Planning Update: A6 Stalogy

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hey everybody it has been a while this is echiobujo back at it and i had some requests to share what i'm doing in this pocket size and i figure we are just way overdue for a planner routine ketchup whatever so we're in march now um closing out the first quarter of 2021 and um i'm still in my hobonichi weeks it is the mega weeks and i have it right now in this julio charcoal matte slima punto which is one of my favorite covers and so i'm using this for my weekly planning and it's like just my brain and it keeps me going like this is my number one um and then for daily planning i have this basic stylogy and i use it for all sorts of things journaling um i do put my weeklies in here as well just to keep me on track because this is what i look at several times throughout the day where this i really look at like the night before the morning of and then you know that night again um but this is where i kind of narrate my day i do some journaling and all of that but this isn't something i really look back on or reference it's kind of like an in the moment thing where this i use my weeks to reference um so i wanted to try a smaller size because i have some concerns um now that i'm back to work after working from home while working from home this b6 was wonderful i would take it around the house with me and it was like my everything now that i am back in the classroom i have some concerns that maybe um someone might try to read my daily planner my everything book and so i was putting um sticky notes over sensitive material like here um i ripped a sticky note in half and like kind of blocked it off and i don't know it's just it's a big pain to cover things up and i got thinking if the page wasn't as big i could more easily put like one sticky note over and cover the whole page or i could do something where say um you know say these two like this page for the day is like my to-do list which is no big deal but this side is private and hidden and i'll put a sticky note over it like just to make people work a little bit harder to read my business i guess that was the driving force behind it um and also i have like i don't even know i genuinely don't even know how many pocket size planners i have um the main thing that i wanted to get back to using were my vandersmacks i have three touch me's this is the touch me noir in the junior size that i have taken the rings out of um and i also have one in the violet which has been discontinued and the pearl which is a really nice light gray but i have foxy fixes chic sparrows um speckled fawns some mo terms which i'm just not a fan of the brand um but i mean to have them i have just so many so many that i can't use if i'm using these bigger sizes so i will continue to use my b6 i'll probably keep it on my desk at home for longer journaling or i might just go back to it completely because i really do love it but i just wanted to give this a try because i had it and i think it's fun to make things work for you in a new way so i do have some videos on my channel where i already showed um my stylogy inside of my d-ringed van der speck i have i have no idea what's in that video or those videos i mean i would imagine i just explained kind of how i did it um you can check them out i don't like watching myself so i like hearing myself so i'm not even gonna bother but um i have shown a glimpse of this before so um let's just recap i took the rings out um i used to have the back plate still in only recently did i take the blank back plate out and i like it a lot better um but i mean that's really up to you and what you feel comfortable with this is a little piece of stiffened felt it's less than a dollar at michael's i um poke some holes in it and ran elastics um so i have to get some better tape on this because my washi tape it's cute but it's just not sticky enough um i have an elastic here on the inside of the front and on the back so that's how i hold it in there if you can see and i have cut the bottom it's not perfect i just used uh my husband's box cutter and a ruler like as a straight edge um i did not trim the side i left it as is it's so this is the standard a6 width it's just shorter i think i cut off two boxes um so yeah like grid boxes um this is the a6 i think it's five millimeter boxes five millimeter grid um i'm not totally sure i know it's interesting the a6 size and the b6 size so we'll say small medium um they have the bigger grid and then the a5 which is like large if you're going to consider this small and medium has the teeny tiny little boxes so some people like that size grid um i know the hobonichi weeks has the smaller grid i wish it was bigger i have big handwriting but it is what it is so um yeah i think it was like two boxes that i took off the bottom and it's pretty snug like if you wanted to have top tabs it's it's going to poke out if you want to have bottom tabs it's it's going to poke out so i just have a couple on the side i'm not a big tab person um i just don't find that i really need them a whole lot i don't have too many things that i really need to be able to find again quickly um it's just pretty much my current page in my weekly and maybe something to like mark a notes section or whatever um so this is an ollie black clip that i have on here and i did take the zipper off of this it's really bulky i hate it i don't use it so right now i just have um washi in there but it's like i use it as a pocket but i don't need a zipper and it's really really bulky and it bothers me so i just cut it off the same way that i do my maldens um this one i know i will never ever sell i've actually sold this planner before and ended up buying it back from the person i sold it too um and i lost a little bit of money in that too so i know i'll never sell this and that's why i was okay cutting off the zipper but i probably will do it to my violet as well and then um i don't know maybe my pearl my pearl is the one that i use the least historically um so i just have some vinyls here um this is from kitty zombie co and this is from brook ava designs beautiful shops check them out um inside here like i said i have to tape this down with like better tape this is from planner monkey co um most of this is from planner monkey go um i just i absolutely adore pretty much everything she has in her shop um and then we got the fam so hubby and i and the nephew and then um it starts right in here so i've used this notebook a few different times historically so this is just like a little thought about how cute this notebook is and whatever i use it for like that'll be fun um basic bullet journal let's see if i can move in here can i assume there we go basic bullet journal style monthlies um i haven't decorated them at all i figure i'll probably put one of the monthly sticky notes from peanuts planner co here just to get that classic view but i like this for a month on one page you have more room to write than you would in a teeny tiny little box if you were to draw it out um so that's that i haven't written anything down yet like birthdays or whatever but i'll get to that later um i taped together some pages that i had experimented with in the past and then i was using this for quotes for um like the current book that i was reading and i did it for one book and then um kings of the wild really good book i highly recommend it if you like fantasy um and then this was my first daily that i tried out in the typical style um so yeah that was that um i did a weekly here which i'll probably space out a little bit differently next time but that's what's great about establishing like you just you go at it you do whatever and change it when you need to this is a key that i use on my dailies so these are little symbols that i use and i try to make an effort to put all four of these things on my daily um journaling section because i'm trying to become more mindful and just more peaceful internally uh in the crazy world that we're in and not be as reactive to things um and it's helping so um oh i try to write down every day one way that i have gone like made an effort and gone out of my way to maintain my inner peace you know maybe not letting something get to me not letting myself get overwhelmed with work something like that um i'm trying to spend more time in nature which i've been doing even in the winter as long as it's not like below zero um spending at least five minutes qui in total silence outside not thinking about anything just absorbing nature uh it really calms me down and i look forward to doing that more and more for a longer and longer time now that the weather is starting to get nicer although i'm not convinced that winter's over this is definitely a fall spring this is central new york um we don't get spring we don't get spring in march no that's not a thing but we are having a little bit of a heat wave right now and it's really nice so i'm enjoying that definitely daily gratitude for sure for sure that always happens and then we have um my dog just pushed the door open um one second [Music] okay so um and then we have self-care so you know naps reading bubble bath stuff like that um and then um here's another daily from yesterday and i figure on the weekend i probably won't have to write so much um i won't have so many things to process but um so a damn page would probably be fine but later uh like during the week i'm probably going to want two pages so i anticipate that monday um it'll be like mostly my to-do list and then i'll probably go over to this side here and um actually wait no doesn't have to be weekly i have a terrible habit of not starting my weekly until after monday because i do have my hope and energy weeks and that's where i do my weekly planning but i like to carry over my tasks um and like events that are happening for the week into my stylogy whether it's this or my b6 just because um you know repetition helps i'm less likely to forget something and it works for me i don't mind the redundancy of rewriting things if it means that i'm getting everything done so this will be a weekly um and then yeah i guess i'll probably put monday here and just see how it goes and i might use the back of the page i might not i don't know we'll just have to see um so i'm just i'm only a few days into this but i do like it it's so um small and compact in the sense that like i can carry purses that i haven't used in so long um and then also like weight wise if i go like this oh it's so much lighter than um my b6 so let's see wrong way there we go um so this is a van der smeck the leather in general just isn't as heavy as the epochal leather from jillio um that they're just they're heavy they're dense uh they're gorgeous but they're heavy i do have a um genuine ostrich cover for my hobo inks that is in the ostrich x and it is so much lighter it's like comparable to the touch me leather from van der speck um but just i don't know i want to see how it goes like for work maybe people um are less likely to think that i don't know this kind of looks like something that maybe it's big enough to where i could see thinking that it's like for work and it's okay to go looking in it um because it's like similar in size to other things that are on my desk where i feel like this looks like more personal like a little diary like don't pick that up um like you'd really have to go out of your way to find a reason or an excuse to get into this and then like i said one little sticky note can cover pretty much the whole page i want to cover anything up but i refuse to censor what i write down because of who might go snooping like i i pity the person whoever goes through my things for any reason um but there is a chance because there's so much um paperwork and documentation that goes on in my classroom there is a chance that maybe somebody could be like oh i thought this was your teacher planner oh i thought that's what you took to meetings i was looking for a phone number um because i i have three adult staff that work in my room with me um so it's not just me and a bunch of kids i have adults also and um i just i like my privacy so i feel like this might help with the privacy and the portability and in the meantime i get to use covers that i already have and that i already love and not have to spend any more money on so we shall see for sure for sure this is what we're looking at for the week um but i might also just because i love it i really love my b6 i think it's the perfect size um it's not too big it's not too small it um it it seems bigger when it's in a jillio cover because it's the footprint of the cover is pretty big but this sucker expands to hold so much like you've got a better chance at um getting this to snapshot than any vandersback or filofax or whatever that i've ever owned it really can hold a ton which is awesome but it does make it feel a little bit bigger and heavier than it needs to i have this in a lauren phelps designs plastic cover i could just take it out and carry it that way but i don't know i love my chilios and i love my vandersback so now um now i have the opportunity to use all of them um and just have something with me to write down whatever i'm thinking whatever i'm feeling that's really liberating to me and i don't like using my hoboniche weeks for that i like that to be strictly planning um on a weekly basis this is my get done book and this is my like heart and soul whatever i need it to be so i hope you guys enjoyed this i hope to be better about um getting videos to you and i hope um if you have any questions about my little setup here you feel comfortable to shoot me a message um find me on instagram at youbujo and i will answer any questions that you have thanks so much for watching bye
Channel: Accio Bujo
Views: 1,778
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Id: hKTNllM9oGM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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