Different ways to make Matcha

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hey tea heads this is don from may leave in this video different ways to make matcha in this video we have celine hello and we're going to show you the different ways that you can make matcha this video is going to go under the basic tee educations playlist it's also going to go under drinking with friends playlists if any point in time you enjoy this video please give the video the thumbs up the more thumbs in the air the more tea videos are going to come your way and if you haven't subscribed to our youtube channel yet then go click that button okay so we're going to go through some of the convenient ways that you can make matcha we're not going to get too heavily into the ceremonial aspects of matcha if you want to look at that you there are plenty of videos i'm sure you can find on the japanese tea ceremony but i just want to show you how easy it is to make matcha so we're going to show you various different ways first of all important we talk about water temperature never brew your matcha over 80 degrees you can go from very cold water all the way to 70 80 degrees that's fine usually warm matches around 70 to 80 degrees and cold matcher is well ice cold kind of zero to or five degrees to 10 degrees but we're going to be showing you how to brew with all of this so whenever i'm brewing you could substitute with either warm water or cold water what i have here in front of me is a char one it's a bowl this is specifically designed for matcha but you could use any bowl you wanted if you you know if you didn't have a char one you don't need it we also have a whisk which is very useful if you're brewing in the traditional way but we'll show you some some clever techniques to to use to brew matcha if you don't have a whisk and we've also got a cha chaku or a bamboo scoop so every time i use one of these scoops a heaped uh scoop is about half a teaspoon so every time you see me use one of these it's about half a teaspoon okay so we're first going to show you how to make koicha which is the strongest matcha it's this it's a very strong thick viscous matcha shot and if you wanted to do a matcha latte like celine makes in our bar in london if you want to do a matcha latte we're not going to show you that here but you just take this as a base so you take you make a koi chart a very strong shot and then you can combine it with hot milk so let's make a koicha okay so this is our organic ceremonial grade matcha i'm gonna put four scoops so that's the equivalent of about one and a half to two teaspoons so a lot of matcha in here and i'm gonna combine it with a small amount of water we're gonna put 40 ml of water so it's about what is that in ounces about one and a half ounces or something if you're watching from the states so this water is 70 degrees this is 50 so i'm just going to put a bit less so this is 40 ml of water now you may see a lot of people use sieves to sieve the matcha but if you are using a whisk and you put a small amount of water in with the matcha you can usually combine it very easily with the whisk so i'm not that fussed about sieves i don't know how you feel about that yeah i don't really think you really really need it it tastes pretty similar when you do it with or without yeah i mean the trick is to really just make sure you get it smooth and you you you um blend in any kind of lumps and this the the whisk is really good for that so you notice i'm not using any um vigorous movements here the idea of koicha is to have no bubbles so that's very different from usucha which is what we're going to do next this is all about having a very thick viscous no bubble drink okay so i'm just using circular motions and then gentle crisscross motions and there are no bubbles here so we're going to pull the camera around and you're going to take a look okay so here is koichi you can see a very nice thick beautiful bright dark green liquid this is definitely the strongest way to drink matcha so this is about one and a half to two teaspoons of matcha to about 40 ml of water and all that you want to do with the whisk is make sure that you are combining everything so cross motion and circular motions but nothing fast you just want to make sure it's all combined so you don't want any bubbles at all and just to make sure you've got a lovely smooth drink so there you go this is koicha now celine has to try this okay so tasting time so this is definitely the most extreme way of drinking matcha it's gonna be bitter um but the bitterness is going to transform and the payoff will be the sweetness afterwards so there you go oh it looks so intense it's intense it's definitely intense but it's a small amount so you're not having a large amount to drink cheers look at the color on this just staining the staining the actual charwan okay so how is it i'm gonna taste it intense but um from trying matcha before it's like it's actually really quite a sweet taste considering how strong it is but it is really intense in flavor profile so it's just matcha supercharged it's full of those kind of seaweedy spinach yeah very green young grass flavors it's got the theanine so that umami slight savory vegetable-ness yeah definitely but the payoff comes about 10 seconds afterwards it's very creamy actually isn't it it is a really really creamy texture it's actually very nice and creamy coats your mouth really well and it starts to force a bit of saliva so it starts to be quite juicy yeah and there's like a sweetness that comes through exactly so then you get the sweetness then you get the payoff after you've had the bitterness you get the payoff so that's koicha right so next we're gonna be making usucha and we'll be back in a second and we're back okay so now we're going to show you how to make usual which is more common way of drinking matcha and this is the frothy matcha that has a nice crema so it's lovely smooth frothy matcha and we're going to show you a couple of ways that you can make it once with the whisk and the other with the arrow it's the aero latte or there's many of these on the market they're very inexpensive very easy milk frothers and they work very well too but we've never done a little comp we're gonna do a little competition here yeah we're gonna see who can make the best crema the whisk okay granted i'm not the most experienced matcha maker so i'm sure that you know a a japanese tea master would win every time but we're going to compete a whisk against an electronic milk froth and c which produces the best crema okay so for this when you're doing uh my recommendation is that one of these scoops so again about half a teaspoon equates to something like 25 to 30 mil of water so we're going to do it a strong one here so i'm going to put two i'll put two in here as well it's really important that you get the quantities right because if you put too much water it's going to be very very difficult to make the nice froth and make a nice velvety texture so if you actually like your usochar to be a bit thinner the best thing is to follow these guidelines in terms of the amount of matcha to water and then after you've made the crema with your whisker or your electronic milk frother you can then add more hot water or cold water depending on how you're brewing afterwards that way you'll maintain the crema because it's impossible to make that crema if you make it too dilute from the beginning okay so i've got two scoops we're going to use 50 ml of water okay but i want to put just a little bit in here so i'm going to put half that's 25 mil just start to get this into a powder i mean sorry into a paste again just get rid of all the clumps and then i am going to put the other and that's 80 this is about 75 degrees now for you you're gonna try and do it all in one with the whisk uh i think i should do the same way as you just so we get like okay all right so here you go you can start to stir that in i forgot to say if you want to warm the bowl beforehand that's fine you can do that with usual or with koicha just pour some hot water into the bowl beforehand and then pour it out and it just makes the bowl nice and warm you ready for your next shot okay so there you go so we've got the same amount of matcha the same amount of water now i'm going to be doing a w or m motion so back and forth with my wrist trying not to put the whisk on the base of the bowl so just trying to stay above and then as it froths up i start to lift the whisk out and try to break up some of the large bubbles that will form on the surface okay so you ready yeah okay let's go this is powerful i'm getting really good crema here so i don't know how you're doing i wish i had your ball okay i should have gone bigger as you can see i'm not the best at this but i'm still getting good results right quickly we need to bring the camera around okay we're gonna bring the camera around okay so here we go so this is uh the whisk one with the char one let me just put it here so you can see um pretty good not too bad i mean it's it's an it's a nice cram it's starting to starting to um dissipate at the moment so let me just give it another whisk there you go so a decent crema and how does that compare with this one you can give it another whisk if you want i think that's fair give it a swirl okay yeah so you can see i actually think the size of the bubbles is smaller on this one than on this one so either i'm not doing a very good job which is probably the case or for beginners the milk frother is a more reliable way to get a really nice because you can see how small the bubbles are there you've got a much nicer crema and if we pour it into a cup you can see the crema does nicely rise to the surface so you get this lovely smooth very fine bubble on there compared to this one where the bubbles are starting to break up and are definitely larger so i would say that the milk frother wins unless you are a particularly good particularly handy with a whisk okay let's bring it round and have a taste okay we're just giving it a little last froth because we want to make sure the texture is right when the camera was moved the bubbles start to settle down and definitely without a shadow of a doubt the bubbles on the milk frother one are smaller and and therefore the crema is a lot lighter green it's like a light kind of slightly kind of um i don't know what would you say that's a milky kind of green yeah exactly like a milky fluorescent green versus this one where it's a lot larger bubbles and darker so clearly my whisking skills are not great but this is this frother definitely definitely works okay let's taste before the bubbles go down so compared to the koi chart it's definitely the the texture is still creamy but it's a lot less viscous than the koicha again if you prefer your your match or your usual to be thinner then do the frothing first and then add water afterwards that way you can maintain some of that crema and you can still have the right uh um dilution that you like can i try yours can i tell you what i'm just thinking that wow big difference totally different this one is so much smoother smoother the texture's so nice and and kind of comforting and warming it's just got this lovely um yeah that lovely crema that you get on a coffee on a good coffee i didn't realize that whisking would make such a big difference but considering it's the same tea that's like yeah it's quite a significant change yeah and i think that it doesn't just affect the texture it also affects the flavor for me this one is a lot more watery and also a little bit more bitter whereas this one yeah the bitterness somehow seems to dissipate with the with the the crema flavor wise really nice right yeah very like green vegetables asparagusy yeah spinach yeah so all those yeah asparagus is definitely there um that kind of grass but it's also got the savory savory and the sweetness and the sweet it's lovely sweetness that's coming in from the on on the back of my tongue at the moment but excellent way to make matcha this is how we tend to serve it at our bar um usually we never serve koichan unless somebody asks so usual is the way that we serve and we do use these at the bar they are very very good so um that's your second way of making matcha so we're going to be back to show you another way to make your matcha and we're back okay so now we're going to go for a really non-traditional way of making matcha we showed you how to make the usual with the whisk and the milk frother but now if you don't have a whisk or a milk frother jam jar and we've got a shaker here if you want to be a bit more cocktail about it okay so we're going to be doing exactly the same proportions but i'm going to be using warm water saline is going to be using cold water cold brewed matcha is really nice in fact you get a slightly different flavor profile it's a little bit brighter a little bit less bitter you pull out more of the kind of fresh green notes of it uh warmer tends to be a little bit creamier a bit creamier yeah uh but slightly more bitter than the cold one so if you prefer the if you prefer the the astringency in slight bitterness then warm maybe is better for you um i like them both at the bar we serve both which is which is pref which do people prefer it depends on the weather but usually like in in the summer it was a lot more cold shots okay so it's very refreshing cold shots cold shots are really refreshing really nice way of making matcha you should definitely try it okay so you can handle that shaker all right i'm gonna put the same quantity so this is two scoops which is equivalent to about a teaspoon or a level teaspoon not a heaped teaspoon a level teaspoon of our ceremonial grades organic matcha i where's the shot glass let's try okay i'm going to be using warm water this is at 70 degrees so again 50 mil is going in here and you've got 50 ml of water measured up there already okay so literally seal and shake i'm looking forward to see how she handles this i don't think we're going to get the same level of froth and the same crema as we did with the frothers but let's find out she's definitely done this before okay there you go so i'm gonna pour mine not too bad so again there are no lumps so the idea that you have to sieve your powder every time is just not really true as long as you shake it vigorously you can make matcha perfectly well let's pull the camera around and you can take a look so you can quite clearly see the difference this is the cold shaken one it's got no froth or crema at all it's very very it's got little shards of ice in there really nice refreshing drink but definitely very different to this one here and this one is the jam jar shaken one again really unconventional i'm sure that a lot of matcha aficionados are going to hate this video but i think it's really easy simple way to make matcha and it is still delicious you can see it's not got as much crema as the milk frother but it's still pretty good okay let's taste all right tasting so go for it thank you okay so my one is very similar in taste and texture to the bowl whisked usual that i made before it's definitely not as creamy and as frothy as the handheld whisk which is certainly won this battle here at least in my mind the handheld frother really works yeah oh yeah yeah what's the difference there's um it's not as creamy as the frothy one um but it's still it's still really nice it's just not as creamy i would say what's the difference between these and this one is just super smooth like no bitterness whatsoever yeah really really good cold drink so this one is definitely definitely less bitter than this one and that's as you probably know already with warmer water with hot water it draws out the catechins which are bitter and it's that bitterness that we love in tea but if you like something if you want to take matcha and you don't want that bitterness or you want less of that bitterness then cold brewing is definitely the way to go and you can also take this cocktail idea and go further you can combine it with other cordials i'm sure that the purists out there would hate to hear this but i think that everyone should experiment what do we do at the bar we do a pure culture and we do a culture with strawberry and lime cordial strawberry and lime that's really nice it's really nice especially if you haven't tried matcha ever it just gives a good introduction to it delicious so you get that lovely grassy taste of matcha and it combines very well with sweets you could add honey if you wanted what we sometimes do at our staff parties is we make matcha shots cold mattress shots with pineapple juice and some mint and we use it as a chaser so you can have like a really nice aged tequila shot and then you can have a shot of this lovely green matcha with pineapple and mint and it it's such a lovely feeling as well it kind of makes make sure you you stay up you stay happy again not for the purest but if you are wanting to experiment then matcha is a great way to do that you can also add it to smoothies yeah in the morning so just when you're blending just add it and and i would then sift it in to make sure you don't get any of the any any clumps but it's a it's a really versatile way of making um a really healthy drink so i hope that we've dispelled the myth that matches a complicated thing i'm sure that um that there have been lots of comments uh regarding your ways of making matcha but i just wanted to show how convenient it can be okay that's it t-heads thank you for watching if you made it to the end of this video then please give the video the thumbs up check out our playlists and let us know if there are any videos that you would like us to make if you're ever in london come and visit us in camden have a match a shot and say hi if you have any questions or comments then please fire them over other than that i'm don may this is celine from may leaf thank you for being a part of the revelation of true tea stay away from the tea bags keep drinking the good stuff and spread the words because nobody deserves bad tea bye
Channel: Mei Leaf
Views: 308,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matcha, matcha brewing, how to make matcha, chawan, chasen, chashaku, making matcha, matcha cocktail, gonf fu brewing, japanese tea, usucha matcha, uji matcha, green tea, loose leaf tea, mei leaf, don mei, tea, ceremonial matcha green tea, чай, зеленый чай, японский чай, матча, матча чай, как готовить матча, как готовить чай матча, grüner tee, japanischer tee, only in japan, gong fu tea, high quality tea, chinese tea, китайский чай
Id: WgbqUv59l9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2016
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