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hi guys it's Terry with peacock sandpaper and this is my absolute first video for my youtube channel but just to give you a little background I am a mom a wife I am a home schooler I garden we live on a farm I also work full-time and I get asked quite a bit how I managed to stay on top of everything and this is it this is what I call my second brain it is my planner sorry about that we've got a ton of animals for of what your dogs but you're barking outside right now so sorry but this little book has my planner in it it's got my projects my memory keeping chore lists laundry cleaning home school everything goes in this little thing I even have my work stuff in here right now he used to keep that separately don't anymore so when I'm asked these questions about how I stay on top of it and I tell them you know well I'm a planner I write everything down people inevitably ask me how so I'm gonna give you a little flip through of what I do so I am currently using a b6 technology I've been watching videos by Dakshina it's dak si n a she's amazing and I got a lot of ideas from her always used a planning system whether it's a hope in Ichi traveler's notebook a day planner whatever this is what's working for me now I'm housing it in a sheiks Bureau leather cover it is the b6 I think it's mr. Darcy and macho it's a deluxe which I love cuz it's got pockets but you're fabulous but I got this used off of one of the websites and I'm so so so happy with it so just gonna dive right in so in my front pockets I've got a couple of business cards and I keep my little I love my little Bonita stencils they're so cute not using them right now but I still keep them with me these things I do use these are Hoban Ichi sticky notes they came with I think they got him last year if I'm not mistaken um but I love them because I you can write something on these move them from page to page or week to week and they really stay sticky they're super super thin they're kind of sheer to see through which I like and then I also love this this is the double stick tape that Hoban each you sells you can get them in this little size or in the big sizes so if you're like me and you like to kind of stick little notes from your kids and stuff like that I love having these in this back pocket I don't really have anything sometimes I keep cash in here but not so much now this next little section I don't know if you're familiar with traveler's notebooks but it's basically a string system so on my very first string inside my chic Sparrow I have this little cover now this is kind of funny because this is an old cover that from a hold on let me think it was a G Boone techo b6 slim this is the little plastic cover that came on it I used that planner 3-4 years ago something like that and as ridiculous as it sounds I saved the plastic cover and I'm so glad I did because in a B 6 it is a perfect little wallet insert so this is my wallet everything goes in here my debit card my credit card driver's license back here don't show laughs because I'm on the go all the time working and running my kids around I have a little perfume a couple of perfume samples and I just keep those slid in there because if it's a rough day and you know I do live in South Texas so if I ever need to freshen up a little bit I've got something with me on the back side of it I keep the book of stamps and I have them clipped in there with these little book darts which are amazing because they're so so thin I've got my Texas State Parks passed things like that I keep my ruler in there also from Hoban Ichi with the little stencils on it then I've got some little notes back there inside of this first insert this is something that I made out of I think a sheet protector and I use it to keep my card that I got with my power sheets this year I love that little sink that's my word of the year and then in the back here I keep I just got these stickers from Frannie lamp and I really like them they work really well with the stay ology paper as far as they're sizing done so these were all custom that I did for my morning routines and I'll show you how I use those later so this little book right here is what I consider kind of like my main planner this is a month on two page insert from paper penguin Co it is let me try and I want to try and show you semi Blankman okay so here's October so I decorate just a little bit but it's just a plain month on two pages it has a little notes column here I do a lot of my forward planning on these little craft paper stickies so that way if things get canceled too far in advance or moved around I don't have to mess up my paper which I like my planner to stay neat so at the very front I use my ally Brown stamps a little decorated it a little bit I keep this on here because I slide things under here all the time a little note from my husband this was a free printable from Cocoa Daisy and I love that little owl I'm pretty sure that's my spirit animal I usually have three or four of these book darts stuck to the front cover but I've used them up like there's somewhere in my planner now so I need to read I need to add some more on there because I rely on those so here's January I choose basically a color scheme for the month and I throw some washi down I do highlight the dates because it helps the date pop out for me a little bit so here's February March was when everything started to go crazy with the Kovan virus so you see all my canceled plans oh I hate drawing lines through things here's April and now we're into May so like I said every month has a different thing I really like this printable a lot it works great with my stay ology with the b6 especially and again I just stuck a craft paper sticky note so that I can do my forward planning I keep coupons in here the gardening center that I go to sometimes I earn some coupons but I can't use them to August so I just clip them to August and then I know where they are September October and then in the back here after December you get these pages at the back of this that are all like a I don't know if you guys can see that it's just the dot grid so I use that for my project planning so this is my project planning for 2020 all the things that I want to declutter yet again because I like to go through things once a year just to keep them on the fly this is a project that we're used that we're currently working on I keep track of cost and materials and everything here's the paint that I'm using and I'm holding on to that until I know for sure that I'm never going to need it again which I doubt because I like to keep things on file in case you ever need to touch it up I make a list of all of the different projects in here and then on each page I will write out the material list and stuff so I have ideas for other projects but I don't know if I'm gonna get to all of them so they go on sticky notes because if I have to bump them into 20:21 I'm okay with that so I only write out the ones that I'm almost sure that we're gonna get done this year and there's some major projects going on around here but I still have all this paper next time she does do paper penguin coat is really good about doing like custom orders the only thing that I would change about this insert is I would ask her to print it onto my way River paper which is super thin I love it you can watercolor on it it's what Hoban Ichi and some other Japanese planners use but that would probably be the only thing that I would change about this this is working out really really well for me so stickers on the back picture of me and my hubs okay went over all of that this is just an insert that I put some little stickers in my daughter will sit down with me sometimes when I'm filling out my theater and so I will pull these out and she can put him in her bullet journal or school notes or whatever but that's kind of my stash of stickers that I won't necessarily use but I'm still holding on to for you know something cute so here is my b60 ology I did decorate it a little bit I basically took craft paper now I'm gonna show my age here but used to we would do we would cover our school books and like brown paper bags and I happen to have some of that that I gotten for some crafts or something I can't even remember what and I just tore it glued it on here put some washi I love my Ellie Brown creative owl stamps so there's another one and I just wrote 20 20 on there this is also an Allie brown stamp that I just kind of used over and over and then I drew the little flowers on I just like decorating but I'm just not that good so here's the inside I keep notes in here for my son I have a son with special needs and I've got information that I need to kind of have quick glance at my finger tips and it's under that sticky these are my little extra tabs for the year carry Harling I love her stuff she does dispatches from the frat house and she did a really neat video on how to make little moveable tabs out of stickers or you know tabs or whatever these are some of my favorites look at that you guys see my little books these are old stamps from Ali Brown creative I don't think she's their old sticker excuse me she's not doing these anymore but they're little tiny books and I love them and so I put him on a sticky tab and turned it into sticky notes and I did the same thing she made little travelers notebook ones they said they're precious love them so I keep those here because I use tabs obviously to mark my place and it's just nice to have one that I can grab on this next page I took scrapbook paper and I covered it I just love that scrap of paper this is where I house my sticky notes if you know me you know that I love sticky notes so I have page flags that I've cut sticky notes here sticky notes there these are probably my to go twos if I need just a standard these are the craft paper ones you can get them off of Amazon and these I'm kind of sort of obsessed with these are like vellum sticky notes so I keep a couple of those in there as well these I think I found and I just sort of stuck them in here because I didn't know what else to do with them at the time oh look another book Dart they're everywhere folks what can I say this next page is a free printable I got it in an Etsy shop oh I meant to write it down and I didn't but I will link it down below I've bought this initially for my family planner that I keep out on my kitchen counter it's kind of like the family at-a-glance planner so my kids know what's going on but then I liked the font and when I I printed it again and cut it up and it's a great year to glance for here and again I just put some craft paper behind it because I just like the looks of it this is a sheet of tracing paper just old school tracing paper you can get a pack for like like 150 sheets for ten bucks on Amazon or something and I use this consistently throughout my plan and I'll show you how but it saves on both but it also gives me a place to keep this is a running to buy list and I put it on one of those sheer stickies but these are things that I don't need if I'm just running into h-e-b or the grocery stores or whatever but they're things that I'm like okay next pay period or whenever these are things that I might pick up and again shocking another book dart so here's where I started this book and I know a lot of people are like they come up with a plan or they want to start their planner on a certain day or at the beginning of them on I didn't do any of that okay I literally I got it in the mail on the 12th I started in on Friday the 13th right at the beginning of the kovat whole pandemic thing but it was before it really hit so I started making notes like here we did a Walmart run and that was my grocery list and then we find out that services are canceled at church and the library we went to the library in the library that was the last day that they were going to be open so it was right at the beginning of everything I covered up you're gonna see these purple stickies I cover things up in my state ology that might be private or if it has to do with my job I just don't share that information out on the internet so I hope you guys understand but I just kicked in with some dailies I make a list things of to do I do use this for note keeping and things so we saw our first hummingbirds at our feeders on March the 14th so all of my dailies look the same I started keeping track of all of my pending orders again here's another little sticky tab that I just made from Kerry Hartley's video love it this is how I lay out my weeks and this is basically how I still do it I draw a little box put my appointments in for the week general to do's and then I immediately start on my dailies I need to have a planned time for the day so I literally just write in from 5 a.m. p.m. cuz I typically get up at 5 a.m. every day I have my personal to dues and work to do but my days still look the same I like to keep memory keeping in here look I'm counting I made it to three hummingbirds at the feeder that day I'm so excited kind of obsess about my garden you guys and you're gonna see the full extent of that when I get further into this book so here's so at the very end of the week I'm a home schooler I have been homeschooling for 11 years after spending several years in the classroom teaching and I have a little fold-out that I print out kind of keep track of what my kids are working on in each subject and then I make a note of anything sort of above and beyond I love the little fold out because it doesn't take up much space I tip it in with washi tape so that I can use both sides and then for my homeschool I make notes of extra things that we did that aren't necessarily assignments but we watched La Boheme and the kids helped build a pen for our new baby goats so they were measuring things and calculating and all that they also helped clear and prep the garden that week so I count all of those as learning experiences and I'll do another video on my home school stuff this is just how I work it all into my planner so that I have my entire life in one book so once I finished that week I went in and started making my lists if you're a bullet journal you could call them collections or whatever but homeschool to do is youtube channels these pages are all clipped together because this is all work stuff and I just don't feel right sharing my work stuff out on this channel I just I don't know why it just feels weird so again weeklies kind of stay the same I have these great little stickers I love them and look I never use them see how they're all blank it's supposed to be a little weekly tracker and I keep forgetting to actually fill them in so you'll see sticky notes on all my dailies things that I've had to move my youngest son gifted me the sticker I'm not into holographic stuff but he was so proud and so excited and he was like are you gonna put it in your planner mom so like of course I'm going to but of course I would so there's my little holographic turtle picture which makes me happy more homeschooling me whole flatbread no you see this right here see how I just wrote Cove it across there because we didn't get much actual school done that week it was a lot of we were now working from home both my husband and I there was all this weirdness and it just it was too much so we did do some things but I didn't track it but I just wrote Povich and that tells me that was a crazy week and I'm not gonna worry about it again I clipped more pages together because it has to do with my job and again next up you see my garden tab so I just made that with my little labor maker and a little pack of tabs that I picked up at Hobby Lobby or something like two years ago I am an avid gardener I love the idea that I'm growing food that my kids are gonna eat it is a lot of work but everybody sort of chips in and we're just used to it now so for us it's worth it but I do like to keep track we have a big koi pond and it's actually this is the top part then the rest of koi ponds down here but I plant I have big planter boxes all the way around it so I draw a little schematic to show what I've planted in each of my vegetable beds and garden beds and I keep track so that I know when I need to rotate crops and things like that I also keep garden notes when I go into the backyard different sort of front yard different things when I plant when I fertilize all that c-notes for at the end of the season things that I need to remember and then this is I'm tracking how often I fill my hummingbird feeders I have four of them out there and I'm filling them every couple of days so I gotta come up with a plan so here's how I start an actual month in my planner so I started this one in April I do a little cover page because again I save my planners I've got memories in here garden notes medical notes for my kids so this isn't something that I would just throw in the trash so I like it to look cute now this is a free printable from Koko Daisy if you go to her website it's her past kits I print mine off on tracing paper it's super thin so it doesn't bulk up my planner and I love that little crinkly sound I don't know why but I do I'm a nerd like that I covered the page back here put it straight on the page and I didn't like it so then I had this pale green this is literally like tissue paper that you get out of a gift bag or something and I put it on there and trimmed it and I was like yeah that's too green so I put some white on top of it and said I'm calling it a day made my tabs again using the carry Harling I think these were old tabs out of a happy player and I just tore him off and repurposed them because I just like the font and I like the colors so here's an actual beginning of the month every single week from here on out I put one of these little free Coco Daisy printables again it's just tracing paper it's super thin crinkly sound but I use that as my weekly dashboard that's gonna make more sense when I show you my current week but I still follow the same thing quick view of appointments to do's work to do and then I set up my dailies I usually set up a whole month at a time so I don't spend you know every night having to do it I put keep my homeschool stuff at the end of every week and when I set it up at a month I don't have to worry if you know like if I'm gonna forget to put something in there I've got plenty of time all these things come up and the way that I plan when something comes up it immediately gets written on my daily then I will figure out if it needs to get moved to a list if I need to schedule it for a different time and I move things around based on that I hope that makes sense it'll make more sense when I get to this week see here's some notes we watch documentaries on Roanoke and relationships between the settlers and Native Americans because that's the period of history that we're studying right now my kids literature books here's the next week I love that one planet girl here's a day that I got happy nail from a planner friend that I've never met we only met online and she just sent me a sweet little package and I was so excited about it so I had to immediately use some of the washi hints but I wrote down her address and things because I want to send her a little thank-you and maybe a little jar of honey or something from our bee yard so again dailies home school notes and I'll see how this one is blank but I have the washi tape here because I put in one of my homeschool fold out planner pages but I didn't use it that week we were doing other things this is what we were kind of following but I didn't write it down my kids tracked it in their bullet journal and that was enough for me so I took it out so I could use it again later on in the week so or later on in a month so getting towards the end of April here kovat is still just kind of shutting everything down we don't we don't follow like a typical homeschool schedule I've been doing this for 11 years so we do six weeks to school and we take a week off but we also go year-round so my kids are all ahead of where they're technically supposed to be in school so that has given me so much freedom that I don't feel like I have to push them to do school five days a week we usually only do school four days a week but four days a week going year-round and then just taking off the occasional week it really keeps us on top of things which is just amazing so here's a first glance of how I use my little dashboards I write on sticky notes all the time the dashboard gives me a designated place to keep those notes so these are some that I didn't end up needing to move forward and I just left them sticky left I'm sticking on here it's a quote that I love here I made some notes on sinking funds for our savings accounts that I want to work on again look how crazy some IDs are isn't that insane but I'm a I'm sermon notes from that Sunday and shirt here's another week that I just didn't use the thing but we worked on all of our subjects I just didn't write him down this is stuff for my job some keto notes when I was looking into it this is a brain dump that just everything gets jotted down here and then I just sort of cross it out not pretty but effective we got a ferret sauce making notes unlike what I could give him for treats and stuff and I just love my little Jasper which brings us to me so I did the same thing I went to the cocoa Daisy website printed these off on tracing paper threw down some tissue and gave myself like a little introductory page and then this is how I'm having to work my schedule now because things are insane we are kicking you know like we've gotten over that kovat hump what we're doing in school right now is not how we typically homeschool we belong to coops we're always out and about library runs friend's house so on and so forth so being on lockdown has thrown my kids for a loop this is not how we homeschool but it's what we're forced to do now so I've had to divide up my column here and use both for appointments and things because our schedule is just that insane I check the days when I'm doing laundry things like that I will do another video on how I schedule our chore charts how I scheduled my homeschooling all of that but this is just to give you an idea I get so many people to ask that ask me how I stay on top of things and this is how so we're getting through me just very quickly saying here's more homeschool stuff okay so this is my this is the current week this is my dashboard I have certain areas and I keep kind of a running to-do list for certain areas of my life so like my personal - dues work to do things that I want to do for this channel and then my homeschool stuff and I just move these stickies from week to week so it gives me a designated place to write things down and then I also don't lose them because I always know where to find them so this is my little today tab I literally move it back and forth as I need to I've got this week planned out here's our homeschool lesson plans again I love that it folds out how literature information on the back for each of my kids there's next week this is all still kind of empty and then we start in two so May is right here I haven't set up June or anything like that because it just it's kind of like a relaxing Sunday evening thing for me to set up my planner for the next month I do keep things on hid on hand that I want to research right now I only have one thing because I carried it over from the previous list things that I want to do that people have asked me about and then this is more work stuff now I'm to all my blank pages but my planner doesn't end there I start from the back and work sort of forward with certain things so in the back I keep I always have note paper because you just never know when you're gonna need it a couple of home school planning pages just in case I need them I always keep something in the back of my planner where I can make notes for the next year because I obviously don't have a 2021 planner yet but there's different things that I need to pay attention to because I have like annual subscriptions that I want to like this one I want to assess am I gonna keep this isn't worth my money or not this one here things that I want to keep in my next planner this page now some people think I'm crazy but I forget my passwords for all of these different things so I keep them in here but they are written in code they're written in a code that I understand and that my husband understands and a couple of my kids understand but nobody else would but I still I just cut this little bit of tissue paper and cover and why she taped it on and covered it so that if my planner fell open nobody's gonna see anything private popping out okay this is a helpful hint for all you moms out there I have six children one of those children has a lot of issues he's got Down syndrome he's on the autism spectrum so on and so forth you know how when you go to a new doctors or if you have to go to Urgent Care in the emergency room with your kid and they're asking you questions about their medical history and things like that this is my solution to that so I made a page for each of my kids you see these dates right here I write down like semi major medical events sometimes it's just me tracking when they were sick last so in December almost all of my kids got really sick they had row high fevers coughing they were on breathing treatments they all tested negative for flu they all tested negative for strap but it was serious enough that I was keeping track of how long they had the fevers and what medications we gave them and I typically do that on my dailies and then I put the kind of the bullet point of it back here so that if I have to take my kids to the hospital or anything like that I could open this up and I know that in 2014 Jude went through this you know I know when my other son when he had a spiral fracture of his tibia I know when my one son was hospitalized because for reactive airway so I write all of that down now this is my son he has some medical stuff so I keep he's got a lot more on his list but I also have to keep track of you know his oncologist his endocrinologist you know all of his different doctors and stuff so everything stays on this page but then it's at my fingertips I also keep track of my house info what we've paid in taxes for the past couple of years what we pay in car insurance so on and so forth this I love look at that little free printable I'm Koka Daisy this is a list of all the books that I've read in 2020 this is where I keep my book list of things that I want to read so if I'm at the library I can look for specific things or I go onto the website and I can either get them off of Amazon or just request them from the library but I love these little printables isn't that cute and again I just put them on tracing paper because it doesn't bulk things up so much keep track of movies and shows that I want to watch documentaries this is a little section that I created for each of my kids to keep track of what sizes they're in because that's changing constantly it seems like and also things that they need or don't need like in this case my youngest does not need winter PJ's because apparently I found like six pairs of winter PJ's when I was cleaning out his closet so I keep track of what the kids need and what they don't okay almost done guys wish list gift list if one of my kids says you know gosh mom I wish I had you know I want one of these I write it down in here because it makes it a lot easier birthday and Christmas now this is a page that I look at daily y'all daily this is my am/pm list I don't know if you can see that so this is what I do every morning this is what I do every evening this usually starts about five sometimes 6:00 in the morning this usually I start going on this list about eight because I want to be done with my day by 10:10 I'm a bit of an insomniac I wonder why got a lot on my plate but this helps me make sure that I'm staying on top of like daily things that I need to take care of and I just typed it up in a list Brandee Michelle plans has an awesome video on how she does all this I will try and find it and link that down below for you guys but she's amazing how she's got it all planned out and I think she follows a certain system to help her track stuff this is my actual planning routine now for those of you that are geeky planners like me this probably doesn't surprise you I have my daily planning stuff that I keep track of that's just part of my evening thing right here takes about five minutes but every week this is the stuff that I have to make sure that I hit I've got to make sure that my tasks get done and fill in my to-do list and look at my to buy list look at my projects brain dump process my paperwork all of these things are what I need to make sure get scheduled in a single week homeschool work cleaning laundry workouts I'm trying to do Spanish and German because my kids are learning those is their foreign language so I'm doing duolingo to try and stay on top of it with them when we get paid when bills are due P&P is my peacocks on paper I'm really trying to be diligent about it but man is it hard read Aloud's with my kids Bible study checkbook and bill time see that's kind of a double I gotta fix that and then all of the other things that I do and then monthly this is what I have to make sure that I stay on top of so it seems like a lot oh and look see I created a little handy page for my fall and winter garden so I can start making notes already it's only May but I like to plan out because I have to buy in stages I've got a seed you know start seeds and you know think about all that so I have a designated spot now where I can start making some of those plans so I still have all of these Bank plages in this state ology but there's no way it's going to last me to December so I'm going to be setting up another notebook anyway in the back pocket here I keep reading list and then some paperwork that I need for work this y'all is like my pen of choice right now can you see that it's the pilot multi-ball and I love this pen it writes in very very dark ink it is black ink but it's a fine nib and it's got a little like it's a little scratch to it so it scratches a bit when you write on the paper some people that bug them to death lord knows I have enough of a pen and marker collection over here that's not even all of them sadly but this is my favorite right now because it doesn't smear and I can highlight over it which I love I've tested all of my other pens and I know there are some art pens that you can get but I can get a 5 pack of these off of Amazon for really I think it was 899 I mean it wasn't much money at all so for it to not smear and I can write on top of washi tape and plastic and all that so this is by far my favorite pen I do keep a pencil with me all the time because I write my homeschool stuff in pencil but other than that guys this is it this is how I do it this is how I stay on top of my insanely busy life if you have any questions or comments feel free to put them down below I'm happy to go into more detail with any of the stuff that I'm using home school chores how I balance work time with my hubby all that other stuff just let me know but thanks so much guys have an amazing day
Channel: PeacocksAndPaper
Views: 18,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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