A Woman Scorned: The Betty Broderick Story Part 1 (Full Movie) True Crime | Meredith Baxter

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks [Music] take this what'd i miss four to three last five seconds winning goal scored by thomas broderick yes three point six million dollars in damages losing butt kicked by thomas broderick's old man 3.6 we can we get a quarter of that oh my god oh my god we made it bets we finally made it and we had finally for years we'd worked ourselves to the bone dan first as a medical student then as a law student and finally he's an attorney and me well besides raising our four children i'd done everything from babysitting to selling housewares to teaching elementary school during those lean years and finally when the 80s arrived so did we our lifestyle became downright opulent we joined two country clubs bought a ski condo in colorado and a boat in la jolla to put them mildly we were euphoric we were celebrating literally celebrating let me fix your thai colonel butler do you think i should have bought that can we saw today oh honey if you were any more decked out they built a theme park around you nick can we go before my dress goes out of style gentlemen start your cameras we're coming here we go okay you look beautiful mom thank you john okay you guys smile one two three great no more pictures i'm sorry that's absolutely the last one roger has to leave good night [Music] nice [Music] oh look there's kevin and susan [Music] well well gq mixed with that no that is what i call a stunner of a gown you know when you travel with a guy in a cape you gotta look stunning damn right can you do this [Music] dan i've been hearing about your impressive victory ah well i owe it entirely to your husband oh bull all i did was recommend you for the job exactly for which everybody knows you put your reputation on the line made me work just a little harder well dan you deserved it you're a hell of a litigator thanks oh yeah yeah yeah betty and i i like very much for both of you to uh join us in paris on me what dan no we couldn't too late prepaid no money back we leave thursday [Music] thursday dan that's my manicure day you know that [Applause] i think it sounds like a lot of fun thank you both very much thank you my best this one's ours [Music] what you don't want to go to paris would have been nice if you told me you make these grand gestures you act like royalty or something it's irritating as hell problem bets it's the reason you married me [Music] okay let me make it really simple for you okay yeah furnish the documents that i requested before i left for paris or uh i extend the suit against dr cross to include the hospitals your choice what well look i'll tell you something no i never kid after five o'clock bye night [Music] alice alice listen i need this stuff finished by uh lunch tomorrow if you have any questions i'll be in 7 30. hey i'm just coming to talk to you do it on the run i'm like i haven't seen you since the blackstone ball and i wanted to give you an update i moved out last time susan and i are officially split geez kevin sorry i thought you guys might be able to pull it back together too far gone danny boy you wanna grab a beer oh i would you know i would but i got grant's cub scout group in the backyard tonight oh you're gonna teach him how to light a fire by rubbing a doctor's legs together oh that's some very poor taste i like that yeah hey guys oh very impressive you make me proud okay where were we uh all right this is a steak it's not the kind of steak you put ketchup on it's kind of steak that holds up your tent take your mallet take your steak dan ron phillips is on the phone oh geez okay time out guys i'll be right back you covered me for a second he's he's flying to testify on monday he's probably got the jitters yeah how long are you gonna be well it's already 11 back there how long can we talk okay okay okay okay where were you before uh captain broadway so rapidly run hey no no no no look no it's no problem at all ask away i'm all ears yeah the third man went to stay at the haunted house and he was terrified that the coffin was going to come and get him too because it got the other two guys he said i will be courageous and he went to bed but as soon as he was asleep he was awakened by the thump thump thump on the third floor the thump thump thump on the second floor thump thump thump on the first floor jeffrey your mother's here hi thanks billy hi mom hi boys hi bye bye-bye is that still on the phone i'm sorry honey you're a client she always has a client well i make sure he comes up and talks to him before we go to bed okay [Laughter] are you making this up ron that makes my sides hurt dad good night [Music] hi there so how was seattle how is it ever rainy damp the contractor's ever sharp not till i threatened him with what my wrath and your reputation there's a combo so so the foundation cracks worse than we thought worse than you thought i always said it was bad you want to hear this sure sure they can't work around us we have to move out while they fix it come on calm down i've already taken care of it i've spent about a thousand hours with a thousand realtors this week therefore i actually have some pretty decent rentals for you to see starting tomorrow little present can't go to a st patrick's day party without one you're one-of-a-kind bets you know that i know that [Music] all right listen up everybody listen up i actually memorized it this year you're ready for this have you ever been to ireland where the rolling hills are green oh sure and it's the fairest land that ever yet was seen and though those hills of ireland may be very far away they're close to every eye in his heart no matter what the day [Music] who's that that is our new receptionist wow she is really uh [Music] so uh mr workaholic actually appreciates women after all well not just any woman but that woman yeah i have lots of friends who are real pretty once a former miss america i mean she gets out of the shower beautiful i've never heard dan say wow she's pretty about anybody and then kevin walked in with his new trophy [Music] so [Music] come on bats the lip line's not getting any shorter i wasn't the one who couldn't find his gloves got him now so let's get going you've got it now cause i found it for you so get off my back hey folks i hate those long lip lines can we hustle it up okay larry i'll be right there the broadway man has spoken let the seas part don't start that broderick man crap again that's okay okay you're the boss i'm just the hired hand pays well enough not as well as being your brother what does that mean did you think i wouldn't notice you keep lending him money what are you talking about we make investments together he makes more money than i do oh you proud of that all the money you lend him every time he asks your own family could be living like aristocrats my whole family does look like aristocrats cause i bust my butt a hundred hours a week oh oh it's all you that's right i'm just along for the ride why am i even here why don't i leave why don't we just get a divorce yep you can't even go on a vacation can you without bringing it all down with your endless petty nonsense teddy petty it's our money that you're investing with him our money that i made that you made well i busted my butt to raise our four kids you ready yet do i look ready come on all set where is oh she's not gonna be joining us she'll probably pout for a couple hours and then ski the pants off the rest of us all day long see you between six and eight okay yeah don't go to the wrong house all right bye-bye daddy bye-bye uh she's the boss bye hi um boxes with the blue tape on the bottom red tape go on top you want some coffee i just wanted to thank you for pitching in the way you have the last couple of weeks when alice told me how long she was gonna be out i figured i was in big trouble but you saved us gave me a chance to do something besides answer phones which brings me to my next point i sound like a lawyer it's become pretty obvious to me lately that i'm going to need a full-time assistant so if you're interested in joining the team the job's yours you got yourself a deal this is amazing it's like we always lived here well the upstairs in the kids room still look like it looked like a cyclone went through them but while you taste my real roast [Music] oh i was in college i looked so good in these i could have gotten arrested nowadays i still get arrested for the wrong reasons they will let anyone shop in here susan hi how are you um not great kevin actually filed for a divorce oh susan oh my god i'm sorry i thought i thought maybe he was just going through a phase are you all right uh truthfully i've never been better in some ways but in others i'm a complete basket case but um shopping helps anyway i gotta go so um call me yes what is with kevin what is with all of them i mean dan's even gone out and hired some new airhead assistant well they all hire airheads at some point gosh marge what's a nice girl to do you can get the kids bathed and dressed ready for dinner by seven bye [Music] may i help you yeah i'm here for dan are you a client i'm his wife oh forgive me i i just started anyway they're out they last time i looked i just had one husband no he and linda they went to lunch it's his birthday today really oh right of course uh sorry i'll wait in here [Music] how was lunch oh no why oh because i made a special birthday dinner roast beef just like you requested oh that's terrific thanks to make things extra special i traipsed downtown with a bottle of champagne so we could watch the sun go down together but you weren't there why didn't you call or something you know i had to move some things around you bastard who goes to lunch for seven hours and with the 19 year old to boot are you nuts i've been in a deposition since 1 30 and linda was i don't even know where linda was you're gonna stand here and lie to my face why am i some client some judge some gullible half-assed jury you think you could convince me that black is white admit it dan you are sleeping with her could we take this inside why why am i shouting am i embarrassing you ball i am right is what i am oh come on bets you want to talk out here fine i swear to you i'm not having an affair with linda or anybody [Music] lie a liar else on fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] who cares i don't know dan i mean burning your clothes that's betty a little extreme though i can afford new clothes i don't think that's what i meant ellen what did you mean look betty got out of hand i get out of hand it's par for the course you should pardon the expression yeah and this is a woman who's been telling you she wants a divorce into your honeymoon doesn't that worry you right now i'm more worried about sinking this putt you mind if we drop the subject why would somebody retain us his council and then go off and do whatever the hell he wants to he's an even bigger obstacle in this case than the hospital board good point uh yeah i guess that's it oh uh linda is there any news on the corvette oh they've had seven weeks to find one what is red such an unusual color you know what no don't bother call the jerks and thomas stuff really enough is enough come on listen i'm under orders to resume my vacation yeah well thanks for everything you're doing a great job i can yeah i can actually relax of a fashion i will okay you take care now [Laughter] i feel that you have a frivolous case here and i just don't want to be involved with it well you're certainly entitled to your feelings sir want some good news yeah sure what you got how much do you still want that red corvette you told me to tell them to stuff what do you mean well i did my own little research project and lo and behold the exact car you specified is in fact sitting at a dealership waiting for you to purchase it provided you're still interested provided i'm still interested very funny when can i pick it up when i close at six you better leave now no it's only 1 15. where is this place malibu it's fantastic thanks anytime hey you did all the work on this i'll go for ride my new car only if you put the top down [Music] so so you finally found one well actually i didn't i mean i didn't think i would but there it is well maybe this will help help help you feel better i know you're not happy dan i know why exactly maybe it's me maybe not i don't know i hope this helps [Music] unless you want to hit the lights on your way out have you got a minute for me uh sure what's up i have been very loyal and hardworking since i came here is that right alice i i don't think it's the best time to talk about a raise i don't want to raise i want a little respect excuse me mr broderick that woman has been here six months and already makes more money than i do than any of us do she has an office the size of well you know what she has i don't think you can treat people this way hold on a second first of all linda's doing entirely different things from what you do i know she can't type she's a legal assistant not a secretary she doesn't have to type and as far as the office goes she needs the privacy because she spends a good deal of time on the phone to clients on my behalf so that i can spend time finding new clients so that we can all prosper does that make sense of course good luck to both of you are you quitting you really ought to think about how you treat people mr broderick all people that is not just the ones you think are special this is great mom how'd you ever know to find one of these katie your mom's not as old as you think i guess not merry christmas your father's as old as you think [Music] hot stuff dad i'll say thank you [Music] i know it's not the exact one you said you liked but i don't know i i thought this would be more of a surprise and uh you know uh actually kind of like this one better [Music] you liked it better well i mean you mean you liked it better and that's what counts really i mean that's what it's all about you make it you spend it on what you want oh geez pets it's not like it cost any less exactly so why not get me what i want you certainly got what you want even though you had to spend an extra seven grand to get it when you wanted it could you guys just cool it it's christmas your mom wants to behave like a spoiled brat let's let her what kind of person gets his wife a christmas present she doesn't even want it's a beautiful ring but it's not what i asked for so that makes it a piece of crap [Music] so okay thank you hi well i haven't been here and i don't know how long we should do this more often dan pets i thought this would be a good place for us to have this this this meeting i know this was a meeting i thought this was have some things i think we should discuss we sleep in the same bed we use the same bathroom i need to get all dressed up and come down here just to discuss something do you stand there romantic um how charming i didn't want to have this talk at home this way we can't throw things at each other and why pray tell will we do that that's it's no secret that things haven't been going so well for us of late in some ways maybe they never have it's just gotten to the point where it's not healthy for us or for the kids if we're living in the same house so so i'm i'm gonna move out for a while for a while just until i don't really know for how long until you feel better about the marriage until you've gotten over this turning 40 crap wait till you've made it with your secretary so many times you've gotten out of your system that's correct that's great it's impossible to have a normal conversation with you you call normal busting up a 16-year marriage over over lunch i gave you my life i i gave you your life you would still be cleaning up vomit on the emergency room floor if it weren't for me if if i hadn't raised our children held down five jobs and and provided a home for you do you think you could have done this by yourself i really don't know maybe not it's not working now bets you know that you criticize whatever i do or say you're clearly not happy why would you want me to stay because you owe me i'm moving back to the coral reef house i can work around me meantime meantime you can finish this meeting by yourself since you are the one and only person on this [Music] all earth it's okay i got it [Music] hey what are you doing here my mom dropped me off about an hour little an hour is that supposed to meet you here or something [Music] nope she i've been up in san francisco to trial all day i almost didn't come back tonight how did she know i'd be here [Music] [Music] see i have this little two-step plan first i've been dropping the kids off at his house one by one to live with him you're kidding well let mr businessman see what it means to actually raise a family not just have his wife do it and secondly a new house with an ocean view voila oh great dad may be momentarily attracted to this little girl but ultimately what turns him on is status you know best of dress best clothes best parties i'm the only one who can make that happen for him make him special respectable he'll come back okay i'll fax everything to you first thing monday morning and meanwhile if you have any questions at all let's get in touch with linda she's researched everything pretty thoroughly thanks thank you bye bye okay 5 30. i just have time to grab a bite to eat and get back to the office didn't you start at seven this morning just assuming i came in late can i buy some dinner before you go home sure well for a stuffy malpractice attorney you're doing okay yeah what'd you expect i expected you to go back to work like you planned me too well i'm glad you didn't and thanks for a wonderful dinner dan really thank you for all your advice i didn't give you any i just listened really around 40 is when you reap the benefits of your 20s and 30s it's supposed to be the best time when you're young enough to still have fun and enjoy the money it's what i've been living for my whole life and i'm not ruining your project you persuade me tommy cut it out it's his all right mom what are you doing here i thought i'd come see how my children work tommy leave him alone grant what is this do i get any kiss please hi mom we missed you i missed you dad doesn't have potato chips or anything he doesn't well i think i have a couple bags in the car tommy why don't you go get him okay let's see what else he doesn't have oh that's your father unbelievable i was supposed to pick up some things at the store yesterday i got a little sidetracked man i'll never measure up he's a lawyer not a parent oh what is this dad brought her home from the office his friend linda made it for us so i'm home hey big guy hi dad um dinner will be ready in about five minutes okay great i'm gonna go up and change i'll be right back dad yeah where's yugoslavia in the atlas i'm dead hey sweetie how'd that math test going [Music] elizabeth broderick thank you oh come on dan and i are in there you can't lay this divorce on me and then ignore me come on out and face me like a man [Music] damn you damn rodrick [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] he's lucky i didn't use that umbrella to impale him mrs broderick betty everyone calls me betty except him he calls me bets that's cute isn't it if we're going to try and get you an equitable settlement i'd suggest you consider more appropriate behavior in the future meaning meaning no more umbrellas through the window there is now a restraining order preventing you from going within 100 yards of the house a restraining order is a very serious thing yeah i know but so are four kids in 16 years together don't preach to me i'm just saying that you need to do all you can to try to help balance the situation all i want to know is if we can nail this guy in court mrs broderick betty you don't catch on real quickly do you we'll do the best we can so that's it i beg your pardon we just don't sound really excited dan broderick is a shark he is the best you're not excited we're dead i know his reputation very well you're just running scared already you know what i have a feeling i am not the best choice of an attorney for you you know what i think you're right thank you for your time mrs bro betty you're not the first woman whose husband ever left her and you won't be the last i'd advise you to try and keep your cool too late look betsy's gonna be here any minute to meet with us are you sure this guy's serious absolutely he's already qualified for the loan great [Music] hi betty hi lois good news i found a buyer for the house what's the offer three and a quarter we think it's extremely reasonable we dan and i how cozy i beg your pardon sorry would you excuse us for a minute get your hands off me i think the offer stinks i want a million that's it got it that's i bought you a house i'm buying myself a house now i can't afford to carry three mortgages we got to get rid of this place now you're the one who came up with a 340 figure in the first place what's the matter with you this is just a little bit below that don't whine it does not become you of course now that is this regression into puberty the issue at hand the issue at hand has you become such a bad joke i mean look at you you are the cover of midlife crisis magazine you got your red corvette you've got your teenage secretary you're living alone all of it three and a quarter is a good price we're taking it a million danny boy period end of conversation and the last thing i ever expected was to fall in love with him why well dan's not the kind of guy you think of as being romantic but when i'm with him he just makes life seem like some great old movie where everything's gonna work out okay hey i found this great house in marston hills linda loves it you ought to buy it i did wait have you sold coral reef yet betty's saying she wants a million bucks for it you believe that i mean i mean she knows it's not worth a third of it but i don't know i guess it's her way of hanging on meanwhile i'm paying through the nose you'll just have to live with it no i won't remember a little procedure called elizer i can get a court to grant me permission to sell if i can show she's withholding her consent i'm raising him unreasonably so tuesday at nine i go before judge donnelly she'll contest it yep she can do whatever she wants she won't know what hit her i'll tell you why because it's a holiday you know families are supposed to be together oh get off it dad we're not together anyway what's the difference if i'm here or not if there's a big difference i want you here for dinner you can see this guy another time well you've got your date why can't i have mine because i want you here with us not i'm running around well that's just too bad cause i'm going out with him no matter what you say great great then don't come home fine dad i won't i'm sure mom will be glad to see me walk katie what are you doing here can i stay here tonight well yes of course oh happy thanksgiving honey are you hungry i got to melt over turkey oh um kate i'd like you to meet my friend jerry jerry this is my daughter kay i've heard a lot about you wish i could say the same [Music] the man's a lawyer i'm a prospective client what's the problem well i bet he'd return my call of my name or dan broderick thanks no thanks all right guys i want to be late for practice you guys go get in the car i'll get it anybody there pick up i know you're there well i hope you're happy you rotten son of a the entire san diego legal community is shutting me out nobody wants to go up against dan broderick well i'll get a lawyer from l.a i have names up there too pal [Music] why don't you pick up why don't you ever call me back dan you think you can just ignore me you can't you hear me i will not be ignored no doubt about it you make the best boats happen in southern california well keys not to overdo it you are an artist betty no not really you know when i when i was in aspen i got the recipe from this old argentinian couple excuse me mrs broderick mr conway's on the phone my high-priced l.a lawyer excuse me never stopped hello yes i understand thank you um please forgive me i need to go um discuss something with damn i'll be right back you're going over there i have no choice he won't take my calls anymore don't worry it won't take long uh look jerry can you and susan look after things till i get back well sure you okay oh yeah i'm used to this he won't talk to me i had to come he sold the house out from under me i know mom but if you're caught violating the restraining order again they'll arrest you i don't care well we do dan you sold my house without my consent my house mine you told me a hundred times how much you hated that house you said i had too many painful memories well maybe so but they were my memories you have no right quantified legal procedure bets and you've known about it for weeks well that doesn't make it right sold still get your share end of conversation don't walk away from me talk to my lawyer he won't talk to me no way i'll talk to me i think you two better come in the house right now [Music] [Applause] the hell was that dad it's mom i want you all to stay inside look upstairs keep an eye on your brothers are you doing [Music] are you concerned [Music] okay ma'am calm down officer i'm dan broderick there's a restraining order in effect that's my ex-wife she just drove her car into the front of my house you think you are i think i'm the guy that's going to take you downtown unless you don't want to press charges it's up to you up to him who is hitting your boss god they all on the same side take her look at these girls there's nothing else i can do i'm sorry [Music] [Music] we had a life together we both wanted the same things we're both smart we're both funny we wrote credit to each other we were we would leave it to beaver that may sound funny but that's what we were everything we had was who i was and one day he he walked he just walked away with it i wasn't missing anybody anymore he raised the memory he erased the marriage he raised me i'd do it again only i do it better i was so mad he had he just stolen everything from me up to that point he'd stolen my furniture my kids my clothes my jewelry oh only i knew i still owned half that house i i just didn't understand how that could be taken probably yeah i like to say that i have the foulest mouth in the world you bet i do i've practiced [Music] so [Music] so [Music] what's your name [Music] so [Music] mom mom if dad finds you here mommy okay merry christmas baby mom you can't just keep coming in here like this is anything under here for me is there sure of course there is but it's not christmas yet and is this one for me mom mom stop that this is it for me no leave me alone i want to have christmas too he doesn't get to date christmas from me put that down put that down oh i'm sorry i'm just okay okay katie i'm sorry i'm sorry please i didn't mean to hurt you mommy wouldn't hurt you that was my present for you it was for you please forgive me i'm sorry i just love you all so much [Music] we were in and out of courts forever as i fought for my rights without due respect your honor mrs broderick has consistently violated any number of restraining orders and clearly cannot be trusted for god's sakes even child molesters get visitation rights what is this mother russia mrs broderick would you mind please i'm trying to help you're not trying right the worst thing is the way he forcibly separated my children from me sometimes with the help of so-called experts that in fact he'd hired well with all that's gone on these children need to remain in a stable environment and in my opinion mrs broderick does not provide any type of stable environment thank you dr miller i was forced into a legal system that dan broderick controlled everything was backwards especially the money here was a man who was literally spending a fortune on himself now that he'd made it well i was expected to exist and when he threw my way ultimately dan got the final divorce decree on a day that i wasn't even present i got no custody no visitation rights are you certain mrs broderick was served yes sir she has been personally in as much as she has no attorney of record at this time okay folks end of the line the dissolution is granted mr broderick consider yourself divorced [Music] marge finally it's betty yeah i'm working at the la jolla cove galleries oh yes betty i i've been leaving messages all week you and carl been out of town well no not exactly it's just been one of those weeks oh well no matter as i said on your machine uh today's the day the day yeah where do you want to go for lunch i'll pick you up i'm afraid i'm not going to be able to make it this time marge it's tradition it's your birthday betty we've been socializing with dan and linda and it just wouldn't be appropriate for us to see you right now i'm sorry i hope you understand perfectly [Music] hi no one's able to answer the phone right now but if you leave a message someone will call you back thanks oh sweet one who taught her how to talk so dan i guess you weren't satisfied with wrecking me over the course financially now you have to poison my social life as well why a child who are down and what is it about the that turns you on it's certainly not her intellect she's a she's an over sex syphilitic piece of poor white trash you with the slot now dan probably huh mommy it's me grant hi grant hi sweetheart how's my baby boy are they treating you all right yeah mom but cause if they're not you can come live with me wouldn't that be fun yeah mom but you've got to stop leaving messages like this all the time it it makes me feel funny when you say all that stuff about lindy and daddy like piercing stuff sweetheart there's worse things in life than being embarrassed i didn't cost this your daddy did but mom all you care about is your stupid money and getting rid of linda you're always mad and everything i never say anything nice anymore nice who's not nice your father that's who your father dumped your mommy for a 12 year old that's nice you little traitor who put you up the slot of the tell me grant you tell your mommy grant talk to me talk please to talk to me grant [Music] honey you ready it wasn't as though he and linda had a new life it was as though linda stepped into my life my life kept going with my husband my traditions my friends children the only difference was linda was there instead of me come on dad you're gonna be late i mean he's only the biggest night of your life okay okay i'm coming you got filming i think you want to do this no i think the whole thing is a crock anyway and she hot smile thank you and now ladies and gentlemen will you please join us in a round of applause as we welcome the new president of the san diego county bar association mr dan broderick who will dance the first dance of this ball with miss linda colcaina [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what could be better than this well i'll tell you what being married to you [Music] you don't have to you know you don't have to give me an answer right away you can just take your time take your time to really take two three minutes [Music] [Music] said yes [Music] [Music] i want you all to understand what this engagement business really means it means you're losing your father little by little he'll pull away from you and soon since his new wife is so young she's gonna want children of her own and that's the point at which he's gonna completely turn away from you maybe even to save you it's all right grant honey all of you will have a mother who loves you a mother who may be completely alone in this world but will never abandon you the way your father is i will always love you [Music] especially since your father has stopped do we have to call our mom no hey your mom is always going to be your mom i mean i know things have been pretty horrible between us yeah that's the understatement of the year look i wish i could fix everything that's happened but i can't just hope you all know i love you and linda loves you and i want you to know that our being married isn't going to take away from my relationship with you at all in fact might even add a little stability to things and maybe your mom will [Music] accept the fact that things are finally over between us and maybe she'll come back to earth i wouldn't count on it you know how to shoot one of these that's okay i can recommend a good course an ex-police officer teaches it so for a single woman like yourself i think this is probably your best protection that's extremely accurate and extremely powerful i'll take it good choice you're just a slug and a fancy tie down you're too low to kick and you're too wet to step on and you think your makes you look good [Music] are you wrong danny boy which makes you look like a horny old man are you with the horn now dan are you making it with the dog meat on the stairs now dan no huh [Music] hello oh you are there he was sneaky bastard yep i'm here and this is stopping tonight this vulgarity vulgarity what's vulgar is the office voice on the phone that my kids use okay okay i'm instituting a fine system 100 bucks for every obscene word you leave on my answering machine 250 every time you violate the court order against coming on my property and a thousand dollars if you ever take the kids away without getting my permission first it's all coming off the sixteen thousand dollars a month i'm sending you so far this month your minus fifteen hundred you promised bastard you know what you can do with your fines and now parents families and honored guests it gives me great pleasure to present this year's we're sleeping in a dresser drawer next door a bed in this tiny apartment in boston i look at her susan she's almost a woman god i love her [Applause] miss deborah atkinson oh that's going let's go miss katherine baker [Applause] miss julie bentley miss libby bradshaw miss kate broderick congratulations [Music] [Applause] [Music] miss cynthia [Applause] i'm gonna make this quick i don't want to ruin kate's day as you seem to be intent on doing but if you point that thing at me again you're going to be photographing the inside of your own throat got it [Applause] hello darling it's always lovely to see you miss elizabeth hayden betty i'm on your side here you know that but you went too far today minnie what the pictures betty it's your daughter's party not yours she doesn't deserve to be humiliated like that susan i have been so humiliated for so long now it just seems normal to me that's pretty sad isn't it linda it's heather wilson the calligrapher i came by to pick up the guest list but the maid couldn't find it well heather i'm here yeah i don't know i left it out for you i'm gonna have to look around and get back to you yeah i'm really sorry thank you she's right it's gone i know it has it oh what do you think look dan i love you and i feel for you having to live with all this but now i'm having to live with it too if you're right you're right i'll change the locks tomorrow thank you and i'd like to report her violation of restraining order you can't do that why not linda you know the law better than most people you have no proof that it was betty come on dan who else i know but you can't prove it besides which i don't need her announcing to the press that i'm throwing her in jail again it's a small town and i i can't afford all this insane publicity okay fine but i still want my wedding list back mrs broderick the court demands that you return the guest list your honor i i took the list thinking it was um something else of mine and i i would gladly have brought it back in fact i would have brought it with me here today once i realized but um i can't find it uh-huh well until you do i'm releasing mr broderick from his obligation to make alimony payments what perhaps that might refresh your memory thank you all very much for coming would the clerk call the next case please it's not going to make a return [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] unbelievable [Music] take it back dan it's her autobiography it's a 90-page hate letter to you it's it's evidence of what that she's flipped out as if driving her car through your living room wasn't enough it's proof unfortunately it's also proof that you broke into her house the door was open were you invited the woman put a beach umbrella through your porch window she destroyed your furniture and your crystal look one person breaking the law in this thing is enough you got to take it back linda if nothing else we at least still have our credibility here might be a good idea to keep it that way all right i'm sorry look i understand i do i just i'll take it back loretta hi hi betty broderick well actually i i was fine until i i found out that you and fred were going to go to dan's wedding how can you do that i i mean i i looked after your children one summer so god save if you have any loyalty though i beg you not to go i see bull loretta no bull i am taking it personally [Music] [Music] ellen hi betty broderick what's this i hear about you going to dan's wedding susan mcdonald is with betty she'll call here if betty tries to pull anything great here what's this put it on larry i agreed to security guards now it looks like the untouchables out there she bought a gun she's told half the world she's gonna shoot you i refuse to lead my life this way i flat out refuse i i'm not gonna give in to her it's terrorism besides it makes me look fat [Music] hey his best man it falls on me to propose a toast all of us are a bit older than we were the last time around with dan uh a lot of the old irish toasts you've all heard before so i don't have any of those i i just like to say to dan and linda i mean you have many babies and much happiness [Music] [Applause] it was the most depressing day of my life at home being guarded i don't know i guess i just couldn't believe that i could be any more depressed than i already was but from that day forward i just didn't ever want to get up again ever [Applause] [Applause] come on guys come on come on everybody drinks everybody drinks even if you're not thirsty okay you guys are looking good out there hey tommy get some water here [Music] you sure you want to do this no i'm not sure honey the woman's unstable how can you give her any kind of visitation rights she keeps insisting that one of the things that makes her crazy is not having a regular relationship with a kid so maybe if there was a court-approved visitation schedule she'd leave us alone it's what she wants she's a liar dan she's dangerous not to the kids she'd never hurt them no she was a doting mother she did everything she sacrificed everything for them no matter what she's done to them they love her besides which they see how happy you and i are and they see how miserable she is and they want to make her feel better she's their mom how could i keep them from doing that i'll put in a stipulation that if she goes awry in any way that's the end of it for good what is it dan will grant me custody of the kids on a temporary basis provided i behave otherwise i lose them well it i hope he gets terminally ill look at this did you see all this do you know how long i have fought the one man legal giant he has all the cards susan i i find him back but but that's what i end up with betty i know what you've been through i've been there and i know how much it hurts and for how long but um it's time to move i on got so much going for you betty you're beautiful you're smart you're a teacher you're cultured you are funnier than any two comedians i can name so please for your own preservation it's just time to move on this is you being my friend yes a good one and i don't want to see you destroy yourself any further you've got to let him go betty before it's too late he got to you didn't he betty i can't believe he got to you too betty take it back take it back and get the hell out of my life did you hear me get out now [Music] come on [Music] i don't care what you say it's my favorite movie of all time she had never you've seen it what seven times what would you like to see if it makes you feel any better i know i've read the book at least twice me too along with every other teenaged american girl [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want first dibs on red butler i'm not going to argue with that of course i can't be scared o'hara why not i'm dutch [Music] frankly my dear i'm not giving it down thank you we have to leave now [Music] [Applause] [Music] and i turn the pages i got pictures and they're in color isn't it great go ahead i'm going up okay okay um i don't feel too good can i sleep in your bed tonight yeah come on up sweeney oh sorry honey didn't see it laying there oh you're really good you're so strong don't try to break my concentration i would never do that never try to break your concentration you know never never [Music] hey look there's somebody driving this camp first the cop sent this over he said the photo way to happy land on the bubble by the way where are you going on this here now honeymoon where are we going look at this there's the kitty ernie here come on get powder mary oh i feel like a bootlegger's life look you know what we're gonna do we're gonna shoot the works a whole week in new york a home we can bring you to the highest hotels the oldest champagne who cares don't look now but there's something funny going on over there at the bank george i've never really seen one but that's got all the ear marks to be in a run hey you got any money ugh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i did it [Music] i really went there to shoot myself in front of them i got nervous it always makes me mad when when they say that dan and linda were the victims i mean the kids were the victims there were two dead bodies but there were five victims [Music] i have regrets no remorse i regret that my husband had no character and my children lost their mother in their home and stability but i didn't do any legal bullying i wasn't the one who had an affair i won't accept the blame for what happened i am happy to be locked up in this dark little world where no one can get me [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] food [Music]
Channel: Popcornflix
Views: 1,920,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Popcornflix, Full movies English, #popcornflix, betty broderick, daniel broderick, linda kolkena, dan broderick, her final fury, betty broderick documentary, betty broderick a woman scorned full movie, betty broderick trial, betty broderick story, a woman scorned full movie, a woman scorned the betty broderick story, dirty john betty broderick story, dirty john betty broderick, meredith baxter, meredith baxter betty broderick, tv movies free, 90s tv movies free, true crime free
Id: Xdkz76_zdi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 12sec (5592 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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