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what is good everybody welcome back to the VPR scooters today we are here for another amazing video we're going to be attempting to build the lightest Pro Scooter possible we've done this a couple times in the past and the reason we haven't done an updated one is because there just hasn't been any lighter Parts but not today we have new parts they're lighter and we can update this video so let's do it lightest custom oh my God whoa oh would you look at that we got a cart we got a cart and a scale already ready bro the lightest custom trust me guys after the criticism that we got from the last couple where everybody was a scientist when it came to light scooter parts everybody knew techniques to make it lighter and I'm going to re- remind everybody right now we are building the lightest Pro Scooter you can buy but we're not taking any shortcuts we're not modifying any parts we're not leaving Parts on the table we're not cutting down a deck we're not using deck pins we're using grip tape so you guys can buy every single part that we use today right now so if you're going to comment and be like if you cut the deck down to 17 in it'll be lighter I don't want to hear it we're not doing that this is a deck you can buy So speaking about deck let's pick the deck out first come on a lot of you guys probably already know what deck we're going to do and if you do I'm not surprised but for those of you who didn't know the ethic pandemonium was the lightest deck ever 19.3 in it weighed nothing and it's been the lightest deck forever until today because they released the second version pandemonium V2 which is right here and there's an even smaller size look at that 18.1 in so here it is pandemonium V2 beautiful chrome blue colorway and uh the smallest and the lightest it comes so let's weigh it oh you guys you guys seen that it doesn't even weigh 2 lb look at that this is insane this is by far the lightest deck on the market all right well there you go 2 lb deck let's get the next part okay so obviously I had to do some some work ahead of time to figure out what the lightest parts are again I had to go back and watch videos so I already know what we're going to do so I don't I guess we I we could pick a fork while we're here what is the lightest Fork a lot of you guys may already be commenting it and it is what we're going to be using Aztec Circuit 3 Fork lightest Fork on the market been the lightest Fork on the market and here it is so new silver color way beautiful we're going to weigh it but we're going to weigh it with the compression ring and bolt because it's it's going to be on the final scooter anyways so let's go weigh it all right Circ of three ways 7.3 oz so another part that doesn't even weigh a pound going on the scooter what should we grab we got a fork guess we can grab a clamp let's do that what is the lightest clamp you may be asking yourself is it the ethic self clamp cuz everybody says it's the ethic self clamp you're wrong the self clamp is the lightest clamp but the lightest clamp that we found was the Apex monolite hi Kit because it's only got one clamp one clamp bolt one one clamp it's the it's the smallest clamp you can get and it's also the lightest clamp you can get and we will not be using the HIC sh that came with it because uh it doesn't have the removable top we need it for the circle Fork so we're just going to use our own but the weight of the clamp on its own with the bolt comes to wow would you look at that 1 oz it literally it weighs 1 oz dude Case Closed you guys see what we're doing here and before we continue nobody needs a scooter this light I'm just saying nobody needs a scooter this light okay we got the clamp out of the way well while we're here let's pick out bar ends nothing new has changed when it comes to bar ends the uh lightest ones are still the ODI plastic barends but I'm going to go ahead and use pink yeah I'm going to use pink these will tie in later all right time to weigh some bar ends ODI plastic bar ends one weighs 0.3 Oz both 0.6 and these are the lightest bar ends I tested every other bar end and these are them they're they're the lightest Barn so that's why we're using them for bars you guys know we're doing titanium and if we're going to do tie bars we're going to do our tie bars so get out of there come on we got a video okay all right TV titanium t- bar you can't go wrong black oversized lightweight come let me let me just get these out 5 minutes later we got the TV titanium T Bar taken out of the packaging so you guys can see it and we can weigh it so you guys TV titanium tea bars weigh 1 lb 14.7 Oz and obviously these are full-size tie bars if you would cut the bar in half it would be half the weight but this is a fulls siize bar so keep that in mind if you guys cut the bar it'll weigh less but a full-size one weighs under 2 lb which means it's pretty much the lightest bar we can get let's keep going we need wheels so while doing all my research I also wanted to see if anybody has beaten the weight record I guess for Wheels look at this so the the Route 110 honeycore right we all know it we all love it has been the lightest wheel on the market for a very long time it's just it's been undefeated as the lightest wheel and nothing has really come close but I didn't want to use honey cores again because I used them in the last two lightest builds so I kept digging and I found this another set of roote Industry wheels these are the Lotus Wheels as you guys can see here they have a different cutout shape than the honeycore these guys weigh the same amount as the honey cores so I don't have to use honey cores again and you guys now know that there's another wheel that are just as like as honey cores so stop buying honey cores cop the Lotus as you guys can see Ruden trees Lotus Wheels scale is on looks like they weigh 14.8 Oz which is take my word on it the exact same weight as honey cores and if you don't believe me go back and watch the other lightest custom builds and you'll see but we don't got time to weigh them today take my word the same weight oh grips another one that you guys probably not going to be surprised about when it comes to lightweight grips epic foam grips they're literally made out of foam fo they are by far and will always be the lightest grip in the world because they they they don't weigh anything they're foam we got an open set here let's go look come here so these are two ethic foam grips they there's watch they don't even register on the scale because they're so lightweight shout out ethic I know everybody likes these grips and we're using them today we need a headset and we need grip tape we can go grab both right now and then we will weigh both let's go all right grip tape let's grab it while we're here to this one no to this one yes so for my grip tape I decided to go with the brand new Vault translucent logo so this uh logo here is actually transparent so since we're using a Blue Deck the blue logo will be there which I think will be really cool and it's a vault so can't go wrong the final part is here let's pick out a headset um previously the ethic silicone headset was the lightest headset and no surprise it's the lightest headset today however they've updated it there's a new model which is this guy right here the ethic Osmos silicone headset if I pull it out you guys can see it's silicone it's rubber it's got the built-in compression ring and it is the lightest headset so let's go weigh these and find out all right I'll weigh a sheet of grip tape for you guys just so nobody can complain but it it doesn't weigh much so let's see yeah two 2 oz 2 oz pretty much pretty good it doesn't weigh anything once we cut off all the other parts of grip tape it'll be light it'll be light and at the headset let's see how heavy this guy is all right ethic headset comes out to 1.8 Oz that's crazy I mean an average headset probably weighs 2.4 o so it's a weight difference that you'll probably never feel but for the sake of this video this is the one that we have to use and after picking out the headset we have a complete scooter so it's time to build it so let's meet you guys back in the studio let's start building it woo all right parts are in the studio laid out we can finally get to building so let's move all this stuff out of the way and get to it all right let's take off our axle one thing that I do want to show you guys now all the new ethic decks and ethic Forks use torqus instead of Allen wrenches so you have to use this little tool that comes with your deck or your fork to loosen it all up and yeah so do not lose this tool if you buy one of these decks you're going to need it sweet and look at that look at that new nut you only need one tool one tool to tighten it up that's nice all right let's throw these back on here and tighten that back up so I don't lose it and we're not we don't need to take off the fender but I'm going to take off the fender look at that too all new ethic fender on a pandemonium I like that a lot now we have the naked deck and we can plan out our grip tape this Vault grip tape the logo is a bit big it's going to stretch beyond the width of the deck but I think it'll still look okay and I'm not going to be full deck gripping it because I want to just put grip tape where grip tape is needed and reduce the amount of weight that we're adding onto the scooter so I'm just going to kind of Center this out and then I'm going to fold it here and then line that up there and do the same thing right here so now I have an idea of where I need to cut my grip tape all right we got the sketchy blade ready to go so let's do it one side done second side done and this is what we're left with now look it I put that there pretty good but we're still a little far from there so I think I'm going to trim off a little more actually it's got to be perfect okay guys I can't full deck it but I got to at least grip it as good as I can for the part that I do grip let's trim this up a little bit more oh yeah all right let's peel this oh look at that transparent let's lay this out as straight as we can and push all right I'm going to need that grip tape roller just got to roll her out all right the creative juices are flowing I want to do more to my grip tape let's cut this guy pretty small I want a small sliver okay's throw this back down is it small it is smaller so what if I do like this one and then like this one that could look kind of cool right all right let's try it so let's rotate this so we're just going to do a little speed stripe right there okay and then we're going to take this one do the same thing then we're going to take this one do the same cool I think it'll make a cool effect once it's all cut off so move all this I need a file this is what I I'm going to use this the [Music] [Laughter] [Music] file [Music] [Music] [Music] I like to uh wrap it around my fingers like this so it's all sticky and then I can just go like [Music] this all right grip tape is installed this is how we're looking I'm hyped on the way it turned out I think the transparent looks good and if you had a brighter colored deck the logo would definitely be brighter but since this blue is so dark I'm hyped that we can even see it at all let's go ahead and throw our brake back on all right breake is on I think it's time we start assembling the front end let's get our incredibly light Fork Aztec Circa still so light lightest Fork on the market still to this day when will somebody beat it all right we got our Fork got our headset and grease little bit of that right there take our Fork okay same thing got our desk cover o we are using the Apex shim we just ended up drilling it out to fit the ma bolt so one last part to [Music] use cool got our compression on front end of the scooter looks great spins Great Wheel time also I didn't even really get to talk too much about why I chose the colors that I did real quick I ended up going with the blue pandemonium because as of right now it only comes in Black raw or this blue we didn't have black in stock and I think the blue is very cool so we went with the blue deck we didn't have the Apex clamp in Black otherwise I would have gone with a black Fork so we went with the silver Apex clamp and the silver Circuit 3 Fork we did do the black bars just because I wanted to throw in some darker color and I was going to use just black lotus Wheels but I decided to go with the pink because since there is some pinks and purples in the Blue Deck I figured it would just be a nice pop of color so we tied it into the bar ends and I think it's going to look really good but that's why I did the colors that I did in case you guys were wondering um let's go ahead and put the front wheel on lay that on its side [Music] cool see that silent now that the front wheel's on let's do the back cool spacer one let me take this guy it's got a little lip on the inside Clips right into that little hole and then you should be good to tighten it up all right back wheel is on spins great look at that look at this scooter bro it just screams lightweight let's put our grips on don't need our barns yet and we got our foamies where our bars all right next up put our bar hands in it's the only way to do it one more to [Music] go grips are on Barn's installed we can throw our clamp our clamp I guess throw this on got the clamp on which means we can throw the bars on and tighten it up will this go on easy that is the best feeling ever sometimes it is not that easy and it is not fun trying to get the bar on to go that easy so I'm hyped let's just straighten out the clamp a little [Music] bit ladies and gentlemen the lightest custom build is [Music] done all right guys well I hope you love that beautiful b-roll and I hope you are in love with this custom build because I am this thing looks amazing the colors tie together perfectly and it is light we'll get to that in a sec but before we weigh it and now you guys want to know how it sounds so let's go find [Music] out woo you hear that absolute basketball not only is this the lightest Pro scooter in the world that isn't modified or cut down or using deck pins or anything like that it is also one of the best sounding scooters ever does it get any better than this right here beautiful I think it's time we finally weigh the lightest scooter in the world oh my God are you guys seeing that 5 lb 10.4 Oz making this the lightest custom build we have ever made oh my gosh let's go find out what my friends think and see if they can guess how much it weighs there's nobody here where they all go Chris come on check her out she's done what do you think I think that I can do back flips now you could do back flips on it dude most definitely bro this thing is so light can you express to the people how light it is dude this thing it feels like I'm not even holding a scooter bro like that's how light it is it's insane this thing is ridiculous guess how light it is yeah what do you think this thing is like it's like 4 and 1/2 lb it's close 5 lb 10 oz is oh my goodness isn't that insane this is this feel like I'm not even holding a scooter why Boogie I got something for you to check out bro oh he's on the phone all right well there you guys have it this has been the lightest custom build ever 2023 updated and this thing is insanely light it is the lightest and if any of you think you could build a lighter scooter challenge me in the comments you don't want the smoke anyways before you guys get out of here please make sure to like the video Hit subscribe if you haven't already hit that notification Bell so you're notified every time we upload and if you want to see any other videos like this let us know and until the next video have a good one [Music] peace
Channel: TheVaultProScooters
Views: 99,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheVaultProScooters, The Vault Pro Scooters, Vault Pro Scooters, Pro Scooter, Kick Scooter, Pro Scooter Shop, Scooter Parts, TheVault, Custom Scooter, Custom Kick Scooter, Custom Scooter Build, The Vault
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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