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i did it i am so excited for this video and by the title of it you probably know why because i'm going to be skateboarding in vr and hopefully it doesn't suck yeah so this is called vr skate or vr skater it just came out i've actually tried playing a vr skate game in the past and it just didn't work so i'm really hoping this one does so let's try this out shall we oh my gosh okay so i need to go to the academy and learn how to play intro push break steer yep i need to know all that oh rock music nice uh okay i skate regular how to push do i have a skateboard oh i do have a skateboard okay to push you go like this okay it's already better than the other game dude i am flying how fast can i go how fast can i go uh that's fire so i supposed to do that well done you know how to push thank you how to break oh you pulled the trigger okay oh there's a big hill we're shredding wait how do i break this one failed oh i got to do it in the fire i i feel like i need to stand like this you know it's more realistic all right let's start breaking now nice i wish that's how braking worked on a real skateboard how to steer okay so like this oh dude this is fun this is a ton of fun it's very simple i was worried it would like just not make any sense but this makes a ton of sense i'm the champion tommy hank coming for you oh here we go how to ollie how do i do it oh you just press a button oh day one learning how to ollie day one i like it how do you how do you kick flip i guess i'll learn that in a second all right let's go through this ring of fire i'm gonna ollie over it dude this is sick oh i gotta go up the thing i love it i love the game already ollie right here oh my gosh i want to learn kickflip's so bad jump over the gap oh my gosh oh i love you you were made for me oh this is sick i really like this oh here we go okay so the tutorial is long but i need all of this okay okay how do you do it shove it front side shove it that makes a ton of sense that makes a lot of sense dear lord oh do you catch it oh you gotta catch it no way i did a front three chef does that count there we go looked a little weird but i did it okay backside shove it i already know how to do this boom first try are you kidding me i am the man frontside 360 show i did that on accident oh oh that was a good one i feel cool okay other way i'm awesome dude this game rules i know i've said it like 19 times but it rules ooh flip tricks unlocked all right let's do it i'm happy how to kick flip the world has always wanted to know oh it's exactly like skateboarding so do i do i have to press the button right here too oh okay oh i did it oh i got way too excited okay heel flip same thing this feels so cool this feels so cool double cake flip i accidentally already did that oh boy dude i need to learn that in real life again for the ninth time double heelflip no one does that except me that's how i do it okay i think i understand the game now honestly like i don't think i need to do every single tutorial flips with shove it's ollie to the side okay i might need to know this okay nollie stuff i i understand i already understand so instead of doing it with this one you do it this one boom i did a nollie now the other way oh i forgot to hit next dude i'm the master all right i'm the master all right now they flip oh uh-huh now the heel flip oh i didn't know i leveraging even mean to do a dolly inward heel i feel cool oh nollie trick challenge nollie up the curve nollie flip over the gap now we shove it down the curve easy it's probably really hard actually all right here goes nothing we're gonna go this fast there we go where's the gap oh there's the cap that wasn't the right trick how do i restart all right this is it so two good pushes nollie perfect nollie flip i did a nollie very er wait what i did a weight cooler trick and it said i failed that's okay oh nollie shove it oh i'm the master dude i feel like i'm skateboarding except it's not near as active oh shove it challenge i didn't know that was a thing shove it on the curb shove it over the cap shove it okay so three shoves uh-huh let's do a three chef aren't there a three-set oh so much cooler though dude i did a 360 flip again i don't even know how i'm doing that huh didn't need to do a three shift not gonna lie there we go just a good friendship boom i'm even like bending my legs like i need to when i don't okay flip challenge flip trick flip trick flip trick easy let's do a kick flip up heel flip over this oh i clipped but it's all good can i do like a hard flip [Music] game that was way cooler than whatever you thought i was doing i so succeeded right there he'll flip oh i don't have enough speed dang it three good pushes baby dude oh my gosh i'm doing such a cooler trick there we go there we go double kick flip oh my gosh there we go good heel flip i almost landed primo but i didn't okay i think what i'm gonna do is go to the map the middle school we're going to shred it up at the middle school i don't know how to grind yet but who needs it you know there we go have you steer again ah that's how you steer okay i'm gonna try to do a grind even though i have no idea how and then [Music] maybe i should learn how to grind okay 50 50 grand how to 50 50. you ollie oh you gotta press both of them i see i see oh how do you get out how do you get out i gotta go faster oh i tried to kick flip out dude this is sick can i like 500 and stuff out of 50 50 to ollie oh and nollie now what the heck that's kind of cooler honestly there we go that was perfect 50 to 50 denali that's what i accidentally did perfect oh board slide i do want to know how to do that they made the tutorials actually really fun like usually tutorials are boring but i'm enjoying this a lot oh whoa you have to go like crisscross okay that's so sick that's so cool okay uh so regular board slide is the opposite way i'm guessing oh wait i got a front wheel to ollie play okay i did it also that's not a front board i just realized that's a backboard i ride regular that's okay i'll let it slide literally you can't nollie out of a boardslide i like how it makes a pop noise on the air okay so backwards should be the opposite there we go once again that's not a bad that's more like a back lip okay now i want to do the the the map okay so let's do a hard flip oh i almost did hard flip into this bank oh 360 hard flip okay i'll take it all right now that i know how to 50 50 i'm gonna 50 50 this rail over here so let's push oh gosh ah that's a pillar hey you are finally awake that's a pillar and i'm dead all right 50 50 incoming right oh i tried to kick flip out but that's all right so how do you like hang on can i front board this oh oh lip slide kick flip how do i i want to spawn over there how do i do it oh i'm gonna let i'm gonna looks like kickflip this would be sick did you like it dude i don't have any roll up i don't have it roll up all right i'm going somewhere else i'm gonna back 50 this oh that's really cool hang on can i go this way oh no nevermind i'm just still going i'm just still going huh dang it ah oh imagine imagine can i kick flip over this triple triple kick flip all right i'm three flipping never mind not doing it just a little molly heel action perfect oh owl door okay i just wanted to check out the map and i'm going back to the tutorial now dude you can manual that's all i've ever wanted to do okay last challenge how to manual how do you do it oh wait what that's weird all right let's try it so oh that's sick that's second i like it knows me here we go oh you can not let the heel out oh it's so cool that's so cool i love it manual challenge manual or knows me another box manual knows man on the other box okay let's do a kickflip manual oh that's gonna be hard and then a nose may not now heal go faster go faster dang it and then real fast [Music] oh it's so cool feeling oh i love this game i actually love this game alright guys so that was vr skater this is incredible it's so much better than i thought it would be honestly i didn't think it would be bad but this is like really good if you guys want to see more of this game let me know i i'm i'm definitely down to keep doing things and i feel like it's a lot like handboarding so i'm getting the hang of it pretty quick i think i don't know but if you guys enjoyed this give it a thumbs up hit the subscribe button click the notification bell to never miss an upload i make videos five times a week on this channel and three times a week on my other channel where i do actual skateboarding and handboarding and stuff you can click the card over there that's it that's all i gotta say i'm gonna wear these for the rest of the day goodbye [Music]
Channel: Sam Tabor Gaming
Views: 3,395,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skateboarding in vr, skateboard, skateboarding, vr, vr skateboarding, virtual reality, virtual, reality, vr skating, skating in vr, skate board, sam tabor gaming, samtaborgaming, sam tabor, sam tabor vr, samtaborgaming vr, sam tabor gaming vr, oculus, quest, oculus quest, oculus quest 2, kickflip, tre flip, virtual reality skateboarding, sam tabor gaming vr skateboarding, sam tabor gaming vr skating
Id: S-3SD_E03Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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