AA Allen and the Unseen Revivals Series

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one man in in philadelphia stood over here with a brace on his body and had been on there for 14 years and suddenly during the song service he saw someone in a wrong white robe it was a vision walking down the aisle to where he was and he knew it was jesus and he knew that that christ that was coming to him was coming in a way he'd never come before but he also knew that when christ came to him was going to touch him he had two deteriorated vertebras that were gone and he wore the brace to keep the weight off of those deteriorated uh vertebrates and when christ came to him he reached out and touched him and what he did that man streamed and he jumped that high and jesus said son you're healed take off that place [Music] welcome to revival radio tv listen what would it be like if you could go back in time and attend a a allen miracle service in a tent wouldn't that be amazing would you like to do that well you can we're gonna do it today in fact listen i told the story a while back about how miraculously someone gave me some a.a allen reels of films well we've had those converted and we've been scanning those and editing it together so it makes sense so that you can see what it was like to be in an a.a allen miracle service all right buckle your seatbelt as we go back in time to a.a allen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy god thank you jesus how many under this tent tonight you know that you know jesus as your personal savior just say amen glory to god hallelujah now it's my privilege to introduce a man that god has anointed with a supernatural miracle working ministry a man that god has called and ordained the spearhead miracle revival across the nation and around the world god's man of faith and power reverend a a alarm finally seen everyone go winner god thank you jesus would you believe it would you believe it if i told you [Music] that god came to a man one day in a great light oh yes would you believe it if i told you that god came to a man in a trance would you believe it if i would tell you god came to a man in a donkey one time [Applause] would you believe it if i told you that a young man they call joseph the dreamer god had a way of coming to him in dreams god has a way to come to you but his ways are above always and is the sky and the heavens are high above the earth so is god's ways above our ways god's ways are not our ways and if god desires to come to me in a dream let him come to me in a dream what do i care if my friends and my neighbors or my brethren call me a dreamer as long as jesus comes to me what do i care how do i care how he comes as long as he comes but i tell you friend if god desired to come to you in a way he'd never come before beware someone's going to brand you a ranked fanatic they might even call you uh you don't hear this bird very often a holy roller but if you look in the ninth chapter of acts the third verse a man an educated man a member of a sanhedrin was on his way to damascus god had put up and had endured his unbelief his skepticism long enough god chose to come to the apostle paul in a way he'd very seldom ever come to a man and suddenly there was a light that began to shine from heaven and god came in mighty power and knocked him off of the animal that he was riding in the dust of the damascus road and he heard a voice said so so i persecute islami and all of a sudden paul looked up and he knew god had come in that light raise your hands and rejoice everybody wonder jesus jesus may desire to come to you last night he came to a man here on a stretcher given up to die there since his daughter tonight said he's feeding himself today he's having a great time oh friend listen to me god came to people here last night god came to multitudes of people last night he comes to people morning afternoon and night under this tent and people on these stretchers in these wheelchairs that can't walk god is going to come to them tonight [Applause] here sits one little lady over here with elephantitis one of her limbs is that big around can you see it oh i believe the god wants to come to her and i believe that god's going to come to her but god doesn't come to everyone exactly alike god had many ways to come to people in bible days you'll find in the 10th chapter of acts in the 10th verse a man was on his knees up on the housetop praying and all of a sudden god came to that man listen if you want god to come to you get on your knees and you have to get on the top of the house to find a little quiet place to pray get on top of the house and begin to pray and ask god to come to you and when god comes to you hear me he may come to you in a way he has never come before but if you'll accept the way in which god wants to come to you he'll do something for you when he comes but he came to peter in acts 10 10 in a chance and he saw a great sheep knitted the four corners and it began to be lifted down from god out of heaven and hear me god was in that vision god began to talk to him and he heard a voice and god was there oh i believe that god wants to come to people under this tent tonight in the 22nd chapter of numbers the 27th verse a man by the name of balaam god couldn't come to him in any other way or at least god didn't choose to come in any other way so he god came to balaam in the jackass that he was riding and all of a sudden he heard the jackass begin to talk talk like a man he said balaam tell them why have i done unto thee that thou hast smit me these three times and beat them god oh my god this is god talking to me this is god talking to me this is god coming to me and it was god i said last night god can come to you in a jackass god can come to you in a donkey he came to joseph in a dream and he warned joseph he was going to be carried off sowed into slavery and in the bondage and joseph knew that his dreams were from god and from heaven listen joel declared that in the last days god would put on his spirit on all flesh said your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your old men shall dream dreams and your young men shall see visions meaning that god will come to you in dreams god wants to come to you in visions god has many ways of coming to you but the way that god may choose to come to you may be in a way that he has never come before that brings me to my text for this first sermon and it's found in the 14th chapter of matthew listen to this straight may jesus speak unto them that is under his disciples saying be of good cheer it is i be not afraid now this story the disciples had had a great day with jesus he sent them out into a ship to find a rest from the multitude that thronged them day and night and while they were gone out in the ship the rest a while jesus had gone off into a mountain to get along to pray and he prayed all night long and my bible tells me it was the fourth watch of the night jesus went under them listen to this walking on but it's on the sea and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled and they said it's a spirit it is a ghost oh they said it looks like jesus but said it can't be him somebody said why because he never did come in this fashion he never did come like this before he has never come like this before so they could not believe that it was jesus coming to them besides he very seldom ever come between three and six in the morning and this was the fourth watch most people go to church between seven and nine and if god don't come to them between seven and nine he couldn't come attend because they're snoozing are they asleep in the bed some people will let god come to them between 11 and 12 but not after that time we find that sometimes the greatest miracles of healing take place under this tent after midnight at night which means that god wants to come after midnight but at this particular time he came in the fourth watch of the night it was getting daylight and they looked out and they saw him coming they declared it couldn't be him because he had never come this way before but one man out of the group while the rest drew back in fear and declared it was a a ghost peter said i believe it's jesus oh they couldn't believe that it was him and the bible tells me they were gripped with fear and when christ saw that fear had gripped him and they drew away in fear of weed from the very presence of christ himself he said men don't be afraid he said it is i be not fearful he said it can't be you it can't be you it can't be him it's a ghost and you'd be amazed and surprised at what some people are calling jesus today they'll see jesus come to somebody here on a stretcher and they call it fanaticism do you see jesus come to a man and bless him like he did david and he will dance before the lord with all of his might you know what they call it they call it emotionalism but it's jesus some dear little saint of god get blessed and they tap their hands for sheer joy like david of old when he said clap your hands all your people they'll branded everything else but bible scriptural worship they have branded emotionalism they have granted fanaticism and some that branded just mass psychology they watch this mass of people in this great crowd of people tapping their hands shouting the praises of god they say it's not a thing in the world but mass psychology alan just knows how to make people shout and dance and scream and yell no friend god knows how to bless you and he has the way of coming to you that he cannot come to people filled with doubt and unbelief and skepticism so jesus may choose to come to you in a way he has never come before would you let him do that you wouldn't branded a demon would you these men grew back in fear and said it's a spirit it's a ghost they could not believe it was the real thing and listen there are multitudes of people that need bound to fear they're drawing back and they're saying this is not jesus this is not the christ this is not god they'll even say this is not worship the people are too emotional they call it fanaticism they call it psychology why they say this isn't god alan's just getting the people excited one man in in philadelphia stood over here with a brace on his body and had been on there for 14 years and suddenly during the song service he saw someone in a wrong white robe it was a vision walking down the aisle to where he was and he knew it was jesus and he knew that that christ that was coming to him was coming in a way he'd never come before but he also knew that when christ came to him was going to touch him he had two deteriorated vertebras that were gone and he wore the brace to keep the weight off of those deteriorated uh vertebrates and when christ came to him he reached out and touched him and when he did that man streamed and he jumped that high and jesus said son you're healed take off that grace that man took off the brace we published the story in miracle magazine that man even went back to his religious leader and said our preacher said i've been healed i've been healed i've been healed said where did you get healed he said under the big island tent said jesus walked right down the aisle and said lay his hands on me and heal me [Applause] do you know what the preacher said the preacher said man you haven't been healed said you've been hypnotized do you know what the fellow said to him said preacher if i'd been hypnotized please let me stay hypnotized hallelujah he said this is the first time in 14 years i've been able to take this brace off because he had to leave it on even when he took a bath he said it's the first time in 14 years i have been free of pain but he said you may say that i've been hypnotized but i want you to know that christ came to me under the big allen kent and friends god has a way of coming to people and jesus wants to come to you but be careful when he comes to you should he choose to come to you in a miraculous way in a supernatural way walking on the water i'm talking about him coming to you in a supernatural way in a miraculous way don't bring it as a spirit or a devil say oh jesus just come to me you're the only one can help me you'll be on one can set me free you'll be the only one can heal me i want you lord to come to me and remember he wants to come to you at a time when everybody else gives you up and no one else can help you back in 1955 a little lady had been given up she'd been taken for professional help and we said in all due respects of professional men we call ourselves professional men this is a profession however it's a god-given anointed calling it took a little later to a hospital for an operation she was full of gallstones this was in this very stayed here in ohio and when they began made the incision and opened her up they found her full of cancer as well as gallstones but she said god's able she said god is able they sent us a telegram they said free sister meetry has been given up there is no hope and in fact they declared that she was a powder tag could explode at any time prayers but in other places as well as under this tent it so happened we even read her telegram over the air on our broadcast and they heard it but do you know what happened now this little lady unsolicited just happened to come into this meeting here in cincinnati so we're not paying her to come to give this testimony but somebody said do you know she's in the congregation i said i want her to testify tonight and this is lillian meetry 1742 ford avenue from akron ohio i'm waiting lady come yes she's got every right to shout and she has a most marvelous testimony this is the lady who brings her gallstones uh to church with her in two court jars do you see them god had a way of coming to this woman and removing these without surgery i said god came to this little woman and god removed these without the knife and i want lillian to tell you where did you get these from from uh the inside from the gallbladder yeah praise god yes well one time you carried these around oh yes yes but thank the lord it's easier to carry them uh in the jars now uh i uh i had i was troubled with gallstones for about 17 years and each time i was fighting uh the operation i wanted to trust the lord when the uh the neighbors uh found me with a real bad attack of these gallstones they rushed me to the hospital and you know in the hospital right away they gave me some sort of a shot and uh i guess one of those tranquilizers they just you just surrendered to everything but i told the doctors i said listen you're just dying to operate on me but when you open me up you're going to find me full of cancer besides the gallstones and that's exactly what happened they opened me up and found me full of cancer and they got scared they knew i was going to die and they sold me up didn't even do a good job and and after 52 days that i was there 52 days at the point of death so then the doctors gave me up you know they said they can't do anything else and sent me home and after three months after the operation is when i passed all those gallstones and for a good measure the lord heals me of tb and sugar diabetes and heart trouble and everything praise god and i'm feeling fine praise the lord i just love to go and and and encourage people listen gospels are terrible but whatever ails you don't be afraid the lord heals everything praise god now then i would ask her a question or two yeah they sold you back up oh yeah you had all these insights oh yes then you right for prayer yes and we prayed yes and these gallstones passed they passed yes what happened to the cancer the cancer that's it that's gone too it is oh well do i look healed praise the lord i i'm just the lord gave me a new gallbladder new stomach and now it makes the difference what i pray so lord everything just sticks to me praise god she doesn't look sick does she no no no how many of you believe god came to her yes do you believe god has a way of coming to you do you believe god came to her and removed all these how many is in here 700 golf balls 700 700 gold they're preserving alcohol and here it's uh some people say well do you stay here sure this is almost six years ago here they are here i am praise the name everybody raise your hands and let's rejoice in the lord [Applause] [Music] i'm so glad that you have a way of coming to men and women i'm so glad lord that you have a way of coming to people listen in the fifth chapter of acts god came to people in peter's shadow read it in the bible as he walked along the sidewalk they lined up the sick and the suffering and the dying and his shadow healed them and raised them up over their stretchers and wheelchairs as he walked along because god came to the sick and the suffering of the time in a man of god's shadow i believe it is bible that god can come in a shadow in the days of the apostle paul in the 19th chapter of acts he pulled out his handkerchief you know what he did he said here i want you to take this hankinson and you take it and put it upon the sick and put it upon the suffering and the time he said i can't go to the hospital but you can take this to the hospital and put it upon your son or daughter and the bible says in acts 19 11 and 12 god brought special miracles by the hands of paul so that from his body were brought to the sick handkerchiefs and aprons and the diseases departed from them and evil spirits went out of them somebody come and take this take this to somebody that's suffering and dying take it home and put it on somebody who needs a miracle i believe that god will go in that bit of string i believe that god will go in it that's all i'm sorry that's all of god's raise your hands everybody but i tell you what god wants to do god came to people in days gone by and god wants to come to you and i haven't got that many handkerchiefs there's thousands of you that watch this telecast but we have friends that cut these out they're what i call miracle miniature handkerchiefs just little squares of linen over which we pray when we feel the anointing and the power of god i'm going to ask god to come to you as he came to people in bible days in the 19th chapter of acts verse 11 and 12. how many believe he'll do it you've been he'll still do it today if god ever came to anybody in a handkerchief he can come to you today in the handkerchief if god came to people in the shadow he can come today in a shadow if god came into peace in a dream in a chance he can still come the same way today he did in bible days and hear me i don't preach one thing here that's not in the bible and god is going to come to you in this thing come and help me tommy come brother rogers let's lay our hands on these and i'm going to ask god as we lay our hands upon them remember the bible said and by the hands of the apostles remaining signs and wonders wrought among the people i believe this one could drive away your cancer or your gallstones or have god perform an operation on you at home as it did the lady who just testified would he do it for her and not do it for you let's pray father god in the name of jesus and the power of the spirit we lay our hands upon these bits of paul sending them forth to our television audience believing that as we send them forth you're going to go in a bit of claw all gods are going to come to that boy you're going to come to that little baby you're going to come to this grandmother this grandfather you're going to come to them in a new way in a prayer claw and do a mighty thing as we receive them in the power of the spirit according to the scripture in the name of jesus everybody say amen listen one of these is for you did you see those gallstones in the court jars who knew what that was going to be like for she was healed for six years and pain-free and who knows after this was done we don't have the exact date how long she lived her life pain-free that's the healing power of jesus that's the gospel we preach and i know you're excited like i am when we get to see back in time a.a allen's miracle crusade so i want to encourage you today do what a allen did step out and pray for somebody i dare you i dare you to step out there and pray for someone uh let the holy spirit lead you and all that means is listen listen to that still small voice and stand out step up and pray for someone and you never know if we do it in faith we're going to see people's lives changed these were such great uh we're so happy that we have these videos from so long ago these films and you know i love it in fact some of these tent ministry we've been able to find and pull back out so that you can see it so happy you enjoyed us today right here on revival radio tv we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Revival RadioTV
Views: 77,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AA Allen, Revival Radio TV, Gene Bailey
Id: bh_FIzUNPoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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