A Week of Matcha 🍵 7 Ways to Enjoy

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[Music] it's no secret that i love a good mug of matcha or two most days i'm part japanese and i grew up drinking matcha with my batch on it's something that i've really come to enjoy almost like a ritual for me or a meditative process and i really enjoy it for not only the flavor but also the health benefits now i will admit that i'm a bit of a purist when it comes to matcha i really do enjoy it on its own sort of ceremonial style but i also think there are so many fun ways and creative ways to enjoy it so every day this week i want to challenge myself to show you guys a different way to enjoy matcha the process for actually preparing the masha itself will be the same every single day but i'll be showing you seven different ways to serve it and i know that most of you already see me prepare matcha so many times already so i'll skip over that process but in case you're not familiar with how to make matcha i will leave my full detailed guide in the description box below you can also check out one of my older youtube videos to get a sense for the preparation also if masha isn't your cup of tea you can absolutely try most of these recipes with coffee and i think it would work just as well so let's get into it before we start just a quick refresher in case you've never made matcha before basically all you want to do is whisk your matcha powder preferably a ceremonial grade matcha powder and just make sure that all of the plumps are sifted through this initial pass really really helps to remove larger clumps and then when we add our hot but not boiling water we're going to whisk vigorously to make sure we get all remaining clumps and also aerate the matcha you should end up with a really nice frothy matcha and this is the base for all the recipes that we're going to be making i started the week with a simple iced matcha and this really is as simple as the name suggests so we're adding ice to our freshly frothed matcha and if you'd like you can add a little bit of extra water just to thin it out because it can be really bold and intense in flavor i honestly drink my matcha like this most days because it's really simple and it's kind of like the equivalent of black coffee on tuesday i made a pink cocoa matcha and i think this is one of the most visually pleasing ways to enjoy matcha in my book anyway so we're starting with ice again and then just pick your favorite coconut water it doesn't have to be a pink variety but i really really like both harmless harvest and cobra which i used in this video and then we're carefully going to pour our whisked matcha over the top and adding ice really really helps if you want that separated look but in the end i recommend mixing it all together so that the sweetness evens out it's the perfect way to add just a touch of natural sweetness the next day i made a matcha affogato or matcha glado and i definitely stole this concept from coffee drinkers so really all you're going to do is add a couple scoops of ice cream of choice i use a vegan vanilla coconut-based ice cream and pour your hot frothed matcha right over top of it so you can enjoy this as kind of a semi-frozen treat or you can wait until it all melts down and creates a really nice sweet treat thursday was a busier day for me so i just made a really easy matcha latte and all you do is add your matcha that's just been whisked along with milk of choice i always love to use soy milk almond milk or oat milk and if you have a frothing machine i highly recommend it because you can make a beautiful cloudy foam just like this [Music] if it's a cooler day or you're enjoying matcha in the summer you can also opt for a simple iced matcha latte so same thing just add your froth or unfroth milk to your matcha [Music] on friday i enjoyed something very different for me a matcha version of an espresso shot and to make this pour it into a tiny cup like this or drink it straight out of the bowl this is technically the ceremonial way of enjoying matcha except i guess you could also throw it back like a shot [Music] on the weekend i make one of my all-time favorite matcha drinks if you follow me on instagram you've seen me make this all the time and it's a salted maple cold foam latte this is actually a recipe by my friend danny and i love to use soy milk because it has a really nice froth so we're adding it into a milk frothing machine along with maple syrup and salt if you don't have a frothing machine you can also use a handheld frothing whisk and i'll link one in the description box for you while we're waiting for our milk to froth add some ice cubes to a glass or skip this if you prefer to have it hot and then you're gonna pour in your freshly frothed matcha that's definitely a tongue twister and then to top it all off we're going to pour in our salted maple cold foam so there's a little bit of soy milk on the bottom but once you get to the end of the pour there's this beautiful cloud-like foam that makes the most delicious topping it's almost like cotton candy but salted maple flavor and it's so so delicious [Music] to end the week i thought i would experiment by making a homemade version of japanese shaved ice for kakigori this is a recipe that i used to enjoy all the time when i was a kid they have strawberry and matcha flavors and you can add whatever toppings you like now normally you need an ice machine or an ice shaver to make the fluffy ice but i found that you can actually make a pretty similar texture in the blender using a tamper to crush it down so once you have your crushed ice just add your matcha and i like to add maple syrup after the fact that you can also whisk it in with your masha and then this is the fun part just add your toppings of choice i chose some vegan matcha ice cream or you could also add vanilla ice cream on top and then i also added on a couple pieces of homemade dango which is essentially a mochi but made from rice flour and it's super easy to make i'll leave the recipe for this in the description box as well but you can really add whatever you like last step is to stick a spoon in and enjoy all right friends that is it for this video today i hope this gives you a little bit of inspiration for how to switch up your matcha at home if you try any of these recipes out let me know i'm also going to be linking the matcha that i use in the description box below it's my personal favorite ceremonial grade and obachanga proof i'll see you in another video and until then love you so masha that was so cheesy [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Veggiekins
Views: 1,243,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2DCyov2kAfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 26sec (386 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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