want to win the Super Bowl that's that's our main goal but there's more that I could be doing there's there's more film that I could be watching there's more weights that I could be lifting there's more throws I could be throwing so just trying to basically put all my chips in and go all in and just kind of see how that um we'll we'll go for me because I I've relied so heavily on talent and nothing to say that I haven't been been watching film and doing this and that and when I go on the field I'm such a reactionary player and I think that's kind of what makes me who I am um and it's it's been good but I think again there's still things that I need to improve on and get better on and there's a lot of things man like when I go back and watch film it's like why are my eyes starting to lift when I know it's a short concept to the right I should be starting here I see the coverage why are my eyes here so it's taking those deep Dives and asking yourself those questions which some people maybe don't ever ask themselves that so I'm trying to be the best quarterback that I can be and uh you know in the times now you know I'm not gonna I feel like as a as human anatomy goes right I'm in the physical problem of my life so why not give myself every opportunity to to take advantage of what I've got right now and the teammates that I have and just trying to put that all in the field and put it together it's a great answer you know you're you're an adult in the league now like you are you are a veteran you are well into your career and you're right you're right in your Prime indulge me with some more because I find this fascinating have you been able to focus on one thing in particular more than maybe you have in the past like if you identified you mentioned the film study or other things where like I think I could give more of myself to this and I think it could help me play better yeah I think uh treatment you know making sure that I'm in the training room and making sure my body even in in this stage right now where we're just kind of working out but making sure that if I have any elements if my ankles bother me if my foot is bothering me if anything is bothering me I'm in the train room getting it worked on I'm started to cold tub which isn't fun but I'm doing it um sauna steam room making sure that I'm just doing everything that I think can can help me perform on the field and um again the best abilities availability so whatever I can do to make sure my body's in in the best shape possible to go on the field is what I'm going to do damn right uh final thing you talk about availability this was really cool you and I created something here last year doing the Josh Allen film festival our guy Kevin palawi who's Bill's Mafia is sitting down with the Broken Lizard guys from Super Trooper and all the wonderful things you said you that you love and you've exposed me to and look at the exchange that happens We're Gonna Roll the video check this out Kev is a you know a member of the bills Mafia okay he's a buffalo guy and a giant Bills fan and he was the one who actually sent that link to me where Josh Allen said great things about Super Troopers and so yeah it is very nice have you followed up with him on it or no I mean no I think shout out to Kyle Brandt who who also does this he does the Josh Allen film festival with him he said I think he said he wanted to like get you guys on there for like a podcast with Josh or do something no question about it would love to uh meet him and um Super Troopers three Josh Allen uh that sounds like they offered you a part are you in I'm in men oh my gosh I would love it I would love that I've never I've never done a cameo or anything like that yeah that'd be that'd be pretty cool so would you do you think you would be a trooper or something like what would you want to do no I don't I wouldn't want to give a lot of a lot of time and effort into it I don't I don't act that's not my thing um but to make a quick appearance and say something you know preferably to Farva let him go on a rant or something that'd be pretty funny boys he wants to say something to Fargo I don't think he's interested in reenacting the speed gun scene from Super Troopers one but you can come up with something he has your back you have his back um that's all we got dude I cannot tell you how good it is to hang with you to see Maverick and Tommy Shelby and the Joker and McConaughey behind you you look great whoop some ass and dodgeball left-handed or right-handed and at some point we'll have a brown drink together until we do the next basement run absolutely thank you I appreciate you you're the best Josh absolutely say it every time that's our guy could have been a professional basketball player why are we take from Josh Allen we'll never know he's a hell of a professional football player and a hell of a dude I meant when I say I do want to have a whiskey with him we will do it eventually in the meantime he comes in the basement he gives all kinds of great answers really really generous with his time for you guys for me for everybody that's him ja17 at the one and only that's it guys that's the week that's the basement that's everything we will be back next week uh I love you I miss you like subscribe tweet share host review do all those things you do and uh let us know um what you think of the show anytime you want at a B basement and sit right there on the screen I'm out of here I have lots of stories to tell next week including something very personal that I'm gonna be doing tomorrow that I'm not going to get into right now but that's a taste that's it guys love you goodbye from the basement foreign
Channel: ESPN
Views: 89,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: espn, josh allen, josh allen buffalo bills, josh allen qb, josh allen stefon diggs, buffalo bills, josh allen touchdown, josh allen interview, josh allen mvp, josh allen college highlights, josh allen injury, josh allen espn, josh allen draft, josh allen bills, kyle brandt basement, nfl on espn, kyle brandt basement podcast, espn nfl, kyle brandt's basement, kyle brandt, bills, aaron rodgers, rodgers, aaron rodgers espn, aaron rodgers jets, josh allen aaron rodgers, nfl
Id: e5xHxyMiY2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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