A6 Stalogy planner flip - Baum-Kuchen cover

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hi guys this is the beautiful shoreline a6 canvas um and leather trim cover from baumkuchen which is quickly becoming my absolute favorite store but none um the pen loop is a traveler's company um attachable pen loop um i love this cover because the canvas makes it really light it's very neat feeling i like the stiffness of it i've always liked a stiffer kind of book cover um and i love the leather trim because it still allows you to experience that feeling of leather aging over time um i really love this shoreline blue color it's beautiful okay so um this is a flip of my half-year asic strategy which i initially started using as a bullet journal but then figured out it works much better and more consistently for me if i use it more for tracking lists sorry for track for tracking and for lists so the first page i just do a cover page for the beginning of the month and i put a little tab on it um and then i have two pages for my index i've numbered all the pages of the book there's a hundred and seventy six or so pages of in a half east allergy um and if you have not seen a strategy before it's beautiful very light grid with um these sort of time sort of numbers um for the day along the side um which are very um unobtrusive so they don't get in the way and then dates at the top too also very unobtrusive the paper is kind of thicker than say tomo river paper which i really actually quite like and it's a really nice white bright okay so i've got the two index pages and then i've got goals now i've tried to be really um easy on myself in terms of the goals i'm setting um because i find that right now in my life i just need to take it a little bit easier because my everyday tasks are just quite tiring and really the goals i need to be setting are more self-care related type goals um so i've got sort of good sleep um try to keep going well with the nutrition but also be easy on yourself when needed because i know that i'm not very good at sticking to that and there's no point um beating myself up just keep trying the best i can be kind to myself um i'm so bad at this i notice when i'm journaling that when i congratulate myself on something i have to immediately talk about the things i didn't do well um and it's so funny kind of just reminds me that i've just kind of been brought up that way to pay attention to what i haven't done well um and not indulge in what i have done well and i do want to kind of try to change that a bit because it's not it's not that helpful um persist with introducing my daughter to more difficult um solids it's a bit of a goal that i have been working on over the last couple of weeks especially and it's going really well be in the moment with her um again i do work on that every day take her out and just kind of stay on top of the tasks really okay this page is for doctor's appointments any that come up for me over the month i will just keep a quick summary of um this is the page that i'm using to help me with the goal of introducing my daughter to more difficult solids so i have the different things i'm trying on this side and then the circle represents she tried it but she didn't have very much the tick is she had a nice amount and the cross is she didn't want a bar of it and it just all went on the floor um i realized that i was gonna need more than the two pages that allocated which is fine um i just come back to it later in the book and then i can use the index page to help me reference everything so this is tracking health for the children just some symptoms that i want to see if they reoccur this month um this is more self-care type um symptoms i'm tracking behaviors i'm tracking for myself um i did try to give myself a bit of a warning when i was falling um back on some things but the warning hasn't helped much and that is okay trying to be kind to myself and just gently try to get back to the goal um but not kind of be overly down on myself for it um this is just a summary of the month this is from when i was going to use it as a bullet journal um i'm not sure if i'll do a monthly summary for april i may i may not um just some common items on the shopping list to help when we do our groceries um again this is from when i was gonna use it as a bullet journal um and i don't mind that i might not use these pages it's just a reminder that i was going to use the book this way but um you know i'm not anymore these are just some things i'd like to do with my daughter over the day i don't expect myself to do all of these things every day um but i like to do some of them or many of them and it's really useful to track what i'm doing so i can see which ones i find myself reluctant to do you know um and that might also remind me what i should probably try and work a little bit more on um in the future so this sometimes i like to put the title on the bottom so the top doesn't get too heavy with the stickers um so this is my son's awards that he gets um in his um little school um that he goes to i shouldn't call it a little school that sounds a bit condescending he gets these in a school they come he gets them almost every day um and they come in his backpack and they're very beautiful and colorful i'm not sure we can keep them all but i wanted to keep a record of um um you know what they were given for so that's always kind of preserved um this is um days with my daughter so this is not how i'm feeling this is the quality of the interaction between her and me so if um she's really unhappy for most of the day and she's crying and she's not really settling well she's very dysregulated and you know then it would be um you know the the dot um if it's a little bit like that but you know mostly okay it would be blank and then it actually was quite engaged she settles quickly i'm fairly happy um and it's the stripes it's just nice to kind of see how she's feeling and doing um but mostly it's useful to see if this changes over time or if there are periods where she's different to her norm um yeah this is my tiredness now i kind of foolishly used smiley faces and frowny faces to mark tiredness which makes me think every time i look at it that it's a mood log but it's not it's an energy log so the sad face means i was really tired the this face means it's okay and then this face means the happy face means i'm not tired and then this yawny face means i'm completely shattered so i started keeping this because i noticed that um you know i've felt tired for a long time but um i just feel exceptionally tired lately um so i wanted to keep track of it and then i highlight the days if two or more segments um a tied face and or a shattered face because that makes me think wow i really am really tired like maybe like something needs to change kind of thing or you know i just need to be aware of that at one point i had made these changes to my life these lifestyle type changes i was going to bed earlier i was doing a bit of light exercise every day my nutrition was going really well um and i still felt more tired than i would expect to so that i thought maybe i really just have to work on the hydration as well um will that make a difference and who knows maybe it maybe it kind of did um but i'm not good at hydrating and so um you know i will keep gently trying to work on that goal as well um and see how that goes um and now i can't remember what it was i was gonna say so i will move on from that one um holidays either just the little breaks mini breaks that are coming up um online order tracker um so this is the continuation of the other page of the solids i'm introducing my daughter to now no spend i usually don't try to do and no spend um maybe six years ago when i first was reintroduced to the stationery world i felt extremely guilty and down on myself for spending so much on stationery because it was such an unusual thing for me to do to spend so much money on anything that was for me um and then at some point i think it took a few years actually but at some point i was like why am i beating myself up for this um uh i'm spelling spending well within our means and um you know we've got no debt and the things we want you know are not going to be affected in the slightest by it so like why am i being so so harsh on myself for something yes it's unusual yes it's very indulgent but you know why can't i be you know why do i have to feel like that's terrible of me to be that way um you know so um and i don't want to go into justifying the spending because i think that's another problem that feeling that we have to justify by talking about things like not having debt and other things that we're you know we're also spending money on all this all that you know it's it's like we shouldn't have to justify it if we in ourselves are actually okay with it and so i had gotten to a point where i was okay with it but then this month i do know that the reason i spend so much on stationery is because i do use it as a self-soothe when i'm feeling tired when i'm feeling stressed when i'm feeling bored you know those types of negative feelings that we try to avoid um and i've been fine with that because we all have different self-suits and if mine you know it would be great to have a free self-soothe but you know if my most effective one is spending on stationery and it's not actually problematic for us um you know let it be but this month because i've been feeling so tired i thought to myself i wonder if the stationary spending is actually stopping me from making more lasting changes that could take away the tiredness because you know spending on stationary does not make me feel less tired like i feel like i'm doing it because i'm tired and i want a bit of an excitement hit or a pleasure hit but the pleasure hit is pleasurable but it doesn't make me any less tired um so that was my initial thought but now my thought is there's no point depriving myself of that and feeling tired what i want to do is implement some changes and then see how they affect the stationary spend so i think i need to amend this a little bit so for example it's thursday now we're implementing a change starting tonight and so i need a way to track how that affects the spend so it doesn't have to be a no spend but it might be um do i buy stuff only when i actually really want to add something to my system or am i buying something because i'm browsing and it looks nice and it's giving me that pleasure here you know that sort of thing project home now i really so we've had um in mind wanting to sort of change lots of things in our home for so long and this year while i'm on maternity leave i've been working on those things and again a few days ago i realized i've done so much in this project but i haven't been writing it down so there's no place for me to look back and think well done you did so good you know and that's not something i'm good at doing congratulating myself on things and i'm trying to do a bit more of that so i wrote the list of all the things that we had wanted to do and now i've colored in the ones that we have done and except for one thing except for the home theater which my husband did i did every single other thing that's been colored in and i feel really proud of myself for that and this is the example i was telling you about i was writing my journal about how proud of myself i was and then i just had to write i am however disappointed that i haven't been working on my writing goal and then i caught myself doing it and i'm like why why do you need to like always remind yourself of what you're not doing well right in the middle of congratulating yourself on what you are doing well and i think i know exactly why i do that i know exactly what part of my upbringing um has led to me doing that um it's hard to change but that doesn't mean it's not worth um gently trying to change i keep saying gently because i don't i think when we try to change i tend to use language like you should do this and you're not you know quite harsh language and really i would like to use more language like this would be a nice thing to work on and i am going to gently sort of make efforts to try and work on it um and that i think is just more helpful and that's where i am and so in just a couple of weeks in march i've actually used almost 50 pages this is page 48 so i'm really happy with how that's going and i love this book and i actually every day now at the end of the day i have a process where i sit down and i open all the books that i'm using in my system and there is a lot of them but each book only requires a very little amount of updating usually so it's been quite easy to keep up with it so that is the book i am really loving it it's a half east allergy it has the red cover i wish i could show it to you but i probably can't take it out it's just so beautiful the red um and because i'm so confident that i can use this book now when i fill it up um i'll probably move on to a full year but there is something about the half year books that i find easier to sort of they lay flat better and i'm more confident that it doesn't matter how many stickers i put in to fatten it up and so on so thanks for going through that with me and all the stickers i've used are from coco daisy so is this pen i love that kit and yeah i will be back with more books in my system soon okay bye
Channel: My.Stationery. Love
Views: 628
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8C2E43qV5nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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