Aaron Lewis - "Country Boy" (Official Video)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Lex_Espi 📅︎︎ Oct 15 2016 🗫︎ replies
now I grew up down on dirt on in a town you wouldn't know Bob spit the place up of 1500 bucks back in 1964 grandfather was a drinker back in the day pulling down but a war is known to change a man and the whiskey is known to change a man [Music] That's not me I rarely drink from the bottle but I'll smoke a little weed I still live in the sticks where you wouldn't go in 1012 on an old dirt road and the country boy is all love a bee now it's been 12 years since I sold my soul to the devil he said sign your name here up and down in line and your sons set up shop on Sunset II for me happy [Music] record boy you better listen to me he said change your spell whitening your smile you can lose a couple of they're slightly better who's that wife do you meet your friend around no that's not me [Music] cuz the biggest things and laughs all your friends and family [Music] hmm and alack my jeans and my old t-shirts and couple extra pounds never really hurt there's a country boy it's all leatherby cuz hang time [Music] carry on the [Music] [Applause] we gonna track around why Jim [Music] now two flags fly above my land and really sum up how I feel one is the colors that fly hand proud the red the white [Music] the other one's got a rattlesnake don't tread on me is what it says and I'll take back to my okay is me [Applause] I'm proud to be a mare and I'm before but a cuz of Neverland [Music] but I'll say [Music] so the way [Music] I love my country tell them my guns I love my family I love the way it is now and anybody that tried to change it has to come through me that should be all of our attitude is this is America and the country was good enough for me someone [Music]
Channel: AaronLewisTV
Views: 155,461,190
Rating: 4.7177081 out of 5
Keywords: Aaron Lewis, Staind, Country Boy, Town Line
Id: vsQzw_Ax8Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2010
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