A young hustler is a one-stop shop for illegal goods. Then he has a chance at a big score. | Monday

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This chang was kinda a G still lol. Way better than most other AM "representation" in mainstream entertainment

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/WangShizu_Dadou 📅︎︎ May 20 2021 🗫︎ replies

Upvote and comment on that video. I've done so.

It's fitting when you examine the Mandarin name Guān (gate/barrier) and its derivatives:

  • Korean = Kwan/Kwon (strong/authority)
  • Cantonese = Kuan
  • Japanese = Seki (barrier)
  • Vietnamese = Quan (soldier)
👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/bdang9 📅︎︎ May 20 2021 🗫︎ replies
uh yo what up dre we're gonna get you man what's up [ __ ] hey uh schoolboy eric needs a laptop can you hook him up yeah what you want macbook notebook chromebook any [ __ ] book just not a broke ass book word i got you uh and i'll be over late today with the goodies man you still not riding your car nah i sold the whip tray you want to come suit me up hell no you know i don't ride like that that's your job i think i'll do what i do just gotta handle some [ __ ] before i get there you know every once in a while it'd be nice if you put a [ __ ] at the front of your line come on they banned affirmative action a long time ago and try to hurry the [ __ ] up please everybody [ __ ] now you almost got to knock like the [ __ ] pull pull fool cause your doorbell's broken chica one two installed for me chino just as soon as you come over and mow my lawn juan [Music] quan and juan lawns what's good what's happening bro guys still can't fix the doorbell man [ __ ] you oh new bike huh something like that some punk ass hipster used to own it you want that [ __ ] nah it's not my style but i can ask around give me 30 off the top 20. okay here that's for the phones oh what else you got for me looking like this oh [ __ ] man i know this ain't what i think it is is it [Applause] [ __ ] love chinese barbecue pork man if i was a mighty corn i bust my cream of some young guy all over you right now yeah don't do that hey here's the other [ __ ] that's for that chino that's for that chica we're in business now that is a whole lot of ones yeah must've been a good night huh you recognize the sin of that [ __ ] chinito smells dishonest it is just a little bit come on homie let's go get you some more phones hey nina what the [ __ ] is rich [ __ ] doing here kick back sasquatch what up harold where the [ __ ] kumar in the other room fixing your grinder account [Applause] where you from bhutan america you want to get jumped in [ __ ] kwan you know i'm trying to get my green card on me i can get you a fake one hey they don't check those at home depot homie [ __ ] you yo what up what can i get you yeah hold up all right i'm out later homes hey quan i got some [ __ ] that's gonna go down later i'm gonna hit you up though yeah all right cool later bigfoot to be continued pikachu [Music] hey jerry what is up man good to see you how's things look a surprise for you today is gonna be a good day just to work at the computer shop uh you come inside you can come inside yeah you close door for me yeah sure what do you think is kimono man super authentic right it's like we're brothers you know the japanese right no man you want to drink or something uh no i'm all right uh got the stuff that you wanted oh my god i'm starving where's ah the what the pizza avi i just ordered it like five minutes ago yeah but isn't that the pizza guy come here oh wait you're the valet dude would you please just shut the [ __ ] up wow you're really really pretty oh thank you what is that why are you always such a dick bag a super dick bag to you [ __ ] you oh i love you i love you too new girl huh hey so i have this bike that i'm trying to get rid of um would you be interested hey super good price emma hey how are you what's going on i'm good i'm better what you look amazing it's really good to see you it's really good to see you too stop staring at me i really missed you wait what are you doing here uh jerry said that you were coming so i came to see you like i appreciate you worrying about me but i'm fine okay no that's not the point this isn't a good place okay these aren't good people can we not make it about that right now look i just want you to be here right now you can be here doing [ __ ] what you do i swear i'm just here to see you yo what up what can i get you yeah sure see you soon look emma i gotta go and i think you should too quan please just stay and talk to me hey jerry i gotta head out oh no man no no come on steam party with us emma's here you know how good this [ __ ] is come on man you have the cash all right all right man i see how it is well thanks for dropping off the quan city let's go man here's the cache oh by the way you set up that laptop uh joanna can you grab that laptop for me [ __ ] no jerry [ __ ] off patience man it's running thin here he just said just to take it all right look emma i'm really sorry for what i did to you no colin you saved me that's not what it feels like can we just talk when i'm done tonight we'll talk hey say hi to your mom for me okay [Music] [Music] so [Music] yo my ninja my ninja if you don't ever get no bigger you gonna still be my ninja what up andre you know ninjas are [ __ ] japanese right but they make you then quan wakanese funny bands what's up my [ __ ] what's up eric what's good yo what the [ __ ] is this kwon i can't afford this high-level ass [ __ ] bro don't worry about it you serious yeah yo thank you bro absolutely oh hey peep this bike too oh yeah how much let me check all right hey so what you guys gonna do when that [ __ ] finally goes legal same [ __ ] we've been doing you know if this goes legal it's gonna be [ __ ] expensive yep all fronts pointed to being heavily taxed and highly regulated now these weed props are just set up for big businesses to walmart this [ __ ] mama pops will just have to go to the great market you mean the black and yellow market huh two times yo y'all hear about that dude they got smoke running from that cop with the stolen car you mean cj yup yup that's cj dude yeah that guy's my neighbor his family helped us out a lot when we first moved here well that [ __ ] got new neighbors now and i guarantee him gonna be helping them with [ __ ] come on dog you ain't got no sympathy what the hell do you think what's gonna happen eve i mean we black folks we get [ __ ] with it's in the [ __ ] cops dna to [ __ ] with black folks [ __ ] man it's in our own dna to get [ __ ] with it's like the frog in the scorpion the frog and the [ __ ] scorpion google it [ __ ] hey you know you lucky god made your ass yellow and not black you know what the [ __ ] that supposed to mean huh we could be dangerous yeah when you drive asians can't drive and blast can't thrive right [ __ ] quad over here [ __ ] will you please stop trying to get us hard [ __ ] it's called hospitality whatever bro yep and we are good yeah you're gonna let me run some of that today no wait go 250. eric oh what 250 for the bike cool cool that's what i call a contact high [ __ ] all right guys i'm out all right what love and all that man you are hot no i'm not bro yo we're gonna get you we're gonna get you what can i get you i'm gonna get you yo nina what can i get you hey chino where are you what the [ __ ] are you doing right now that big fading [ __ ] it's going down tonight some pinching white boys in the hollywood hills want a shitload of coca so get your photo ass over here with your stash slow down who's buying what what the [ __ ] quan are you listening to me some hollywood cracker ass [ __ ] want all the coke we have all the coke we have why would they know about what i got oh well [ __ ] man i don't have enough so i just told them that you know you've come through them who the [ __ ] is them they're just some random fools that picked up some baggies last week and now they want more [ __ ] how much more they said at least half a [ __ ] pound chino otherwise no deal okay no deal nina they sound like the [ __ ] hooter quan they're not the [ __ ] if you saw these [ __ ] ass marshmallows you know how soft they are so get your ass over here i [ __ ] need this okay hey i need this too all right but this sounds sketchy as [ __ ] chino these are just some [ __ ] white boys trying to have a good ass time now get the [ __ ] over here right now i'm not [ __ ] around nina nina you good all good sir busy day normal day anything going on when are you gonna stop doing that what's in the bag all kinds of [ __ ] that you don't want to know about what's in the [ __ ] bag what the [ __ ] is wrong with you quan what are you gonna do arrest me let her die just a matter of time man for both of you that is so [ __ ] up that you're a cold piece of [ __ ] you know that you don't know what i have to deal with every time i see you out here what you have to deal with that's [ __ ] typical i took a [ __ ] oath to serve and protect nobody forced you into the academy okay you walked in there all by yourself [ __ ] you kwon [ __ ] you cuz oh come on man what are you doing come on come on leaf [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] you [Music] mama i'm home how's work [Music] what's wrong it's a rough day what happened something weird uh with the insurance but we have enough meds for now so don't worry about it i'll figure it out tomorrow okay [Music] emma says hi how is she i think she's getting better poor thing [Music] take care of her okay [Music] can we talk in the morning good night good night thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] let's do this hustle since the age of 12. the streets don't need the game if you don't get brave 400 americans make more than the other 180 million combined [Music] [Music] but ain't nothing free you gotta go get it cash [Music] [Music] [Applause] now i got
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 47,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monday, drama short film, omeleto
Id: T2sOf38ibDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Mon May 17 2021
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