A Wife's Nightmare | Full Movie | Jennifer Beals | Catherine McNamara | Dylan Neal

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[engine rattling] [breathing heavy] ...it looks like my mom's home. Let's go to your house. <i> My house sucks.</i> [startled gasp] Hi. Can I help you? Help me? You've been waiting out here for quite a while. Uh, no... I'm just... waiting for someone, but I... Ok. You can do this. Ok. You got this. Ok. [Clears throat] Excuse me. Are you Gabe Michaels? Uh, yeah. Can I help you? My name is Caitlin Patterson. I'm sorry, do I know you? My mom was Elaine Patterson. I know you might not believe this, but I think I'm your daughter. Do you know her? I knew her briefly before we even met. Caitlin, why did you wait so long to come find me? I thought my dad was dead. Thank you. Your welcome. That's what she had always told me. I only found out about you after she died. Elaine died? She died from breast cancer about a month ago. Um... this is her will. It tells about you in there. I was scared to come here, I didn't know how you would react. It's ok, you don't have to be scared. Thank you. Well, there's not a lot in the way of assets here. A '78 Plymouth. Elaine never married? No. So where are you living now? Um, well we were renting and she didn't have any savings, so I'm sort of, like, living out of my car. I cannot imagine what you're going through right now. First losing your mom, and then having to live in your car, my god. AJ? Hey, where are you going? Room. <i> Come join us.</i> We're going to have dinner soon. I already ate. Caitlin, what are your plans? Just... find a job, I guess? What was your last job? I worked at a clothing store. And what about school? Uh, I'm... I'm done. What? You finished college already? No, I... I thought you meant- High school. Yeah. Gabe, you don't have to be so hard on the girl. This isn't a job interview. Would you like to join us for dinner? <i> (Liz): It's fine, I'm back at work tomorrow.</i> <i> We'll be able to manage.</i> <i> (Gabe): I'm talking about you, not us.</i> <i>It's less than a week that you've been out of the hospital.</i> <i> It's a tricky time, it's all I'm saying.</i> <i> (Liz): I'm fine.</i> <i> I know I'm ready.</i> <i> The doctors said I'm stable.</i> <i> If she's yours we have a responsibility to her.</i> Hey. Hey. So are you friends with my parents? Yeah, I guess you could say that. AJ, I see you've met Caitlin. Listen, son. We have something to talk about. Caitlin believes that she may be my daughter, and if that's true that would make her your sister. I know that's a lot to take in. It came as a complete surprise to your mom and me who just met Caitlin, but the truth is I did know Caitlin's mom a long time ago. This is before I'd ever met mom. And so what we're going to do as a family is figure out- Great. That's just what we need. AJ. AJ! Caitlin, I'm sorry, I- I think I should go. I'm so sorry for bothering you guys, and thank you so much for dinner. You're welcome. Bye. Hey. [sobbing] [sobbing] Come on inside, sweetheart. Come on. Yeah, it's gonna be ok. Come on. I-I'm sorry. That's ok. Did you find everything ok? Um, I did. Thank you so much, Mrs. Michaels. I... It's nothing. You can call me Liz. Caitlin, you might want to... when you're... you look like you're cold. Would you like... you can just keep my robe. Thank you. AJ? Goodnight. Goodnight. <i> No, it is.</i> I feel like I'm getting stronger every day. I feel more and more like myself and I want to start running again. <i> Are you up for it?</i> <i> I am still on the drugs.</i> <i> He says I probably will be for a while.</i> But he says exercise is fine. <i> Maybe important, even.</i> <i> So...</i> <i> No, I can't, I'm going into work today.</i> Hey. <i> How about before?</i> Hey. Are you going to be around later? Um... I'm not sure yet. Hi, honey. Can I give you a ride to school? Dad's driving me. Teenagers can be so rude. I made some coffee. Would you like some? I'd love some, thank you. I hope you take it black because it's black. Thanks, I need to wake up. So how's your day? What's up for you? Um, Gabe is taking me for a blood test at the hospital. Oh. Yeah, after he drops AJ off at school, so... Well, I think that's a great idea, honey. And it's not that we don't believe you, it's just- No, no, I totally get it. I want to know, too. I should probably go start my day. Um... have a nice day. You too. [out of breath] Hey, let's walk for a bit. Thank you. Whew. I forgot how long it's been. Oh, I know you. You'll be back running marathons in no time. I don't know about that. So you're really going to go back to work so soon? Well, the doctor says my serotonin levels are- Liz, that's not what I mean. Do you think it's a good idea for you to go back to work? Wasn't work the place where you fell apart? Thank you for being so sensitive. Yes, but um... But what? It's not that simple, Angie. I mean, we need the money. Come on, let's run. [bell ringing] Dude, you're perving on Jackie. Stop. What? No I'm not. Just go talk to her. Girls don't like getting stared at by rookies. What am I supposed to say? Who cares? Dude, you're the man. You're the man. Come on, you're the man. Hey, girl. Hey. How did it go? Did you meet them? I did. So, details? It was surreal. It wasn't what I expected. She was so nice. She invited me to stay over for dinner. Why wouldn't she be nice? I don't know, I guess I just didn't think of her being nice. What about him? What about your dad? Um... he took me for a blood test today. Blood test? They think you're lying? No, but I think we just... want to be sure, you know? Who knows, maybe my mom made a mistake or something. Hi. Hi. Thank you so much. Welcome back. Liz. Hi. You look great. So glad to have you back. Thanks. Liz, you know you've made me a lot of money over the years. But what you did that day really blew a hole in my operation. I know, I'm sorry. It wasn't me. But it was you, Liz. And when you work here, you represent me. That's my name up there, right? When I said it wasn't me, what I meant was that I've been doing a lot of work on knowing why it happened. I mean, we gambled on Gabe, my husband's album and we took out a second mortgage and I think I took on too much work here, but, but I think everything's in balance- Ok. You said you need me back. [Singing] <i> ♪ Desire's my weakness, </i> <i> ♪ but I will wait... </i> That's it Caitlin. ♪ now I'm all alone, ♪ it's never too late. That's it, nice. ♪ My time's coming soon, but I will wait. ♪ Why'd you stop? [applause] Oh, hi Liz. Turns out Caitlin knows quite a lot about music. She's been giving me some great inspiration- No, no. It was Gabe. He can play the guitar so beautifully. I gave him that guitar back when we were dating. I wasn't making that much, in those days I was just working as a waitress so I really... I had to save up. Wow. That's so romantic. Can you just give us a minute? Yeah, no. Thanks, Caitlin. That was fun. That was really, really good. You haven't had the Les Paul out in a while. I know, it's true. I guess I just felt like it today. It was fun. Hey, what is it? What's wrong? Tillman is still just so angry. If he's still angry why did he bring you back? [engine rattling] Because he doesn't have a choice. He knows that Nakatome might go somewhere else if I don't handle his account. What'd you tell him? What did I tell him? Gabe, you don't... you don't earn. And I don't mean that as an insult, it's just how it is. We're going to need money really soon and- No. No, not if it means your health we're not, no. Come here. Come here. Come here. Did you get the blood test? Yeah. It's gonna be a couple of days until we get the results. What do we do until then? I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead yet. Well, let's think about it now. What does that mean? I think it might be better if she stayed some place else for a while. Like where? In her car? It's just... Liz... it felt today like maybe she really was my daughter. I got to spend time with her and I tell ya, there was this kind of connection between us. And then I find out she's musical. I mean, you heard her, it's incredible. It's fine. It's ok. Is it? No, no. You're right. You're right. I'll go tell her and she'll understand. No, no, no. Don't make her go. Let's just let her stay here until the blood tests come back, ok? You sure? I'm sorry. Oh, honey, come here. No. I'm sorry. You challenge me every time and you lose. And I'm not holding that against you, I'm just saying how it is. That's not cool. That's what it is, it's not cool. You won't be upset this time, I swear. Here's the money shot. Here we go again. Caitlin. What are you guys playing? Where have you been hiding her, dude? He keeps me locked up in the basement. <i> Basement?</i> Are you sure I can't make you guys something? We're fine, mom. [Laughing] Stop! Mom, get out of here!! <i> God.</i> AJ, that was really mean. Oh, I've gotta go. Homework, man, you die. <i> Alright, see ya bro.</i> <i> Later, bro.</i> <i> Homework sucks.</i> <i> What's up with you and your mom, anyway?</i> Nothing. Ok. Trust me, you wouldn't get it. No, I know, I'm new. Hey, at least you still have your mother, right? What was your mom like? When I was little she was amazing. She would sing to me and tell me stories of all the things we'd do together. It was me and her versus the world. And then when I got older, things changed. And now... And now she's gone. Oh. I don't- I don't know how to kill this guy. Can you show me? Do you mind if I just watch? Sure. [Banjo music] Yeah, right there. You hear that? That finger picking? The bluegrass guys, they were masters. Were you ever one of the masters? Uh, no. Not exactly. He had a couple of hits back in the '90s. Which was not that long ago, I'll remind you. No rolling your eyes, mister. It's like yesterday for me, alright? So how's the new album going, honey? Uh, good. Great, actually. Like I was saying, I'm feeling newly inspired. That's great news. Actually, I have some news, too. Mmmhmm? I got a job. You're kidding? Where? Underground Records. I love that place. I do, too, actually. Yeah, I saw a sign in the window and the manager hired me on the spot. Her name's Alison, she's really nice. I start tomorrow. That's fantastic. That calls for a toast, right? I've actually got an open bottle of sparkling wine- I'm not supposed to drink. Just a little taste, right? Come on, I'll get the bottle. We're celebrating here, right? Come on. Everybody get a glass, this is in honour of Caitlin- Done. -getting a job. And done. Alright. Caitlin, is that ok? That's good. Alright. Here we go. Alright, let's see. Um, to the future, right? <i> Future.</i> [Clink glasses] Oh, shoot! Oh my goodness, here. One of my only good shirts. Let me see if I can get this. Um, you know- thanks, I think that's good. Well, did we save the shirt at least? [Laughs] Um, Liz, do you think I could take AJ to that ice cream place across the street after dinner? I don't think that's a good idea. What? It's a school night, AJ. It's 7:30. The kids have a point, mom. Go on, guys. It's ok. Go on. Liz? People don't like to talk to me anymore since I got suspended. What'd you get suspended for? Fighting. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Girls like fixer-uppers. You think I'm a fixer-upper. Not really, but I think you could be nicer to your mom. Why? She's so annoying, she acts like we're one big happy family and she's like a normal mom that makes her kid a snack. She's a freakshow. You don't know what it's like to be an adult, AJ. To have responsibilities. When I was growing up my mom would say she'd get this house and we'd have family dinners every single night. That never happened. You don't know what people would give to have what you have. A mom who loves you, a family who loves you. A place you're safe in. You like that girl? The cute one? Pretend I'm saying something in your ear. Hey Alison, question: have you ever known anyone who's had a nervous breakdown? I was reading about it on Wikipedia. It says people who have nervous breakdowns get really violent. Caitlin, why are you asking me? Hey. Hey, what's up? I just came to say hey, your first day and all. Awe, thank you. Who's your friend? Hey Sean, what's up? Not much. That's Alison. Alison, look, I didn't know this was cougar country, but hey, I'm down. I'm a little too young to be a cougar but if I was, you wouldn't even wet my whistle. I don't even know what that means, but I'm just saying that all of this could be yours. Oh my god. Walk me home? <i> What are you, like a Gemini?</i> <i> Taurus?</i> What's your sign. I'm a Gemini. Me too. Something we have in common. I've been thinking about what you said, about my mom. She used to be really cool, like really funny and she'd play the best pranks. One time she filled up my dad's whole studio with balloons and he couldn't even walk without popping at least twenty of them. She did that? A few months ago she started going crazy. She'd be really cool and then just lose it for no reason. And she worked all the time, even when she was at home. Holed up in her office. She didn't sleep or eat, nothing. Then one night I got mad at her. I yelled at her. And she actually told me that I was a mistake. I ruined her life because I made her stay with dad and dad was a big loser and stuff like that. The next day she uh... she had the same thing at work. She was supposed to get fired but they found out she had a medical condition. It's super weird now she's back. I just don't want it to happen again. I'm just worried. I'm so sorry. I... I'm glad you came when you did. I'm glad, too. Liz, I really like where you're going with this. Thanks. Welcome back. Thanks. See you tomorrow. Hello? There's a burger for you. Ow! You need to put on weight. Here, one more, one more. There you go. Ok, get some condiments. [engine rattling] Let's see how these guys are going here. Oh, hey mom, you're home. I just got in. What're you making? Burgers. Caitlin showed us her mom's recipe. Hey! How'd it go with Tillman? Um- Hey, I can't wait to hear all about it, we've got burgers. Come on out. Almost ready. Here we go. No, I'm gonna go into my office. I have a presentation tomorrow, Nakatome's gonna be here in a couple of days. You ok? Fine. I just have a lot of work to do. Homework first day back, huh? Yep. You know how we um... talked about this tone thing, right? We have to keep it super clean and I'm supposed to bring it up if I feel like it's not. Ok. I admit I'm not comfortable with her. With Caitlin. With you and her, actually. Me and her how? Last night with the spill on her shirt and the way you touched her and... I was watching the two of you at the barbecue tonight. Your hand was on her... back. That's right, Liz. On her back. What are we talking about? Are we seriously talking about this? It's not where you touched her, it's how you touched her. It was intimate. Both times. It was romantic, even. And I know, because once upon a time you used to touch me like that. This is a huge, huge accusation you're making. Ok, did you ever think that maybe I'm just showing normal affection to my daughter? That's not what I saw. No, I know what you think you saw, Liz. But seriously. Caitlin may be my daughter. I kinda think she is. I mean, that's just what my gut is telling me, but even if she's not, ok let's say she's not. Do you honestly think that I would have feelings for a nineteen year old girl? And you think that I would be touching her in a way that you're describing right in front of you? In our own house? [Laughs] My god, Liz, this is absurd. I mean, I know we've had our issues, but this is a new one. This is, this is good. We should bring this up in therapy. [Footsteps] Oh. Sorry, I didn't- No, it's ok. I was just getting a glass of water. It's ok, it's ok. Goodnight. I just... I definitely finished the prelim exteriors and I know that I saved them, it's just now, they're not there. You know Nakatome will be here in two days, right? I'll find the file, I did the work. This is how it started last time. Little things here and there. Mr. Tillman, people make mistakes. Not you. You never used to. Ever. You know what? Go home. Get some rest. Spend some time with your family. And look for that file. You can't be serious. Liz, this is not a request. Come back tomorrow. Hey Liz, you're home early. Why are you cleaning my living room? I was just trying to help you out. Caitlin, I'm going to ask you something and I want you to be completely honest with me. Ok? Ok. Did you use my computer last night? No. I mean, it's ok, maybe you wanted to get online or- But I didn't. After I saw you coming up from downstairs, my computer was on. And then today a very important file went missing. I went downstairs to get a glass of water. Why would I do something to your computer? Why would I do something to your file? I don't know, Caitlin, that's why I'm asking. [birds chirping] Did you accuse Caitlin of messing with your computer? I asked her if she had used it. She's pretty upset about it, you know. I heard something in the middle of the night, I got up, she was in the hall, my computer was on, and when I went to go show Tillman my work the file was gone. And you deduced that she went into your computer and erased all your records, am I getting that right? Why would she do that, Liz? I have no idea. The girl doesn't know the difference between a Mac and a PC. How do you know that? Just because she lives in her car? Ok, fine. Fine. Let's assume that she's some kind of secret computer genius. Why would she erase all of your records, Liz? I don't know. AJ and I, we've... we've put up with a lot, and we are doing everything that we can to make this work, Liz. Maybe you took on this Nakatome thing too soon. Uh... Caitlin or no Caitlin, we are going to need money soon. I have two mortgage payments coming up. We are 90 days behind on the electric and to add to the irony I will soon have to be paying for my own hospital bills. So until your album is finished and sells, this is the boat in which I find myself. I'm sorry that my album is taking longer than expected. I need you to stop worrying, because what if you relapse? Then we're going to be back to where you were a couple of months ago, Liz, and no one is going to hire you again! No one. I'm sorry. It's true though, Liz. Ok, you have to be realistic here. Honey, you've got to stop and think before you make an accusation like that. What if that had happened at work? [Sobbing] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Do you still love me? You know that I do. Why did that kid think yesterday was your first day? I don't know... he, I guess... I don't know. Caitlin, there is something wrong and you want to talk. It's just so weird, you know? I wanted so badly to be a part of his world and now I'm there but I feel guilty. Guilty? I just don't want to feel this way. Come over for dinner. Yeah. Hey. <i> Hey.</i> Looks like you have a stalker. No, you think? Yes. Now stop staring. Stop staring. What's her name? Um... Jackie. Wait. Hey, my name is Caitlin. <i> Jackie.</i> <i> Want to go outside for a sec?</i> Sure. Come girls. <i> What's your number?</i> ...4283. <i> Sweet.</i> One sec. Sure. AJ! Jackie, this is my brother AJ. Hey. Hey, Jackie. Jackie is into vinyl, too. Yeah? Cool. Right? It just sounds so much more natural. Hey, I'm sorry if I seemed like a bitch before. I was just fighting with my mom and I was in a bad mood for a while. It's cool. You don't seem like that. So... me and my girls gotta bounce, but text me though. Ok? Bye. You got her number? We're family, right? Yeah. Come here. Oh no. I can't believe I did that. No, AJ, it's ok. I just lost control. Oh no. AJ, it's ok. It's fine. You probably just thought I was Jackie or something. That's... you did. What is it about this girl that has got you so twisted up? Well, she's nineteen for starters. So what? Look at you, you've built a career, a family, a home. Anybody can be nineteen. I know, it's just... I feel like I can't trust my instincts anymore, you know. What do you mean by that? I don't know. Gabe and her, I feel like I saw something. I- Liz, what did you see? Well, maybe nothing. See, but that's what I mean. I don't... I don't know anymore. Just when I was starting to feel good, you know? Just when I was just starting to feel like I was earning their trust again. Like I could put everything back together and now it just feels like... [engine rattling] this girl is in my way. You want to get Gabe and AJ back? Yes. Then don't worry about her. This girl. You let Gabe and AJ know exactly how you feel about them. Make that connection with them so tight that no girl in the world is going to be a problem for you. Long lost daughter or not. You're like my Oprah. You're like my Oprah! [birds chirping] [Knocking] Come in. Hey hon, I was thinking about getting Chinese food for dinner, does that sound good? I'm sorry mom, I'm not very hungry. Can I come in? Sure. You ok, AJ? Yeah. Just a weird day. I know what you mean. You know, we really haven't had a chance to talk since I left the hospital. I just wanted you to know that I'm so sorry for everything. I'm so sorry for the things that I said to you. I didn't mean any of them. I just, you know, I lost control and it really wasn't me. It's ok, mom. It's just, you know, when I think about how it must have made you feel. Don't, mom. I just... I hate myself. And I'm sorry. Don't feel like that. I love you, you know. I love you, too. [Laughing] That's funny. You like that? That's kind of what I was saying, yeah. Ok. [Knocking] Hey. What's up? I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I feel like such a freak. I already told you, it's ok. You're a teenager and you're a guy. Guys get mixed up all the time. Believe me, it's normal. Yeah, but you're my sister and I don't want you to think <i> I'm one of those people who thinks it's ok</i> <i> to get with their relatives.</i> <i> Not that I want to get with you.</i> <i> (Caitlin): It's ok.</i> I'm pretty sure we're not the first brother and sister to kiss, ok? I feel so stupid. <i> Don't.</i> [Gasping] <i> [door slam]</i> [Gasping] <i> Can I...</i> <i> Can I talk to you?</i> I just wanted to say that if I did... If I did anything to offend you- What do you want here? I just, I came to apologize. No, no, no. I mean what do you want? I don't understand. Let's just... let's just drop the masquerade, ok? I know you kissed AJ. Is that- is that what this is about? Because I didn't kiss AJ, he kissed me. Oh, come on Caitlin, you weren't born yesterday. It was an accident, he's just a kid. He got worked up. I know he's a kid, he's my son. What are you trying to say? The last time a guy tried to kiss me and I didn't want him to I moved my face. Why would I want to kiss AJ? He's my brother. Is he? Really? Who are you? What do you want? I just, I came to apologize. No, just tell me the truth. What truth? It's fine, just tell me the truth. What truth? Hey! Hey!! I know there's something you're not telling me. What's going on? I can't do this anymore. Oh god!! It's the DNA results. She's my daughter. She just freaked out? Caitlin was trying to talk to her and she just went mental. Dude, that sucks. My dad was thinking that she was jealous and that she got triggered or something. Wait, so it's, like, happening again? Like before? I don't know. It feels like it. Except in slow motion. I don't want to her to go. Are you sure this party is a good idea? So soon? We have this party every year for your father, it's his birthday and it means so much to him even though he pretends that it doesn't, and I just don't want this year to be any different from any other. I just want us all to go back to being normal again. Ok, well, what does "normal" really mean, anyway? I really appreciate you helping me, you know? No problem. Caitlin, please. She scares me. She's not going to hurt you if that's what you're thinking. That's not it. My mom would scream, lock me out of the house or whatever, but it was like a kid throwing a tantrum. Liz is different. She's a grown-up. Stick around here long enough believe me you're going to see a tantrum or two. <i> I think I should go.</i> Hey. Something could happen, something bad. Listen to me. Liz can't stop the people in this house from living their own lives. She can't do that. She can do a lot. Caitlin. I want something easy. Something safe. It will get easier, I promise. Hey, don't go. Stay a bit longer, ok? So the DNA test came in, she's his kid alright. <i> You make that sound like a bad thing.</i> What, were you wishing that she was secretly <i> an axe murderer?</i> No, I guess not. It's just- it's all getting to me. I mean, I yelled at her in front of AJ. I just- I don't know if it's really about her or if it's about me anymore, you know? Oh, Lizzy, don't blame yourself. This is just going to take some time to adjust to. <i> Try an olive branch.</i> [Knocking] Oh, I've gotta go. You ready for a practise run? Yes. Tillman and Associates look forward to taking the Nakatome Resort Group to the next level. This is Nakatome Village, Lost Valley, Maine. Nakatome Island, offshore Georgia. Oh, excuse me. Just... Ah. Nakatome Convention Center, Arizona. What we're truly excited about is where we go from here. Nakatome Lodge, Colorado. [Applause] Good job, Liz. Excellent work, Liz. Thank you. I'm impressed. That's a tough place to bounce back from. Thank you. [Guitar music] ♪♪♪ [Guitar music] ♪♪♪ [Guitar music] ♪♪♪ [Applause] Or something like that! Alright, ok who's hungry? I know you two are. Let's get that barbecue going. Hello, here you go my dear. Food for thought. Thank you, cheers. Cheers. Caitlin, I just um... I wanted to tell you that I'm very, very sorry. I don't- I don't know what else to say. I just feel so embarrassed. I was sick, you know, for a while I was in the hospital because I broke down. I just couldn't handle it anymore. And the worst part of it was that I damaged my relationship with the two people who mean the most to me. And then you came along and I saw you and Gabe singing together and it was so beautiful, you have such a gorgeous, gorgeous voice and the two of you sounded so good together, and that's something that I couldn't share with him, you know? Not like that. I was jealous. And with AJ too, I mean you brought him out of his shell when I couldn't. So I apologize. I'm really, really sorry. I wish I had a mom like you. I'm sorry. Sorry for what? I'm the one who's been unfair. Now look at this. My two favourite girls hugging it out. Do you mind if I borrow this one for a minute? There's someone I want to introduce you to. <i> Sean's brother, Paul.</i> <i> Hey, Paul!</i> Hey, I wanted to introduce you to my long lost daughter Caitlin. Caitlin, this is Paul. Wow, that's so cool. Hey, I'm Paul. Caitlin. So you were lost? Well I'm glad you got found. That was really cheesy, Paul. I couldn't help it. You're just really pretty. This is from Mike? I'm scared to look. [laughter] <i> Oh my god!</i> I don't even know what to say, my friend. Thank you. Oh my goodness, is it a pony? It's from me. Oh, thank you honey. Ok, alright, alright. <i> Hurry up and open it.</i> I thought we could take the Les Paul away for the weekend. It's a romantic getaway for two. [Applause] <i> Happy Birthday, Gabe!!</i> Thank you, thank you. Listen, I'll be right back, ok? As you were, enjoy yourselves. What the hell are you doing? What do you mean? Don't touch her. Chill out. <i> Do you understand?</i> <i> (Paul): What's the matter with you?</i> Do you understand? Gabe stop. Hey, Caitlin. Woah, Gabe, relax, relax! That's my daughter. <i> We were talking.</i> Paul, get out of here! What's your problem? I mean it, get out! Are you kidding? Get out of here, Paul! We were just talking. That is my daughter! Get out! <i> Whatever.</i> Dad, what's going on? <i> Let's get out of here, Sean!</i> AJ... <i> Hey bro, wait up.</i> It was just a mistake, Liz. A mistake? You were jealous, Gabe. It wasn't a jealousy thing. You honestly think I have something with my daughter, don't you? The entire party saw you. It wasn't just me. I overreacted. So how are we gonna explain it? How do you explain it? Well, Liz, having a daughter is brand new to me. Believe it or not, I know what young guys are like. You saw him. It doesn't hold water, Gabe. It's not normal. I don't know what you want, Liz. I give up. She's not normal, either. She kissed AJ, you know. What do you mean, they kissed? You saw them kissing? I heard them talking about it. Why didn't you tell me that? I don't know, she had an explanation and you want her around. Yeah, I want her around, she's my daughter. I'm sorry, am I not allowed to have something for me for once? Are you kidding me? Everything I do is for you. Seriously. The hell that you have put me and AJ through the last three months, I mean your mood swings, your accusations, your shouting- Do not make what you did tonight about me. You still don't get it. Don't! Your condition- I don't have a condition. Your condition affects everybody in this house! <i> Why do you think AJ got into a fight at school?</i> Why do you think I lost my marbles on some kid flirting with my daughter downstairs? We all release pressure in different ways, Liz, so yes, I screwed up, ok? Can we just leave it at that? Every single person in this house is just trying to do better. What is this? What are you doing? I'm sleeping in the basement tonight, not that you would notice. What's that supposed to mean? You know exactly what I'm talking about. Liz... [Knocking] Hey, what're you doing? What does it look like I'm doing? Caitlin, don't do this. I can't do this anymore. This is way too much for me. Caitlin, don't leave. Not like this, alright? Come on. Hey, look at me. You were the one showing me off! Like I was a fast car or something. You were competing with him. I was not competing with Paul. Yes, you were! That's what you guys are like. You always have something to prove. I'm sorry, then. If that's the impression that I gave, that wasn't my intention. It's just... the truth is that I'm proud of you. I am. Well, I'm not very proud of myself, which is why I'm leaving. Look, I can't stop you from leaving, but I hope you don't go. Have you seen my laptop? I think it's in the living room. <i> ...in the middle of the class, Miss. G is watching</i> <i> and he says "you didn't teach me this".</i> AJ. Take you to school? I'm sorry. Ok, I feel terrible. And I know it may be hard to believe, but once you have kids of your own you're gonna understand. You barely know her. That's not true. That's not true, AJ. She's your sister. So? So what if Paul was hitting on her? She liked it. No. You know what, I was wrong, I admit that. But Paul should have known better. You don't walk into somebody's house and start fondling their daughter. You don't do that. Fondling? You make it sound like it was some kind of date rape. He was being aggressive, AJ. He was. Now I'm going to apologize to Paul, but what's important to me is that you understand that what I did came from a good place even though it was a mistake, and it was. Ok? I only did what I did because I love my kids. That includes you. Alright? Are you and mom going to split up? I don't know. The truth is, AJ, mom is ill and she's been suffering longer than any of us knew. Well, what if she went back to the hospital? Would that help? Maybe, yeah. I want her to get better, dad. She needs us more than ever now. I know. What do you think about Caitlin? I don't know, she's great. Why do you mean she's great? I don't know. What do you mean, you don't know? Do you like her or not? Sure, yeah, she's super chill. Your mom told me that you kissed her, is that true? AJ, what are you thinking? She's your sister, you know? It was... I wasn't thinking about her being my sister, I didn't think at all. It just came out of me. Is that sick? That's not exactly what we want. No. Listen. If the three of us are going to be living together, alright, you just can't be kissing Caitlin anymore, you got it? Three of us? Without mom? No, no, look. I'm just thinking out loud, alright? Don't worry about it. Hurry up, you're gonna be late. Hey. You ready to kill it? Yeah. Mr. Nakatome. Good morning, thank you for coming. Mr. Nakatome, I know you will be very impressed with what we have put together for you today. Liz, take it away. Well, first of all I'd like to say thank you so much for choosing Tillman and Associates again, we know there are a lot of excellent companies out there you could have gone with, so thank you. Well, I hope you are all ready to take the Nakatome Resort group to the next level in Colorado. We've developed a highly exclusive remote lodge-inspired complex. This is just a preliminary computer graphic, but we think it indicates the kind of innovation the Nakatome Resort Group... Oh. I'm sorry, just one second. Wait, this should just be a minute. But we think it indicates the kind of innovation that the Nakatome Resort Group is known for. Just one... One minute please. I'm sorry, I think this file has been corrupted. I'm going to need a minute to get to the... to get to the... to get to the bottom of it. I'm sorry. I'm very... I should never have let you have this! It might not be that bad, if I can retrieve the data then maybe we can- Are you joking? We couldn't even put together a simple presentation! How do you think we're going to get them back now? You know, Liz, just get your stuff and get out. No, Mr. Tillman- We'll work out the details later. Mr. Tillman, please! I need to talk to you. Hey Liz, I'm just- Now. My entire presentation for the Nakatome Resort Group has been erased. Why would I erase your file? I don't know, but ever since you've shown up, weird things have been happening. I didn't touch your computer. That's enough, Caitlin. Why would I touch your computer?! What's going on? I'm just trying to figure out who this girl is. Do you know her? [engine rattling] Of course I do. She's been working here the last three months. Oh, I thought you just got the job the other day. In fact, I distinctly remember celebrating that fact. Ok, look. I'm sorry I said that, Liz. But I just wanted you to like me. You have this important job, people need you there, your family needs you. You're an important person. And I just wanted you to be proud of me. I didn't touch your computer and I don't want anything from you, except to be a part of your family. You're a liar, you're a liar. I just don't believe that your husband would have those kinds of feelings about his own daughter. What if she's not Gabe's daughter? I don't believe she is who she says she is. Ang, I feel it in my gut. I know it. <i> Look Liz, you have got to be very careful here.</i> Just don't go making accusations without any proof. Proof, huh? Proof. Yes, I... proof. You're right. <i> I'm sorry, your call cannot be completed as dialed.</i> <i> Please check the number and--</i> Where is she? Oh, yes, so we do have that. Hey. What happened? She was here screaming at me. What did she say, exactly? What do you think? She wants to know what's going on. She was screaming at me, saying I messed with her computer. I'm not going back there. I can't. Caitlin, I'm going to tell her that I want a divorce. Are you stupid? I know how long that takes. Caitlin, calm down. It's going to be- No! I hate myself for what we're doing! She's not anything like you said. You don't know her like you know me. Listen to me! What we have is rare, ok? And it is worth fighting for, believe me. I know what rare is. Gabe, call me. I need to talk to you. I found something out. It's important. Can I help you? Hi. I wanted to find out some information about a relative. What kind of information? Well, this is going to sound strange but I just recently found out that my sister has died- You just recently found out your sister has died? Well, we weren't speaking to each other in the last couple of years. We had a fight, you know, and I barely remember- How can I help? Well, I wanted to find out when she died. So I can- Name? Address? Her name was Elaine Patterson, she lived in Ohio. Ohio? Ma'am, I can't look up records from a different state. Please, I really- Ma'am, our database only covers records from within this state. I'm afraid I can't help you. Look, have you ever loved someone and you didn't tell them, you know, maybe out of pride or something, and then they're gone and it physically hurts? You know? Maybe a child or a partner? Maybe a parent? I- And you have to know, you have to know the truth so that you can move on with your life, you know? What was her name? Elaine Patterson. <i> Born November 20th, 1965.</i> Hi, I'm calling from Ridgewood, Washington, and I need some information about an Elaine Patterson, born November 20, 1965. Date and cause of death. I know, but... Yeah? I see. Ok, thank you. Can you send that through? I've got some good news and some bad news. Elaine Patterson isn't dead. What? She's in federal prison. Is this Elaine Patterson? <i> Is this your sister?</i> Gabe, where are you? Call me. I'm going to find AJ. I know this sounds crazy but I think Caitlin might be dangerous. The DNA results are fake. They're fake. Elaine Patterson is in a maximum security prison. So my brother's pretty choked about what happened. My dad is acting so weird. He's talking about us living with Caitlin instead of my mom. He's, like, obsessed with her. If your dad wants to get with his own daughter, that's fine. But he should leave my brother out of it. You don't know when to shut up! Get off of me! I'm gonna kill you! <i> What's going on?</i> <i> AJ you're suspended!</i> You're friggin' crazy! Hello? "Out for the day." I want to see you upstairs right this minute. You know, you really shouldn't have kissed me at work. Well, what could I say, I couldn't control myself anymore. [Moaning] [Moaning] Dad? AJ! AJ! Oh. Mom? AJ, did you get suspended again? Mom, I'm so sorry for being mean to you. Oh, honey, it's ok. It's ok. What is going on? I've been trying to call you for the past two hours. Don't believe anything he says, he's a huge liar! AJ, what are you talking about? Don't. Don't what? What? What is going on? He was in your room, him and Caitlin, they were... Liz. We need to do this properly and in private and we need to get some help. Shut up! How long? Caitlin, look at me, and you tell me when this started. Tell me! We met in the record store, when you were in the hospital. When I was in the hospital trying to get well, you were screwing some nineteen year old? Oh my god. Did you tell her that I was crazy, that you- to come here with that stupid story and that somehow you would get me locked up? No, there was no big plan, Liz. I mean, we just... You would take my house, the house that I bought for this family, that you didn't put a damn penny into! Let's just sit down and we can talk about this. I stood by you. I supported you, I supported you for years. I gave up every dream that I ever had for myself. How could you do this? I didn't do anything to you, Liz. I didn't. Alright? We met, and I swear to god, it just happened. It just happened? It just happened?! I don't know how someone could do something like that! I don't know how someone could do something like that, someone that I loved, the father of our child! You know what? You stand there, all high and mighty, judging me! I'm not judging you! Listen to me! I'm not judging you! You gave more attention to your career than you did this family, to either him or me. I had to work hard for us to survive. To keep this house because you weren't earning any money. You never showed any interest in my music, not for a long time, you know that. Don't even pretend that you did. When no one was showing interest in your music I took out a second mortgage on this house so you could finish your album. It was you that erased my files, isn't it? Not her, she wouldn't know how to do it. Oh my god. I can't believe this. I can't believe I didn't leave you a long time ago. I can't believe that I waited around for this. I can't believe it. I can't believe it. [scream] Liz. Put that down! Liz. I paid for it! Put that guitar down! I mean it. Give me that! Just stop it! Dammit! Liz! Liz, please! Please, stop. Liz! Please! Hey, hey! Liz, stop! Liz, that's enough! No! Don't you touch her! AJ, stop it! AJ stop! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Oh my god. Go get some clothes on and get out of here. You know what, I'm not going anywhere. Yes you are! Just leave, dad! Oh, this is precious. Fine. I'm just gonna get my stuff. I'm sorry. Let's go, Caitlin. Caitlin? <i> Let's go, Caitlin!</i> Liz, I'm so- Caitlin, get out of here. <i> Yes, thank you.</i> [engine rattling]<i> can't wait to get started.</i> Good shot, that was good. Boom! Yes, you too. Bye. Get out of there! I swear you've gotten worse at this game. Oh, nachos, sweet! Thanks, mom. These nachos are sick. AJ, dude, your mom is amazing. I know. And she's kinda hot. Oh my god. Don't even go there. I'm just saying. What did I miss? Sean said you're amazing. Yeah. It's true. I knew I liked you. Mom, come play. Really? Yeah, game on. Challenge. Challenge accepted. Wow. Let's go. Fine, I'll take on you and your mom. Listen to you. Ok, what do I do? You attack me. Attack that right there, and that right there. There you go. Down! Woah!
Channel: Films 4 You
Views: 325,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Film, Movie, Entertainment, Full Movie, Feature Films, Free Movie, Films 4 You, Full feature movies, free movies, full movies on youtube, best thrillers, thrillers, 90s movies, tv movies, full thriller movies, movies, free films, full films, A Wife's Nightmare full movie, A Wife's Nightmare movie, A Wife's Nightmare, Jennifer Beals movies, Katherine McNamara movies, Dylan Neal movies, Jennifer Beals, Katherine McNamara, Dylan Neal, thriller movies, full movies youtube
Id: JsymmC2-gSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 38sec (5258 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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